《Trickster's Luck (Fantasy LitRPG)》32: Seer


Would you like to change your class from Trickster to Diviner?

Time remaining: 11 hours 53 minutes.

Would you like to change your specialization from Path of Life to Seer?

Time remaining: 11 hours 53 minutes.

Maya considered. She had more of a luck penalty built up now than ever before, one that could last days if she wasn’t fortunate in her rolls.

But could she really bear to give up all the potential that high luck afforded her? And her team? The dungeon they’d run, they’d barely survived but they’d beaten it and gotten loot on a level that none of them knew was possible. It was entirely likely that they had functionally unique items, if not categorically so.

And that was just one dungeon, one run, one time.

No. She wouldn’t be changing class. Trickster offered too much potential benefit to give it up.

But the specialization was another thing altogether. She’d miss her health bonus, have to compensate with equipment and levelups, but Seer sounded so useful it would be insane to pass it up.

The most information Maya had about any of her allies or enemies were her own interactions with them. She’d guessed Venix’s health because of the percentage of the bar, and the amount of damage she knew she was dealing. As a Seer, assuming the Oracle wasn’t exaggerating or lying, she could view a great deal more than that.

“Save game: 3 new specialization.”

Save 3 new specialization created.

She brought up her character sheet and selected the specialization, which offered a Reset? option. She confirmed, and the specialization reset to None. She glanced at her health, wincing. Her maximum health had just dropped from 144 to 80. She'd known Path of Life factored significantly in her survivability, but hadn’t realized quite how much.

On the plus side, her energy pool was larger now that it wasn’t being leeched into health, increasing from 88 to 116. Too bad she couldn’t have more than one specialization. She supposed that was what perks were for. She just needed to find some more of those, preferably ones that conveniently converted stamina into health.

“Save game 4 no specialization.”

Save 4 no specialization created.

She accepted the invitation to accept Seer. The world shifted, just a little, toward blue tones and everything in sight was now faintly outlined in glimmering silver. A new swarm of menus appeared off to her left, hovering just at the edge of her peripheral vision like always. It made her feel enclosed for a moment, having gotten used to those lining the top and right of her vision, but unprepared for the change. She picked one at random to focus on.

0 players, 0 NPCs.

Huh. She released it back to its swarm and picked another.

--minutes --seconds

Hm. For a specialization supposed to see things, she wasn’t sure what the use of these were. Maya stood and paced. Perhaps she should try thinking about them contextually rather than as windows.

“Room information?”

Nothing happened.

Well, Path of Life had had that dumb analysis mode ability, which just said that constructed things needed more nature. Maybe Seer only gave info about other people.

She had to go downstairs and try it out.

She started for the door, then stopped. First. . .

“Save game: 5 seer.”

Save 5 seer created.

“Load game 3 new specialization.”

The world froze, going grey and fuzzy, then she sat again on her bed and the blues and silver were gone from the world. She was surprised to realize she’d already gotten used to them, and the lack of faint silver outlining every object made the room seem flat and almost unrealistic for a moment before her mind adjusted. That was going to mess with her head.


She glanced at her stat sheet, glad to see it still retained her high health and the Path of Life. She hadn’t been exactly sure how the specializations worked. Or how game saving and loading worked, for that matter. Her Luck debuff had also reset to its previous duration, increasing back to where it had been when she saved, which meant she couldn’t use clever saving and loading to get out from under her misfortune. But she could use it to switch between being a Path of Life trickster for combat, and a Seer trickster for reconnaissance.

She sat bolt upright as the implications hit her. She could go to Standalone’s house and look at his dragon for herself. With the Seer specialization, she could gather information that no one else in the entire game had access to!

“Load game 5 seer.”

She felt a flicker of disorientation as she shifted from sitting to standing by her door, the blue-tint of Seer sight returning. She was half tempted to take the Diviner class as well and see what it was like, but she still wasn’t confident enough in how saving and loading worked to risk angering the Trickster just yet.

If she ever got fed up with him, she could come back to this save and try over. But for now, she had a new specialization to play with.

She really had to get some better gear before doing anything more dangerous, but resisted the urge to run off and go shopping immediately. She’d gained so many levels in the past few days, it would be wasteful to buy anything on-level before the time came to launch their attack.

Maya hurried downstairs, keeping half her attention on the new cloud of interface elements. There were so many, she knew she’d never be able to keep track of them all. Why wasn’t there an interface tutorial, or help menu, or something?

