《Trickster's Luck (Fantasy LitRPG)》31: What Waits Forgotten


Maya sat in her room, staring intently at the milky-white Unidentified Orb in her hands. With its three blue spots, it heavily resembled a different-coloured Trickster’s Orb, even more than she remembered. She weighed it in her hands a moment, trying to see if it exuded a sense of power or anything like that, then felt silly. There was no sense of power from the Trickster’s Orb either.

She doubted she’d get a better chance any time soon, but she still hesitated. If this failed, she wasn’t sure she’d get a second try.

Then again, it could be just a trinket that did nothing. Its similarity to her Trickster’s Orb could be coincidence.

The longer she stared at it, the less she believed that. There was something, a faint spark of motion, sliding through the orb’s depths. If she turned it slowly, she almost imagined she could see through to the center. As though it weren’t a shoddily-painted frosty-white orb, but a solid sphere of slowly shifting dense fog upon which three painted dots drifted.

She shook it, but it made no sound. She held it close and whispered, “Who are you?”

Then she waited, half certain that nothing would happen.

A popup window appeared, almost immediately.

The Oracle has invited you to visit Seer’s Glade. You have one minute to accept or decline.

Maya grinned, worry evaporating with the exhilaration of a new discovery.

“Yes! I accept. Let’s go!”

Her surroundings faded into silvery darkness. A nighttime forest surrounded the moonlit clearing where she now stood. Silvery blue light limned everything, from the blades of grass and leaves on the trees to dewdrops on tree branches. Night insects chirped or flew by, the sounds adding to the gentle background cacophony of nighttime life. Fireflies lit the ground with an ever-shifting pattern of silver lights.

Everything was some shade of blue, silver, or deep purple.

Maya felt a deep sense of peace and calm exuded from every tree, every creature, and the very ground beneath her. But not a sleepy calm. Something she couldn’t quite describe even to herself, more of a meditative alertness.

She breathed deeply, inhaling the crisp clean natural scent of tree sap and rain and earth and life and a thousand other things she’d be hard-pressed to name.

It was an utterly grounded place, as intensely natural as the Trickster’s midair meeting places were unnatural.

“Who are you? How dare you invade this place?”

Maya started. The harsh, demanding tone was dreadfully at odds with the peaceful atmosphere. She looked around in every direction, but saw no one. The voice echoed through the clearing, impossible to pinpoint as coming from any particular direction.

“Who’s there? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, I’m just. . . curious.”

“Curious? Curious! A follower of the Liar says she’s just curious?”

“No, no! It’s not like that at all. I’m not here on behalf of the Trickster. I’m here for myself. Because I’m curious. Who are you? Where are you? Why can’t I see you?”

Maya turned slowly as they conversed, searching the ground, the trees, in case she’d missed something her first glance, but could see no trace of the Oracle.

“I am the voice of truth, as much as my brother is the voice of deceit. And I sense his touch strongly upon you, young liar.”

“Then why did you invite me here? Why didn’t you just let the orb stay dark and ignore me until I went away?”

“I could not sense your allegiance until you arrived. I assumed you would be one of my scholars. They are often told to seek me, for as a being of truth I can offer much to those who seek it. But you care only for deceit, bringing about the downfall of your allies and enemies alike. No allegiance but to yourself.”


“Hold on. That may be what the Trickster thinks, but that’s not me! I’m nothing like him. I chose the class because it’s rare and special, not because I agree with the Trickster’s morals. I quite disagree with them. I’m not your enemy.”

The forest fell silent, and at first Maya thought that was the end of it. But then the voice spoke again, slower, clearly skeptical.

“You claim that despite taking my brother’s name for your own and his power as your shield, that you have no allegiance to him?”

“Yes! And yes, I may be in this for myself, but not in the way you imagine.” She briefly wondered just how badly this situation would have gone without her currently high luck. She wasn’t used to treading this carefully around NPCs, most of them took to her immediately.

The Oracle’s voice remained cool, suspicious. “Then, am I correct in saying, you are not a true follower of my brother’s? Instead, you seek to exploit him for your own gain, much as he exploits others?”

“That makes me sound way too mercenary. I just want to play the class my way, because shouldn’t the point of the game be to have fun? Not go out of your way to match yourself to whoever happens to have control over your class?”

“Indeed,” said the Oracle’s voice. “There is some truth in that.” Then she fell silent.

Maya wished she knew who or what she was conversing with. These pauses were awkward enough without her complete inability to see her interlocutor.

