《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Chapter 85: Breaking The Curse


Chapter 85: Breaking The Curse

The following day after the Meeting of Gods, Scitus and Sia got to work on a special project for the kingdom. Scitus had asked for Hera's help but she was obliged to do something far more important that day and would likely be gone for some time to help her brother. A few months ago, Hera would have been worried for her father but he now had the help of Eveline, who had taken a keen interest or rather dependency on Scitus, and Sia, who had become more friendly over time.

Scitus entered Sia’s cabin which was larger than that of the others, its architecture was not of particular note, but once inside it was decorated with books and shelves, an ordinary bed, a few candles and a small cabinet with her personal effects which she kept under magical lock and key.

"you called me here, Sia?" Scitus asked a bit confused as the two ordinarily met on the practice field. Sia's shoulders tensed as if she were uncomfortable but after another moment she turned around. The two glared at each other but neither was angry. "I need your help with something." She softly said Scitus nodded suspiciously, "what do you need help with." Sia tried to smile but it came out awkward and false, "this!!" she said with some force and excitement as she revealed a small vile of purple liquid. Scitus slightly cocked his head to one side and asked, "what is that?"

Sia finally genuinely smiled with a look of pride. "it's a cure," Sia quickly placed the vial on the counter as if afraid to touch it. "a cure for what?" Scitus asked. Sia's head whipped towards Scitus with a vicious glare, she was excited and scared all at once. "This place is called the oasis, and it serves that purpose well, even for me. I'm sure you've heard the stories by now. I use to help Onias and I did it with pride, but it was all a lie. I discovered the truth an as punishment or rather as a consequence, he placed a curse on me." Scitus took a step back as Sia moved menacingly closer. "what kind of curse?" Scitus asked, "a curse of obedience." Sia tugged on her shirt collar and pulled it down revealing a small black rose, which appeared to be tattooed onto her. Sia sighed and returned to the vile, "fortunately, Onias is still wary of entering this place and fortunately, I escaped at a time when he couldn't simply capture me himself. But I can't count on that forever, so I've searched this oasis, for a cure, and a cure I did find. Shortly before I met you, I found a scroll that revealed to me that there exists a spell that can break any curse. When I finished learning how to do it, I felt downtrodden." Sia turned to Scitus as she grabbed hold of the vial. She giggled out of fear and anxiety but it did not show on her face. "I thought, it would be impossible to ever do it, but then I met you. With your knowledge and just recently you reminded me of a most important concept." Scitus raised a brow. "soul magic!!!" she exclaimed. "this spell is not just of the mind but of the soul, that's why I'm a bit tense, honestly, even though I've finally completed it, I'm still afraid to try it."


"Why are you so scared, is it because its soul magic?" Scitus asked a bit concerned for his friend. Sia shook her head. "the soul magic is the least frightening part of this potion. I may be a bit presumptuous in saying so, but if this potion could affect one of the Dequs(true gods), then let's just say, it would make it possible to kill them." Scitus's eyes widened, he was about to grab hold of the potion an take it away from her, "We'll find a different away, you don't need to risk your life." Sia whipped her hand away with the whip and smiled again, a pure gently smile as if happy she was with a friend in her darkest hour. "perfect, Scitus. perfect." Scitus cocked his head again, "you haven't taken the potion already have you?" Sia shook her head. "but thank you, I know have full confidence that I can trust you." She said as she took a small sip of the potion. Strange symbols appeared from Sia's horns which then entered her mind and her heart and then spread throughout her body. She clenched her eyes shut, "stay where you are Scitus." she said as she slowly moved closer, finally opening her eyes to greet Scitus. Her eyes had become a pitch-black void of darkness, a sight he only remembered seeing when she became angry. She put her warm palms against Scitus's cheeks and stared deep into his soul and inadvertently so did he, though he couldn't understand the depths of the soul and gained nothing from it. Sia's hands pressed tighter on his cheeks before she suddenly released him with a curse, "DAMM IT!!!" she said falling face-first onto her bed.

"What happened, did it work?" Scitus asked with some concern. "kind of, I think, I may need to drink more of it, but if I drink too much it will make be stupid. I can already feel some stupidity flowing through me." Scitus wondered if one could actually feel stupidity flow through them.

“Go, I’ll catch of later. I need to calculate the right dosage or this won’t end well of either of us.”

Scitus left with more questions than answers but obliged Sia and left to the training grounds. The project Sia and Scitus had been working on, with some duergar help, was the creation of a War Games simulation ground. The entire space was 100, by 100 meters, Furthermore, with the aid of fairies, Sia was able to construct a shrinking spell field. All who entered would shrink to ¼ of their size, the grass was cut and insects or any creatures that may pose a threat to miniaturized people were forcibly removed from the training field. Sia also made sure the grass wouldn't die from the loss of its echo system.


He was greeted by Hera who was a very weak duplicate of herself, "father." She said with a bow. "I've already gathered the necessary participants and if I may recommend Seresa to be one of the advisors." Scitus nodded and with a smile, Hera left to fetch Seresa. The whole purpose of the training field was for the leaders of their respective cores to be trained in the art of war. Each core leader would be charged with leading not only their entire force but also lead mechanical constructs with predetermined power ratings very easily visible on their backs. Their powers ranged for 1-100 and they charged in groups of 100 but cut be separated and regrouped, however doing so would change the numbers on their back to represent the total power of the group. Some individual constructs were stronger than others but it was up to the leaders to discover this on their own. Each leader would be provided and advisor, however since only 4 advisors were available, Hera, Seresa, Eveline, and Sia, only four people would participate in the wargames at one time, including Scitus, who's first advisor would be Sia.

The leaders gathered before Scitus, as their subordinates headed to their respective battlefields: Thomas, of the Shield knights, William of the Royal Knights, Robin of the Assassin knights, Juliet, of the Moon knights, Cecilia, of the Star Knights, and lastly, the most recent addition, Meralith, of the Ash knights.

Each force, with the exception of the Ash knights, had approximately 500 soldiers, there were another 1,500 citizens wanting to join the army, which would create total force of 4,000, however of this large force, only a few hundred were effective in war and after that, Scitus also had to be careful of growing his army to fast, otherwise, he would lose skilled farmers and workers. Scitus planned to train the willing general populace which would act only during attacks on their homes. This would allow Scitus to use a huge portion of the city as a fighting force during emergencies.

Scitus talked to the core leaders of what they would be doing that day, the leaders were serious and excitement bubbled inside them as they would get to display their prowess to their god and each other.

Sia arrived sometime during the conversation. She walked strangely towards the group Scitus, she completely ignored the ten people standing in front of Scitus with a smile stood beside Scitus. “did it work?” he asked, “I think it did.” She said with a mischievous smile.

Scitus would not understand what Sia had done to herself until much later but he would see the effects of it in the days following.

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