《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Chapter 77: La Guardia's Elites


Chapter 77: La Guardia's Elites

While an unknown danger approached the Monster army, Scitus was dealing with a war all his own. His enemies were The Godless which he had initially believed would be easily dealt with. His force consisted of Sia, Hera, Eveline, and himself, the most powerful force he could muster against them. however, he had not anticipated the arrival of a foreign god who with a calm and firm gaze blocked Scitus. Even Sia, his most powerful ally was prevented from entering combat, or rather she was forced into a stalemate with an enemy of her own.

"your stronger than I thought you would be." Sia said with a fiery grimace that beckoned obedience. Her enemy, contrary to her was calm. Her fair snow-white skin was Luminant with a holy radiance that bequeathed serenity to those near her. To Sia, it was but a mere irritating parlor trick of her opponent's bloodline. "Enchanting eyes, enchanting skin and enchanting voice and yet somehow still deemed the righteous and pious of the celestials" Sia thought In a furious rage, "They are no different than I so why must it be me who suffers this discrimination!!!" she shouted in her mind from the depths of her soul as she summoned several balls of fire that formed a vertical ring around her. Jealousy compelled her, history compelled her, her blood compelled her to fight.

"You are much weaker than I anticipated." Said she with a honey sweet voice as she summoned a shield made of pure light and blocked the first third of the incoming fireballs, she slashed the next third apart and resisted the final third with her own body; her momentum during this she did not relent and her blade sliced the air, forming audible e air current, quickly approaching Sia's neck.

"fire dome!!!" Sia shouted just before the blade reached her and at her word a fiery shield formed around her, burning anything and everything it touched. The Aasimar's sword melted and was no more. "you may be stronger than I anticipated, but you are still leagues behind me, girl. If you want to kill me, you'll need a royal enforcer." The Aasimar shuddered at the thought but, "your bluffing!!!" to the Aasimar, it was impossible to grow so strong without the guidance of their celestial people. "you may be Alma's daughter!!! But you can't possibly be that strong!!!" the Aasimar rebutted and just as quickly as her words were uttered, the temperature grew hotter and hotter still. "I have no mother," Sia said in a low demonic echo almost befitting her bloodline. The Aasimar winced and readied her holy shield.

"you people brought quite the number to deal with a man who has not attacked you and has in fact, aided you." Hera said, her chin turned upward, and her eyes turned toward as if gazing at insects. The man leading the troop that stood in her way was Sivan, the blood mage who with his blood-red eyes peered into Hera's soul and looked upon it with curiosity. "You're not human? You have no blood, no organs, no beating pulse? What are you that I cannot even sense an ounce of magical energy aside from that of your soul and that which you intentionally release?" Hera smiled at the curious mage as her eyes analyzed him down to the smallest strand of hair. "I am Hera the Daughter of Scitus and am what you people would call a homunculus but do not confuse me with them for I do not bring the terror of resilience of magical power, I bring forth the knowledge gifted to me and the cunning to use it." Hera suddenly summoned a large machine from apparently nowhere, but the mage couldn't sense an ounce of magic and when he peered into the machine's design, he could feel traces of her soul lingering in the foreign device.


"Prepare to feel the terror of helplessness." Sivan's eyes shrank and he quickly ordered his troop to counterattack. The soldiers' swords pierced and sliced but no matter what they did, the attacks would go through her as if she were a phantom. "I SEEE!!!" the Blood mage suddenly realized. "you are made up of tiny particles which can be moved at your will." Hera raised her brow with some surprise. "and how did you come to that conclusion." She half-heartedly said as she transformed her lower torso into the spinning blade which then dismembered any solider that dared approached her. Hands were lost, legs were lost, these limps flew high into the air where they were disintegrated by the red hot atmosphere that began to suffocate the soldiers and set the trees aflame. These inured soldiers clutched their bleedings limbs but before they could even kneel in surrender, Sivan repaired their limbs using the blood of some of the fallen soldiers strewn about. "that damn vampire is making this much more difficult for me." He said as he looked at the vampire who in her ravenous hunger consumed soldiers left and right in a bloody massacre.

Just as Eveline was biting into another victim, a blade stopped her, tearing her jaw apart and nearly splitting her head clean open. This left the gruesome sight of a half attached jaw and tongue that reached down to her chest which she eerily still had the utmost control over, going so far as to lick the dots of blood on her face and clothing. Eveline was a terror to fight for it was not simply the grizzly way in which she ate her prey, sometimes tearing into their flesh with her bare hands, but in the way in which she ignored any and all damage down to her, even using it as a way to instill fear in her opponents. If her opponents had not been The Godless who have all experienced terrible days, they would have soiled themselves and ran far away from the battlefield.

