《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Chapter 26: They Approach


Chapter 26: They Approach

It had been a week since Scitus began his preparations in the case of an attack. Though it had only been a day since the formation of the Shield knights, he was already having them train alongside The Spartan unit. He wanted them to be prepared for battle. To him, the possibility of there being someone above the Goblin King was high and that whoever that was, had already noticed the goblin kings death. This conclusion came shortly after Rey told him about the circumstances of his people, they were close to the kingdom and, if his fears reign true, will encroach on his territory soon.

While soldiers were being trained, he had the general population doing miscellaneous tasks such as tending to the farm, making traps, and beginning construction on a basic cottage. Everything was going as Scitus wished, but he soon found an enormous hole to his entire defense strategy. This hole came in the form of a woman, only a bit taller than he. She had fair skin and golden hair, but what caught his interest the most was her pointed ears. He had known that being a fantasy world meant that elves existed, but it still surprised him. Elves, after all, were one of the common sights in Fantasy.

“Hello young god.” Her voice was soft and yet Scitus could feel some pressure from her words, she knelt before Scitus and she remained in this position for longer than Sictus felt comfortable. This is when he realized she was waiting for his permission.

“You don’t have to kneel.” He spoke in English forgetting that the elf did not know the language, she was speaking the human language, which Scitus felt strange for an elf. “kneeling is unnecessary. ” The elf stood up and looked him in the eyes, her eyes glowed for a moment, Scitus wondered if it was his imagination but her eyes glowed brighter the longer she looked at him.

“What are you doing.” Robin, who had been watching ever since he saw her, ordered Teal to be prepared to attack and asked Thomas to stand beside Scitus to protect him. At this point all of the goblins nearby, thirty or so, stopped what they were doing and looked at the elf, they eyed her and watched her every movement to make sure that she would not try to do anything that would harm Scitus. the children at this time were shooed away by their parents, back into the encampment walls for their safety.


“Forgive me young god, but I simply wished to verify your Alignment. It seems I have nothing to worry about.” Alignment? Scitus asked himself, Does she mean moral alignment. “And what is my alignment?” he asked, curious as to how his alignment could possibly be verified.

"You have good intentions, this places you on the benevolent side of things. I am not entirely sure how the ability works myself, I just simply know that you are not a person who does things out of malicious intent."

So this ability doesn’t say if I’ve done terrible things but rather scans the mind for the intentions behind their actions.

“So if I killed a hundred people because I thought it was the right thing to do than I would still be benevolent?”

“My ability also senses mental instability. But please enough with that, I realize that you are a young god and do not know much of this but I would like to move onto the reason that I’m here.” Her attitude had changed from one of respect to one of demanding respect. Scitus felt she fit the stereotypical prideful elf perfectly. It seemed that she did not deem Scitus worthy of her respect.

Scitus nods and gestures for her to speak. "I would like you to permit my people to live in your territory. We do not wish to be your subjects and we promise to not bother any of you." Scitus raised a brow and eyed her for a moment. Her hands were hidden behind her green dress, something that Arisa quickly corrected by forcibly pulling her hands out, they were empty. This startles the elf, who backs away to find Teal standing behind her. She didn't know whether to feel impressed or terrified to how cunning the goblins had become. Scitus with a movement of his hand orders them to back away. She wasn't dangerous if she was Scitus would have already sensed it, unless she was capable of hiding her intent the same way she hid her presence from his divine sight. Regardless, Scitus decided to not pressure her, Thomas was enough of defense.

“Why would you want to live in my territory, what benefit does that give you?”


"Well for one, many of the smaller creatures that cause us problems seem to be afraid of you, cockatrices and wolves seem to stay away from your territory, this will allow us far more peaceful nights. Secondly, we have been watching your territory for a while, we have noticed a steady increase in mana concentration. Like all living things, we like areas of a high mana concentration." The goblins hadn't noticed because they had been living there and Sia didn't notice because she had assumed it to be a natural hot spot. The truth was, that Scitus was leaking his mana onto his territory, increasing the concentration. "I might consider it, but I have my conditions." She waits to hear what demands he has for her.

does he want women perhaps, or use us as tools? Even if he is benevolent it doesn't mean that he can't find a reason as to why she and her people were the enemies and evil creatures that must be exterminated, Miar pops into my head as I think that. She is truly a god to be feared and yet she is benevolent.

"For one I want to know the exact number of people in your colony, secondly, I want to you to stop hiding from my divine sight." The elf barely heard the second demand before she started to panic and almost choked on her spit. Of course, her outer self was still composed and calm. "you want to count us, Um that may be…"

“Then please leave my territory.” Scitus was not about to accept people who could hide from him, it was too dangerous. He would have to make guard posts in the forest for Goblins to guard and report to him if it was possible to hide from him. It would become easier once the 400 hundred goblins reach him.

"No, um just give us a couple days to organize." Scitus nods and declares his final demand. "Very well, but I still have one more demand," the elf can feel the pressure from all sides, she began to sweat, "I want your people to watch over the outskirts of my territory and report to me if there seems to be an enemy approaching. " She gave a sigh of relief that his last demand was an easy one to fulfill. Her people had planned to do that anyway, having the god killed would make the monsters in the forest return.

The elf fled back into the forest, she was greeted by her people, they had been keeping watch of her in case they dared hurt her. She told them of his demands and were surprised that it wasn’t much, despite that, they feared what he would do when they were seen after all, even though the one they sent out to greet scitus was an elf, the rest of them were dark elves, also known as drow. They did not have a good reputation among the mortals and they weren’t monsters either, so they feared if the god of monsters would even bother to accept them.

“We’ll have to tell him the truth.” The elf said, “Let’s wait, if we assist him when he is in trouble, he may be more willing to accept us then.”

Their opportunity was fast approaching because not far from the kingdom, Loud groans and ferocious screams could be heard, the ogres were rampaging across the forest, tearing down trees and killing all animals that stood in their path. "RARAH!!!" The screams were unintelligent but it could certainly rock the core of any weak heart. The moved from one direction to another, they were all mad but the movements seemed almost intentional. The Ogres were heading straight towards The kingdom of monsters. In only a day, they would find themselves in an all-out battle with a goblin army, It could no longer be considered a horde, the goblins now knew how to fight and coordinate with each, despite the brute strength of the ogres, the goblins would not be going down as easily as the puppet master behind the raging ogres thought.

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