《Legacy Online》Level 4 - Lackluster System


“Excuse me, do you know where Madam Passion is located in this village?” Yin Xian asked a young girl who happened to walk next to him for directions.

“S-She should be in that direction…” She replied in a low-sounding voice, her face somewhat red.

“Thank you.” He smiled, and the red on the girl’s face darkened.

Yin Xian then followed the direction the girl was pointing towards.

Soon, a middle-aged lady whose face was covered in makeup came into view. Next to her was a stand with many colorful bottles on display.

“This should be it.” Yin Xian did not get any closer to her and stood by the tree that was only a few meters away.

Standing under the shades, Yin Xian closed his eyes to think about the things he had experienced so far.

“An NPC with the powers to choose your name, the atmosphere she emitted— No, everything in this game feels so real.”

The smell of nature, the feeling of wind gently touching his skin, the sounds entering his ears, and even the things he sees seems very realistic.

Yin Xian touched the dirt with his hands— and then he licked it.

“Taste… like just dirt…” He laughed.

“All of the human senses works in this game, and perfectly at that. Technology is at such a high point nowadays, huh?”


With a mere thought, Yin Xian brought up the character window just like Xiao Mo had taught him.

With a glance at the character window, Yin Xian’s heart leaped with shock.

Inside the character window, a figure was standing in the middle with empty boxes surrounding him, and almost every box was empty. The only ones that were occupied were the boxes near his chest, legs, and feet. And inside those boxes were the clothes currently on his body.


The boxes were obviously his equipment slots, and the person in the middle was obviously Yin Xian himself--- his Avatar, that is.

However, the figure in the middle looked nothing like Yin Xian in any way. If his real-life appearance was considered ordinary at best--- which he is--- then the person inside the character window was a strikingly handsome young man. He was so handsome that if he were to have a contest with the beautiful angel from the character selection, he might win…

“Why is my real appearance my in-game character’s appearance?! This is utterly ridiculous!” Suddenly realizing something, Yin Xian almost cried for real. “Is that why people cannot choose their own appearance during the character creation?! Because this game uses your real face?! Fuck! What an annoying and unnecessary system!”

Yin Xian was someone who rarely uses foul language if any at all, but this system had annoyed him to the extreme.

“Hm?” Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, Yin Xian looked up to see many sparkling eyes glaring at him--- most of them belonging to young maidens.


“Hey, hey, do you think that guy over there is a celebrity? Do you know his name?”

“Oh my, look at his hair! It’s so radiant, even though he’s under shades!”

“Let’s invite him to our party!”

“You do it!”

The girls watching Yin Xian whispered to each other with flushed cheeks, mistaking him as a celebrity.

“Haaah… This is why it is necessary for me to walk around with a disguise… I hope Xiao Mo has a mask or something that can cover my face…”

Yin Xian then ignored the gazes and continued to play around with the system.

“Xiao Mo said that I should start with my status…”


[Lv.1] [Little Brat]


[Legacy: N/A]

“Uhhh…” Yin Xian looked at the status window with doubt written all over his face. “This cannot possibly be it…”

There were only three things in his status window; his Level, Name, and Legacy.

“This is the most lackluster status window I’ve ever seen, yet!” He said, somewhat praising whoever made this game to be so daring.

And since there was only one thing that in there he has no knowledge about, he focused his vision on the word ‘Legacy’.

[Legacy— is a bloodline or an inheritance that provides special powers to the players.]

“There is very little information on something that seems to be the core of this game…”

He closed the status window.

“Maybe people play this game not for its system, but because of its realism in a fantasy world? That’s very plausible…”

Meanwhile, outside the village that Yin Xian was in---

“T-That’s a Mount! She has a Mount!”

The newbies all gasped in shock as a beautiful young girl who was sitting on the broad shoulders of a red panda enter the village.

The panda had a gigantic frame; standing at almost three meters tall, each step it took shook the earth. Its entire body was cover with crimson red fur, with only the area around the eyes white. Its eyes were sharp and radiated with intelligence, and whoever was unlucky to receive a glance from it shuddered from fear.

“M-Mount? Ain’t that a Tamed Beast?”

“That’s an Inferno Panda, you noobs! It’s a fearsome beast at the Elite-Grade that lives deep inside the Bamboo Forest! Because of its tyrannical power, many people see them as Mini Bosses!”

“She tamed an Elite-Grade beast?! What is such a powerful player doing here, in this noob village?!”

The beautiful young girl and her Inferno Panda received countless gazes filled with awe as they disappear deeper into the village.

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