《Death is Just a New Opportunity》Meeting of Dons
It’s been exactly 20 days since playing Sim with my village Valyria, making today September 6. Today is the day all the schools gangs meet on top of the school roof to discuss...stuff. Honestly I don’t really know, my Capo Ethan was explaining the shit to me while we in my Zombie Dungeon and I just couldn’t listen correctly for the fear of my head getting bitten off. Me and my Capos have been going into the Dungeon everyday since the Goblin War to get stronger but to my dismay, I only leveled up twice. It took my fucking 20 days to level up twice! To make everything fair I guess the gods fucked me over a little bit. Since my experience required to level up doubles every time, I’m level 18 and need 13,107,200EXP to get to the next level! This is fucking ridiculous!
On to some better news, since I’m level 18 I finally brought my HP to 500 while making my HP regen to 5 per second and moved on to bringing my Wisdom to 50 also. With that I’ll regen 5MP a second and increase my lethality exponentially. During the 20 days I focused on upgrading my skills so get ready for an info dump of nothing but bullshit. Observed has leveled up to 10, Creation is now 10, Sneak attack is 6, Power Punch to 5, Physical Resistance to 7, King to 9, ID Create to 4, Power Swing to 16, Mana Reinforcing to 13, Mana Bullet to 18, and Don’s Law to 9.
Needless to say, training was an absolute bitch for some of these. The first thing is that bitch of a useful skill called Physical Resistance. First of all, it’s an asshole! It takes a lot to level it up and it only adds 1 extra percentage per level, bringing me to ignoring 12% of physical damage currently. I had to Don’s Law order PJ and Chris to punch me as hard as they could a couple times everyday, bringing me close to my patreon door more than once. At first they were confused until I told them the skill I had and asked if they could get it too. I didn’t see why not so after punching me I used Don’s Law and made them punch each other until they got it.
Next was ID Create and this is a fun one. So apparently every wave, the skill levels up. While the zombies don’t become harder to kill, a shit ton of them spawn the next wave. We counted and every new wave, 3x the zombies spawn. While weak those bitches are everywhere and if you’re not careful they can get you pretty easily by grouping up on a poor soul. We’re still only on level 4 because I refuse to bring any of my Soldiers in there. WHile they could get some easy EXP, it’s easy for me to become too distracted in the Dungeon. One wrong step can have them killed. That’s bad for business, especially since a lot of these kids are actually children of members in the Crow Family. If I want to inherit, then keeping my future soldiers sons and daughters safe while making them stronger might earn me some favor points.
Mana Bullet and Power Swing ended up being my most used skills and probably will continue to be important to me for years to come. I’ve gotten used to fighting with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other. With my suit on and my purple eyes I look sharper than my katana. I’ve also used Don’s Law and made it so that everyone in my gang wore suits or vests. We’re businessmen, we can’t be looking like children in front of everyone, I need to project a strong and united image. If some kids didn’t have money for a proper suit I payed for them to get one. While not rich, I’ve become wealthy enough to support my gang. While Dungeon level one zombies rarely ever drop anything, Dungeon level 4 almost always drop a couple of dollars and if I’m really lucky that day, some Small Potions. I’ve collected over 2000$ during these 20 days of constant training while my Capos have collected some money themselves I’m sure. I’m not the only one who's gotten stronger either. The average level in my gang is 15 while all my Capos has reached level 25. Anyone under level 15 are now considered Associates but no one is ever an Associate for long. I don’t know why, but other people seem to level up differently from me. It’s probably because while I get 5 points per level they only get one. The day after after the Goblin War, I’m pretty sure every person in the school new about me taking over the freshmen gangs and becoming the Don of the freshmen. Many people were surprised that the first years united so easily and early on. That surprise turned to shock once they were told it was the ‘Failure’ whose little brother was already decided to become the new Don who gathered everyone. So far 30 more kids joined my Family, bringing it too 100 in all including me.
