《Ultima Deus - The Last God》Chapter 42 - The Keeper of the Shrine of the Crimson Flame


Chapter 42 - The Keeper of the Shrine of the Crimson Flame

Remember that bit where I scoffed about what the worst thing that could happen would be?

Well yeah, I’ve been known to say stupid stuff like that, from time to time.

Fate, of course, is not without its macabre sense of humor.

What do I mean? Well, lets start from the beginning..


Walking down the stone paved path, more like an avenue, I couldn't help but admire the numerous stone pillars that rose tall on our sides. They were a series of gigantic cylinders of granite or some other type of hard rock. The sides were each carved with decorative reliefs that depicted different beasts and mysterious runes had been engraved at the massive pedestals that made up their base.

“Mommy, this is really impressive!” Shia’s voice rang out with a hint of awe.

“Meh, waste of time and effort. I sure hope they’re not there just for decoration,” I replied indifferently while making my way down the path. So much wasted effort!

“Mommy, there’s an artistic value attached to great monuments such as these!” Shia protested.

“Can you eat art? Can you bash someone’s head in with it? Hell, I can’t even sell these off to some snooty old coot too rich for his own good,” I grumbled.

“Hmpph!” came Shia’s indignant reply.

I ignored her for a while, steadily making my way closer to the massive buildings rising up into the sky up ahead.

As we gradually drew closer, we finally spotted what seemed to be a massive plaza with a beautiful fountain of a maiden tilting an earthen jar over a massive sword imbedded into the rockbed below. Crystal clear water constantly bubbled forth from the jar, spilling over the sword and spreading in ripples to the fountain below.

Hey, I recognized that sword.

Drawing closer with a disbelieving stare, I saw a golden plaque attached to the outer rim of the fountain. The words on it were of a graceful, flowing script that I could not understand.

“Shia, can you interpret what the words are saying?”

“They seem to have a passing resemblance to the script we encountered in the ruins above, but the data is insufficient for an accurate translation. Destroyer of Skies, perhaps?” Shia pondered in a thoughtful tone.

“Actually, it is read Maelkhatheroth, which loosely translated would be closer to “Heaven Rending Annihilator’,” came a female voice with a hint of wistfulness in its tone.

“Malky,” I mumbled helplessly, gawking at the massive sword that looked almost identical to the useless chunk of steel Sol had lugged around everywhere, except for a few minor details. Oh, and the size. This massive blade could easily be twice as big!

It was a true abomination of a blade.

Shaking my head slowly, I turned around on my heel to face the newcomer.

“I assume you’re the Keeper of the Shrine?” I asked, studying the person before me.

She stood tall and long-limbed, dressed in simple yet elegant long robes that gracefully fell down her back and trailed behind her as she approached. Lustrous hair that glimmered red like fire cascaded down her shoulders, matching deep crimson eyes that burned with a fascinating spark within. Though she would have been a beauty without peer once, the years had left their mark on her skin, with many wrinkles marring the otherwise exquisite symmetry of her features. She didn’t just look old, however. She radiated with the air of an ancient power, one that commanded attention and respect.


“In the flesh, or the soul equivalent of such, I suppose,” the woman bowed her head affably while clasping a hand to her chest while the other delicately held the robes at her waist in greeting. “I am Sharizhassleanna, humble Keeper of the Shrine. I bid thee welcome to the Soulgate of Crimson Flame, Lord Seth.”

“Oh, hey,” I nodded awkwardly while raising a hand in acknowledgement, trying to wrap my head around all these damn impossible tongue twisters of names.

“Please call me Sharinne, Lord Seth,” she added helpfully.

“Oh, good. Ah, wait. Hold that thought for a second, how come you know my name, and why does everyone keep calling me ‘Lord Seth’ this and ‘Lord Seth’ that?”

“I have been admiring your progress throughout the abominable Labyrinth those filthy Fallen fashioned from our holy grounds,” she responded calmly, then continued with a hint of chagrin. “I offer my humble apologies for not being able to assist. However, at the time my powers had been waning for too long, and it was all I could do to gather the soul essences of Soledad and her champion.”

“I understand. Don’t sweat it,” I waved off her apology, then froze in mid-motion. “Soledad? Her champion?”

