《Plague Children》Chapter 25: The Knight's Resolve
"Hmmm...Ora." Zephise said, breaking the silence that had arisen from the tension.
Ora gave him a look that almost appeared to him as a 'what?'.
"Well..he did say in the next couple of months, we should be expecting an attack from Baerim, aye?"
Ora nodded. "What of it?"
"Should we not be preparing for the possible onslaught? Me and Alel have already begun to look through several of the relics there and have begun doing work to analyze what they do."
Ora took a moment to think about the impending onslaught. "Mm...neh. I'll protect you all if it comes down to it."
The rest of them looked stunned. He had relied on them various times in order to protect everyone else. What made him so confident in his abilities. Even though he did protect them and had the power to stop various enemies, he lacked detection ability and any other type of ability other than direct combat.
"Hold on, Ora." Rel's voice shot out from behind him. The duo then made themselves visible.
"If they plan on sending out an entire army's worth of people, we'll be facing off against a lot more than guards. It will not be as easy as last time."
"How many people do you think Kars could take out?"
Ora asked casually.
It caught everyone by surprise. The tales of Kars' ability was that he could ruin an entire army of men, even up to a million. As someone who could match that man, its only natural that he could also take out a substantial amount of people.
Alel nodded, and Rel, as well as Zephise, walked off, leaving just Aren and Ora.
"Hoy, Ora. What was that back then? You even scared me out there."
Ora laughed. "Why would that scare you? I would never harm any of you guys. This is why I gained power isn't it? To protect you all."
Aren nodded. "Well, that ordeal was very easy to deal with..- and pleasant."
The way he said it was clearly sarcasm, but it indeed was easy to deal with. Not so much pleasant however.
Aren waved off to Ora and left the scene.
Ora sighed, went to his room, and closed his eyes. "Alucarde..."
"Hmm? Isn't it quite early for you to be sleeping?"
"No. I'm not planning on sleeping. I want to train some more."
"I see..."
"Very well. Just know, that we'll be trying even harder this time."
Ora nodded.
He had a new-found determination. Of course, he knew that Baerim was eventually going to counter-attack, but now that he knew the time-frame, he had to get even stronger. He wanted to be certain that he could ensure everyone's safety.
He sprouted out 500 tentacles and began the training routine.
He was now used to controlling 300 of them at a time.
In response, Alucarde created even bigger orbs and launched them at him. These attacks continued and continued. As each wave passed by, Ora sustained fewer injuries. The ones which he couldn't block in time, he was able to maneuver out of the way.
"Kukukukukuk....very interesting, Ora. You've gotten exponentially better!"
"Tch. Let's see how you hold up!" Ora responded.
As the next wave came, Ora had threaded through each of them, twisted his shadows in the same fashion as before, then blasted himself forward and untwisted the tendrils.
The orbs that were attached to them flickered towards Alucarde even faster than Alucarde had launched them. Cought by surprise Alucarde immediately went on the defensive.
He created various shadow walls in front of him, defending against the bombardments.
There was one thing lacking immensely from his defense, however. Due to the wall in front of him, he could not see or trace Ora's movements.
The first thing he saw was a blaring shadow headed towards him from his left. Reacting like-mind to the attack, he suddenly realized his mistake.
Ora had actually appeared from the right. He had detached a tail in that direction and whipped it out towards him. While this distracted Alucarde, he then pushed off his shadows and launched himself from the right.
A pincer maneuver!
Ora's shadows rebounded off the ground as they sent him at torpedo speeds straight towards Alucarde. They formed around his hand in his signature drill style and aimed straight for Alucarde's chest.
It was over with. Before the man could even turn around entirely, Ora had torn right through him.
His body was split in two straight through the middle. His legs fell to one side while his shadowy torso fell to the other.
"Tch. You can't tell me that was all it took."
Alucarde began to belch out. He was laughing out of pure entertainment. To think that Ora would have been so bold. What would have happened should he actually be capable of death?
His body reformed together.
"My my my my...what would you have done if I had died?"
"heh- I had a hunch you would not."
"Still, I'm quite sad. To think this is how you'd treat a friend."
"You aren't my friend quite yet. I still have no idea of your goals and why you're helping me out."
Alucarde took a moment to think over his next words.
"You are my host. In a way, you are helping me out. Do you not understand the nature of relics?"
"The nature...of relics?"
"Tch. Stop spouting bullshit like that. You're a unique relic. No other relic I know of has sentience."
"Hahahahaha, ohhh but they do. Every relic has nature."
