《The Dark Elto Du Yu Lin》Chapter 9: Decided Punishment


Author's note: Happy New Years everyone to all the people who have it and to all the people who is going to have it soon! Here a super long chapter for you to read! Enjoy!

Hu Die opened her eyes slowly. Her lips were chapped and dry. She had been sleeping for over 2 weeks. Hu Die could feel a thumping pain from her abdomen. She was too weak to get up, and her body was weak. Hu Die heard the door open as someone entered. A young girl with shiny black hair, and big brown eyes came into her view. The girl sat down on Hu Die’s bed and took off the towel on Hu Die’s head. The girl, upon seeing Hu Die, awake gasped.

“Cousin Hu Die!” The girl had tears in her eyes. The girl grabbed Hu Die’s cold hands into hers.

“Cousin Ju Hua.” Hu Die weakly said, her voice barely audible. Ju Hua shook her head and placed a finger over Hu Die’s lips.

“Don’t speak cousin, you are too weak. Let me go get the doctor to come look at you.” Ju Hua gently set down Hu Die’s hand and exited the room in a hurry.

In Yu Lin’s previous life Ju Hua was one of the people she cherished the most. After she turned 13 and went past silver rank, she left her family home due to her stepmother. She was lost and didn’t know where to go however Ju Hua’s family kindly took her in. Her uncle treated her like she was his own child. Yu Lin also had a close relationship with her cousin. Before she died she knew that Ju Hua was engaged with Qi Long’s older brother, Liu Long. If she was here then Yu Lin had a feeling something bad must’ve happened to Liu Long.

Sen Feng was confused when he saw He Lan crying. He didn’t know who in the village would dare to hurt He Lan, the grandson of the Chief of the village. Sen Feng felt a soft pressure touch his arm.

“What’s going on?” He heard the sweet voice of his wife rang out. Sen Feng shook his head.

“I don’t know. Let’s go find out.” They both walked towards Chief Chu.

Chief Chu shook his head not knowing what to do. He did not think that He Lan would go as far as to use an iron sword against Yu Lin. Although he was lost at the situation at hand, he was still impressed with Yu Lin’s martial arts skill. He never thought that Yu Lin would be able to injure He Lan. The kids who witnessed the whole thing was more surprised. They never thought that He Lan would go flying with one attack, and were to shocked to say anything about it.

“What happened?” Sen Feng showed up next to Chief Chu as he watched He Lan cry. Chief Chu closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

“He Lan was using a real sword to spar against Yu Lin.” Chief Chu replied. Sen Feng frowned.

“Who’s Yu Lin?”

“The girl over there.” Chief Chu pointed behind him. Sen Feng turned his head.He believed that his nephew would never do such a reckless thing unless he had to. He saw a young female child with medium length white hair,red big slanted eyes, and a white spot covering the top part of her right face. The girl had an expressionless face. He could tell from the color’s skin tone that she was a dark elf.


“What’s wrong with the girl?” Sen Feng whispered to Chief Chu. Sen Feng knew that He Lan didn’t have any grudge against dark elves. Chief Chu leaned in close to Sen Feng’s ear.

“She’s the daughter of Du Chou.” Chief Chu said very quietly. Sen Feng gasped and looked back at the girl. ‘Yo Mei.’ He thought as he looked at Yu Lin. Sen Feng couldn’t even tell that the little girl was half troll. The only thing that he noticed was her red crimson eyes that she got from Chou, but other than that she looked completely like a dark elf.

Yu Lin was not paying attention to either Chief Chu or Sen Feng. Her eyes were fixed on Ju Hua. She had so many questions to ask Ju Hua, so many thing she wanted to say, yet she knew she couldn’t. If She tried to do anything then people would’ve called her a crazy child. Since Yu Lin’s attention was focused only on Ju Hua, she didn’t notice Chief Chu who was standing in front of her.

“Yu Lin.” Chief Chu’s voice snapped her out of it.

“Huh?” She asked surprised. She turned her focus back to Chief Chu.

“Are you hurt?”

“No. I am fine.” Chief Chu sighed in relief. If Yu Lin did get hurt then he did not know how he was going to face the Du family again. Chief Chu bent down so he was eye level with Yu Lin.

“Yu Lin. I apologize for my grandson’s actions. I hope you can forgive him, after all you didn’t get hurt.” Chief Chu said. Yu Lin shook her head.

“You have nothing to apologize to me for. The person who needs to apologize is He Lan.” Yu Lin coldly said. Chief Chu raised his eyebrows. He thought that Yu Lin would’ve accepted his apology like any other normal child, but instead she brushed it off. Sen Feng clicked his tongue. Sen Feng didn’t understand why Yu Lin was being the way she was. In his eyes He Lan was the one that got hurt and Yu Lin was perfectly fine. He didn’t understand her and thought she was putting up an attitude. Sen Feng walked up to her with Ju Hua trailing behind.

