《Forsaken Hope》3: The S rank Servant


"You must be fucking kidding me..."

The girl becomes surprised at my words.

What the hell? This wasn't supposed to happen! And Servant? What the hell does she mean by Servant?

I look at my left hand again. This symbol... I definitely sense a strange power from it. I look again at the students, and only now I notice strange people among them. And like me, they also have this symbol on their left hands. They also emit strong auras, they are definitely not from this world.

I look again at the buildings. Although well preserved, it's obvious Strasnorths is older than I remember. In other words... I did get teleported to the future...

The girl composes herself and asks again:

"I need to know your name. Who are you?"

I see, those people must be "Servants" too. I heard about some mages used animals as Servants, but I never heard about using people. Have the nobles become THAT corrupted nowadays? But... I don't understand, how did I get summoned here?

I look at the circle. It's similar to the one I used, but smaller and less complex. The girl in front of me seems to be my "Master". Well... Just great... Fantastic... Couldn't be more fortunate... Damn my luck... Now I am the Servant of my own enemy...

I better reply to the girl, she is becoming more nervous. But there's no way I am going to tell my true name. It might be troublesome if they know who I am, if my name is recorded in history that is... And I better not make up some random name, when we are in these kind of situations without knowing anything, a bad lie will prove even more troublesome than the truth. So...

"I don't know."


Everyone looks at me with blank expressions. The girl says:

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?"

"It is as you heard. I don't know who I am."

The girl looks at her redhead teacher. I am assuming he is a teacher.

"Indeed... This situation is very unexpected. First he is a S rank Servant, and now he claims he doesn't know his identity... But Mr Servant, you earlier seemed like you knew this place, so I can assume you at least have some memories?"

Sharp senses. Or maybe I was too obvious. Anyway, I better watch myself around this guy.

"Yeah, this place is familiar. I think I was here before but my memories are very fuzzy."

"I see... And white hair... You must have been someone very powerful."

I shrug my shoulders.


"Well, Miss Nightingale, you've got quite the task ahead of you. I will talk to the director and see what we can do, but for now, try to understand better your Servant and find out who he is."

"Yes teacher, I will do my best."

Yeah, good luck with that.

"Alright everyone, you have the rest of the day off. Those with unknown Servants go to the library and research about them. Find out what legend they are from. The rest take this opportunity to know better your Servants. I have to take care of some business in the main office, especially since we have such extraordinary occurrence."

Everyone replies with a yes. Some stick around to watch me more closely while others walk away to another places. The Servants are awfully submissive. They follow their Masters like it was the most natural thing in the world. That teacher said that they were from legends? Ok... Now I am really lost... How the hell did I get summoned here? Am I from a legend? No, that can't be...


A girl and a boy come close to my "Master", along with their Servants.

"Wow, congratulations Nora!"

"Meh, she only got lucky."

"What's that? You jealous~~?"

"No way, I summoned the great White King. He can easily beat that poor excuse for a Servant."

You know boy, you really don't have to try very hard to be on my shit list, try not to push my patience. But looking at this large guy... Indeed, he has a very powerful aura around him. I try not to estimate my enemies since underestimating or overestimating someone can be fatal, but if I had to guess, in a direct fight, he would give me some work. But I would come on top in the end. He lacks the speed that I have.

"Hahaha Master, I appreciate your faith in me, but don't underestimate him. He is a strong one. However I wouldn't mind a battle with him, it would be more exciting than my fight with The Black King, that's for sure!"

"Hmm, indeed my dear. This white haired one is very strong. I wonder how he is under the sheets however? fufufu"

And you both are quite messed up in the head. What's this? A guy who has fun in fighting and a slut who is undressing me with her eyes? If I didn't know better, I would think we were characters from some cheap novel.

"Pity he doesn't smile more hahaha. Let's take this chance to introduce ourselves to our new partners. My name is Karli, this is Blake and she is Nora. Nice to meet you."

I see, my Master name is Nora. And she says:

"But, hum... What should we call you? You absolutely sure you don't remember your name?"

"Yes, I don't remember who I am. As for what you should call me, just call me whatever you want."

"Is that so... Hmmm..."

She puts her finger on her cheek with a pensive face.

"Hm... How about Duncan? Yeah, that's perfect. Duncan. Until we discover who you are, you will be called Duncan."

I nod. Well, there are worse names. Not that I care though, I need to get rid of her and get out of this place as soon as possible.

"Well Nora, good luck finding out about Duncan identity, I will go to the library to find out more about Liria."

"Alright Karli, good luck too. What about you Blake? What are you going to do?"

"I will go to the forest to fight some monsters, I want to see my Servant in action."

"Alright, just don't forget to ask permission from teacher Lawrence."

"Yeah yeah, I know mom."

Both of them leave us with their Servants following them. Some people are still watching us from the distance.

"So, Duncan, how about a walk around the campus? Since you seem to remember the Academy, maybe walking around will make you remember who you are."

"Sure, why not."

And so we start walking. Even though she won't get the results she wants, I can at least enjoy this nostalgic feeling.

We are passing outside of the greenhouses. And this is interesting. In my time, the first years were 10 years old and they would graduate after 8 years of study. But looking around, I don't see any kids, only teenagers around 18-19 years old. Times have changed huh?

"Did our walk helped your memory?"

Nora asked me with a smile. Sorry kid.

"Nope. This school is definitely familiar but I can't remember anything."


"Ahhh~~" She replies with a pout.

"Well, don't worry, we will find out who you are. And if you remember this school, that means you studied here correct? Then, we just need to check the records. Since you are a white mage, it won't be that difficult to find out who you are."

"I suppose you are right."

Sorry again kid, but considering what I have done, they probably erased my records. No way they would let their image be tainted by a rebel.