Which reminded her of another thing she’d forgotten about. When she’d been talking to the first guard captain, the merla who never left his tower, he’d mentioned the Travelers’ Hall. So had someone else. Maya hadn’t been back to the beginner plaza since then, spending most of her time either at the mage academy or the arena. She really should head over there, and see if there was additional information available for new players that she'd missed out on.

Evening was falling, the buildings beginning to light up for the night as Maya exited Sapphire Hall. Dinner was already underway, the majority of academy mages still logged in probably gathered at the dining hall for the meal. They weren't walking around outdoors, at any rate.

Maya knew that if she attended dinner she’d be drawn into conversation and feel socially pressed to remain, rather than being allowed to just eat quickly and rush off. And besides, there was no such thing as hunger in world 9352, so she had no compelling reason to bother with even that much.

She only had a few hours of high luck left and didn’t plan to waste them sitting around. She walked to the academy’s gate instead.

She hadn’t realized how vulnerable she’d feel, knowing that she only had 80 health, but she found herself hesitating before leaving the safety of the mage academy's grounds. She'd barely survived apple-throwing children when she had 88 health, how much worse would she fare against stronger foes with only 80?

The guard on duty was a different one than she’d seen either time before, not the friendly one or the grumpy one.

She looked him up and down, activating her new Seer ability.


Spiritheart Warden

Health: 899

Will: 154

Stamina: 641

Energy: 299

And he was wearing only a uniform, not any sort of armor. Maya’s respect for the guards went up significantly. Of course, they’d probably be nothing to high-level players, but compared to a newbie like her they were unbelievably powerful.

“Excuse me, can you direct me to the Travelers’ Hall?” she asked, so as to have an excuse for having walked up and stared at him. She could probably have figured it out herself, but this way would be less suspicious.

“Head west until you hit the main road, then follow it south to the crossroads. You’ll want to turn left there, then the third road on your right will lead you straight to it.”

Maya pulled out her well-scribbled-on apple farm map and traced the route with a finger. “I can remember that. Thanks.”

As curious as Maya was about the Travelers’ Hall, it seemed of much greater import to gain intel about Standalone’s house while she still had her high luck.

She followed the main roads toward the west gate, which she’d not had cause to visit before.

As she walked, she remembered that she’d gained some perks and never looked into them. They were slotted into her quick-bar opposite her abilities. She focused on each in turn.

Quick Strike: Decreases one ability’s activation time by 30%. Lasts 3.5 minutes. 1-hour cooldown.

Oracle’s Blessing: Once a day, discern the truthfulness of any speech or writing you encounter. Lasts 10 minutes.

Both better than she’d expected, and somehow disappointing. She couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she tried to use Oracle’s Blessing in front of the Trickster. Probably nothing good. Possibly hilarious. Best to save again before trying that. Or, better yet, just don't antagonize the guy.

She continued to entertain herself by scanning every NPC she came across on her way. Most of the guards had similar stats, with very limited variations. The normal townsperson NPCs had to be much lower level, judging by how much smaller their stats were. Maya could probably survive a fight with one or two of them without difficulty, even without her Path of Life bonus to health.

Not that she'd go around attacking innocent town NPCs. She had bigger things to tackle.

After leaving the city, the road turned into a wide lane, wide enough for multiple carriages to go in both directions without being crowded. Decorative trees and shrubs lined the walkway, while golden lanterns illuminated the path as bright as day. Several times new lanes branched off, mostly to the right but a few to the left as well.

Maya walked for a long time, feeling dwarfed by the huge empty road and countless turnings that intersected with it. But, according to the notes the guard captain had given her that morning, Standalone’s house was right at the very end of the main road.

She saw the mountain long before she reached it, its peak visible beyond the trees in glimpses of jagged black against the stars. She pulled out the folder of blueprints as she walked, reassessing the layout to see if she’d missed anything.

It was a fairly straightforward layout, as far as castles went. She’d already memorized the floorplan, and looking at it again felt familiar and unsurprising. The house wouldn’t be the problem. The real problems would be the dragons, the hydra, and the other unknown creature.

Even alternating running/jogging with walking, it took nearly a half hour to reach the end of the road, where a huge archway led into Standalone's private property.

You have attempted to enter a player’s home uninvited.

>Request invitation

>Begin conquest


Maya hastily elected to leave, and was pushed back by the same resistance to her entry as prevented her entering the research building at the academy before Nalana keyed her into the protection.

But even if she couldn't enter, she could look. Huge hedges spread out to either side, blocking most of the area beyond from view, but the actual entry way was wide and open. No gate obscured the path, and only the shift from common grey cobbles and golden lanterns to dark glinting stone delineated the transition from public roadway to private walk.