All my Soldiers and Associates have done a mission to help my little village Valyria at least 5 times. I don’t even really even have Associates anymore I think. Maybe a few stragglers but I’m too lazy to check right now. I use them to do missions like transport cargo to different towns, protect the village for a couple of hours, and hunt for some easy EXP. They have experienced some bandits but no one really strong and since I always have a Soldier travel with a Associate no one has died. My town has grown into something beautiful. I mean, it’s still just as small but it no longer smells like shit! Not only that, the town is so happy since I came that I think some people have actually started worshipping me. After the first farm was fixed I focused all of my workforce on building the school. Eugene and Ethan did some research into building via this handy thing called Google and came back the next day, speeding the process up greatly. In fact, it should be getting finished up today. The previous 3 week operation went down to 3 days with the help of some nerds with magic and the internet. While in my party they don’t get sleepy so right after school they would go to Valyria and work until sunrise the next day. They haven’t slept in about 3 days but I think they are getting a lot of EXP from it.
The construction has been going slow up until recently but trade has flourished. With the 50% discounts and my village being placed around the middle of the villages, Valyria earns a little more than a silver a week. So far we’ve gotten 2 silvers and 30 copper from trade. Selling all of the goblin daggers and the short sword gave us extra cash. While the daggers would usually go for around 10 copper, they were rusty, and brought the value down. Each dagger sold for 5 copper, and while that may not seem like much I had 110 of those bitches. Selling all of them brought me 5 silvers and 50 copper. The short sword was 20 copper itself. All in all, my village currently has 11 silver and 60 copper. While it doesn’t seem like a lot to me, most of the people here haven’t even imagined having that amount.
I finally hear the bell ring that signals the end to my first period class. I wait until everyone leaves before I get out my seat and approach Ms. Sugar.
“How’s it going Sugar?” I say in a casual tone. She playfully glares at me. We have 5 minutes before each class so I have time to try once more today.
“Now how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that. It’s not appropriate for a student and teacher to speak so casually you know?”
“I won’t tell if you won’t. Plus, how can I just stop? We spend 50 minutes in a class together each day, I already developed a sweet tooth for you. At this rate I might get a cavity but I’m just too addicted to care.” She chuckles as I sit on her desk and watch her erase the chalkboard from today's lesson. I’ve been flirting with her since the first day of school but my points wouldn’t go up higher than 20 and my title was stuck on Favorite Student for like a whole week. Sure we’ve only known each other for a couple of weeks but I can’t help but to have expected to have gotten further than this by now. I mean, I am a black, purple eyed, suit wearing, wealthy man! Yes I’m 15 but age is nothing but a number. I was beginning to think that I’d be stuck as ‘Favorite Student’ for months before any real progress. Until now that is.
I like you
I love you
What’s our lesson tomorrow going to be?
2 days ago, Observe leveled up to 10 and with that came a new tab. The Relationship Sim tab. It uses information from the original Observe skill to give me 3 options that will help me (Probably) get the girl. These options though makes me want to sigh. One of them completely goes to a different topic, one is too extreme, and one might be put me into the friendzone. I contemplate what to do but ending up selecting the 2nd option. I’ve been playfully flirting with this woman for 15 days and there is no way she didn’t notice. I can’t be beating around the bush anymore, if being flirting won’t work, I’ll go for an aggressive play!
“Ms. Sugar, I love you.” I say looking strait at her. She turns around in surprise to see my face completely serious and looks into my eyes. My purple eyes which I’ve noticed she tries avoiding at all cost. Gotcha. Her face reddens to a tomato.
“W-What are you talking about Xavior! You’re my student! You’re 15 and we couldn’t possibly-, I couldn’t ever-. You don’t even know anything about me!” she yells as quietly as she can. My eyes never leaves hers.
“You favorite color is purple, your birthday is July 16, you’re currently 34 years old, and your favorite genre is romance.” I recite all in one breath. Observe for the win! She stares at me, mouth open with disbelief. I chuckle at the sight.
“Don’t worry, I’m not stalking you or anything, I just pay attention. I noticed the way you can never look me in the eyes without blushing, and you told us your birthday near the beginning of the year so if we ever felt the need to ask you would force us to do math.” I laugh at the memory. “Kids sure are lazy, I don’t think many actually cared enough to find out. The romance thing though, you have The Notebook DVD in your desk that you take out sometimes when you lose something in there.” I hop off the desk and walk towards her. She walks back until she up against her chalkboard and I can hear her breathing irregularly. I cup her chin and pull my face closer. Her face forms a deeper shade of red.