“I’ve killed vampire’s before, what the hell are you.” Emirit said with a shocked and disgusted voice. “SHISHIHAHAHAHA!!!” a maniacal laugh was the response as she tore out a poor saps heart and ate it causing the white blouse underneath her black dress to be stain with a deep crimson. “The others called me the cursed tyrant.” Emirit’s eyes shrank and his blood grew cold, he knew of this breed of vampire. “it was said that only 1 would appear every thousand years.” he had heard the word cursed tyrant be used before and he thought it only to be a myth among the vampires but now in front of him was a vampire that claimed to be just that. if so, it would be many times harder to end her life. “as long as there is an ounce of blood left, she can recreate herself, what a terrible power.”

Eveline's eyes suddenly regained clarity as she noticed the sudden change in air and demeanor from her opponent. "do you know what a cursed tyrant is." She said in a cold voice as blood spilled down her lips. "and what if I do." Emirit responded readying his blade and casting a holy power upon it. "Because I'd like to know." Her voice quivered in a blood-curdling way, one which brought about thoughts of a relentless vengeance. A vengeance that would pay any price and reach any lengths to hear to the pained cries of its victims. Emirit responded with a sudden shift of his blade which entered through her forearm and existed just beside her elbow. By this point, her jaw and face had already fully healed and now she had a new injury to deal with. However, "hmm?" the new injury was healing at a visibly slower rate. "I know your kinds weaknesses; I've studied them for decades." Eveline smiled for a moment and then with a surge of blood which she stole from nearby victims, she instantly healed herself. "holy attacks may work on other vampires very well but, I didn't choose to be a vampire, nor was I born one." Emirit's heart faltered for a movement. "yes" he thought, "an aspect of the cursed tyrant is that they were made into a vampire by a loved one who wished her back at any cost." Emirit blocked Eveline's claw attack with his shield and tore off another arm and then her left leg. Eveline fell to the floor and Emirit prepared another attack, but he faltered and curiously asked. "who was it?" Eveline smiled but not at Emirit but rather for a far and distant memory. "it was my father who had not only lost his wife, his mother, and father and finally even me his only daughter. He refused the gods and performed a dark ritual to bring me back at the cost of half his life." Emirit shuddered as he attempted to attack again but was met with a powerful kick to his groin region which forced him to kneel.


As he knelt there he remembered those words his teacher once told him. "of the cursed, the ones you should fear most are the ones who didn't choose to be vampires and of those the most dangerous are those who were brought back by a sorrowful heart." "why, teacher?" He remembered responding, "because Fera is merciful and gifts those vampires protection from holy power and demonic influence."

Eveline was now fully healed and her claws were ready to take Emirits head when suddenly the earth began to shake and split apart as if Fera herself was sending down her judgment upon them. the earth shook with uncontrollable wrath that tore apart trees and stone alike. Those on the battlefield couldn't so much as muster a single step forward before tumbling back to the ground. Eveline turned the source of this disturbance where she found Hera smugly pummeling her opponents with sharp blades that protruded from her body and beside her was the machine that shook the earth itself, causing the world crumble apart around her. Then something even more shocking occurred as Sia and Michelle fell from the skies and hit the earth with a powerful thunderous roar, killing several godless along with them.

"shit!!!" Azias said from his side of the battlefield with a small force that was aiding Michelle in her fight against Sia. He had seen it, the moment in which the two gods attacked. The elder council should have realized, both gods had been forsaken by the others and therefore a fight amongst themselves wouldn't bring about the ire of the nearby gods who could care less for these two new gods.

"let's move this fight elsewhere, shall we?" Scitus suggested, which Rea readily agreed too.

"You mustn't lesson to him!!!" shouted Terrat as she cast some defensive spells in preparation for the coming battle. As she cast another spell, a beam of blue light shined from the heavens and struck her down. BOOM!!! A moment later the sound of a most frightening thunder echoed in everyone's ears and everyone felt numb as their hair seemed to gently float in the air from the lingering static. Hera protected herself from this attack more so than the others by creating a thin anti-static layer which her body was equipped with. Sivan noticed the shock in Hera's face and concluded that it must be her weakness and so she communicated to another of his peers, one more adept at using lighting. "Omab, come here, I think you can deal with her better than I and as long as the vampire is here I am in a weakened state."

Terrat, the one who faced the brunt of this attack, was burnt black and collapsed to the ground, she breathed but only barely. The few healing mages that were there quickly began to cast healing spells upon her, ignoring anyone else and these ignored warriors did not reproach their actions because Terrat was one of the seven pillars of The Godless, they couldn't afford to lose her.

“HEAL HER!!!” some fallen warrior shouted as they felt themselves breathe their last breath

Only fifteen minutes had passed since the beginning of the battle and the godless with an army 5000 strong, had already lost 200 and 1000 more were too injured to continue. But the numbers were still on their side. Sia had fallen and if Rea could defeat Scitus, it would be their victory.

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