"Though I do suppose that attack just now was your way of telling me you want to fight. So, let me show you the power of the relic known as 'The World'."
He created 10 giant orbs above his head. Each of them were the size of a miniature sun. They easily could fit several 100 Ora's within them.
"Come, Ora."
The moment he launched the orbs, Ora attempted to dodge by launching himself upwards with his shadows. The orbs took chase and followed.
He then immediately covered himself with all of the tendrils available, shielding himself from impact.
Much to his surprise, it didn't quite work out that way. The orbs ate through the shadows with a loud cicada-like noise.
It was frightening. As he found himself face to face with the orb, he realized what it was.
Very tiny drill like spikes were poking from every square centimeter of the circular orb. As it approached, he could see them spinning and see the fate awaiting him.
It felt like the world was tearing him apart. Pain greater than anything he could have ever imagined. It was even worse than the first time he had activated the relic.
First, it was his skin being torn to shreds, and then the muscles, then to the bones. He felt every piece of him disappearing one by one.
Then it was eternal calm.
His eyes shot open back in the normal world. His body couldn't stop shaking. Though every part of him was still there, he could remember the feeling of everything. It was horrendous.
He wanted to cry, but no tears provided themselves. "What a horrendous beast."
"From now on Ora, we shall train like this ~" He heard a voice emanating inside his head.
This sent shivers down his spine. "I-..I'm supposed to endure that...every day?"
He tried to get up, but instantly fell back down. His muscles were not doing to well. The mental strain it had placed on his body had reached the level of physical strain. He could just feel every part of him aching whenever he tried to move.
"No...I can't do that. I won't be able to help anyone this way."
His hands trembled.
He wasn't quite sure how long he had been in that shadow world, but it couldn't have been more than 30 minutes.
The sound of wood and knuckles hollowed through his room. He couldn't move to reach it.
"C-come in..." he said weakly.
The door opened to reveal Alel. Her eyes seemed to be concerned. "Are you okay, Ora? You sound kind of...odd."
She walked over to him and crouched down besides him.
"I'm fine...rreally."
"But you're shaking. Everywhere."
She placed a hand to his head. "Hmm...it doesn't seem like your running a fever."
Then again, she had already ruled out sickness. Plague Children never got sick. That was a fact they had come to learn over the years. It was unheard of.
She picked him up and placed him onto his bed.
"What was it you needed, Alel?"
"There was a man here to see you...."
Ora tilted his head. "A man...? Who?"
"It's not important. I'll tell him he'll have to come back another time."
Alel placed a blanket over Ora and turned her back to him, leaving his room. When she touched the doorknob, he could see that her hands had begun heating. Smoke rose from it.
"Shit...what could she possibly be..."
He attempted to use his shadow ability to carry him out of his room, but in the end, he simply blacked out from over-exertion.
That same night, they continued their ritual. The fight was just as brief and sent him back into the real world in crippling pain.
This time at least, Ora could move. What kind of attack was that? He couldn't even defend against it, and no matter how much he evaded, it would follow him.
He sighed and got up from the bed. His muscles ached and the mental fatigue was really getting to him. Everyone must have already gotten up to clean up the streets. The bodies this time were almost entirely cleared.
Ora looked outside of the walls and saw various commoners and plague children working to remove the bodies. This was the closest thing he had seen to cooperation. He didn't even think this was possible.
He left the walls to join in on helping. As he exited the entrance, he was confronted by Rel and Alel at the door.
"Oi. Ora."
"Is there a problem, Rel?"
Rel nodded. "That guy is still here. He's been sleeping outside our gate for a while. Says he wants to talk to you."
"Tch." Alel clicked her tongue and turned away from them both.
"Did something happen?" Ora thought.
"Just go talk to that old man already." Alel waved her hands and walked off from the area.
Rel and Ora shared a glance and Rel smirked. "She got her ass handed to her."
Ora stepped outside the walls and the man that awaited him was indeed a familiar face.
"Old-man Knight..."
"Old?! I'm 45!" The knight stretched and withdrew his giant buster blade, placing it on his back. He had been sleeping, using the sword to keep his body up.
That giant muscular old man walked over to the two of them. "You are Ora, aye?"
They're glances yet again met and Ora responded. "Aye."
"Then I want to propose something to you."
"Let me train you. All of you in combat."
Ora was cought off guard by such a proposal. "You're pretty bold, Knight."
"The names Galtz. Galtz Elxost."
"Hoi hoi hoi...are you, that Galtz?" Rel interrupted.
