《The Dark Elto Du Yu Lin》Chapter 15: Ethereal Woman


Yu Lin finally realized why Yo Mei didn’t want to talk about her past, or about her relatives, she had been associated with Hei Kong. Something wet trailed down Yu Lin’s face and she looked up. ‘Is it raining?’ She thought, however she touched her face and realized she was crying. The hole inside her heart created from her previous life grew bigger and bigger sucking her dry of any emotions. She wanted to cry out and curse out fate that had done this to her, however her voice was lost, and her throat dry. ‘Why? Why have I been reborn to this life?’ She thought. She looked at Ju Hua’s painful expression and she felt knives stabbing into her heart. ‘It would have been better… if I had died never to return.’ The words echoed in her head. As if her body heard her thoughts she began to feel pain vibrating from each joint within her. She let out a yelp as she felt as if her chi center was tearing apart.

Ju Hua could not believe her eyes as she saw the dark elf. Ju Hua saw the splitting image of Li Hu Die, her deceased cousin on Yo Mei’s face and her heart felt heavy as it began to sink. She couldn’t stop the tears coming out of her.

Yo Mei stood there confused as she looked at the beautiful lady crying before her. ‘Had we met?’ She thought as she furrowed her eyebrows. She was not sure why the beautiful lady was crying, and she had no idea who’s name she was calling out. She could only look at her.

Sen Feng ran up to the gate and saw as Ju Hua stood still as she observed the Du family. He smiled and look behind her to see Yo Mei. He had a nostalgic look in his eyes as he remembered how at one time he had been in love with Yo Mei, however had been rejected. He remembered the time they hunted together and how he admired Yo Mei’s skills for combat and magic. He remembered introducing her and Chou and watching as she blushed each time Chou glanced her way. He remembered leaving the city after she rejected him to find someway to quell the pain in his heart. Sen Feng could only smile sadly looking at his lost love. Just then he heard something shattering and saw his fiancee trembling.

“Cousin… cousin Hu Die… cousin Hu Die!” He heard her cry out and his eyes widened in shock. He had only heard Ju Hua mentioned the name Hu Die three times. Once when he had asked her if she had a person she loved the most in the world, twice when he saw her secretly crying, and third when she was saying goodbye to Heavenly Clouds city. He knew that this Hu Die person was someone really important to her but he did not know why she had called out her name just then.

Chief Chu turned around surprised and saw Ju Hua standing there shaking terribly. He heard the name escaped her mouth and he grew shocked. ‘Li Ju Hua… Hu Die?… Sky continent?’ He put the pieces together and realized who Ju Hua was talking about. ‘Li Hu Die?!’ He raised his eyebrows. He knew who Li Hu Die was due to the fact that she was the one who saved him from losing all his skills of cultivation. He had felt indebted to her because she had lost a child from saving him, however never placed the blame onto him. He didn’t get the chance to fully repay her back as he never got the chance to step outside Glorious Forest once he came back and was named Chief of the village.


All of them stood there not in silent not knowing what to say or do however a yelp in the air broke the silence and they all turned their head to the source. Chou and Yo Mei’s eyes widened as they saw their daughter falling to the ground, grabbing her stomach.

“Yu Lin!” They both shouted in unison as they bent down. Chief Chu’s eyes widened as he took a giant step towards them and bent down.

“Don’t touch her!” He yelled as he saw Chou and Yo Mei bending down. He was worried that Yu Lin’s chi center was acting up and he didn’t want them to do anything rash because their chi centers could get affected. The two froze before quickly nodding their heads. Chief Chu quickly grabbed one of Yu Lin’s wrist and felt her pulse. He felt it dramatically thumping and he watched as sweat trickled down Yu Lin’s face. Ju Hua stopped crying as she rushed up to see what was going on, Sen Feng trailing behind her.

“Aah!” Yu Lin screamed out in pain. It felt as if her body was being torn apart. She shaked and trembled screaming out in pain. Her empty chi center was now quickly being filled with chi energy however, it was not purple chi energy. It was the two separate energies, red and blue. The two energy encountered each other and started to fight to take control of Yu Lin’s chi center. Yu Lin balled her fist and clenched her teeth as she felt them clashing together violently.

