《Trickster's Luck (Fantasy LitRPG)》Epilogue 2: Domitius


Domitius sat at his council table with his advisers and most faithful followers gathered around. Cydrin and Rominian sat to either side of him today, though the positioning wasn’t supposed to mean anything important.

In truth, the choice of seating largely came down to who happened to be logged in and able to reach the base fastest, though in recent weeks something of a hesitance had arisen for others to claim closer seats. He should probably address that at some point, if he wanted to prevent certain people from getting too big-headed for their positions.

Cydrin’s place, in particular, was often surprisingly left vacant even when the trickster only showed up at the last minute. It would do him some good to remember that he was neither irreplaceable nor anything particularly special. He was in charge of the tricksters because of seniority within their subgroup, nothing more. His recent rise to claim the third position as a sixth-tier player did not grant him any additional authority or rights.

Domitius worried, sometimes. Recently more often than before. Cydrin was one of the few on whom the soulbinding ceremony he used as insurance against betrayal had not worked properly. And though Cydrin had for a long time seemed loyal and largely obedient, the recent affair with the noob had shaken Domitius’s willingness to trust any trickster who could not be bound to his loyalty.

“It is time to begin preparations for unlocking Zone Eight. As we expected, the Kalyx requirement has increased yet again, to 500. Rominian, are you still planning to move up to Zone Two?”

“There are enough new recruits that I will refrain from rushing Kalyx quests until they can trade off. Though, at this point we need Nirsym rep far more than Wilds.”

Domitius considered this for a moment. “No. Most of our followers are in the Nirsym level range. But you’re right, the newcomers can handle Wilds, at least for now. It’s time you focus on reaching Tier 5. The further we press into new territory, the more our lack of high level support slows us down. We need 100 Clefts to advance, as well as 50 Desert. I’ll need the full forward team for the desert, which leaves us with only a handful able to run Clefts with any efficiency.”


Rominian nodded agreement, and Domitius was sure he saw an eager glint in his most faithful follower’s eyes. Good. He’d worked well and remained loyal for a long time, he deserved the chance to move up.


“We still have Shardlord’s team pinned down, but he hasn’t logged in for days. I think he may have given up.”

“No, he’s far too arrogant for that. He truly believes this world should be his. Shardlord, what am I to do with you?”

No one spoke.

“Very well. We can’t keep tying up our high levels like this, it’s doing as much to slow us as him. Boz, have your team regroup with me tomorrow morning, and we’ll resume our exploration.”


Domitius nodded and turned his attention to the next player in line. “Sys?”

“Most of the mages haven’t bothered to log back in long enough to even tele away from holding, even though it’s been destroyed. The dozen or so who were too stubborn to give up are desperately scrambling for new equipment to mitigate the energy null. I think it’s safe to say the mage academy won’t be an issue for the foreseeable future. The raid went off perfectly, and they’ll be crippled for a long time.”

“Excellent. Take Yan with you when you return. I believe he’s been adequately prepared for his task?”

Cydrin nodded.

Domitius grinned. “And take some high-level mage gear with you to sell. Try for 12x, but anything above 8 would do.”

Sys laughed, as did most of those seated at the table. “Excellent. I’ll do that. Anything else particularly?”

“If you find anything about our missing trickster, be sure to arrange a report as soon as possible without compromising yourself.”

“Of course.”


“Which reminds me, has anyone heard from Luth?” Domitius glanced at the empty seat toward the end of the table.

Boz snorted. “He’s non-permanent, who knows what’s going on with his schedule?”

“He logs in every evening,” Jippi reported. She was a pale blue sprite, and Luth’s unofficial second in command. “But it’s not easy.”

“Perhaps you should let my tricksters have a try?” Cydrin suggested with an ironic smirk.

“Why bother even having a research team if you’re going to jump in and take over anyway?” Jippi retorted.

Domitius held up a hand to silence them before they got any further at each others’ throats. “Right now, our tricksters are needed elsewhere, as you well know, Cydrin. They may be able to do anything, but not everything at once.”

Jippi grinned triumphantly, and Cydrin shrugged without losing his smirk.

Some days, that man really tested Domitius’s patience.

If only he were less powerful and less useful. Unfortunately, Cydrin was rather indispensable. The problem was that he knew it. But, Domitius supposed there was some merit to Cydrin’s cocky attitude. He’d passed his sixth tier trial in record time, surpassing either Domitius or Shardlord for speed. At his current rate of progress, Domitius wouldn’t put money against Cydrin beating both of the leaders to tier seven.

He didn’t want to see how bad Cydrin’s attitude would get upon becoming the top player.

Then he smiled faintly as an idea occurred to him.

“Cydrin, I do have a job for you. I need the rest of the forward team pushed through to 50 as soon as possible. Since you’re so exceptional at solving tier trials, I’d like you to help them.”

“Assisted trials increase in difficulty,” Cydrin said. “And you do not want to see what would happen to them on a bad day.”

“Then don’t try to help on a bad day. But that needs to be our primary focus right now. We have too many people who’ve been stuck at 49 for too long. We’ve proven that I’m not a fluke, anyone can do it. So make it happen.”

Cydrin nodded, but he didn’t look happy.

Good. Maybe this would remind him of the real priorities here.

“Ren, you’re in charge of organizing the new arrivals. Any questions?”

No one spoke or raised a hand.

“Then let’s get to it. Meeting dismissed.”

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