《Heavenly Domination》CH:4 Sword of Judgment


Meanwhile the rumor that the Azure Dragon sect has gotten a new legacy disciple has spread in the Azure province. On the other side of the province there was a huge mountain, on the peak of that mountain was a majestic, castle-like building with very tall walls. Inside those walls in one of the rooms sat 9 girls, they all looked like they were in their teens and they were all staring at the one in the main seat. The girl in the main seat had an icy gaze and she looked like she was irritated.

One of them spoke to the girl in the main seat ‘’Xia Ning, we should go retrieve the young lady as soon as possible, a mere Azure Dragon sect is not qualified to take her from us’’

The girl in the main seat named Xia Ning nodded and said ‘’You are right, it does not matter if she ran away or not, our master may have been lenient on her but I won’t be. Ready the carriage, it will take us about a week to arrive at the Azure Dragon sect’’

One of the other girls said worryingly ‘’sister Ning there are rumors of a new legacy disciple in the Azure Dragon sect, the chief and the senior generation of their sect may not cause trouble for us if we go to retrieve the young lady, but we don’t know how strong this new legacy disciple is, maybe we should proceed with caution’’

‘’You don’t need to worry about that, how strong could a legacy disciple of the Azure Dragon sect possibly be? They have been on the decline for a thousand years now and are only considered a second-rate sect, plus don’t forget that I’m ranked fifth on the Azure province’s Earth ranking, there are only 4 people of the junior generation that can match me’’ said Xia Ning in an irritated tone.

Xia Ning was obviously a very proud and arrogant person that did not put many people in her eyes.

‘’You are right sister Ning, plus we are members of the Ice God sect, who could possibly dare to stand in our way’’ said another girl passionately.

At the same time, on Tianshen’s lonely peak, all three friends were now cultivating. Wentian and Bingyue were surprised by the difference in the amount of Qi that existed on the peak as compared to the outer sect area, it was a big difference.

Suddenly Tianshen said ‘’both of you stop’’

They both stopped and looked at him curiously.

‘’What I’m about to teach you is only for your ears and should never be disclosed to anyone unless you want a calamity to befall you. Now listen carefully. Bingyue, you got the Divine Ice God body, so unless you cultivate a suitable ice technique, you will never reach your full potential. As for you Wentian, you don’t have any special body but I can sense that your bloodline has a great affinity towards the fire element’’ said Tianshen seriously.

They both looked at each other clearly surprised.

‘’I never knew that’’ said Wentian

‘’Divine Ice God?’’ Said Bingyue surprised. ‘’What is that exactly?’’ she asked.

Wentian smiled and said ‘’that means… not to mention the Blue Cloud country or the whole continent, you are probably more talented than 99% of people you will ever meet here. Unless they also have a special body or a strong bloodline. Bloodlines can be attained and it is not necessary to be born with one, of course you need great luck to get one. I sense a weak fire bloodline on Wentian but it needs to be strengthened in the future. As for special bodies, you are born with them and they are rare in every corner of the starry sky, the strength you can draw out will depend if you cultivated correctly. This is the main reason why I picked you both out of the others, your inner potential is vastly better than anyone here, and it would be a waste if idiots like that Cai Kun was the one teaching you’’


They were both very surprised when they heard that, but what surprised them even more is how Tianshen knew all of this information, it was like there was nothing in this world that he did not know. Plus they finally understood why Tianshen picked them out of everyone to be by his side.

Tianshen as if reading their minds said ‘’But don’t misunderstand, if I saw that you were shameless people and treated others with contempt, I would have never picked you to begin with. The reason I picked you is because I can see that you are both forthright and honest’’

‘’Now let me impart you both with the cultivation methods suitable for you, and remember, everything I told you stays in this room’’

They both looked excitedly and nodded.

Tianshen stretched out his hands and touched both of their foreheads, Wentian suddenly felt a scorching hot sensation spreading through his body and a book appeared inside his head, the title read ‘Golden Crow Flame’. Meanwhile Bingyue felt an ice cold sensation and a book also appeared in her head, but this book was much thicker and looked much more ancient than Wentian’s, the title read ‘Divine Ice God’.