“Aah!” She let out another scream before she passed out from the shock and pain.

“Yu Lin!” Yo Mei cried out tears streaming down her face. She had never seen her daughter in so much pain since she was born. Yo Mei felt hopeless as she didn’t know how to help her. Chief Chu quickly pressed his fingers gently onto Yu Lin’s stomach as he sent his chi energy inside of her to inspect her chi center. Terror filled his face as he felt two different chi energies battling each other. ‘What do I do?’ He tried to think of solution. He thought about opening her pressure points however he wasn’t sure if Yu Lin would be able to survive that. His mind raced through everything he head learned in his whole entire life, and then one thing flashed through his mind. ‘Maybe… that may work!’ He quickly picked up Yu Lin, slipping his arm underneath her knees and his other arm on his back.

“Follow me!” He said to Yo Mei and Chou as he took giant leaps back into the siheyuan. Yo Mei and Chou ran behind him, with Ju Hua and Sen Feng following behind.

Chief Chu led them to the Chu Clan’s treasury. When he was inside he slipped off a silver ring he was wearing and threw it into a circular dent inside the wall. On the opposite wall, a long slit appeared, and then the wall split in half as it slowly opened up. Chief Chu rushed inside the room with the rest of them behind him.

“Light up the room!” He yelled and with a flick of Yo Mei’s wrist all the candles in the room were lit. On the ground inside the room there was a huge circle, and surrounding the huge circles were lines going outwards, and then was connected to three other circles. Behind one circle there was two lines connecting it to two other circles. There were strange markings in the space in between each of the circles. Chief Chu ran and place Yu Lin on the huge circle in the middle.


“Mr and Mrs Du sit on a circle, Ju Hua and Sen Feng please sit in the two circles behind Mr. Du.” He ordered and they all did as he said.

“What is this?” Yo Mei asked.

“A… a chi energy gathering circle.” He said quietly. All of them looked at him shocked.

“A chi energy gathering circle? I thought that those practices were long lost!” Yo Mei exclaimed.

“This is probably the last one.” Chief Chu said.

“How is this going to help Yu Lin?” Chou asked.

“A chi energy gathering circle is suppose to transfer chi energies from each person sitting on a medium sized circle to the large circle in the middle. It is a sacred technique that had been lost overtime due to constant fights to learn the secrets on how to create one. We can use this circle to help stabilize the two fighting energies within Yu Lin.”

“The two fighting energies? I thought you said that Yu Lin’s chi energy reached a state of equilibrium.” Yo Mei blurted out.

“I thought so to, but something must have happened for chi center to suddenly act like this. Hurry we don’t have time. If we don’t do something quickly then Yu Lin may never wake up again!” Chief Chu shouted.

“What do we do?” Chou quickly asked.

“All you guys need to do is release your chi energy out of your body until we can stabilize her condition.”

“But I may not have enough chi energy to help Yu Lin.” Chou’s heart was beating furiously.

“Don’t worry Mr. Du, Ju Hua and Sen Feng will support you. Due to the chi gathering circle when their chi energy enters your body it will turn into your chi energy.” Chief Chu said. All of them nodded. “Now then, let’s begin.”

The five of them sat cross legged and closed their eyes to focus on exerting their chi energy. The markings on the ground slowly began to glow a golden color.

Yu Lin opened her eyes. She sat up and placed her hand on her stomach not feeling the pain anymore. ‘The pain… it’s gone?’ Her face showed confusion and she looked up to check her surroundings. Yu Lin was lying a field of grass with a clear river streaming nearby. She stood up and felt the wind blow into her face, calming her down.

“Did I… grow?” She wondered as she combed her finger through her hair. Her eyes caught sight of her haircolor and shock filled her face. She pulled her strands of hair forward. “Black? Black hair?” She exclaimed.

She ran up to the river, bent down, and looked into it. She saw an image of a pale faced girl, with brown eyes and black hair staring back at her. ‘Li… Hu… Die?’ She stood up and looked at her hands, and her clothes. She was wearing the same robes she had wore the day she died.

“Did I die? Was that all just a dream?” She said a loud.

“It was a not a dream.” A soft voice said out of nowhere. Hu Die looked around her to see no one. She heard the voice giggle.