“You’re right though, I don’t know much about you, but I want to know more. Please think about what I said today Amberly.” I let go of her chin and walk out the class, seeing a kid come in the moment I come out.
+ 10 Relationship with Amberly Sugar
After the whole thing with my teacher nothing else important really happened. I did notice that everyone was a little tense today, probably because the meeting, but I was too happy to care or ask about it.
Me, Eugene, PJ, Ethan, and Chris walk up the stairs towards the roof for the meeting. We’re a little late and the other Don’s might get a little irritated but I really couldn’t give a rats ass about their feelings so I walk up the stairs slowly just to be even later than I already am. We finally make it to the roof and I kick the door open to see 27 kids on the roof, most of them looking irritated. It was decided that the Don’s can take their Capos and UnderBosses for protection and their Consigliere for advice. We walk on the roof and I got to say, we look bad ass. I have Eugene on my right and PJ on my left while Ethan is on the side of Eugene and Chris on the side of PJ. I have a black suit on with a dark purple vest and a white button up underneath. On my head is a black fedora that’s slightly tilted. PJ and Eugene copied my style without the hat. Chris and Ethan did the same but didn’t have the suit, just the vest and button up. Purple ended up becoming our uniform colors, everyone in my Family has purple somewhere on them.
Before anything starts I look above everyone's head to see their levels. That idiot who I interrogated the first day of school already told me their names. I mainly focus on the Don’s levels.
Andre Cortez / Level 23 / HP:600 / MP: 500
Edwin Mendoza / Level 27 / HP:800 / MP: 650
April Perkins / Level 30 / HP: 900 / MP: 1000
So these 3 are the Don’s of the Vipers, Wolves, and Angels. While they are weak I do see why April calls herself an Angel. She has unusual red hair and freckles everywhere. While her bust and ass aren’t very big she has this fiery air about her. She’s about 5’6”, same as me and has a scowl on her face. Her curly hair reaches just below her shoulders and her blue eyes are absolutely enchanting. I swear she’s like the disney princess Merida reborn. She’s definitely getting added to my Conquer List. I also can’t help but to notice even the seniors are no match for my little brother. That kid really is a monster. I feel kind of bad since I haven’t really talked to him since confronting everyone.
“Listen up everyone, I’m only going to say this once. I am Xavior Dark, Don of the Crows and I don’t have time for your foolishness. This isn’t a Free-for-all battle where everyone is against everyone. That will take to long and I am a very busy man. This is a 3v1 where you all will try your absolute hardest to survive while my men use yours as hunting practice. Your one and only job is to survive as long as you can while giving me entertainment. If you can’t even do that, you’re useless and should hide as best as you can. Does everyone understand?”
“...Are you fucking with me?” Andre speaks up. Hey, didn’t a Capo of his order a hit on me a couple weeks ago? “You snot nose freshy brat! Just because your parents are some big shots doesn’t mean you are! Don’t you dare forget that everyone calls you the Failure! You don’t even have 6 Capos or an Consigliere. You piece of shit we’ll crush you!” Wow this guy has a temper. I smirk at his enraged face, which makes him even more furious.
“Oh really? Well as the weakest of everyone here, you should have took my advice and hid like the good cannon fodder you are.” I raise my hand and snap my fingers. Without a word my boys sprint towards Andre and his men. Ethan takes out his pocket watch and swings it up causing a illusion of fire sprouting from the floor around the idiots to pop up. One of the guys laugh.
“You think just because you guys have Flames that you can beat us?! We know these are just illusi-...hey, this is sort of hot…SHIT!” I laugh as the idiot who spoke up screams in pain. Ethan finally got his illusions up high enough for them to trick the brain into activating pain receptors. PJ uses his Storm flames around his fist and jump into the fray. I really need to find that guy a weapon. He jumps at one of the guys whose trying to heal the one who got tricked by the illusion. The Sun Flame user tries to use his pocket knife and Sun Flame to strengthen himself and fight but before he even notices, PJ is in his guard and places his hand flat on the guy’s stomach. The smile he does fits the devil as he uses his Flames to blast the poor bastard clear of the roof.
