《The Dark Elto Du Yu Lin》Chapter 22: The Dark Witch's Lair Part Three


Yu Lin opened her eyes and although she felt that a lot of time had passed since she had awoken, she knew that only a short moment had passed due to the still wet puddle of blood in front of her. She sat up and saw the orb still emitting off a light, and she glared at it. ‘Don’t think you will get away with this, whoever you are.’ She thought.

“Hehehe! What’s wrong? Are you angry?” The voice taunted her. Yu Lin wiped away the wet trail of blood on her lips and smirked.

“No,” Yu Lin slowly stood up, “but, are you really Chang Sheng Huo? The Chang Sheng Huo who defeated many beasts to help villages?” She asked in a cold tone as she walked up to He Lan. She examined the back of his head and sigh in relief as it was only a small bump and she hovered her hand above it. ‘Chief Chu was fine after taking in my chi energy, so He Lan should be fine too.’ She reassured herself as she quickly healed He Lan. The low voice let out a laugh.

“That’s right, I am Chang Sheng Huo.I see you’ve heard of me before. Am I still famous? I knew I was quite popular but I’ve never thought that my legacy would live for this long.” Chang Sheng Huo let out another laugh.

“Is that so?” Yu Lin said as she stood up and cocked her head to one side. “How did the great Chang Sheng Huo end up here, not in human form, but in orb form?” She asked coldly. Chang Sheng Huo stopped laughing and silence filled the room for a moment.

“Oh, and how does a young child know such things already?”

“Why are you avoiding the question? Perhaps, you are not sure of how you got into that situation yourself? Or maybe, you had your soul locked away?” Yu Lin smirked.

“Shut up!” Chang Sheng Huo hissed. Yu Lin could feel the pressure building over her again, however this time she was prepared.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” She asked with an innocent expression as she pointed a finger up. The pressure stopped increasing, however it was still weighing down on Yu Lin’s shoulder.

“Why? Are you scared?”

“Scared? Yes, I am scared,” Chang Sheng Huo let out a quiet chuckle as he heard this, “for you that is.” His chuckling stopped as Yu Lin had a concerned expression on her face. “You see, I think the woman who kidnapped us is a dark witch. I am sure you have heard of them before,” Yu Lin placed her hand on her chin, “I wonder why she is hacking away at the rock you are in... Perhaps, is she looking for you?” Yu Lin pointed at the orb. Chang Sheng Huo did not reply.


“Am I wrong? Is there something else in the rock that she is looking for?” Yu Lin asked innocently. Only silence filled the room as the light glowed on and off, on and off. “Why aren’t you answering me?” Yu Lin asked after a while.

“Hahaha!” Chang Sheng Huo let out a laughter, “That is very plausible thinking, however I fear you are wrong child. I have grown weak over the years. Why would that woman be looking for me? You are funny.”

“Do not lie to me, if you do, I won’t help you.” Yu Lin hissed. Chang Sheng Huo stopped laughing.

If Chang Sheng Huo had a body right now, he would be sweating due to nervousness. This was the first time he had revealed himself to anyone, for he feared that if he had revealed himself to the adult captives , that they would tell the dark witch that he had awaken from his slumber. He believed that kids were easier to manipulate than adults. When he had revealed himself to the two kids, he had initially wanted to scare them into helping him escape from the cave. He would have never imagined that instead of being scared, Yu Lin would be talking back to him. ‘Who is this child?!’ He thought.

“If you don’t help me, then I will kill you and your little buddy there.” He threatened.

“Do it then,” Yu Lin quickly said, “but, killing us won’t help your situation one bit. We may lose our lives, however you’re still stuck in the rock. She is going to get to you sooner or later.”

“If you don’t help me, then I will make you suffer.”

“Go ahead. Leave evidence of your existence on our bodies, if you want to get found so badly.” Yu Lin scoffed. She knew what she was doing and she knew that if she let Chang Sheng Huo take advantage of her and He Lan, then they would suffer from losses instead. She also doubted the orb’s identity for claiming that he was Chang Sheng Huo, however she knew that if she could get the orb to help her, then it would be easier to escape.

She waited patiently for the orb to answer back to her, however it stood silent. Yu Lin didn’t want to waste anymore time as she didn’t know when the witch was going to come back so she opened her mouth however the voice spoke before her.

“I understand. We are both captives anyways, what’s the harm in helping each other?” Chang Sheng Huo said. Yu Lin smiled however she didn’t let her guard down.