“Oy little girl!” He waved his hand. “Since the Chief himself already apologize to you, just move on, it’s not like you got hurt.” Yu Lin raise her red eyes to look look at Sen Feng. and held out her hand, which had her robes hanging on it, out.

“He ripped my robes with his sword.” Yu Lin unfolded her robe so they could see the tear. Sen Feng observed it and then rolled his eyes.

“Just for this piece of robe you beat my nephew up like that?” Sen Feng was a bit ticked off. “Just forget about it.” Sen Feng yawned. He Lan stopped crying by now and was listening to them. ‘Uncle will help me.’ He thought as he watched them.

Although compared to the other brothers Sen Feng got in the least trouble, he wasn’t the wisest as he was too care free and didn’t liked troubles. Sen Feng also tended to be very biased on situations. Yu Lin scoffed. ‘Ju Hua chose this piece of trash who doesn’t even try to understand anything?’ She thought to herself. Sen Feng raised his eyebrows.

“What are you scoffing at?” He looked down at Yu Lin.

“I am scoffing at you sir.”

“What?!” Sen Feng’s anger rose. He did not like getting looked down by a little girl.


“Do you understand the whole situation here for you to be telling me to easily forgive your nephew?”

“What do you mean?”

“I am saying do you understand how it feels to have to spar against someone who wields an iron sword while you are wielding a gold bamboo stick?”

“What?!” Sen Feng’s jaw dropped. When he heard that He Lan used a real sword against Yu Lin, he thought that meant they were both using real swords to spar.

“Why? You thought this was a fair fight? If this was a fair fight then your nephew might have more internal injuries, in fact he wouldn’t be able to cry right now.” Yu Lin hissed. Sen Feng was speechless and felt ashamed. He closed his mouth and stopped talking. Sen Feng valued sportsmanship so to know that He Lan did this shocked him greatly. ‘At least he is smart enough to know when to stop his argument.’ Yu Lin thought.

“Now now Yu Lin, I understand that you are angry but please don’t say that about Xiao Lan. Xiao Lan is a very behaved chil-”

“Chief Chu, if your grandson was a behaved child then he wouldn’t be swinging around a sword in front of a child three years younger than him!” Yu Lin said coldly. Chief Chu felt her cold tone sting him, but he could understand from where Yu Lin was coming from. He Lan from behind them gaped when he heard what Yu Lin said. He thought that because Yu Lin was around the same height as him that they were the same age. If he knew that Yu Lin was only three, he would’ve never tried to spar against her. He knew that the kids of Glorious Forest started to train in martial arts at age five, and could begin sparring at age six. This was because the chi center was developed to a point where it could be used in combat.When each child reach the age of 10, theywould take a test to see if they could go to and advanced school outside of Glorious Forest.

“Xiao Lan.” Chief Chu’s voice carried a hint of hopelessness as he stood up and rubbed his temples. He Lan staggered over to his grandpa.

“Yes grandpa.”

“Apologize to Yu Lin.” Chief Chu said. “After you are done apologizing then go with Zhen Jiao to see the household doctor, afterwards you can come see me for 20 whips on the calfs.” He Lan looked shocked. In his whole life his grandpa hadn’t given him a punishment before, however He Lan knew he couldn’t say anything. He Lan knew he did wrong in sparring with someone who hasn’t reached the age of five.

“Yes grandpa.” He Lan walked in front of Yu Lin and bowed. “I’m sorry for tearing up your robe. Please forgive me for being rude to a guest like you.” He Lan felt bitter inside. Yu Lin’s lips slightly curved up. ‘This brat. I didn’t expect for him to apologize so easily. What happened to him?’ Yu Lin felt that He Lan was very similar to the emperor of Sky Continent. In her previous life she was set to mentor the emperor when he was still a crown prince. She got full authority from the current emperor to shape him into a good leader using whatever methods she had to.

“No!” A high pitch scream from Mei Rong came out. Mei Rong came running up to He Lan. “You can’t give 20 whips to Lan Lan grandpa Chu!” Mei Rong wept. “Lan Lan already is hurt! If you whip him then he might never be able to get up again!” Mei Rong pouted.

“That’s right!” Wu Pu said as he join them with Leng Zhuang tailing behind. “Grandpa Chu, He Lan is already hurt. You can’t punish him. What will you do if he can’t practice martial arts anymore?” Wu Pu argued.