"What's with that uninterested reply? Don't you want to know who you are?"

"Don't take me wrong, it's not that I am not curious, it's just that at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter who I am. It won't change our situation, now would it?"

"Y-Yeah... I suppose you are right..."

She looks down, reflecting about something. But soon after, she looks again at me with a smile.

"Well, anyway, it's almost time for lunch. Let's go to the cafeteria!"

I nod and we make our way to the cafeteria.

It might have passed many years, but this place is almost the same as I remember. Walking down the corridors in the main buildings, I see new frames on the walls and the furniture looks to be the same, but I am pretty sure they are new.

We finally arrive to the cafeteria. Yup, looks exactly like the cafeteria I remember. Many students and Servants are already here. As soon they notice us, they stare at us, and start whispering to each other.

"Hey, isn't that the S Servant?"

"Yeah, I heard he is from a legend where he was an emperor long ago."

"I wish my Servant was like him~..."

"She cheated. Because she is a red mage, she just used more mana than us and that's why she summoned a S rank."

Nora has a confident smile on her face and walks full of pride to a table. So, I am your new trophy huh?

"I don't see my two friends, so let's go to that small table."

She points her finger to a table with two seats in the middle of the room. A convenient place where everyone can see her new toy.

We sit down, and soon after, a black haired maid comes to take our orders. By the way, everyone is still looking at us.

"I will have the meat dish, what about you Duncan?"

"Same, please."

The maid looks at me with surprise.

"I-I will be right back with your orders."

The maid walks away, Nora turns to me and say:

"You don't need to say please. She works for the school, there's no need to treat them with respect."


Don't... Calm down... Calm down... She probably didn't mean anything by it...

"Is something the matter?"

I am probably going to regret asking this, but...

"What do you mean by "there's no need to treat them with respect"?"

"Huh? I mean... You don't need say things like please, thank you, and the like. They are being paid, so they aren't doing us any favor."

"I see."

Glad she didn't say anything outrageous like "We can do whatever we want with them and they don't have any right to complain". Otherwise... I don't know if I would be able to control myself...

"Here are your orders."

"Thank you."

Nora and the maid look at me again. I can't help it, it's a habit.

I start eating without caring about their gazes and the maid bows and walks away again.

"Well, I guess you come from a different time with different manners."

No miss, it's not about manners, it's about your corrupted sense of self-righteousness.

We finish our meal and the afternoon passes by while we walk around the school. Nora wants to make sure I see every corner of the school in hopes that it will recover my memories. During that time, many people came just to see me and some even talked to us. Most of them wanted to know more about me, but obviously, I always answered "I can't remember".

In the evening, the same teacher that was in my summoning calls for us to his office.

"Sorry Miss Nightingale, we searched all the records and there isn't any file of someone with white hair."

As expected.

"But how!? He remembers this school!!"

"Maybe he never studied here? He remembers this school but if we think about it, it doesn't mean he was a student. He might have been here once on a visit or something similar. Or maybe he is even from before this was a school. He might have been here when this was just a castle."

"What about the records of teachers? Maybe he was a teacher!?"

"We also searched those but we found nothing."


"The director already requested the capital for help. They will search their records. All we can do now is hope that he was a citizen of Coeburg."

"And what if he wasn't?"

"Her majesty will have to decide if it is worth it to request the other countries for help. As you know, this is the first S rank Servant in history, so it's no small matter. The other countries might take an interest in you and your Servant as soon they hear about it."

"I see..."

"For now, just try to do what you can. Talk to him, play quiz games, do anything that might make him remember something."

"I will try."

"Good. Now please, go to your room, it's late already. A bed for your Servant has already been prepared."

"Yes teacher, good night."

"Good night Miss Nightingale, Mr Duncan."

We make way to her room. It's strange walking normally inside the female dorms, I still remember when I was caught by the dorm leader when I tried to sneak in...

Finally we enter her room. It is as spacious as I remember with a window, and there are 2 beds facing each other. Between them there is a curtain.

"Alright Duncan, I sleep on that bed and you sleep on that one. No peeking ok?"

"Don't worry ma'am, I won't peek."

I jump onto the bed and close my eyes. Nora pushes the curtain and starts to change herself behind it, close to her bed.

I open one eye and look in her direction. I see her shadow on the curtain. I have to admit, she does have a nice figure. Curves in the right places, her chest isn't too big nor too small...

What a waste, sorry girl, but you may have to die tonight.

"Ok Duncan, let's hit the sack. Can I turn off the crystals?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Wait, don't you want to change? Are you going to sleep like that?"


"Ookayyy... Ok then, good night."

"Good night"

And with that, she sucks the mana from the Light Crystalls and the room becomes dark. Those crystals emit light when they have mana stored. Since they are more convenient than candles, every noble uses them.

I wait 1 hour...

I get up from the bed and make sure she is asleep.

If I could, I would just leave now and go to Qahs Holm, but this symbol on my hand...

I remember that the mages with Animal Servants could give them orders and also know where they are. And something tells me this is the same. If I run away, she will know where I am and could order me to come back.

So that's why...

"Sorry kid, you have to die."

I start to summon my sword and... I don't want to summon it.

Yeah, why do I need the sword? I don't need it. So why-- Snap out of it!!

I see... Damn... Thoughts Induction Magic is it?

What a nuisance. It seems like our contract has a protection system. If I try to kill or harm her, I will loose the will to do it. So in other words, I can't harm her, be it directly or indirectly.

I look at her sleeping face. In an ideal world, I would never dream of harming her. With that beautiful face and those emerald eyes, she must have caught the attention of many men. I wonder how many suitors she has?



I am going to sleep.

I'll find another way.


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