《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Update: Late chapter


hey guys, I haven't finsihed the chapter, I wanted to finish it this morning but tomorrow is a big day for my family business, so I probably won't have time to finish it today or tomrrow. sorry guys, I'll try to finish it today but It will proabably be uploaded much later.

in other news, I want to separate the story into arcs and stuff. I won't make a new thread for that though. all of it is gonna be here, but when I feel the end of a book is around, I'm going to write at the bottom


and then I'll post an update chapter about the name of the next book, so to speak. This way, I can seperate the story a bit more and can make large time skips without having to right, 10 years later. haha. if I had to say, I think what I've written so far can be seperated into 2 books. Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia and the book we would be in right now, Kingdom Of Monsters: Rise Of The Demon King

there are a bunch of stuff I want to improve and change with the earlier chapters to make this story more coherent, but for now I really just want to write, and think about the rest later.

funnily enough, I was insipired to write because of a joke I heard about a long running series. "even a bad story can become good if they write it long enough."

of course, I don't want my story to be bad, but as long as I keep writing, I'll have strokes of genius and then rework the earlier chapters to fit that end. again, please consider this story as a rough draft. Please contiue to read my story, and thank you.

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