“Kids you guys have to understand that He Lan did wrong. Even if he can’t get up for a while, he needs to learn how to treat others nicely.” Chief Chu tried reasoning with the kids. Mei Rong shook her head.

“If you are going to whip Lan Lan, then give Mei Rong half of Lan Lan’s whips!” She pleaded, tears in her lemon green eyes. Chief Chu sighed and shook his head.

“No. This is solely Xiao Lan’s fault. No matter what you guys say I won’t change my mind.” Chief Chu sternly said. Mei Rong was surprised. Usually Chief Chu was really lenient on kids, which was why he was their favorite, so Mei Rong couldn’t believe that he was really going to punish He Lan.

“No!” Mei Rong didn’t want to see He Lan get hurt. She ran to Yu Lin and grabbed Yu Lin’s hand. “Yu Lin please ask grandpa Chu not to hurt He Lan!” she cried. “Please Yu Lin!”

“Yu Lin I know that what He Lan did was wrong, but you hurt him already. Why don’t you just call that his punishment? Besides, he already apologized.” Leng Zhuang suggested. Yu Lin looked at them pleading her and sigh inwardly. Yu Lin also felt a bit guilty for slightly damaging He Lan internally. She was just trying to hurt him physically, but she never expected that her body would be so strong as to make He Lan go flying. Yu Lin also thought that this He Long must be very good to his friends, to have all of them back him up.

“I got it, so you can stop crying already!” She shook off Mei Rong’s hand. “Chief Chu, please do not give your grandson 20 whips because he is already hurt. I already accepted his apology.” Yu Lin bowed to Chief Chu.

“No. Yu Lin you could’ve got seriously hurt. I promised your parents to keep you safe. You got your robe teared by my grandson. How am I going to tell this to your mother? How could I face them again if you were to get hurt by my own grandson, and I did not do anything to teach him a lesson?” Chief Chu as a grandpa didn’t want to whip He Lan, but as a chief he knew what his duties were. Yu Lin raised her head to look Chief Chu in the eyes.

“Chief Chu, I can see your sincerity but I think that He Lan is too young to deserve 20 whips. How about I offer another solution?” Chief Chu raised his eyebrows. ‘This child is so strange. She feels so much older than her age, and she talks like she is older than He Lan.’ Chief Chu crossed his arms. Sen Feng was also curious as to what Yu Lin was going to say.

“What do you mean another solution?” Chief Chu’s asked slowly. Yu Lin slightly smiled.

“How about this?” Yu Lin started to tell Chief Chu her idea. When she was done Chief Chu, and Sen Feng started to burst out laughing.

“What a brilliant idea Yu Lin! I would’ve never thought of that myself. Good! Xiao Lan you heard what your punishment is!” Chief Chu happily said. Wu Pu and Leng Zhuang jaws dropped, while Mei Rong giggled. He Lan stood there with his face flushed red.

“Grandpa! How can you agree to this kind of punishment?! Please just give me the 20 whips grandpa!” He Lan begged.

“Why are you being like this Xiao Lan? This is a better punishment compared to 20 whips to your calfs!” Sen Feng exclaimed while still laughing. He Lan was speechless. If even his uncle liked this idea then he could not refuse the punishment. Yu Lin grinned while she handed her robe to He Lan.

“Take good care of it He Lan.” She smiled. He Lan was angry but he couldn’t do anything about it. He took the robe and bowed his head.

“I, Chu He Lan, thank you for not giving me a harsh punishment. I will accept this punishment.” He Lan said as he took the robe. He Lan was angry but he couldn’t do anything about it. ‘Just you watch Du Yu Lin. You might’ve humiliated me today, but I will get you back for this.’ He gave Yu Lin a slight bow and then walked away.

“Wait for me Lan Lan!” Mei Rong ran after him with Leng Zhuang and Wu Pu trailing behind.

Ju Hua silently giggled to herself watching the scene. She knew of only one other person who has ever done this. The smile slowly disappeared from her face though and her eyes looked like they were deep in thought. She shook her head and gently smiled. She approached and bent down so she was at Yu Lin’s eye level.

“May I ask what your name is?” She smiled and brushed Yu Lin’s white hair. Yu Lin gave her a smile back. ‘Of course she is still the same old Ju Hua. Still caring and friendly towards kids.’

“This girl’s name is Du Yu Lin. May I ask what this pretty lady’s name is?”

“Of course you may. This lady’s name is Li Ju Hua. Nice to meet you Yu Lin.” Ju Hua patted Yu Lin’s head gently. Chief Chu and Sen Feng seeing this scene were both touched. They both felt that Ju Hua would be a very good mother. Yu Lin raised her eyebrows.

