《Forsaken Hope》1: Prologue - Hope for a new chance




Yells. Swords clashing outside of my castle. Those sounds are too natural for me... I knew right from the start that my decisions would carry a lot of weight. I knew that a simple order could kill thousands of people, one simple phrase would dictate the fate of people who never even saw my face. They know me, oh yes, they know me. Some fear me, some love me... But at the end of the day, both sides die because of me.

"Milord, the magic circle is almost done!"

Says the knight I recruited a few years ago. Winton Bec is his name. I reply with a nod.

"Milord, I know you are against this, but we have no other choice! You have to survive! Or else all our efforts have been for nothing!"

"I know! But it doesn't change the fact that I am running away while you die! Fuuuck!!!"

I bang the table with my fist. Gosh, where did I go wrong? I knew this would be a tough war, I knew the chances of winning weren't that great, but we were getting results! During the first years, the war was in our favor, we were going to win at that rate! But then...

Traitors. Money speaks louder than any ideal it seems. Supplies routes were damaged, soldiers were ambushed... One day they even lured a full legion of 1500 soldiers into a town, and set it on fire... That was the true start of my downfall, they used that chance to break through the defense lines and poured in like ants.

It's my damn fault! I should have been more careful with the people I picked up! Is a bag of gold more precious than your brothers and sisters!?!? Is it more precious than what we were fighting for?!?

"Milord, we made a vow. You will make this world right! You will end their supremacy! You will make a world where everyone is equal! I will die gladly for such a future!"

Reluctantly, I nod again.

In few words, the situations is as follows: a few days ago, the enemy surrounded my castle. They outnumber us 5 to 1. We were able to defend the castle since then, but the truth was... Sooner or later, they would break through. It was just a matter of time.

So, my generals, put a plan in motion: my escape. Initially, I was against it... No... I AM against it. But despite my status, they wouldn't take no for an answer. Irony in its purest form... The generals with magic ability are in this moment building a magic circle. Supposedly, it is going to teleport me into the future.

There is an island outside the main continent Crirone. In that island, Qahs Holm, we have some followers that are supposed to be hidden. One of my generals will send a message to them, and they will wait for a few hundreds of years to make another magic circle. I will be summoned there once they do it.


"You know, Winton, I don't know which one is scarier, the nobles rage or that circle..."

"They won't put a single finger on you milord..."

"Nice way to dodge my point friend..."

"Thank you milord."

That's right, my war was against the nobles of this damn country. Nobles are people with magic abilities. That's the only difference between them and a commoner. Centuries ago, they rose to power and ruled over the common people. That would be fine... If they were fair that is...

Is your daughter beautiful? Don't be surprised if they take her by force, only to throw her away when they get tired of "their toy". Does your friend have a good plot of land? He better accept the first deal a noble offers him, otherwise he will be charged for some crime and thrown into the hanger hands.

I'm not saying all of them are like that by the way. Some even joined my ranks, but most of them...

I am Alddan Dovin, 26 years old. I used to be a noble, but due to some events, I found myself leading a rebellion against them. I am 1.80 meters tall and have a constitution you would expect from a warrior. But despite my physical ability, my greatest weapon is my magic ability.

Another knight enters the room hurriedly.

"The circle thingy is complete whitey!"

"Watch your language Sigris! You are talking to your better!"

"You both never change do you?"

I say that with a grin. Both of them are part of my personal unit. On one hand we have Winton, he is a veteran close to his 50s. His knowlodge in battle and discipline are valuable and that's why I keep him around. Sigris is younger and somewhat like me, he is a magic user. But he lacks discipline and is always joking around. I keep him around because of his fighting ability and mood maker personality. Say what you want, but moral is important in my book.

"Cut him some slack today Winton. It's the last we are together after all."

"Yes milord, but please, we must move. They are almost inside the castle."

"Let's hurry then."

We three make haste to the room where the magic circle is prepared.

"By the way Sigris, why do you insist on making fun of my hair?"

"You have to admit it whitey, white is not that common."

He is right. In this world, the hair color is influenced by the magic ability of the person. Hair colors go from red to violet, like a rainbow. The closer to the red, the more powerfull that person is. So what does white hair means? White hair happens when the magic ability of the person surpasses the red. Just like when all colors are mixed together they make white, a white haired person is as strong as all hair color combined. Those without magic abilities are black haired. By the way, Winton is black haired, while Sigris is green.


