《Kingdom of Monsters: La Guardia》Prologue: Chosen


Prologue: Chosen

Among the three thousand mapped greater universes and the million lesser universes, only one wore the mantel as absolute ruler. At the void from which all things began to exist, a castle, which was not made of common stone or metal, rested. The material was beyond comprehension and if any one universe attempted to comprehend it, they would only see ordinary metal, or stone or whatever they may be looking for.

Within that castle, ruler sat upon his chair from which he eyed all of existence. At that time he holding a cube of colorful make, turning the segmented sides again an again, attempting to make all sides a single color. Just as he thought he discovered the solution, the front door to his chambers burst open, startling him enough to drop the cube causing it to burst to pieces, unable to exist outside of the great one's hands.

The intruder was a subordinate of his, Gertus, a young new recruit.

With a booming voice, that shook the very walls and foundation of a supposedly indestructible, immovable material, he said “For thirty years, Gertus!!! I was this close!!!” he boomed as he pinched his index finger and thumb together.

The young Gertus, still only in his ninth cycle which was approximately seventy millennia ago, furiously trembled in the face of his creator's wrath.

The great one commanded for Gertus to speak, but Gertus did nothing, he did so again but there was again no response. At that point, the great one had realized that he had only been speaking with his mind and his young creation had yet to obtain that ability.

“Speak!!” he shouted aloud, causing the already shaken Gertus to make a strange whining sound, similar to that of a frightened dog.

"yes, sir!!" Gertus straightened his back and announced his report, “ Universe 3, spatial Quadrant 5, subsection 6, galaxy 5, solar system 302, planet 3 has a mortal who has passed the test.” Gertus began to explain the finest detail of the planet and types of lifeforms existed and the exact location the planet where the person in question was.


The great one shook his head and said, “you don’t need to go into such detail.” Gertus’s equivalent to a human heart quivered and for a moment he thought he was going to be undone. However, the great one only shook his head. "they must have told you horror stories about me."

“I believe that not long ago a different human passed the test from there.” It is rare for people to pass the tests made by him, in a single universe there may only be seven or fewer people who pass in the span of an average universe life cycle.

The test that the great one had chosen for the lives in universe 3 was in the form of a game, the medium in which the game was played depending on the lifeforms and technology available, it also needed to be able to be discreet, otherwise the game would not manifest in that world until such time that they could play it without arousing too much suspicion.

The great one recalled that the average level for most creatures was 112 which was 100 levels under the minimum passing mark.

"yes, he beat the entire game, the great one." Gertus announced. The great one for a moment could not believe his ears, a person able to pass his test wouldn’t appear in several standard universe life cycles but finally someone had done so after seven. Gertus, being so young did not understand the significance and the Great one pondered why he had put him in charge of Universe 3.

“just clarify, you mean to say that this human has beaten all 334 levels and all 5 bonus levels, correct?" Gertus dumbly nodded his head, “yes, I was surprised too that such a young human could achieve such a thing.”


"Young?" the great one thought as he quickly searched with his mind's eyes to look for the human. He was indeed young, the average life span of humans in his world was approximately 211 years and then some if they could afford certain genetic and mechanical enhancements.

His name was Scitus Amans, a 22-year-old male. “Go Gertus, tell him he has a week to prepare and that he may take five items with him."

Gertus’s eyes widened, he may not have understood the significance of beating the great one's test but he did understand the significance of being permitted bring so many items with him, the last person who passed was only permitted two items which in and of its self was eye-widening but 5 items was unheard of for Gertus.

Gertus quickly scrambled out of the room to deliver the room.

“Scitus, you will be crowned the 303rd foreign god for universe 6. I wonder how far you’ll get; Will you conquer that world, that universe, or will perish at that the starting line? You will serve as sufficient entertainment for quite some time to come.”

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