“Li Ju Hua? Are you not the wife of that idiot over there?” Yu Lin pointed at Sen Feng.

“Hey!” Sen Feng yelled. Both Chief Chu and Ju Hua bursted out laughing.

“Not yet, but we will be married soon.” Ju Hua replied.

“Are you going to be okay pretty lady? You seem smart, why did you decide to get married to that idiot?”

“I’m not a idiot!” Sen Feng shouted his face red.

“If you are not an idiot then what are you? A smart genius? Tch, who are you trying to trick? I may only be three years old but I can see that you are nothing but an idiot.”

“Hahaha! You are a really smart child Yu Lin. This child may be the eldest but he is most definitely not the smartest.” Chief Chu was laughing so hard he was holding onto his stomach. Yu Lin only said this much because she still valued her relationship with Ju Hua from her previous life. Yu Lin knew that Sen Feng was definitely not the type of man that Ju Hua liked so she couldn’t understand why Ju Hua would choose him as a husband.

“Father! How could you say that about your own son?” Sen Feng cried. Ju Hua giggled.

“He may seem like that but he is surprisingly reliable.”

“Honey! What do you by surprisingly reliable?!”

“I am only speaking the truth honey.” Ju Hua shrugged her shoulders. Sen Feng sighed before shaking his head. ‘What do I do? Why didn’t I just stay quiet earlier? I am just an idiot to get humiliated by a three year old girl!’ Sen Feng yelled at himself inwardly. Seeing them bicker Yu Lin felt warm inside. Although she knew that Sen Feng wasn’t the type of man that Ju Hua liked in the past, she knew that people can change overtime.

“If pretty lady says so. I wish you and that idiot over there a long marriage.” Yu Lin bowed her head. Ju Hua smiled while Sen Feng kept shaking his head.

“Thank you.”

“But, can I ask you a question pretty lady?” Yu Lin raised her head. Ju Hua raised her eyebrows but then nodded her head.

“Sure. What is it?”

“Where are you from? Your dress doesn’t look like the dresses the villagers here wear.” Yu Lin gently brushed her fingers on Ju Hua’s shoulder. The silk was soft under her touch. Yu Lin knew that Sky Continent made the best silk in all of the continents. Chief Chu was impressed at Yu Lin’s observation skills. ‘Looks like I will have to treat her well.’ He thought. Ju Hua was also surprised but it didn’t show on her face. ‘What a smart child.’ She thought.

“I am from the Sky Continent. Have you ever heard of it?”

“Yes. I heard that Sky Continent had the most beautiful buildings compared to any other continents.” Yu Lin replied. Chief Chu frowned. He never heard of Yo Mei or Chou going to the Sky Continent before.

“That’s right. You are very knowledgeable at such a young age. Who taught you all of this?”

“My… my mother and father frequently talks about other continents.” Yu Lin hurriedly answered.

“Your parents must be very knowledgeable.”

“Of course. Hearing the sky continent I want to visit it myself in the future.” Yu Lin declared. Ju Hua widened her eyes and then looked down. She had a sad expression on her face.

“I am afraid that you might never be able to visit Sky Continent.” Ju Hua gave Yu Lin a weak smile. Yu Lin frowned.

“What do you mean pretty lady?”

“I mean…” Ju Hua paused looking down.

“What she means is that you are still a brat and probably will never leave this village.” Sen Feng blurted out. Ju Hua looked at her husband and she gave him a thankful smile.

“What? If an idiot like you can go into Sky Continent then I can too. I am surprised that they even let such an idiot into their continent. If it was me I would be too afraid that your idiocy will spread and keep you out!” Yu Lin jeered.

“You little brat. If you were just a bit older I would’ve beat you until you couldn’t walk anymore.”

“You idiot. If I was a bit older than you wouldn’t even be able to touch me!” Yu Lin shouted back. Chief Chu and Ju Hua laughed at the situation.

“Now now, calm down you two. It’s already lunch time so let’s go eat.” Chief Chu said. Ju Hua smiled and stood back up.

“Grandpa are you sure that if we eat together I won’t catch his idiodicy?” Yu Lin innocently said.

“Hahaha! Don’t worry Yu Lin. Grandpa will protect you.” Chief Chu reassuringly said. He was glad Yu Lin referred to him as grandpa again. Sen Feng gasp and then let out a hopeless laugh containing no hint of happiness.

After lunch Chief Chu was ready to send Yu Lin back. He gave Yu Lin another robe to wear even she refused, and then packed some cookies to send with her home. He also helped tuck Yu Lin’s hair in another cap and he gave ordered one of the maids to give the ripped one to He Lan.