A man with nunchucks covered in Storm Flames runs up behind PJ but before he reaches him, Eugene slides past him, right in front of his face. The guy loses his balance a little since while Eugene slid past him lightning followed his trial, using it as a barrier between the boy and PJ. The boy yells in pain as he can’t stop himself in time to avoid the lightning and gets shocked. Eugene suddenly appears behind him and covers his hand with Lightning Flames and place it on the back of the boys head. The boys eyes suddenly rolls to the back of his head. Eugene is using his Flames power to fry him and the boy falls face first, unconscious. During all of this the Viper’s Mist user is trying to distract my men by placing illusions everywhere. Unfortunately for him, while in my party, my members get a downgraded Gamer’s Mind. While they can still see the illusions if they want, unless the Mist user is strong, they won’t even notice it. This boy wasn’t strong. With Ethan’s help, Chris was invisible and appeared behind the Mist boy with Sun Flames in hand, strengthening himself, and clocked the boy in the back of the head, knocking him out in one punch.
Suddenly a throwing dagger is in the air aiming at Ethan. That one dagger erupts in Cloud Flames and multiplies into 10. PJ does a front flip, that should honestly put him in Avatar the Last Airbender, from about 10 feet away with Storm Flames on his foot. Before his foot hit the ground his flames shot out in a arc, nocking the throwing knives out the air. In response of this sleight of his comrade, Eugene opens his palm towards the offender and shot 5 Mana Attacks. All hit the chest as he flew further and further away, off the roof.
The only ones left are the Lightning and Rain Flame users while the Don uses Lightning Flames himself. My guys regroup up and stand right in front of them. Andre shivers and takes a step back.
“T-This was supposed to be a peaceful meeting! Attacking us here means that the rest of the years will gang up on you!” I laugh at his failed attempt to save himself from this asswhoopin. My guys don’t respond as they move into action once more. PJ and Eugene move in sync as they aim for Rain user. The boy uses his sword to summon water and shoots it at them like needles. Sadly for him, Storm Flames corrode other Flames. PJ does a massive backflip and clapping his hands in a thunderclap fashion while still in the air. The boy’s Flames weaken PJ’s while PJ’s corrode his. They end up canceling each other out but before the boy can make another move Eugene arrives with his sword covered in lightning. He throws and Mana Attack at the boy, making him take a step back in pain and placing the flat part of his blade on the boys chest. The boy screams in pain as he gets fried by Eugene's Lightning.
Over by the lightning user, Ethan used his flames to create an illusion of a zombie behind the boy and makes the zombie take a huge bite out his shoulder. While the boy subconsciously know it’s a illusion, zombies are scary fuckers. The boy screams in pain and fright and uses his lightning to cover his body to try electrocuting the zombie. As the zombie was but a illusion, of course it didn’t work. Chris used this time to get up close and personal and punched the boy right in the stomach.
Ooh, I’ve felt that before too. Chris’s hits aren’t a joke. I feel you bro.
The boy throws up bile and slumps on his knees. Chris being as ruthless as he is used this opportunity to literally kick the boy while his down, sending him flying. During all of this, Andre stared wide eyed at how 4 freshmen completely destroyed his strongest men without even breaking a sweat. My men surround him and he finally realizes the situation he’s in. He looks around for an escape but doesn’t find one. I clap my hands while doing my crazy Joker laugh. I walk up to my captive.
“Wow! What a great show that was! I thank you for providing me with such good entertainment.” I take my hat off with my left hand take my gun out and aim at his chest with my right. My smile and laugh fall. “But now I’m bored.” I lower my power as much as I can while switching my bullets. At level 15 my Mana Bullet got a new feature. I shoot and his body flies back and hit body hits the gate surrounding the roof. Explosion Bullet. I place my hat back on and my smile is back on my face like it never left.
“Good job guys, and make sure you are more careful from now on Ethan, you were in trouble for a second from such a weakling because of your carelessness.”
“Apologies Don X. I was just excited to fight.”