Finally, the Oracle spoke again. “I do not know why I’ve not thrown you out yet. By all rights, I should never have allowed you entry. But I admit that it grates, that I should sit here blind while my brother has countless of his liars reporting to him daily. I have no one to bring me news of the outside, I have no one to seek my wisdom, I have been purposeless for too long.”

“I’m very sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?”

Laughter echoed around the forest. “You? Of the Liar, offer to help me?”

“I’ve already told you, I don’t like or trust the Trickster. Yes, I accepted the class, but that was before I knew it came with deific strings attached. And why should that mean I can’t be a good person. Why assume helping someone else is so unusual? You can’t really believe that everyone is only out for themselves.”

“My experience with those my brother tends to attract tells me just that.” The Oracle’s voice was wry. “If your offer is genuine, then I would be a fool to discount it lightly. However, this is not a circumstance I have ever considered. I have no plan in place for what I ought to do if someone so diametrically opposed to me were to suddenly offer me allegiance.”

Maya sighed. “Slow down there, I’m not offering alliance, just my help. I’ve just about had it with demands of deities in this game.”

The Oracle’s laughter echoed again around the forest. “I admire your honesty. Many would not be so bold. At my age, I find boldness refreshing rather than irksome. My brother may think otherwise, but we’ve not spoken in ages. Very well. I accept your offer of help, but not allegiance; you’ve made that perfectly clear.

“You needn’t do anything at once. None of my tasks come with a time limit. If you wish to set the orb aside and consider it for a time, it matters not to me. Hours or days mean little. Even years, if that is what you require to decide.”


Maya nodded. Already, the Oracle was more reasonable than the Trickster. “And what would you ask if I accept? What do you want of me, what requirements would you place upon me?”

“Nothing far removed from what my brother asks. Only where he seeks to sow deceit and mistrust, I’d ask you to act in defence of knowledge and truth.”

“Yes, but what does that mean in practice? I don’t see much difference between the trickster class quests and normal ones.”

“There are two ways in which you may help me. First, pass the Orb to another, one who is not already in the employ of my brother nor any other. I will contact and work through them. Or you may keep it for yourself, and act on my behalf. I can offer you rewards, reputation, and quests just as my brother can.

“The one thread which runs through all my brother’s quests is to encourage conflict. He’ll always try to throw you into any possible situation that will make your life, and the lives of those around you, more difficult and complicated. I, on the other hand, gain no pleasure from such pursuits. I would have you act as a protector, as a guide, perhaps negotiator or mediator, wherever I find an opportunity for you to lessen the chaos which runs so rampant through our world.”

“I’m not sure I’d be much good at that,” Maya said. “I mean, I’ve gotten along pretty well with NPCs so far, but mostly because of my luck. Without that, I’d be hopeless.”

“Do you truly doubt yourself so? Even here? Where your potential has no limits? Why are you so convinced of your own inadequacy?”

“I’m not. I’m perfectly adequate.”

“You say that, but do you truly believe it?”

“Of course! I don’t say things I don’t really believe. Well, not usually. Unless I’m confused. Or have no choice. Maybe I say things I don’t mean a lot. But that’s not important.”

“Are you afraid? Is it fear that prevents you from accepting your own worth? And what is it that you fear? Failure? Or success?”

“No! I don’t fear either of those things. Especially not here! It’s a game, there’s no reason to worry too much about failing a quest, and even less to fear from success. Anyway, I don’t know why we’re on this tangent. You were going to tell me about your quests?”

“I was. And the first thing I suggested led you to vehemently deny your capability. Why is that?”

Maya couldn’t answer for a moment, the shifts in the conversation kept leaving her feeling wrong-footed. “I don’t know, I just don’t think I’d be any good at it.”

This Oracle person may be less sneaky than the Trickster, but Maya wasn’t sure she liked her any more. They were both interfering meddlers who thought they knew more than they did. Who were they to order Maya’s life according to their whims? Who she was was none of their business.

“If you do not wish to accept this task, you are welcome to cast it aside and leave it for another. I would not seek to impose my desires upon someone unwilling to assist me. I would neither hunt you nor set my allies upon you. I am not vindictive. I have no desire to control you. In fact, if you fear the possible repercussions, it would be in your best interest to cast me aside. My brother does not treat kindly those he sees as betraying him, and his definition of betrayal is broad indeed.”

Maya shook her head. "I told you, I'll help you. And I'll look for someone else who could want to join you. Just because I refuse to let you or anyone else dictate my life doesn't mean I'll turn away someone who needs my help. As you said, if it weren't for me, you'd have no one. So I’ll fill in until we can find someone better suited. And I will help you search for someone meeting those criteria."