“I don’t need all this grandpa.” She said. Chief Chu shook his head.

“Take it. I know that my grandson already apologized but I am also sorry for his behavior.” He said.

“That is your grandson’s fault. You do not need to apologize to him besides… you already saved me from death today.” Yu Lin said the last part quietly. Chief Chu could feel the energy stone in his sleeve.

“It’s okay. Your parents has done so much for my village. What I done earlier to save you they had done over a thousand times for my village.” Chief Chu patted Yu Lin’s head. Yu Lin paused, and then nodded as she understood. “Now shall we go back to your home?”

“Wait grandpa. May I say bye to the pretty lady?” Yu Lin wasn’t ready to part with Ju Hua just yet. She had so many questions about what Ju Hua said about Sky Continent however she knew the time wasn’t right yet. Chief Chu raised his eyebrows, but understood that Yu Lin might’ve grown an attachment with Ju Hua.

“Sure, but make it quick. I don’t want to bring you home to late.”

“Yes grandpa.” Yu Lin ran to Ju Hua.

Ju Hua was helping the maids clean up the table when she saw Yu Lin running back up to her. Ju Hua smiled. For some reason she felt very comforted by the little girl’s presence for the little girl reminded her of someone she cherished a lot.

“Pretty lady!” Yu Lin stopped in front of Ju Hua.

“Yes little girl?”

“I have to go back home now, but I wanted to say goodbye to you first.” Yu Lin bowed her head. Ju Hua let out a giggle.

“Why did you want to say goodbye to me?”

“I feel that pretty lady is a very intelligent person who has traveled the world. When I grow up I also want to travel the world. Is it okay if I come back to ask pretty lady questions regarding the world?” Ju Hua was surprised when Yu Lin said this. ‘What a wise child.’ She thought and nodded her head.

“Of course. If you have any questions I will be right here. You can stop calling me pretty lady too. Just refer to me as aunt Ju Hua from now on.” Ju Hua replied with a smile.

“Thank you pr- aunt Ju Hua.” Yu Lin smiled. She gave Ju Hua another bow before running back to Chief Chu. Ju Hua giggled as she watched her.

Chief Chu set Yu Lin down and watched as Yo Mei came out of the house. Yo Mei eyes widen when she saw Yu Lin however she still kept on a calm expression.

“Thank you for bringing Yu Lin back Chief Chu. I hope she didn’t cause too much trouble.” Yo Mei gave him a bow. Chief Chu waved his hand.

“No no. It was a fun day. If possible, could Yu Lin come over more often in the future?” Chief Chu smiled. Yo Mei looked at him speechless before nodding her head.

“Of course. I hope that you will continue to look after my daughter.” Yo Mei gave him another bow. Chief Chu let out a laugh.

“Of course. Anyways I have to head back now. I wish you a good evening Mrs. Du.” Chief Chu then took off as Yu Lin and Yo Mei watched him leap his way back. Yo Mei took Yu Lin inside the house. Chou was out helping some villagers build a new home so it was only Yo Mei and Yu Lin home.

Yu Lin wasn’t really paying attention to what Chief Chu and Yo Mei were talking about. She was still deep in thought at how Sky Continent changed for Ju Hua to say that she might never be able to visit the Sky Continent. She had a lot of questions but she decided that they could wait.

“Yu Lin did you hear what I say?” Yu Lin looked up at her mom.

“Huh? I’m sorry mama, please tell me again.” Yu Lin said. Yo Mei frowned.

“I said, what happened to your clothes. Why did you come home looking like this?” Yu Lin suddenly thought of He Lan’s face and she let out a laugh. Yo Mei was startled as she never heard her daughter laugh so loud before.

“Don’t worry mama. Chief Chu’s grandson wanted some examples and he found your work to be very detailed. He begged for me to leave it for him to look at so I left it for him. I hope you don’t mind mama.” Yu Lin couldn’t stop laughing. Yo Mei was shocked.

“What? I thought Chief Chu’s grandson was training to become a martial artists, not a bride.” Yo Mei exclaimed. Yu Lin just stood there laughing her butt off.

He Lan was in his room moving the needle in and out of the piece of cloth.

“Ah!” He screamed each time the needle pricked his fingers. He felt like giving up but he couldn’t. All the servant girls were trying hard not to laugh at the sight of the six year old. Usually only females would do embroidery on a handkerchief to give to their loved ones while they were preparing to be a bride.. Some males would also do it, but only if those males were in the textiling business. They all laughed inside looking at the sight of their young master, and imagining him sowing as a young adult. He Lan could feel the stares and his face flushed red. ‘That little… I will make you pay for humiliating me like this Du Yu Lin!’

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