The house was illuminated, windows bright and cheerful against the looming mountain beyond. The outbuildings were faint shadows, barely discernable in the darkness.

Maya activated her Seer ability, but however much she strained to see into the dark she caught no glimpse of the creatures alleged to guard the place. She stepped closer, leaning right up against the invisible barrier preventing her entry, and still saw nothing.

“It’s more impressive in the daytime,” said Standalone’s voice from behind her.

Maya jumped and spun to face him. She’d forgotten just how large and intimidating he was, his tribal-marked lizardine face and sleek matching equipment set.

Kyna’s Inversion Warden

Health: 1410

Will: 266

Stamina: 1233

Energy: 793

“Hi. Um. Am I in your way?”

“No. But I’m curious why you never showed up for our meeting, and then I find you peering intently at my house. One might almost suspect you’d only arranged to have me away so you could spy on my home without me present.”

“Oh. Oh! No, that wasn’t what I was thinking at all. I’m so sorry, I. . . forgot.”

“You forgot.”

“It’s been a long, long day. I’m so sorry! Were you waiting long?”

“Yes. Hours. A particularly talkative NPC prevented me from noticing just how long you’d kept me waiting. Surprising, since she’d never been as friendly before. Just how many people have you involved in your conspiracy?”

Maya laughed nervously. “Conspiracy? No, no. I’m not conspiring.”

She realized she still held the folder of notes, and hastily dropped it back into her inventory. Standalone glanced at her now-empty hand, eyes narrowing.

“Since we’re here, though, I don’t suppose you’d like to give me a tour?” Maya asked hastily. “I’ve heard you have a dragon. Could I see it?”

“Who have you been talking to, that you’d hear such a fantastical rumor, I wonder?”

“Just people. You know. You’re one of the top players, it’s not surprising that there are rumors. Is it true?”

“Yes. I have a dragon. The rumors are correct on that point.”

“May I see him?”

Standalone considered for a long moment without answering, then the dragon itself answered the question for him. With a rumble like an earthquake, something huge and gleaming with flames came galloping up to the entrance. It skidded to a stop just inside, ducking its head to look out, mouth open like an eager puppy.

If puppies were three stories tall, with feet large enough to squash Maya flat.

She stared up at the grinning beast, hissing in cute plaintive chirps and thrashing its massive tail, and activated her seer ability.

Fire Dragon

Health: 3200

Will: 82

Stamina: 410

Energy: 308

Maya covered her mouth to swallow her instinctive reaction.

“Well, I guess he missed me,” Standalone said, stepping through the invisible barrier. He patted the dragon’s huge snout, scratching behind its horns as it leaned into his hand. “Did you miss me?”

Maya couldn’t think of anything to say. She’d somehow managed to assume that the Risen Phoenix boss was unique in its unrealistic size, to imagine that dragons were only huge, not gigantic.

Standalone took a running leap, twisting in midair to land atop his dragon’s neck, just behind its rear horns which he grabbed like reins. He smiled down at Maya, the expression looking entirely unfriendly in the flickering firelight of the dragon’s scales.

“If you want to talk, it’ll have to wait for another time. I’m afraid I’ve wasted enough time on your behalf already today. You know where to find me. Just drop off a letter if you decide you want to meet and aren’t planning to conveniently forget to show up.”

Then, with a quick motion, his dragon leapt into the air and soared off toward the mountain, flame-patterned wings flapping in slow rhythm.

Maya stood pressed against the barrier for several minutes, watching them fly away further into the distance, hoping another of the guardian creatures would show itself. None did, and finally she turned and headed back for the city.

She had to write down everything she’d seen before she forgot. At least the team would have a vague idea what they were up against now. If she assumed the other dragon, hydra, and mystery creature had roughly equivalent stats, they could use that as a starting point.

Standalone himself had over 1400 health. The dragon had 3200.

This was going to be considerably harder than she'd anticipated.

Maya Starborn Average Androgynous Harpy Level: 8 Affinities: Magical Physical Tier: 1 Class: Trickster Specialization: Seer Attributes Base Equipment Modifiers Total Strength: 8 0 0 8 Momentum: 11 2 3 16 Agility: 8 2 1 11 Control: 8 19 0 27 Attunement: 17 0 1 18 Focus: 8 0 1 9 Intelligence: 15 0 2 17 Flexibility: 8 0 1 9 Luck: 89 - -10 79 Unassigned: 2 Health: 80 of 80 Will: 18 of 18 Stamina: 143 of 143 Energy: 116 of 116 Speed: 1.31 Switch penalty: -33%, 8.3 secs Stealth: 0.71 Chain bonus: +5% Awareness: 0.9 Cooldown: 95.5% Max abilities: 4 Abilities Abilities: [5 of 4] Wind Whisper

[5 energy] Blow into cupped hands, then push the air toward the target.