"Besides, I can't leave you out of the party! I have a nickname for everyone! For example, our friend here new nickname is--"

"Can it Sigris."

"Oh c'mon, whitie needs to kno--!"

"Shut it Sigris."

"You can't force me to shut up! His new nickname i--"

"I'll tell about the soup."

"Shhhh! Shhh! Alright alright!"

"What soup?"

"Nothing! Nothing boss! Hehehe!" *gulp*

Ok, when Sigris calls me boss, he did something. Soup... Soup... Now that I think about it, a few months ago I ate a soup with a strange flavour.

"Sigris... What was in that soup?"

"I don't know what you are talking about boss!"


*gulp* "Sorry boss, you probably... Don't want to know..."

"Yeah, I don't want to puke on the circle."

I stare at Sigris with serious eyes while he nervously laughs. But deep down, we are all smiling. In fact, I think I just saw Winton with a grin. Yeah... I am going to miss these guys...

Finally we arrive at the large room. Just in time, I just heard the gate being destroyed.

Every general is here. Some were nobles, some are bastards, some were just simple soldiers. Doesn't really matter now... I appreciate their loyalty, but today, they will die while I run away... Crap...

"Milord! Quickly, you must go into the circle! Our men will not be able to hold them for long!"

I step into the circle. It's huge... 10 meters diameter at least full of symbols and forms. I recognize some symbols while others are alien. Can't be helped, I studied magic to fight, not to teleport.

One of the generals talks:

"Milord, if all goes according to plan, you will be summoned in Qahs Holm in a few centuries. But worry not! For you it will be like a few seconds or minutes."

"According to plan...? I heard you used this magic before, any reason why this might fail?"

"Forgive me milord, I wish could guarantee your safety, but I never tested to such extremes. I teleported myself minutes and hours into the future. I teleported cats and objects years into the future. But I never teleported something for centuries!"

"I see..."

"As you can see, this circle is ridiculous. I and those who helped me never did something so huge and complicated."

"I see... So, explain me once again how this works and give me the worst case scenario. What happens if Qahs Holm people forget about me?"

"This circle will store your information in the Spirit Realm. Along with your information, a great quantity of mana will be stored to protect your information from the spirits. As you know milord, spirits consume anything out of the ordinary in their realm. If they consume the mana before anyone summons you... You will die milord..."

"I see... For some reason the hanger's axe doesn't look so bad right now..."

"Don't worry milord, it will be painless just like the hanger's axe."

I am not afraid of dying, but I hate the idea that I will trust my life on something so dubious. At least someone still has some humor left... Nevermind about Sigris, he is an odd one.

Another general speaks:

"We must do it now! The enemy will be here sooner or later! Please milord, trust your own followers on this. The people in Qahs Holm will summon you. I am sure of it!"

And thus, everyone with magic ability started to concentrate and pour mana into the circle. The circle starts to shine. The shine becomes stronger as mana is poured into it.

This circle... Is ridiculous... I can see Sigris, who is also helping by pouring mana barely standing up. A green haired magician can set an entire corn field on flame without breaking a sweat. The other generals with ranks above green are also giving their last. An orange haired can freeze an entire town! How much mana does this consume anyway?

As I am thinking that, everything becomes white and I no longer see my comrades... I guess this is goodbye then...

This is strange... I feel the ground, but I don't see anything. Everything is white. I can't move.

This... Is... Creepy... I am feeling desperate as my body won't move at all. I really hope this will only take a few minutes...

No... I need to distract myself. Alright, what shall I do once I reach Qahs Holm? First things first, I will need to see how many people I will have at my disposal. They probably aren't that many, so I will need to recruit people in the por-- GHHHH!!!!!!





As I was about to wish to be dead, the pain disapears.

What the hell? What was that all about?

"--my God... It's an S rank..."


It's a voice. S rank?

My vision starts to clear. I see... Students? What? Qahs Holm is a school?

"That's... The first S rank servant I ever seen..."

Servant? What are you talking about?

I can now move. I feel numb on my left hand. On the back of my left hand is a strange symbol I never seen. It's a triangle, with some letters around it like a circle.

A girl, 18 years old at least, 1.70 tall, red hair, walks up to me, and asks:

"I ask you my servant, what is your name?"

I look around... This school is familiar... Tall buildings, made of stone and is somewhat like a castle... Wait... I studied here! It's Strasnorths Academy!

What the hell am I doing in a nobles school!?!?!

"Servant? I asked you a question."

"You must be fucking kidding me..."


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