《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Chapter 78: Among Gods


Chapter 78: Among Gods

Rea furiously turned to Scitus, “you didn’t have to involve her!!!” he angrily shouted. “she involved herself, and why the hell are you angry. I’m the one who should be angry.” The two gods spoke in a foreign language one which Sia had come to understand. “English?” she thought.

Rea slowed his breathing all the while staring intensely at his foe who calmly watched his every move. The two silently flew high into the sky and then they vanished into the bright sky. The dumbfounded faces of everyone present lasted for several seconds but as the shock died, their battle commenced again. Sia was slowly overtaking Michelle who dangerously touched Sia’s reverse scale. Hera’s machine which seemed to be causing massive tremors and opening holes into the earth itself terrified everyone present and then there was Eveline who happily drank the blood off the dead and injured as her enemy slowly tried to discover her weakness.

High above even the stratosphere and just beyond the orbit of the massive plant were those two figures who had decided to battle in a place where there would be no casualties. “I heard you were a good person by the fairies, I’d rather not do this.” Rea somberly said as he clenched his fists. “just as you are doing this for a chance to protect your people, I’m doing just the same.” Scitus’s hands grew hot as a fire began to spread from his fingertips all the way to his elbow.

scitus’s eyes flickered for a moment as his mind briefly shifted to a distant location. Rea was a military man and would not waste this momentary distraction, his fist turned into a powerful metal foreign to that world and using his immense speed, he punched Scitus square in the jaw, tearing his jaw clean apart and sending Scitus several miles into the distance. "Teleport" Rea muttered under his breath and in the next moment he found himself behind Scitus, Rea lifted his steeled leg and kicked Scitus, with an audible crack Scitus bent backward to an unnatural degree.


Rea looked on with some terror as Scitus, who still breathed, used his broken back to grabbled Rea’s leg, with a weight of a 100 suns, and threw him downwards with all his might. “what kind of strength!!!” Rea internally shouted as he desperately tried to stop his descent.

Using the few seconds Scitus bought for himself, he healed his body back into prime condition. “do you think you’re the only who’s endured maddening physical pain..” Scitus muttered to himself as he flew downwards to meet with Rea who by that point prepared his arms to guard against any possible attack Scitus might make.

"scorch." His left arm blistered as the heat grew in intensity and the once soft and gently glow grew bright and blinding, before Rea could muster a greater defensive technique, it was already too late. A blinding red stream of fire covered his entire body, burning everything in its path. Rea screamed in agony as he desperately tried to keep his body from disintegrating. Rea, hidden by the fire, reached into his chest and dug deep into where his heart should have been and pulled out a bright red stone. The furious fire violently rotated into a vortex of flame that then was sucked by the small red stone. All the fire, seemingly no matter how far away it was, was sucked up by the red stone.

"what are you trying to do!!!" Rea screamed with a deep meaning which only Scitus would understand at that moment. "I have more than just you as my enemy. Don't worry it's not the godless I aimed for." The two floated into a level position as Rea spoke, "you were part of the strategy division were you?" Scitus smiled, "I was a free man." Rea's widened with some shock, free men were rare, very rare. “or so I thought, but that turned out to be a lie too, none of us were free we just served different roles.”

"I was a soldier for 5 years." now it was time for Scitus to be surprised, 5 years would appear to be a short period but that was not the case in his world were deaths were in the millions per year. "that's a long time." Scitus said with a somber tone, "I was apparently too good to let go and recently they finally released me after some other project they were working on finally started to beat fruit." Scitus’s eyes widened, he had some idea of what the fruit was for he had designed it. though in some ways, his greatest creation had been brought with him to this world in the form of Hera and Thoth, “no, those too are superior to anything I could have created in my lifetime.” He added to his circling thoughts.


"Rea, why don't we work together. I can help you reclaim your country and you help me with the nuisances in my backside." Rea laughed as if the proposition was the most ridiculous thing he's heard in his life. "I can't do that. one your working the red witch and if I help you, I'll lose the support of the heavenly celestials. Two, your entire kingdom is comprised of monsters and although I'm curious to their nature, the same cannot be said for everyone else. The world believes them to be hideous abominations, created by the evil gods to destroy mortals." Scitus smiled. "and you don't already believe this to be so." Such a childlike curiosity beckoned and answer and so Rea did. "we were once of the same world, I'm sure you understand that nothing can ever be taken at face value, I'm sure that's why you allied yourself with the red witch in the first place, rumors should be listened to, but reality speaks for itself."

"You think too highly of me, unlike you who was briefed and initiated by the world, I was thrown in alone with only thirty goblins to start my journey." The two smiled and then sighed as they prepared to battle again. "when I win, I promise you, I won't let the godless hurt your people." Rea said in a compassionate tone. Scitus smiled, truly smiled but behind this smile were eyes of steeled determination, the likes of which nothing could destroy. "you have it wrong, Rea. Everyone has already hurt them, I'm here to make sure that no one can do it again."

Scitus’s right arm turned to ice as he lunged forward with a powerful icicle which could certainly tear through even the largest of mountains but Rea had far to much combat experience and easily moved out of the way and punched Scitus in the stomach, turning his innards in ways they were not meant to turn. Scitus spit blood, which landed in Rea's eyes, as he descended into the planet. Rea wiped the blood off his face and chased after Scitus who now was fleeing. "what are you planning!!!" Rea contemplated as he cautiously chased after him. Rea understood fighters like Scitus, they were always looking for an opening and when none was present, they would make one. Scitus stopped and then turned, "sorry that my strongest spells are fire." He said as a sea of fire suddenly encompassed all of Rea's vision. For a mile in every direction, a fire burned and down on the ground the fighters could see the spectacular fire show, that day several other regions saw it and with terror, they grimaced at the thought of what type of creature could create such a massive fire.

"What!!!" Scitus screamed as he felt something absolutely horrible. Fury boiled and even escaped into reality as the atmosphere around him burned. Rea quickly escaped the fire and landed a clean punch into Scitus’s stomach but without even flinching Scitus grabbed hold of Rea’s neck, crushing his windpipe, and tossing him downwards onto his enemies position.


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