Creates a light breeze, a quick gust, or a damaging slash.

[Overcharge: +5 energy, +0.2 sec cast time, +50% force/duration/dmg] 1.9 sec

5 dmg

(wind) Throw Knife

[5 stamina] Throw a knife at a target with high accuracy. Requires a knife. 0.8 sec

3 dmg

(physical) Windborne Blade

[45 energy, 5 stamina] Cast Wind Whisper in a loop up and behind, aligning with throwing arm.

Throw knife straight at target with wind as augment. 4.3 sec

33 dmg

{physical} Spark

[5 energy] Draw magic into palm and snap fingers to ignite into a spark of fire.

Can be used as a light or thrown at a target. 1.1 sec

3 dmg

(fire) Sense Balance Discern if an area is lacking in or has an excess of any materials, creatures, etc. Perks: Quick Strike Decrease one ability’s activation time by 30%.

Lasts 3.5 minutes.

1-hour cooldown.

Oracle’s Blessing Discern the truthfulness of any speech or writing you encounter.

Lasts 10 minutes.

Once a day, Inventory Item Name Slot Str Mom Agi Con Att Foc Int Flx Minor Chestpiece of the Dancer Body 1 1 Ordinary Gloves of Control Hands 13 Minor Waistwrap of the Dancer Legs 1 1 Footwraps of the Acrobat Feet 2 Lesser Bracelet of Control Arm 1 4 Trickster's Mask (Mage) Special Money: 70 Gold, 6 Silver, 12 Copper Quality Item name Details Flimsy Newcomer Tunic Flimsy Newcomer Leggings Soulbound Trickster's Dice Soulbound Trickster's Orb 2/5 uses remaining Flimsy Orchard Map Normal Apple x2 Rare Diviner's Orb 2/3 uses remaining Normal Throwing Knife x9 3 damage (physical) Special Key - Arrival Plaza Apartment Expires in 27 days Special Key - Room 6, Sapphire Hall Special Arena Equipment Token Registered to Maya Starborn Uncommon Juggernaut’s Collar Level 29, +12 mom, +11 str Uncommon Boots of Fluidity Level 29, +6 mom, +6 con, +6 flx, +5 foc Uncommon Deceitful Sickle Level 29, +8 str +8 agi +4 con +3 foc Rare Crimson Flame Token Level 30, +12 agi, +12 foc, +6 mom Rare Crimson Flame Charm Level 30, +12 att, +12 foc, +6 int Legendary Ring of Concentration Level 29, +24 Int, +12 Con Legendary Necklace of Acuity Level 29, +18 Flx, +18 Foc Legendary Circlet of Acuity Level 29, +18 Flx, +18 Foc Missions Mission Description

Time Reward Making Reparations Find someone who has been wronged by a trickster and offer to make things right. Oracle's Reward

??? Diviner's Destiny Find a worthy candidate and pass the Diviner's Orb on to them. Oracle's Reward


+1000 reputation with The Oracle A Private Grudge Claim Standalone's house in Conquest and hold it for at least 10 hours. Personal House Trickster Day 4 Claim in Conquest the home of the next player you see.

Once claimed, hold it for 24 hours. 6d 5h 1m Trickster's Reward

??? Arena (Shadow) Spend at least one day every week fighting in the Arena Ongoing Variable Trickster Day 3 Lose a fight to another player in the Arena DONE Ordinary Gloves of Control

+5 reputation with The Trickster Gazebo Construction Construct a new gazebo for Maylon the Poet

[Optional] Also varnish the entire structure once built DONE 3 silver 50 copper

+5 reputation with Maylon the Poet Trickster Day 2 Lose a fight to another player in PVP DONE Lesser Bracelet of Control

+5 reputation with The Trickster Windy Creek reconstruction Locate the missing workers' tools

Construct a new dam by Windy Creek

Help clear the wreckage of the old Windy Creek Dam

Help construct a new bridge over Windy Creek DONE 5 silver, 80 copper

+25 reputation with Windy Creek village Trickster Day 1 Side with a person who is losing an argument or disagreement. FAILED -5 reputation with The Trickster Help Shary the Produce Merchant Find the missing apple delivery boy. Ensure his safety and the successful delivery of apples to Shary's Produce Stand. DONE 5 copper

3 apples

+10 reputation with Shary and Elaph

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