“It’s fine, as long as you learn from your mistakes.” I say with a joyful tone. “Welp, as the cannon fodder said, I’ve broken the rules and you all will now have to gang up on me. What a shame.” I say in a mock sad tone. “Well there’s nothing I can do about it now.” I face April, “I wonder if you will be able to handle me.” I say with a smirk and wink. I then turn around and walk back down the stairs.
Level Up!
King Level Up!
I smile at the notifications and place my 5 points into Wisdom, bringing it to 20. Fighting people with higher levels than me always give me the most EXP. Now, it’s time to start planning to take over those towns.
Me, Eugene, and Ethan are in Valyria preparing. They finally got the school done and are currently teaching the kids and adults. They’ve already been teaching the builders a bit everyday so building time is lower than before. Once the farms are done being built then we’ll have more than enough food to support the 4 towns. After absorbing them, Valyria should have around 600 people, maybe less since I’ll have to kill a few guards and soldiers. I won’t begin the evasion until we have enough buildings and the farms are done. After that I can start assigning jobs and get the economy going. So far, no one really has a job and are just given things that are needed to survive but once all of those people are here it won’t be like that anymore. I’ll let the population keep the money that they already have and they will use it to buy and sell things, pushing the money in and out of my own people hands, jump starting the economy here. I had Eugene and Ethan study how a modern house is made from our world before we came here. While I have people around me that has the information to build the houses, the option becomes available. I found out it costs so much because we don’t have the stone and wood ourselves, and have to buy them because of that. I give a couple of strong looking men the job of wood cutting and mining into a cave that’s in the woods a couple of miles from here that one of my Soldiers said they saw. I tell them that they’ll each get 2 copper a day and they get to work. It’s such a small amount but they don’t seem to care and set off.
For now I’ll just but the materials and I check the menu. To build and buy the supplies, one modern house with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom costs 50 copper. It would usually take 2 weeks but with Eugene it will take only 1. With both Eugene and Ethan it will take 2 days. I need about 200 houses, since my people here already have homes for now and I’ll force men and women to share a house. The more babies the better. I want my population to surge. After everyone is here, I’ll begin upgrading my peoples old houses to look like the new ones. For that I would need 1 gold exactly to finish and that would take a while. Good thing that as I gather resources on my own the cost will get lower but I will still need a rather large sum.
I make it so after my farms are done that houses begin to be built. With the money I have currently, I can make 23 house but I decide to hold off. I know I said that I’ll just buy the resources but now that I think about it, that would be pretty stupid considering my farms aren’t even done yet. With Eugene and Ethan working they should all get done in a month. It would be earlier but I’ll have them teaching the town during most of the day. I refuse for my people to be stupid.
I do hate waiting though but it doesn’t mean I can’t be productive. During the Goblin War, 20 villagers helped us during the fight. I go into my military tab and grab all 20 of them and place them under PJ for physical training. Once they are physically strong enough I plan for Eugene to teach them Mana Manipulation. They will be issued a sword and a gun and be taught to fight. This will be the beginning of my military. I want them ready for when we begin fighting the War of 5 Villages.
I finally head home after a long day of work only to see my little brother in my room preventing me from going to sleep. I sigh at seeing him and sit at my desk. He’s already sitting on my bed and I don’t really feel comfortable so close to guys. Don ‘t get me wrong, I love my brother, and I’m glad that he’s reaching out, but I’m just so mentally exhausted.
“Hello Little Neo, what can I do for you today?”
“I’m sorry…”
“Huh, for what?”
“I agreed to becoming the Don without even asking you...I just assumed that...I just wanted to…” tears begin to form at the corner of his eyes. My eyes soften at the sight. He really just wanted to protect me really. He’s my brother after all, why else would he take the position without telling. I really was weak in my last life. It was the right decision, but this isn’t my last life. I get out my seat and hug him.
“Hey little bro, don’t worry about it. I know why you did it, and I’m proud of you for becoming so strong.” I chuckle “I would have never imagined you’d become such a badass.” he laughs a little and I smile.
“Even so, the Family won’t accept you so readily anymore. They’ve already grown to accept me as their future Don and people have been saying...bad things about you. They don’t trust you. Even when I step down I’ll still end up causing more problems for you.” I let him go.