The moment she finished speaking, a patch of sky stepped out from forest. Or, no. A woman, her skin invisible against the darkness behind her and her dress twinkling with tiny points of light like stars. Maya wasn't sure she'd be able to see her at all if not for the faintest silver outline that glowed around her.

"Then accept my gift. Whether you choose to use it is up to you. Likewise, if you wish to hide it, that is your choice."

New class available: Diviner.

New specialization available: Seer.

"Can I change my class freely? Or is it a one time thing? What about specialization?"

"You may have one class and one specialization at any given time. The choice is permanent, but many can be regained in the same way as you initially discovered them. Some become locked permanently if you leave them. I do not know for sure which my brother's is, but I suspect the latter. He has never been free with his power, nor accepting of the faults of others, however imagined those faults may be."

"And what does your specialization do?"

"It allows insight into the truth of others. As you've probably seen, the amount of information available by default is minimal. What if you need to know more? Their abilities, their strengths, how much they can survive? You'd be forced to trust anything they are willing to share. Not so for a diviner. No truth can be hidden, not even those my brother seeks to hide. For while it is easy to deceive the many, there's always one capable of seeing through the lies."

"Ah. So it gives no mechanical bonuses whatsoever?"

"Correct. You remain unchanged, save for your perception of others."

"And it can't be combined with another specialization?"

"I do not have the ability to transcend the laws of the universe. No. You'll have to choose. Between your current power, or the sight of truth."

"And if I bring someone to join you, they'll get the specialization as well?"

"Indeed. It is one of the few benefits I can offer those who join me on my path. Those who are willing to seek truth and light over deception and self-interest."

"So this was all just a test."

"All life is but a test. There is nothing we experience which does not test us in one way or another. You should know this. Even those things which seem simple and mundane are tests, in their own way."

"Well, brilliant. So, new class, new specialization, new quests. Anything else I need to know before we call it a day?"

"I believe you have gained what you came here for. I have little else to offer one such as you."

Maya tried not to feel insulted by that, but it was difficult. "I'll have to give this some serious consideration," she said.

To her surprise, the starry figure of the Oracle bowed deeply, then raised a faintly glowing hand in farewell. "Go well, Maya Starborn. You have my blessing, of what limited value it may be."

"Thank you," Maya said, surprised, but by then the world was already shifting and fading.

A moment later, she stood back in her room, one of the orb's three dots having vanished. It's description had changed, from Unidentified Orb to Diviner's Orb.

Maya stared at it for some time, and slipped it into her inventory. She wondered briefly if there were a limit on inventory, either by space or by weight, but if so she had yet to encounter it.

Perk gained: Oracle's Blessing.

New mission: Diviner's Destiny. Find a worthy candidate, not already aligned with the Trickster or any other chaotic deity, and pass the Diviner's Orb on to them.

New mission: Making Reparations. Find someone who has been wronged by a trickster and offer to make things right.

Maya sighed. She wasn't sure if she liked the idea of going around cleaning up after other tricksters' messes. It didn't sound like a very fun occupation to her. How much wrong could they actually have done? It was just a game.

But then she remembered how one of them had taken all of the builders’ tools from a simple low-level construction mission and hidden them, specifically so that Maya had to search for hours and hours to find them.

She almost certainly wasn't the only new player they had been messing with. If she could find a way to make things right in situations like that, she would be glad to do so. Maybe she could become some sort of anti-trickster.

Or, better, play both sides. If she could find a way to redirect her trickster quests onto other tricksters, then she could have some fun while still making things better for those whose lives have been disrupted by them. And since the Trickster reveled in chaos and setting people against each other anyway, he'd have no reason to be suspicious.

Yes. This could be fun.

Character Maya Starborn Average Androgynous Harpy Level: 8 Affinities: Magical Physical Tier: 1 Class: Trickster Specialization: Path of Life Attributes Base Equipment Modifiers Total Strength: 8 0 0 8 Momentum: 11 2 3 16 Agility: 8 2 1 11 Control: 8 19 0 27 Attunement: 17 0 1 18 Focus: 8 0 1 9 Intelligence: 15 0 2 17 Flexibility: 8 0 1 9 Luck: 89 - -10 79 Unassigned: 2 Derivatives Health: 144 of 144 Will: 18 of 18 Stamina: 108 of 108 Energy: 88 of 88 Speed: 1.31 Switch penalty: -33%, 8.3 secs Stealth: 0.71 Chain bonus: +5% Awareness: 0.9 Cooldown: 95.5% Max abilities: 4 Abilities Abilities: [5 of 4] Wind Whisper

[5 energy] Blow into cupped hands, then push the air toward the target.

