《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Not chapter: Small map


I can't say I put a lot of heart into it put its just to get a clearer picture for those with less imagination and to comensate for my poor describing skills.

Firstly each sqaure is roughly 10 sqaure feet, the fort is 15 by 15 sqaures therefore it is 22,500 sqaure feet.

Towers: the towers represt a single archer tower that can fit about 5 people comfortably inside.

Tents: they are actually teepees put lets pretend they are tents. These tents represent 3 tents that are about 5 by 5 feet, each tent can 3 goblins inside, 4 if they are children, though the children usally sleep in their parrents tents.

Entrance: The entrance lays atop the white box on the wooden walls.

the rock:

Forest: in front of the entrance their is a low density tree area this is partly natural and partly because the goblins have been chopping trees left and right for projects Scitus has in the works.


I just want to say that this does have missing details that I probably just forget or couldn't be bothered to put on the map.

if you are wondering where on the map something is, just ask I'll proably answer(and make something up on the spot, the fan part of being an author.)

I'll add to this in the future, I'll just mention in new chapters that I've updated the map or made corrections.

oh and also, in the future their will be larger scale battles(very distant future) so I was wondering how many people would be intrested in me showing the battlefield and going through what strategy was used in the battle, I think it might be a bit hard to depict with my skills but I'll try if enough people are interested.

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