《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Chapter 15: Two Fates


Chapter 15: Two Fates

"among the secrets few know, exists one method of breaking any curse. As decreed by Gior The Mage king." "Why must those Decus be so fickle in their rules." The woman's soft red hands held the paper kindly as if caring for an infant. She quickly reached for her bag, brushing past her gleaming charcoal black hair, and pulled the strap upward. The bag was made of cow leather and appeared capable of holding no more than a few thick books. However, the bag was not ordinary. When she reached in the bag, a seemingly endless depth awaited her where thousands of herbs, books, crystals, and other objects she had collected over the years rested. What she pulled out of this seemingly infinite bag was a single book labeled Vetrus, the moment she revealed this book to the world, the sheet of paper she had moments ago held dearly, slowly began to lift into the air before suddenly flying towards the book sinking into it and then disappearing.

"this wasn't it either, but I'm getting closer." Her deep black pupils shined as the sun slowly rose, fully revealing her majestic aura, She stood tall and proud as if she were the princess or queen of some forgotten kingdom, the long graceful horns that protruded from her head, just above her ears, revealed her lineage and the red devil-like tail behind her whipped back and forth in anticipation for the future.

As she pondered on her next destination a soft sound was buzzing that at first, she deemed a nuisance for breaking her concentration, but as it grew louder she quickly became alarmed. Before she had time to react a ball of fire the size of a small hill entered her field of few quickly consuming everything in its path. All that it touched turned to ash behind it and for a moment The red devil was in awe at the fires beauty and then at its fierce power. Even as it consumed her and burned her flesh she couldn't help but be captivated by its sheer brilliance. She smiled as the fire ate her and suddenly with a shout!!!! The fire disappeared leaving behind a large creator. At the center was the red devil who smiled gleefully. "I've forgotten how long it has been since I've felt this kind of excitement."


The red devil laughed unable to forget the majesty of the flame. "I've never seen anything so beautiful before, but I've also never seen something so terribly made either." Despite her admiration for the creator of the fire, she also felt a slight disdain for the quality of the magic fire. It had been an amateur's fireball created by an impulse without thought or care on. For this reason, the fire was easily destroyed by the red devil. "if it was made by someone at my level…" She shook her head, "who could have used such an immense amount of mana on such a poor-quality fireball?" She Pondered as she turned to look at the seemingly endless line of scorched earth.

“I guess I’ll find out soon enough.”

Six hours earlier:

Thirteen souls wandered the forest towards a new gods territory. Two humans, ten goblins. they had been forced to continue rather than sleep to assist the injured from earlier that night.

Robin, although tired, calmly followed Scitus, behind him was teal and mort who held his father. Beside Mort were three older men who anxiously looked to their fallen comrade and then to his son. They felt shame for their failure and for being saved by the human they tried to kill.

Under the shade of trees, an odd breeze brushed passed them. The first to notice was the human woman whose ears twitched with recollection of a recent incident. The second to notice was Scitus the young god only recently born.

The human shouted!!! "WYVERN!!" and suddenly an ear-piercing shriek penetrated their skulls causing their eardrums to shatter and their balance to collapse. Juliet was the only one who did not cover ears, she feared that she would drop valentine but this was a mistake, her consciousness quickly faded and her lover began to fall. If not for Scitus's quick determination, Valentine would have fallen on a nearby rock and broken his skull. The Wyvern gracefully landed, hiding behind the trees, slowly stalking its prey.

The human women bitterly clenched her teeth, she had thought they had killed the last of those wyverns.


Scitus watched as the moonlight slowly revealed the rotting repulsive figure of the wyvern before them. Its jaw was unhinged and eyes a deep black as if say that the monster before them was nothing but a walking corpse. The corpse walked closer as the human fell into deep despair. The monsters that had weakened her to point of being captured by goblins. The undead wyvern that had appeared out thin air, attacked their base, killed their people. She still remembered the hundreds of wyvern that surrounded her, she had never seen such and terrifying sight not until she saw what Scitus did next.

The wyvern approached slowly as being compelled by some greater force. The monster was only thirty feet from its prey but something stopped it from pushing forward, some spark of life inside those pitch black eyes, its old instinct. The man before him was not to be trifled with, but the compelling force was stronger than his will and so the wyvern lunged towards the man. In only an instant, the wyvern traveled thirty feet and then just as he saw mans throat in sight, a bright flash of light and the words, "fireball" blinded him and then nothing. He was dead and behind his ashes was an enormous and majestic ball of fire that consumed all its path like a greedy and gluttonous destroyer all that the fire touched turned ash leaving nothing its wake.

The human woman couldn't stop herself from trembling. She had seen gods before, she had seen the destruction they could leave, but not once in her life had she ever seen a god as powerful as Scitus. He who should have been born only recently, he who should have no more power than an ordinary mortal left an impression an irreversible permanent impression the holy land that not even the greatest of gods were able to touch without significant sacrifice of their mana. Mana to gods was far more important than it was mortals for it did not replenish in a day but rather in a month and it was their life it was what allowed them to change the world before them. The only gods who would expend such an enormous amount of mana on a single attack were either insane or thought little of its consumption for it was only a fraction of their power. How the human women wished for it to be the former, but the god had shown composure and he had the intellect to teach the goblins.

"we close." Scitus muttered trying to contain his fear. So many years of showing little on his face had paid off, he had managed to keep appearances in front of his people. It was of the utmost importance that Scitus appeared as powerful as his subject though he was, otherwise doubt would grow in their hearts and fear would consume them when he would need their strength most.

"I used most of my mana in that last attack." He now only had twenty percent of his mana and this percentage, Scitus estimated, was a bit lower than 1 percent of his total mana then when he was inside his territory. Scitus had used an immense amount of mana in such a short period but Scitus still couldn't grasp the enormity of his mana capacity for even then as he stood there, his capacity was slowly shrinking and Scitus did not think it was close to stopping. "how do I quantify this power? How I am to use it effectively without obliterating everything, my shrinking mana capacity has aided me, but this won't always be the case, I need to be more careful."

It would be an hour still before they’d arrive at their destination.

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