《Legacy Online》Level 3 - Character Creation


“This device is only worth a hundred? Isn’t that a bit too cheap for something so advanced?” Yin Xian looked at the device in his hands. “This is it? A headset? Are you sure you didn’t buy the wrong thing?”

“You’ll find out once we go home.”

The entirety of the trip was only half an hour long, and by the time they returned, lunch was on the table waiting for them, still fresh.

After stuffing their face with food, Xiao Mo dragged Yin Xian into his own room.

“My room, it’s the same as right when I left; it’s even so clean.”

“Although you left, mom still cleans it once a week.”

“I see…”

“Okay, let’s get you set up for Legacy Online. It’s really simple, so there shouldn’t be any problems.” Xiao Mo had him on the bed in a position as if he was sleeping.

“Okay, now put on your headset.”

Yin Xian puts on the headset; it was oddly comfortable.

“Now, press the power button on the right side.”

“Good, all you have to do is say ‘Transfer’, and you’ll be in the game. But before you do it, let me tell you a few things.”

“First, after creating your character, you will be taken to a village where noobs like you gather. Your Legacy is predetermined before you even create your character, so you can only pray to god for a good one. You can look at it as human talents in real life.”

“After you get there, wait for me at Madam Passion, the potion seller. It will take me an hour to get there, so try to get used to the game in the meantime.”

“An hour? Isn’t that a bit too long? What about teleportation?” He asked.

“Hah? Teleport? You may not know this, but teleportation items are extremely rare in-game used mainly for escaping a deadly situation. Even if I do have one, why would I waste it just to go to a nooby village? Nobody in their right mind would do that; it is just too wasteful.”

Yin Xian could only chuckle at the looks Xiao Mo was giving him--- the look an experienced player would look at a new player when they ask what themselves see as a stupid question.


After Xiao Mo gave him a few more tips, it was finally time for Yin Xian to enter the game. “Transfer!”

In that moment, Yin Xian could feel his conscious getting sucked from his body by a mysterious force, rendering him unconscious.

Almost immediately after losing consciousness and entering the void, Yin Xian was blinded by a bright white light.

Opening his eyes, he was surprised to find himself in an empty white room.


A feminine voice resounded from above his head, and when he looked up, there was a human girl with angel-like wings hovering above him.

“An Angel?”

The girl’s beauty was out of this world, more beautiful than any idol he has seen in the real world by far. Everything about her was perfect--- everything except the arrogant feeling she was emitting.

“I like your eyes; they’re calming.” The Angel smiled at him, showing a smile that could smite all men under heaven.

“Thank you,” he said, his expression tranquil.

The Angel’s eyebrows lifted with surprise. She has seen no less than two hundred thousand people over the past seven months, and every male she came across would drool over her due to her innate ability, yet this young man could look straight at her face with a calm expression even after seeing her smile. How was that possible?

“So, how does this work? Do I get to choose my appearance first, or do I get to choose my class first?” asked Yin Xian.

“Appearance? Class? You’re a funny one, aren’t you? You don’t get to choose anything other than your name in here.” Ridicule could be seen in her eyes.

“Just my name? That’s…”

Yin Xian was speechless already. He has seen a good share of weird systems in MMORPGs before, but such a character creation system was a first even for him. And if he cannot choose his own appearance, then what would he look like after this?

“Do you have one in mind, yet? I am quite busy, you know?” The Angel hurried him.

Yin Xian looked at the beautiful girl with a look of disbelief. An NPC is hurrying him in the character creation? Ridiculous!


“I do not have one at the moment; give me some time to think about it.”

-Ten Minutes Later-

“Hey! It’s been ten minutes! Do you have your desired name, yet?”

“No, not yet. Give me a few more minutes…”

-Twenty Minutes Later-

“It has been half an hour since we’ve been here, and you’re still thinking?! This is utterly ridiculous! I told you that I was busy, right? If you don’t give me a name right now, then I’ll give one to you!”

The Angel was losing her patience at a rapid pace. Out of the two hundred thousand times, she has done this, the longest she had to wait was for five minutes. Now, however, she has been waiting for over half an hour without any signs of it ending soon!

“Can you not hurry me? Choosing an in-game name is of utmost importance; it is not something you can decide within minutes. Since I cannot choose my appearance, and there is no class for me to pick, then I’ll spend more time on what I can choose.” Yin Xian shook his head at her.

Another ten minute had passed, and Yin Xian was still deciding on his in-game name. Luckily, there was no class or appearance that he needed to choose, or else this would’ve drawn out much, much longer.

Ever since he was a kid, Yin Xian would spend no less than two hours trying to perfect his character, and such actions would not end just because it was a virtual reality game.

The Angel was now trembling from irritation, her face quickly turning red. “Hurry up! I am really busy!”

“It’s not like you have anything better to do other than watch others pick their name, right? Just sit there quietly and watch like you were programmed to---”

Before Yin Xian could even finish his words, the Angel interrupted him with an angry shout.

“You little bastard! Who do you think I am?! To speak to me in such a way, do you want a beating?!”

“You’re just an NPC--- one at the character creation at that… Why are you acting all haughty like you’re some Empress? Ah, this game is truly unique!” Yin Xian’s voice was full of praises, but that only further infuriated her.

“Good! Since you want to be so ill-mannered, then do not blame me for being forceful!”


With a wave of her hand, an enormous force slammed into Yin Xian’s body, forcing him to fly far, far away.

“This is what you get for irritating me! I sincerely hope you enjoy your new name!” A childish laugh echoed into his ear as he flew further and further away from the Angel.

Soon, Yin Xian was flying through the darkness, and he would stay there for a good minute before a bright light blinded his vision.

As the bright light slowly dimmed, noises started appearing from every direction.

Once the bright light disappeared, what came into Yin Xian’s view was a village--- a village filled with people wearing the same clothes--- white t-shirts and brown pants.

[Welcome to Legacy Online, Little Brat!]

A near transparent screen appeared before Yin Xian’s eyes, and what it said made his eyes wide like saucers.

He stared at the screen, not daring to believe his eyes. “Wha--! T-That ugly bird-woman! How dare she name me ‘Little Brat’?!” Feeling like he had been wronged, he shouted out loud, and the surrounding people looked at him as if he was crazy.

“An NPC that has the powers to pick the player’s name? That is unheard of! That is ridiculous! That is unfair!” Yin Xian wanted to cry, but no tears came out.

Feeling like there was nothing he can do about it, for now, he sighed, “I hope there is a way to change my name later…”

-Back at the white room-

“I forgot to ask for his Legacy…” The Angel sighed at making her first mistake since she started doing this job. “Well, it shouldn’t matter. Such an ill-mannered brat cannot be the person they are looking for...”

With another sigh, the Angel disappeared from the white room in preparation to welcome the next new player.

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