“Then don’t step down.” I say without a thought. “Become stronger little brother, and I will as well. When we both graduate, we’ll have a big fight. If I lose, you can keep the spot. If I win, you’ll become my Sky Guardian.” He gasps.
“But aren’t you-”
“I’m not Sky brother. I’m a Conquer and as one I have big plans for the future. If you were with me, then it would help me significantly.” he nods with determination in his eyes after a moment of silence. “If you get it then get out of here you bum. I’m sleepy and I have to get up tomorrow for school.” He laughs but leaves. I can’t help but smile. That boy is a monster and I just gave him determination to get stronger, just to fight me in a couple of years. I’m such an idiot.
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The Ghost System
Rhys was prepared to live a poor but happy life with his grandfather in District 20, until he got the opportunity to go on a raid and have his grandfather's debt wiped clean. He thought this one raid would be the end to all his problems, but it was only the beginning.
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Soul Fusion Online
Down and out of luck, Yuki was. She was fired from her job and needed to find money to pay rent for her low income housing. The only saving grace was a news report she saw. Soul Fusion Online: a vrmmo taking the world by storm. A place where players can turn in game money into cash in the real world. A living world where even the NPCs are as real as anyone you would meet on the city streets. A game with cultivation and leveling mixed together.
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A Snail's Wisdom
"To cultivate is to become one with the world, achieving a higher plane of existence." What the hell? No, it isn't. "Through diligent meditation and introspective enlightenment, one will be able to bridge the gap between himself and the center of the universe, achieving Immortality." Where did you get this crap? Such nonsense! Come, come, disciple. Follow your Snail-sensei here, and I will show you the quickest path to Immortality! It isn't all meditation and enlightenment like you imagine. If you aren't willing to risk your life, what makes you think you can avoid death? But don't worry! You have the Supreme Me. Your success is guaranteed! Now just put this dress on and let's go. What? Why are you looking at me like that? Don't point that sword at me!!!
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The Envoy of Darkness
"Everyone loves a good fantasy, but my life was turned upside down by one."What would you do if you had the ability to control the air? How about if you were suddenly brought to a world where, despite your powers, you're at the bottom of the food chain? On a fateful night, Max Walker finds himself summoned to Asterisk and contracted to Liliana Lockwood as her familiar.Forced to leave behind his life on Earth, Max begins a precarious journey into the unknown world of magic. Training as a knight, learning to control mana, battling rogue necromancers and even being mistaken for Duke Walker's son... it's just one thing after the next.But as if that wasn't bad enough, Asterisk, a world which subverts reality as you know it, may just have something to do with Max's own heaven-defying origin... and a secret that could leave the universe hanging by a thread. By the way, this entire book is available on AMAZON KINDLE.If you like what you read, please consider buying it. Your support would mean a lot. Plus, you will get to read all the way to the end weeks before the last chapter gets posted here.https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08816QJND This is Book 1 of a projected Trilogy titled "The Legacy".Schedule - Chapters will be published once a week, around Sunday. Bonus chapters might come in occasionally now that I have a stockpile.P.S - Feel free to comment, especially if you have any advice or criticism to offer. On that note, if you could leave a review and/or state your thoughts about the novel as a whole that would be awesome too.This story has also been uploaded on the following sites:www.wattpad.comwww.webnovel.comwww.scribblehub.com
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The Weapon Wielders
In a world where a group of elemental-powered humans known as "Weapon Wielders" have called each of the four kingdoms of Navasar, Tilith, Athesan, and Bilithgorn their home for centuries, constantly being reborn again and again, there are always those who seek to oppose them and bring about chaos. But the Weapon Wielders are not about to let destruction run amok and are going to do everything in their power to restore balance in the world. Follow the current quartet of Weapon Wielders and their friends in an adventure to restore balance in a world that is on the very furge of war.
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Consummatum Est
When newcomer Richard Papen comes to Hempden and meets Julian Morrow's grecophiles and when Richard finds out happened on the faithful night of their bacchanal, everything goes downhill from there.‼️I do not own any of the characters in this book except Angelina. All rights of the secret history and characters belong to the very talented author Donna Tartt.‼️
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