《WTF I'm a Dungeon!? (Dropped)》Chapter 26 - Time to prepare. *OLD*


Chapter 26 - Time to prepare.

This title system is actually annoying as fuck. It gives almost no benefits, it's constantly there and it seems to have a mission to put the MOST annoying as fuck and insulting titles on me!

Wait a second... Did the system just reply to me?

"SO THERE IS SOMEONE BEHIND THIS SYSTEM! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE I'LL FIND YOU AND BEAT YOU UP!!" I yelled out, I got a weird look from Penny but at this point, I just couldn't care less.

"It's nice that you want to do that but I think you need to worry about the more important stuff first," Penny said with a serious look.

Holding back my retort, I ended up agreeing with her. I should be dealing with the incoming adventurers instead of dealing with a blue box.

"Sorry, can you repeat what you said about the adventurers? I was... distracted," I had missed what Penny had said before because a certain box interrupted her.

"I said, that there is a Silver Ranked Party heading towards our dungeon, they'll be here in about 3 weeks." She replied slightly irritated.

I have no idea whether to be worried about that or not. I suppose I should be but I have never seen a Silver Ranked in action, at most I have seen my Iron Rank creatures fight but they were 2 ranks below Silver and I have no idea if strength in this world develops linearly.

"Penny how strong is a Silver Rank?" I asked, somewhat nervous.

"One Silver could easily clear your dungeon unless it's a support class. And there's a full party of 6 coming here." She replied.

"I suggest you put your Boss ability to good use. Since right now it's your best chance of fending them off instead of outright bribing them." She said, before flying towards one of my monsters.


"It's gonna take too long for your monsters to naturally evolve into something strong, so just promote one of them into a boss and try to force an evolution." She said whilst pointing at a dryad.

"Your right..." I replied. 

"Oh yeah, how did you know that someone is coming to raid us?" I curiously asked.

"That? Every Dungeon Pixie can do it, we have an ability that it basically clairvoyance." She replied somewhat bored now.

"How strong is that ability?" I asked. Depending on its strength it could be really useful.

"Well, I can sense people coming in a large radius, and estimate their strength by the rank, however, I can't sense anyone that is at or past Master Rank." She replied.

Well, that's useful.

Immediately after Penny finished talking, an explosion happened, this time I didn't cause it. The explosion happened in the herb room, and at this point, you may have guessed who caused it.

Goblin was standing in the middle of where I assume the explosion occurred. His tools were completely destroyed, his front half is covered in soot and probably burned, the few short strands of his hair were now completely gone. In his hands, he held a single grey potion.


Status Screen


Name: - 

Title: -

Race: Goblin

Gender: Male

Rank: Level 12 Medium Iron Rank

Jobs: Apprentice Mage LVL 1, Apprentice Apothecary LVL 10, Apothecary LVL 1


Strength: 6

Agility: 6

Stamina: 7

Intelligence: 14

Wisdom: 9

Will: 15

Charm: 2

Total Combat Evaluation:

LVL 2 Low Iron Rank


Well, he leveled up. 

Sporting a large grin, he carefully placed the potion on the floor, before prompting me to absorb it. Looking at the potion through mana sense, I didn't see much in the way of dark mana. So I absorbed it.



You have unlocked

Potion of Lesser Resist All



Potion of Lesser Resist All (Consumable)

Gain 1.6% Resistance to all elemental attacks for 7 seconds


(Another POV)

It's minions brought it food.

It ate and birthed minions.

It's minions brought more food.

Then it ate and birthed more minions.

A continuous cycle, yet it did not feel that it was boring or monotonous. 

It knew no such concepts after all.

It heard it's master wish for strength.

It knew no such concept such as strength.

But it knew.

That the long stone skinned creatures could not be killed with only a single minion.

But it could still be killed.

Was that strength? 

The ability to easily kill a single minion, or to bring more minions?

Its instinct told it that it needed more. 

To do so, it must birth more minions.

 It moved towards the leftovers from its meals.

Hardened carapace that it could not eat.

However, it must eat to birth more minions.

So, it ate.

(Third Person POV)

The lesser dryad looked at its room. Now filled with all sorts of flora. Flowers, bushes, and grasses. Yet it did not feel satisfied. So it used the spell it had recently learned. Poured mana into the earth and new plants sprouted from the ground. But not what it had wanted. It didn't know why, but when it had gained magic a strange itch seemed to appear. It could not do anything about it but it felt happier when it summoned plants. But these plants weren't enough. No... These plants weren't even close to being enough.

Somewhere very close by...

In a room full of dark elemental shrooms. A single strange shroom grew tall, it was not like the other large shrooms. Yet it grew taller than any of its kin inside this room.

Imperceptively, the large shrooms began to dry, their stems slightly bending, yet the single strange shroom still stood tall. Its cap seemed to gleam in the darkness.

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