“Who are you?” Hu Die called out. The voice just giggled some more.

“Look behind you!” It echoed. Hu Die turned around and the scenery around her suddenly changed. She was now in a huge room with large gold statues, and elaborate paintings hanging on the wall. In front of her was a woman who was sitting by a table. The woman’s beauty and existence itself seemed ethereal. The woman had long black shiny hair, and her eyes were a bright gold color. She wore a golden headdress, and a silky pink robe with delicate golden patterns sewn onto it. She looked at the empty chair in front of her and gestured towards it. “Sit.” She said. Hu Die was cautious but did as she said. The woman chuckled, revealing her dimples, at Hu Die’s stiff behavior. “You don’t need to worry. I won’t hurt you.” The woman said. Hu Die looked at her suspiciously.

“Who are you?” She asked. The woman frowned.

“You… don’t remember me?” The woman asked. Hu Die shook her head.

“I don’t think we have met before.”

“What are you saying? Don’t joke around like this!” The woman laughed however Hu Die looked at her with a serious face. “You really don’t remember me?” The woman’s eyes widened. Hu Die nodded her head. The woman gaped at her and then she looked away and slowly nodded. “That’s why you thought it would have been better if you were dead.” She said. Hu Die furrowed her eyebrows.

“What are you? How can you read my thoughts?!” Hu Die yelled as she stood up. The woman looked up at her and motion her hand for Hu Die to sit down. Hu Die was furious and confused however she did as the woman gestured, for she felt that if she didn’t the woman would not answer her questions. The woman gave her a smile.

“It’s alright if you don’t remember me. You probably will figure out who I am sooner or later, but-” The woman paused and stared intensely into Hu Die’s eyes, “you must never think the world is better off without you. If you think like that, then even my blessings and magic won’t be able to help you.” The woman said. Hu Die frowned.

“Help me? How are you helping me?” Hu Die questioned her with a harsh tone.

“Since the beginning of your second life, I have always helped you. I have took care of you. I am the one who gave you a chance to start over.” The woman smiled at Hu Die. Hu Die felt blood rushing to her head.

“Why? Why bring me back to life? Why do I have to suffer like this again?” Hu Die cried.

“Look here, you agreed to this. Just because you don’t remember, doesn’t mean you should speak to me like this. I have hel-”

“What did you help me with?” Hu Die screamed. “Did I ask to be reborn? I didn’t ask you to help me. Stop lying me!”The woman slammed the table and stood up as tears started to form in her eyes.

“Watch what you say!” She yelled. “How do you think you are still able to survive being an elto? Did you think that practicing those special techniques were helping you? You are wrong, I have been helping you! You are the one who accepted my request. You are the one who wanted to go back. You are the one who wanted to set things straight! I have agreed to help you because promised to help me!” Hu Die looked at her speechless. Hu Die watched as her tears dripped down to the table. The woman’s lips trembled. “I don’t why you can’t remember me, something could have gone wrong with the spell, however, I want you to believe me and to trust me. I know it will be hard to do, but if you don’t… if you don’t do this… then everyone we both love will die.” The woman took in deep breaths trying to calm down. Hu Die stood up in her chair.

“What do you mean… everyone we both love will die?” Hu Die quietly asked. The woman swallowed hard.

“Lan Hei Kong... Lan Hei Kong will destroyed everything we have cherished.” The woman replied.

“What do- what- what do you mean by that?!” Hu Die’s voice shook. A bell chimed from within a distance and the woman looked around them.

“I don’t have time to explain. Your memories of me, may or may not return, however, do not ever think about dying. No matter what situation you are in, do not think that the world will be better off without you. The world need you. The people need you. I need you. If you think like that, then everything we have agreed upon will end.” The woman cried. From behind Hu Die a door opened as a bright light entered the room. The bright light pulled and tugged at Hu Die and began to drag her out of the room.

“Wait. Who are you? What is your name? What is going on?!” Hu Die screamed. The woman gave Hu Die a sad smile.

“My name is Liang Guang Ming.” The woman answered one of her questions. Hu Die wanted to know more, but she couldn’t as the light engulfed her away from the room.

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