‘’Cultivate diligently, from now on your progress compared to the others will be multiplied by many times, your understanding of the technique will depend on your own efforts of course’’

Said Tianshen seriously, then sat down again and continued cultivating. Wentian and Bingyue started cultivating, they were surprised on how profound the writings were but they felt a natural affinity towards them so for now it was not too hard to cultivate their respective techniques. Meanwhile in Tianshen’s head, a book also appeared, it read ‘Sword of Judgment’. Tianshen smiled and felt a bit nostalgic ‘’we can finally reunite, it will take me some time to condense you and a fair bit of soul power, but it’s well worth it’’

Tianshen concentrated and unleashed his soul power into one spot in front of him. He frowned a bit and started sweating a lot. Slowly an outline of an ethereal sword started forming in front of him. Time was passing slowly, and Tianshen felt some Qi fluctuations from Wentian and Bingyue, they were making successive breakthroughs.

This made Tianshen happy but he could not express it at this time since the sword condensation was taking everything he had. He smiled bitterly ‘’I really underestimated you old friend, looks like I have to release my seal just to condense you’’ he thought. So he touched his forehead and unleashed the seal on his soul power. A colossal amount of soul power was instantly felt by Bingyue and Wentian which made them stop cultivating. They both looked at Tianshen worryingly, they already witnessed his soul power the previous day when he used it to restrain Cai Kun, they never imagined that that was just a small fraction of it.

But nothing surprised them about Tianshen anymore, to them he was a huge mystery but they fully trusted him and what he was doing. At this point Tianshen made a sound similar to a war cry ‘’aaaahhhh’’ and the sword in front of him started looking less and less transparent. Two streams of blood ran down from his nostrils, he was really giving it his all. It was the first time that Wentian and Bingyue saw Tianshen exerting this much effort to do something, since everything seemed so natural and easy for him.

After one more hour the sword fully condensed. Tianshen opened his eyes, he looked weak and pale, he touched his forehead again and sealed his soul power, but this time he sealed it completely, and the reason for that was that he overused it while his cultivation was still too low so he needed to seal it completely for it to recover. The other two approached him slowly as he stood up.


‘’Tianshen are you okay?’’ Asked Wentian with a worried look.

‘’Don’t worry Wentian, although I overused by soul power and it will take about a week to recover, it was worth it just for this sword’’ said Tianshen while lifting the sword in his hand. The sword was bright azure color and it’s hilt was a normal shape, it looked like a very average sword if you ignore the color, it was not too small and not too large, about a meter long. On the hilt a small writing was visible that said ’Judgment sword’.

Wentian and Bingyue were astonished, although they were still new to the world of cultivation, it was well know that you cannot create something from nothing, and here was Tianshen, condensing a sword purely from his soul power.

‘’Don’t be so surprised, although it may seem amazing to you guys, this is nothing for some cultivators that are out there in the starry sky’’ said Tianshen while wiping the blood from his nose with a tissue.

‘’Tianshen, you mean to say that there are cultivators outside of the world we know?’’ asked Wentian curiously.

‘’This is a story for another time, you should both go back to cultivating, although the sect may seem peaceful to you guys, there are some dark forces moving here. I sense trouble coming, we should all be prepared. And by the way congratulations to you both for making another breakthrough’’ said Tianshen with a smile.

Wentian was half step into the Core Formation realm at this point, while Bingyue was in the 7th Qi accumulation realm.

‘’It was all thanks to you brother Tianshen’’ said Bingyue with a smile.

Tianshen patted her head gently and said ‘’ There is no need for thanks between brothers and sisters, from now on we look out for each other’’

Bingyue blushed a bit and avoided Tianshen’s gaze. Wentian saw that Bingyue totally had a crush on Tianshen and burst out into laughter.

‘’From now on, all three of us are going into secluded cultivation for the next week, I sense trouble coming so we need to be stronger’’ said Tianshen seriously.