The Keeper blinked at me in confusion. “Why yes, the loyal Dragonspawn, Scion of the Ancients, Reaver of the Storm, faithful companion to Soledad..”

I held up a hand in shock, “Whoa, hold up there for a second. Rewind, you said her? Are we talking about the same Sol? Tiny kid, red hair, tan skin, runny nose, annoying grin, couldn’t hurt a fly?”

Sharinne nodded solemnly, though her lips twitched minutely. “Indeed we are, Lord Seth. Is something the matter?”

I felt like I’d been sucker punched, disorientedly roving my eyes about while trying to make some sense of this madness.

Sol was a she? The brat had been a girl?

Things slowly clicked into place as I realized that many confounding matters were finally starting to make sense. Sol’s odd behavior at camp from time to time. Her perpetually smudged and dirty face. Kyren, that savvy little street urchin’s obvious fascination towards Sol. Her weird posture and balance while I attempted to train her.

Oh, what a fool I’d been.

“Is something the matter, Lord Seth?” Sharinne inquired, clearly puzzled.

“Heehee, Mommy fiiiiiiiiiinally knows!” Shia giggled in my ear.

“Wha? Wait, you knew?” I asked in disbelief.

“Of course Shia did, you sillyhead,” came the instant reply.

“How.. Since when?” I stammered.

“Since the very beginning, of course. Kind of hard to miss, really. I’m surprised it took you this long,” she added mockingly. “Oh, woe is me, for my mommy is blind and-”

“Bah! Says you, the magical artifact of untold power,” I defended myself.

“Mr. Zephyr knew too,” Shia instantly interjected, as though she’d been ready to pounce long, long ago and had since just been waiting for the opportunity. “Kyren as well. I’m pretty certain Jae’thun the Hunter and Vyse from the Watch knew too. Even Tarik! Shall I keep going?”

“Stop, stop, I get it. No need to beat the dead horse to the ground,” I muttered darkly.

“Ehehe, Shia got the better of mommy,” she teased a final time.

“Ahem,” I cleared my throat and returned my attention to Sharinne, who to her credit stood at attention with a perfectly straight face. “Sharinne, just what or who is Sol? How is she related to this place?”


Sharinne closed her eyes and her expression seemed to sag just a little, but then she drew a deep breath and seemed to gather herself. When she opened her eyes once more, a steely resolution seemed to burn in her eyes.

“Lord Seth, I must begin by explaining that there are twenty four Soulgates spread throughout the face of Aeterna. Each acts as a stalwart guardian and revered protector to the millions of souls nurtured by the Infinity Well before journeying onward to the Endless Cycle.”

I nodded to myself while narrowing my eyes. 24 Gates? Good, that sounds like a whole lotta souls for me to suck clean.

“Unfortunately, many have fallen to the Corruption and more still lie under siege as we speak, the countless souls under their protection at grave peril.”

“From ancient times, the Divine Pantheon has refrained from taking direct action in accordance to the Heavenly Will and the Covenant of Ages. Instead, they have appointed Guardians to stand vigil over these sacred sites and empowered them to defend them at all costs.”

“Pisspoor job of it they’re doing so far,” I muttered.

“Mommy!” Shia scolded, shocked.

Sharinne flinched as her face turned pale. “Lord Seth, my brethren, my sisters and brothers have devoted their whole existence to this holy purpose. I beg you not to profane the memory of their sacrifice without full knowledge of the dreadful war we wage.”

I sighed deeply, and nodded my head in acknowledgement. I was just so tired of all these cosmic struggles that constantly revolved my world upside down, while I sat helpless in the face of a mere overweight merchant turned robber - possibly occult cultist - like Tarik.

It felt like I’d been relegated to being a pathetic sideshow in my own story, and it burned my entrails with bitter poison that smoked my heart until it I could spit black blood. Still, no reason to lash out at this woman who seemed, for all intents and purposes, willing to aid me and mine.

Sharinne seemed to acknowledge my unspoken apology, and continued her story in graver tones, if possible. “The Soulgate of Crimson Flame stood at the vanguard of this great war for hundreds of years, but our power waned while the Corruption spread. Eventually, we reached a tipping point and our final line of defenses was breached, our holy Temple defiled and twisted to their vile purposes.”