“I take it you are willing to cooperate with me then?” Yu Lin asked for she wanted confirmation.


“... yes…” Chang Sheng Huo uttered hopelessly. Yu Lin thought about their situations for a moment, not sure if the orb was actually needing help or if it was just planted there to spy on her and He Lan, however quickly ruled that out as it seemed that the trolls were earnestly trying to find the orb. She cleared her throat.

“First things first, who… who are you?” Yu Lin asked carefully. She wasn’t fully convinced that the thing in the orb was Chang Sheng Huo, after all the thing for sure did not seem kind or caring towards anything.

“That right! I am Chang Sheng Huo. Why do you keep asking?”

“Really? You do not sound like the Chang Sheng Huo from the legends I hear about. Chang Sheng Huo is supposed to kind and caring, not someone who bullies little kids.” Yu Lin although was mentally an adult, still held some childish admiration about the one who her mother called hero in her last life.

“What?! Kind and caring? What are you talking about? I have always been like this since I was young. I don’t know what kind of tales they are telling with my name but I have never changed the way I talked or did things!” Chang Sheng Huo yelled. He had no idea what Yu Lin was talking about. He never thought he was kind nor caring, he did know that in the past people always treated him with respect and although he never knew why, he didn’t ask for the reason.

Yu Lin thought about the things he had said and could only let out a sigh. ‘Maybe people did twist the tale… or is he lying to me? Whatever, I just need to get out of here and get back home. He’ll be of some use.’ Yu Lin thought.

“Anyways, Chang Sheng Huo, or whoever you are, do you know why the dark witch is here?” Yu Lin asked.

“Yah! I already told you I a- nevermind just forget it. About your question, I’m not so sure myself.” Chang Sheng Huo answered. ‘So much for usefulness.’ Yu Lin thought. “However, I do know that she has been collecting people from near the villages here.” Yu Lin raised her eyebrows.

“Collecting people? What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure of it myself, however I have sensed many people stuck in the cages that you guys are in right now. Sh-”

“Sense, you can’t see us?”

“Of course, I don’t have a body you know!”

“Ah, yes of course. Continue.”

“Anyways, I would sense her taking the bodies further within the cave and sometimes I could hear them screaming. Next thing I know, their presence is gone.”

“Their presence is gone… death…”

“Yes, that’s what I have suspected is happening.” Chang Sheng Hua said. Yu Lin could feel her heart beat faster and faster. ‘Is it… human sacrifices?’

“It’s not human sacrifices.” Change Sheng Hua quickly said. Yu Lin squinted her eyes at the orb.

“Can you rea-”

“No. I can’t read minds but I can sense your presence and your presence tells me a lot about you.” Chang Sheng Huo quickly answered. Yu Lin rolled her eyes as she continued thinking about the situation. ‘Perhaps… spell… no to do a spell one would need a bigger space… curse… no curses wouldn’t involve an orb… maybe… alchemy?’ Yu Lin’s eyes grew bigger.

“Hey, how many months have they been here?” Yu Lin yelled.

“Hmm… three months… I think.” Chang Sheng Huo answered. “At least that’s when I awoke from my slumber because someone was hacking away at my rock.” Yu Lin frowned as she thought about the situation. ‘If she was creating a pill that needed humans as an ingredient… then three months sounds about right… but why would she need the orb… could it… no…’

“Hey, how old… are you?” Yu Lin asked slowly.

“I’m not sure. I’ve been sleeping in this cave for a long time.” Chang Sheng Huo tried to think but he honestly didn’t know.

“Is there any… um… huge artifacts that was around when you were not in orb form?” Yu Lin stammered out.

“Hmm… no I don’t thi- oh yea! There was a tall building… a huge building… it was created I think west of here… um I think it was a landmark for a new country or something. It was pure white and very tall,” Yu Lin’s felt her body shivered as she realized what he was saying, “I remember seeing it before I got stuck in here. I think it was called… Tower of… tower of…”

“Tower of The Heavenly Skies.” Yu Lin said.

“Oh yea, that. Tower of whatever you just said.” Chang Sheng Huo sounded excited, however Yu Lin stood there as life slowly left her eyes.

“Humans… a five thousand year old orb… all these ingredients… they can only mean one thing.” Yu Lin muttered as her legs grew weak and she fell to the ground.

“Yah! Little kid, what’s wrong? What is it? What do you mean?” Chang Sheng Huo wanted to know what Yu Lin was talking about.

“The forbidden pill… she’s making the forbidden pill… the pill of youth and immortality…”

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