After they chatted a bit more they all went into cultivation. The days were passing by pretty fast, when you are in secluded cultivation you barely notice the flow of time. Tianshen was cultivating the Sword of Judgment, it had nine stages, each stage required diligent cultivation and insight into the way of the sword. Each stage was also stronger than the previous one.

Wentian’s Golden Crow Flames and Bingyue’s Divine Ice God were no different, each had nine stages to them and the higher the stage, the more power you can use.

In the blink of an eye, a whole week has went by. At this moment all three were still sitting cross-legged in their respective rooms and cultivating. Their progress in the past week was immense, enough to put any so called genius of the Azure province to shame. Wentian at this point was at the 2nd Core Formation realm, Bingyue was at the 9th Qi accumulation realm, just half a step in Core Formation. Tianshen was also at the 9th Qi accumulation realm but he was already trying to break through into Core Formation. This means that he was at a critical stage of cultivation and that he could not be disturbed, not to mention that he was also at the final stages of recovering his soul power.

Wentian and Bingyue stopped cultivating since Tianshen told them that a week was all they needed for now. They both decided to go out for some fresh air outside of their building while waiting for Tianshen to break through. Their benefits from Tianshen’s guidance were indeed huge. None of them imagined that in just a week they would make so many breakthroughs, this was unheard of in the history of the Azure province, so they knew that Tianshen’s methods were very profound and mysterious.

While they were outside, they saw an outer disciple running towards them with a frown on his face.

The disciple stopped in front of them panting and said ‘’Sister Bingyue, there are some women from the Ice God sect that are causing a ruckus in the outer sect, they said that if the Azure Dragon sect does not present you to them in an hour, it will be considered as disrespect to their sect and it may cause a sect war between them and our sect. Elder Cai Kun told me to come find you and bring you there immediately because we cannot afford to offend the Ice God sect’’

Bingyue frowned and looked at Wentian helplessly.

Wentian was surprised and asked ‘’Bingyue, what is your relation to the Ice God sect?”

Bingyue sighed in a sad way ‘’The chief of the Ice God sect is my master, they are an all-women sect that has zero contact with anyone and absolutely prohibits any kind of relationship with men or any outsiders for that matter. I did not want to live out all of my life in this kind of sect that prohibits relationships or friendships with any other people but their own’’

Wentian was surprised but there was still a question he wanted to ask ‘’Why did you join their sect to begin with then?’’

Bingyue’s eyes became watery at this point ‘’they don’t recruit disciples in the Ice God sect, they just abduct young girls from their families or from the streets, I was an orphan when they found me so it was easier for them’’ said Bingyue with tears in her eyes.

Wentian patted her head gently and said ‘’don’t worry, you don’t have to go anywhere, me and Tianshen are going to protect you’’

Bingyue smiled and wiped her tears. They knew that they could not disturb Tianshen at the moment so they were going to just stay there and not go anywhere.

Wentian turned back to the disciple and said ‘’you can go back and tell elder Cai Kun that Bingyue is not going anywhere, she belongs here in the Azure Dragon sect where her friends are’’

The disciple felt helpless, he just nodded and ran back to the outer sect.

After some time the disciple arrived at the scene were the Ice God disciples were at, elder Cai Kun was standing there with a the rest of the outer sect elders. Eight girls were standing in front of them, and behind them was a closed carriage. The disciple ran towards elder Cai Kun and said ‘’elder, disciple Bingyue refused to come and said that she wants nothing to do with the Ice God sect’’

Cai Kun frowned and shouted ‘’useless trash, you had one thing to do!’’

Then he turned to the girls and said ‘’my apologies but Bingyue refuses to come, I will go there myself and bring her to you now’’

It was obvious that he was scared of the Ice God sect and did not want to sacrifice the relationship the Azure Dragon sect had with them for one trivial disciple.

‘’No need’’ a voice sounded from inside the carriage.

Everyone turned to look at the carriage, a girl came out of there. She looked stunningly beautiful, her body and face were both seductive. Her skin was snow-white and she had light blonde hair. Yet her gaze was piercingly cold.

‘’we will go get her ourselves’’ she proceeded to say.

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