“In a final act of desperation, I sealed my essence within that of the youngest child of our clan, the most promising seedling we had seen in generations. A fierce, dauntless warrior with limitless potential who would rise to avenge our deaths. Time pressed, and we were absolutely spent when we finished the ritual, but we managed to break through the enemy blockade and the barrier they had erected around the Shrine.”

“However, it came at a grievous cost. Most of our number fell, giving of their own soul essences in order to power our final ritual. Even then, Soledad’s mighty soul was gravely injured, and her essence splintered into two separate shards.”

“Wait, what? Sol is the supremely talented warrior you chose to save?” I gawked at her in disbelief.

Sharinne nodded gravely, “Indeed, Lord Seth. Soledad is the sole heir to the legacy of the Keeper of the Shrine and the next champion of the Soulgate of the Crimson Flame.”

Thunderstruck, I tottered back on my heels, staring at Sharinne with wide eyes.

Sure, the kid had some potential, but a freaking badass who would stand up toe to toe with ancient godlings and this harrowing Corruption that seemed hellbent on swallowing the world?

Yeah, not a chance.

Sharinne must have read something in my expression, because she offered me an understanding smile while she continued her explanation.

“You may find it hard to believe at this time, and I cannot blame you. Soledad’s soul has sustained an injury even more grievous than I’d imagined. Her shattered essence would have been enough for most individuals to become a drooling, mindless fool. It is only due to the overbearing tenacity of her soul that she was able to maintain a semblance of normality. However, this is a mere veneer, simply the tip of a colossal iceberg overflowing with limitless, untapped potential.”

I nodded slowly at her words, mulling over them. Finally, I reached a decision. “So, how do we help her?”

Sharinne narrowed her eyes, then lowered her head in a deep bow towards me.

“Lord Seth, the Shrine of the Crimson Flame owes you the deepest depth of gratitude. It is a solemn obligation which we shall endeavor heart and mind to one day make restitution for in full. However, at this time you have done enough, and your involvement with Soledad shall come to an end.”

I frowned at her words.

“Ya know, for all the fancy wordiing, that sounded dangerously close to a command. And I’m not afraid to tell you, I’ve never been all that good at following orders.” I added, while casually flicking the safety off my tactical nuke launcher.

Yeah, I couldn’t wait to finally get to use this bad boy. So sue me.

Sharinne shook her head at my words. “You misunderstand the meaning of my words, Lord Seth. After the terrifying display of power you employed to raze the Labyrinth to the ground, Soledad and Reaver’s soul were nearly extinguished by the ruthless blaze. At the last moment, I was able to gather their souls into my embrace, and then sought shelter in the ruins of our Shrine. Though I do not fully understand how it has now been restored to this extent, as you can see it is an empty husk of its former self. We the keepers shall have to endeavor for many years to nurture our strength.”

“That’s all fine and good, but what does that have to do with Sol?”

“Soledad’s soul essence lies under my protection now. Though I’ve been able to piece the shattered remnants of her soul together, she will need the sustained regenerating power of the Soulgate in order to slowly meld her twin soul shards together. As her soul is currently bound together only through the power of the Soulgate, it will disperse should she leave its confines.”

I mulled over that for a while. It was true that I felt some measure of obligation to look after the runt and her pup. Hell, I even liked them, if it came down to admitting it. However, I really had no reason to insist after Sharinne’s explanation. Sol would probably be under much more capable hands than mine, in any case.

From here on out, after all, I would walk a path of blood and slaughter.

So, that would nicely tie down some loose ends. I was ready to dust my hands off the whole ordeal when my lovely daughter cut in.

“But Sharinne, you’re not really the Keeper at all. You’re just a shadow,” Shia accused.

I jumped, startled by Shia’s sudden revelation. Maybe I would get to use my shiny little nuke, after all.

However, Sharinne simply stood impassively for a moment, before gravely nodding her head.

“Indeed, Keeper Sharine has long perished waging that final battle that saw Soledad freed into the Mortal World. Although I am a mere fragment of her consciousness left behind to guard her last will, I am still enough to direct the energies of the Soulgate to nourish Soledad back to health. By then, I will have extinguished the very last of Keeper Sharinne’s power, but her final will shall be accomplished.”

