《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Update: Some Drawings


I draw the same way I write, I kind let things happen. this here was orginally a picuter of a fierce person, I was drawing to draw Sia to be honest but I don't think this is her, truth be told this looks a bit like Selene or Kaya to me, but I'm leaning towards Selene.

on to the next image.

This here is meant to be Scitus, I draw him a bit bigger later but I don't think it fits him as well as this one. scitus looks a bit aloof and angry but he is not actually angry, its more of his neutral expresion.

on the next one

this here was another attempt at sia and I got closer to what I believe her to be and to be. her angered expersion is simlar to Scitus and like Scitus, her angry expersion doesn't nessarily mean she is angry. the problem with this image here is that I don't think I drew the chaos of her hair as well or as ellegantly I believe her hair to be, unlike Scitus who has unruly hair, Sia has wild hair but there is an ellegence to it and I don't think I got the face quite right either. I think I made her head a bit to round, I'll be expertmenting with some head shapes.


This here was my attempt at drawing Terra but I think I made her appearence a bit to young and her expersion is a bit more Arogant rather then confident which was what I was going for. as you can here, Terra has wavy hair that natrually curls slightly but not to strongly. I also didn't draw her horns here since I didn't want to mess up what I was able to make, since horns are very hard to draw, especially Terra's horns which are meant to be a bit gazzelle like. though I think this drawing here would probably look good with gazzele horns. anyways, if this is terra, it would be her at fifteen or so.


on to the last image which is scitus again but bigger which means harder to draw because I need to draw more details.

the first thing you'll notice is the higher resolution, this is because I drew it bigger as if I've previously stated. here I think I may have drown his skull a bit to round and I wasn't able to get his hair just right like with the first image. his eyes are still sharp and I think I may have gotten his lips right even though I think they may be a bit to feminine. Its possible dre his eyes a bit higher than I should have, causing him to have more narrow face, it still works but he lost of bit that anger because of it, I think at least.

Well, I hope you liked this gallery, I may do this again instead of writing a chapter, since this writers block is a bit strong but I won't do it a third week, even if its not the best chaper, I will write one which I may rewrite at a later date but the worst part of writers block is not writing, the moment you start writing it may break the writers block, which Is what I'll do if it doesn't fade this week, thank you.

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