Creates a light breeze, a quick gust, or a damaging slash.

[Overcharge: +5 energy, +0.2 sec cast time, +50% force/duration/dmg] 1.9 sec

5 dmg

(wind) Throw Knife

[5 stamina] Throw a knife at a target with high accuracy. Requires a knife. 0.8 sec

3 dmg

(physical) Windborne Blade

[45 energy, 5 stamina] Cast Wind Whisper in a loop up and behind, aligning with throwing arm.

Throw knife straight at target with wind as augment. 4.3 sec

33 dmg

{physical} Spark

[5 energy] Draw magic into palm and snap fingers to ignite into a spark of fire.

Can be used as a light or thrown at a target. 1.1 sec

3 dmg

(fire) Sense Balance Discern if an area is lacking in or has an excess of any materials, creatures, etc. Perks: Quick Strike Decrease one ability’s activation time by 30%.

Lasts 3.5 minutes.

1-hour cooldown.

Oracle’s Blessing Discern the truthfulness of any speech or writing you encounter.

Lasts 10 minutes.

Once a day, Inventory Item Name Slot Str Mom Agi Con Att Foc Int Flx Minor Chestpiece of the Dancer Body 1 1 Ordinary Gloves of Control Hands 13 Minor Waistwrap of the Dancer Legs 1 1 Footwraps of the Acrobat Feet 2 Lesser Bracelet of Control Arm 1 4 Trickster's Mask (Mage) Special Money: 70 Gold, 6 Silver, 12 Copper Quality Item name Details Flimsy Newcomer Tunic Flimsy Newcomer Leggings Soulbound Trickster's Dice Soulbound Trickster's Orb 2/5 uses remaining Flimsy Orchard Map Normal Apple x2 Rare Diviner's Orb 2/3 uses remaining Normal Throwing Knife x9 3 damage (physical) Special Key - Arrival Plaza Apartment Expires in 27 days Special Key - Room 6, Sapphire Hall Special Arena Equipment Token Registered to Maya Starborn Uncommon Juggernaut’s Collar Level 29, +12 mom, +11 str Uncommon Boots of Fluidity Level 29, +6 mom, +6 con, +6 flx, +5 foc Uncommon Deceitful Sickle Level 29, +8 str +8 agi +4 con +3 foc Rare Crimson Flame Token Level 30, +12 agi, +12 foc, +6 mom Rare Crimson Flame Charm Level 30, +12 att, +12 foc, +6 int Legendary Ring of Concentration Level 29, +24 Int, +12 Con Legendary Necklace of Acuity Level 29, +18 Flx, +18 Foc Legendary Circlet of Acuity Level 29, +18 Flx, +18 Foc Missions Mission Description

Time Reward Making Reparations Find someone who has been wronged by a trickster and offer to make things right. Oracle's Reward

??? Diviner's Destiny Find a worthy candidate and pass the Diviner's Orb on to them. Oracle's Reward


+1000 reputation with The Oracle A Private Grudge Claim Standalone's house in Conquest and hold it for at least 10 hours. Personal House Trickster Day 4 Claim in Conquest the home of the next player you see.

Once claimed, hold it for 24 hours. 6d 8h 18m Trickster's Reward

??? Arena (Shadow) Spend at least one day every week fighting in the Arena Ongoing Variable Trickster Day 3 Lose a fight to another player in the Arena DONE Ordinary Gloves of Control

+5 reputation with The Trickster Gazebo Construction Construct a new gazebo for Maylon the Poet

[Optional] Also varnish the entire structure once built DONE 3 silver 50 copper

+5 reputation with Maylon the Poet Trickster Day 2 Lose a fight to another player in PVP DONE Lesser Bracelet of Control

+5 reputation with The Trickster Windy Creek reconstruction Locate the missing workers' tools

Construct a new dam by Windy Creek

Help clear the wreckage of the old Windy Creek Dam

Help construct a new bridge over Windy Creek DONE 5 silver, 80 copper

+25 reputation with Windy Creek village Trickster Day 1 Side with a person who is losing an argument or disagreement. FAILED -5 reputation with The Trickster Help Shary the Produce Merchant Find the missing apple delivery boy. Ensure his safety and the successful delivery of apples to Shary's Produce Stand. DONE 5 copper

3 apples

+10 reputation with Shary and Elaph

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