"Indeed. The leader of Sei'O's advanced military."
"My father worked once worked under you...before the plague hit."
"Your father was probably a brave man. I only accepted the finest."
Ora cut in. "You might be the leader of our failed military, but what grounds do you have to make such a proposal?"
The knight placed a hand to his chin. "What was that, Ora?"
"You who cannot beat 3,000 guards. How can you claim to be able to help me."
"Ahhh...ta ta ta ta--- I see. Well, Ora. I probably cannot beat you. But every one of your comrades could probably benefit from my guidance."
"I have doubts you can even beat Rel here."
Rel nodded and rolled up his sleeves.
"Ohoh? Is that so?"
"I'd say, it'd only take me.... " he placed his fingers up.
"5 minutes."
"Tch. Underestimating me old man."
"But let us not fight here. There's clearing in the eastern city. Since noone lives there anymore, it would make a perfect area to tussle."
He smiled.
Ora nodded and they continued down the path to the southern city.
"Alright, Rel? was it? Come."
The knight didn't even draw his blade to prepare himself. Rel put his fists up and in an instant, dashed off towards the knight.
The moment he pushed off, his invisibility kicked in and he disappeared from view.
Oh....such a power. I can't even hear you.
"Divine Art; Godsight." Just as Rel's fist was about to collide with him, he moved out of the way so smoothly. No..that's not right. Just as Rel's fists touched him, he moved.
Following the projection of momentum, he spun in the direction that Rel's fist collided with, and ended up right behind rel with his sword entirely drawn.
The giant buster blade ended up hitting Rel right on the back with the flat side. The smacking noise was followed by an ow.
Rel turned around immediately after and launched a kick at the man. He yet again dodged it. What in the world is going on...could he see him? Impossible.
Attack after attack was evaded. Galtz moved so calmly and ever so slightly.
"You're probably wondering how it is I'm evading all of this, no?"
Rel's onslaught stopped and he exited his cloak mode.
"What in the world.... Old man, can you actually see me." He was clearly getting irritated.
The man yawned and only made a gesture with his hands. "Come."
"Tch. Very well." Rel leapt into the air and turned invisible right as he did it.
Rel dived down with a kick headed straight for his head. Yet again, the knight had moved out of the way and the kick collided with the ground, tearing through cement and cobblestones.
As these rocks flew up, the knight pummeled them with the flat end of his blade and sent them colliding with Rel.
Rel punched each of them into dust and continued his chase.
This time, the knight stood perfectly still. As Rel beamed forward with his most powerful punch, he spoke.
"Divine Art; Rejection of Wills."
Just as the fist had collided with Galtz, an explosive force shot from the connection point. Rel could be seen flying 30 meters back. Crashing into the wall of a building before giving up entirely.
His cloak involuntarily gave out and he was left slumped against the wall.
"W-..what in the world was that" He coughed.
The old man cracked his neck "You have quite the power kid."
"You're a magician?"
"A magicia-" The old man immediately stopped and laughed heartily. "Oh no no no...not at all. Do you not know of Divine Arts, kid?"
"Well, it would make sense that you wouldn't have seen it. Noone fights these days."
"While they are closely related, Divine arts are for warriors. They're combat abilities learned by honing the body's senses and skills."
"Th-then how the hell could you see me.."
"Divine Art; Godsight. Its an art channeling mana to the eyes to improve cognition. While I couldn't exactly see you, I could see the surroundings around you."
"When you walk, dust pushes off. When you jump or attack, the wind is distorted. Ever so slightly."
He sheathed his blade behind his back.
"You have the makings of a great warrior, Rel. And a gift that many would die to acquire. If you learn your Divine Arts, you'd perhaps be the deadliest man in this country."
"So, Ora.."
Ora nodded upon seeing his power. "May I ask you a question, Galtz?"
Galtz nodded.
"Why do you wish to train us? You could easily get by teaching these Divine Arts to the citizens of Sei'O."
"While I do intend to, none of them had had the fight in them that I've seen you lot have."
"How many years did you think I've tried to get another rebellion sparked. The Plague and Eveerything had snuffed out the flame of violence in everyone."
"Then I heard about you guys.... who destroyed an entire plattoon yourself. Who gave little thought about the battling stronger powers. You, Ora. Are someone I'd like to serve under. Someone I'd lend all my power to, to ensure the victory of my country."
Ora's piercing gaze met with his and he could find no malice in his conviction.
"There's also one other reason...-"
"Do what you want." Ora nodded had already left the scene.
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