“And how long will it take to restore Sol’s soul shards?” Shia questioned mercilessly.

Sharinne’s ghost nodded with a heavy sigh. “A hundred years at the very least, more likely two hundred.”

“What if the Corruption launches another attack against this Soulgate in the meantime?”

Sharinne’s complexion became ashen.

“I.. I shall reinforce our wards and attempt to seek assistance from the other Keepers,” she began, but then her words seemed to falter.

“Shia, enough,” I whispered.

“But Mommy! Sol might be in greater danger here than with us!” Shia protested.

I sighed deeply before swiveling my head to raise an eyebrow in Sharinne’s direction. “There is another way to restore Sol, isn’t there?”

Sharinne could only gaze mutely at me for a long moment, before slowly nodding her head in assent.

Of course, Selendra had said I would face a choice, and that I could save Sol and Reaver should I so choose.

“Well?” I urged her on.

Sharinne’s eyes flickered with some deep emotion, but it was gone before I could read too much into it.

“Lord Seth, as a contracted soulbound who has been able to amass an astounding amount of soulpower, you may use your focus artifact to channel the energies of the Soulgate and guide them to greatly speed Sol’s recovery.”

“Then why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

Sharinne seemed torn, but finally seemed to reach a decision. Her blood red eyes stared straight into mine as she straightened her shoulders and spoke with an unnerving calm, “I will answer you, but before that I must first beg your forgiveness one more time.”

“Huh? What for now?” I frowned, puzzled. Frankly, I was getting tired of all the empty apologies.

“For this,” Sharinne breathed out, then she shouted with a sharp cry that nearly busted my ears. Even more insane, immediately after her whole figure suddenly combusted, and in mere moments became consumed by a terrifying inferno of bright, crimson flames.

“Huh,” I noted in my baffled shitless mind. “Guess that’s where the name for this place comes from.”

And then, I simply stared in mute stupefaction.

“Mommy, FIRE!” Shia called out urgently.

“No shit you genius,” I scoffed, still staring.

Oh, wait.

“No Mommy, SHOOOT!” Shia screamed shrilly.

Holy crap, it couldn’t be.


Yeah, this is where I finally get to the part where I get to explain that I should never, ever open my dumb mouth and ask, “Hey, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Why, you ask?

Because, blast it all to hell, it had just happened.

Here and now.

What happened, you ask?

A dragon happened, that’s what.

A massive freaking dragon with glittering scarlet scales, fully a hundred meters tall with massive wings that blotted out the stars above. God, just her head alone was the size of a freaking locomotive. Scarlet tongues of flame flickered out from the dragon’s gigantic maw as it threw its head back and let out a blood-curdling roar that drove me back a couple paces and made the whole world quake.

“What the hell?” was all I could manage while struggling to lift my sweet little tactical nuke launcher, before the dragon turned its head down towards me and without any further ado, spat forth a veritable stream - I kid you not, it was so solid it was like an actual, tangible river - of incandescent flames so irresistibly hot it distorted the air around it while it howled on its way to incinerate me.

Oh crap.

I didn’t even have time to bring my shiny little gun to bear, I was so shocked by the whole ordeal. It was all I could do to ditch the unwieldy pile of junk while I frantically dove to one side.

Tumbling towards the ground, I managed to throw a glance towards the incoming torrent of flames I had just dodged, then almost spit out blood as I realized it wasn’t over.

Rivers are made of water, and water, of course, will splash.

Guess what happens when a massive freaking torrent of red-hot flames hits a solid object?

Yeah, said object promptly turns to mush. Stone explodes from the sudden heat, then melts into a pitiful looking puddle. Then it just helps the insane fires splash and spread about like it’s really, truly a god damn river.

Of course, said river was heading straight towards me.

Shit had just hit the fan.

Not only that.

Holy hell, the shit had caught on fire.

As I watched the terrifying flames merrily skipping their way towards me, absolutely imperious and unstoppable in their onslaught, I couldn't help but comment dryly in the back corner of my sick, twisted mind.

“Hell, I didn’t even get to fire my gun once.”

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