《Heavenly Domination》CH:2 A Walk In The Azure Dragon Sect


Kong Zhi was grinding his teeth at this point. He would have never in his wildest dreams expect to meet such a young boy that can be also so scary and ruthless at the same time.

‘’He may have used some trick’’ said Kong Zhi while turning to Cao Chen.

Cao Chen had a serious face but deep down he was happy and excited, such a talent was really unheard of. He felt like he made the right choice, since he really risked his reputation as the sect leader to bring Tianshen here.

‘’We are both Heavenly realm experts Kong Zhi, are you telling me that a person of the Qi Accumulation realm can cheat in front of you and me and get away with it?’’

Kong Zhi was running out of options at this point so he could only rely on his influence on this other elders to prevent Tianshen from becoming a legacy disciple.

‘’Since Tianshen has proven himself we shall have the vote, if you approve of Tianshen as our legacy disciple then raise a hand’’ said Cao Chen. Of the nine elders, 6 raised their hands instantly, the other three including Kong Zhi did not. Tianshen noticed this, he now had a clear view of the politics in the sect.

‘’I hope for your own good, that you do not provoke me Kong Zhi’’ thought Tianshen to himself.

‘’Excellent! We shall have the ceremony tomorrow’’ said Cao Chen happily.

‘’No need for all the formalities chief. Just Give me a courtyard for cultivation, as I am still in the Qi accumulation realm, I need to get stronger faster. Or the other disciples will think that I’m a joke’’ Smiled Tianshen and then added ‘’you can just make the announcement that our sect has a new legacy disciple’’

The elders liked how Tianshen carries himself. Arrogant, but rightfully so, logical, wise, does not like to show off, and seems wholeheartedly focused on cultivation. All that was left was to see the results.

‘’Alright then, if that is what you wish’’ said Cao Chen.

Then Cao Chen called another disciple in and told him to bring Tianshen to the ‘Lonely Peak’. That was the peak reserved for the Legacy disciple. It is worth to mention that only an elder was allowed to occupy a peak in the sect, this just shows the status of a legacy disciple.

‘’Eldest brother Tianshen I am Qiu Wentian’’ said the young disciple while cupping his fists towards Tianshen. Qiu Wentian was a 14 year old boy, close to Tianshen’s age (at least in body), he had fairly handsome features, both his eyes and hair color were dark, and his body was lean.

His cultivation was in the 5th Qi accumulation realm.

Tianshen also cupped his fists and said ‘’No need for the formalities brother Wentian, just call me brother Tianshen’’

Qiu Wentian smiled because he was expecting Tianshen to be very conceited, it was a pleasant surprise for him. While on the way Qiu Wentian was looking at Tianshen and sizing him up.

He finally gathered the courage to ask him ‘’brother Tianshen, you look so young, how did you manage to convince the elders to give you the legacy disciple spot?’’

Tianshen turned serious and while looking at Wentian said ‘’I beat them into submission’’

Qiu Wentian opened his mouth in astonishment ‘’really?’’

‘’No’’ replied Tianshen while bursting into laughter. It took Wentian a moment to realize that Tianshen was just messing with him and he also burst into laughter. The two talked more on the way to the lonely peak. Tianshen took quite a liking to this Qiu Wentian and told him that he can come to his peak whenever he wants. Wentian was very happy and felt like he made a new friend, since outer sect disciples like him were treated like trash by the inner disciples, he felt like he made a strong ally in the sect, plus he really liked Tianshen’s company.


Wentian gave Tianshen his legacy disciple robes and his unique medallion that he can carry, it was a symbol of authority and chief Cao Chen made sure to emphasize it to Tianshen.

After Wentian left, Tianshen sat inside one of the rooms in his courtyard, which was fairly small and seemed very old, but he did not mind. While sitting down he started recollecting all of his memories of his previous life and the road to cultivation, since he did not have time to do it since he opened his eyes in the cave. While his mind was drifting through his memories he remembered what kind of being he was and all the power he could wield. With the power he had in his previous life, not to mention erasing a small country like the Blue Cloud country, he could erase entire galaxies with a mere thought. But strangely enough, he did not miss that kind of power. If any other cultivator was given the opportunity to wield that kind of power, they would give up everything in their lives to get it.

But the all-powerful being himself refused it in the end, even though it took him some million years to arrive to the decision to erase himself and reincarnate at this moment. While sitting in the middle of his courtyard he stared into the starry sky and sighed ‘’Nobody knows what is true loneliness until they reach the apex, what is like to have no equal, and live without a challenge. A hundred thousand years felt like a second and can only be compared to a grain of sand in a desert of time. I’ve seen countless worlds end and countless ones be born. If I knew that the top would be so boring I would have done things differently back then. Well no use for regrets anymore, this is the reason why I’m here in this time, to do things differently, I don’t know how many years have passed since my death and how many of those higher beings knew of it. I’m curious to see what is going on up there right now. It’s going to take some time to get there of course, but I’m getting excited just from the thought of challenging those old fogeys again. Bottom line is, anyone who tries to get in my path will meet a miserable end’’

Tianshen stopped bothering with the past, he stood up, entered a room and sat cross-legged to cultivate.

‘’My soul strength is too strong for my cultivation level right now, and continuous use of it like today will slow down my progress so I have to seal most of it until my cultivation level catches up with it.’’ thought Tianshen.

So he performed some hand seals and put his index finger on his forehead where a blue circle formed and then vanished, so now he could start cultivating. In order for one to cultivate, constant meditation was sometimes enough and sometimes not. Some stages of cultivation requires pure meditation to reach enlightenment while some other stages require special items, specifically Qi stones. Qi stones were divided into grades that were named after the cultivation realms. In other words if you are a person at the Qi accumulation realm, you should use Qi accumulation stones and so forth. Qi stones were also the common currency of the cultivation world. Qi stones were so popular and so widely used because the Qi is not abundant and evenly spread in every area of the world. So cultivators invented the Qi stone to capture Qi and use it whenever they wanted. It is worth mentioning that for people like Tianshen Qi stones were also necessary at this moment, because in his previous life he was used to controlling all Qi in existence, but now he is in a lower world where the Qi is scarce. Luckily Tianshen joined a sect as a legacy disciple so he had no shortage of resources at his disposal at the moment.


Tianshen was sitting down, around him were a lot of Qi accumulation stones, he started feeling abundant amounts of Qi flowing into him. After twenty minutes he had reached the 2nd Qi accumulation realm. After thirty more minutes he reached the 3rd Qi accumulation realm. His progress slowed down a bit with each stage but it was still relatively easy for him to break through these beginner realms. After five hours of meditation he had reached the fifth Qi accumulation realm. It is worth mentioning that if any other person saw Tianshen’s speed of breakthrough, they would die from shame of being inferior. But besides talent, the other big factor responsible for Tianshen’s quick breakthroughs is that he has already done it before, and being the existence that he was in the previous life, he obviously knew what the best way to cultivate was. After 5 hours Tianshen stood up, he noticed that it was already morning and decided to take a stroll and get more familiar with the sect. He changed into his legacy disciple chang pao, which was white with a blue dragon on the back. He walked down the peak and saw that Qiu Wentian was already waiting for him.

‘’Wentian, haven’t I told you that you can come to my peak any time you want?’’

Asked Tianshen with a smile.

‘’Don’t misunderstand brother Tianshen, I was ordered by the top elder of the outer sect that I should not come here at all’’ said Wentian hesitantly with his head down, but the he continued ‘’He said mentioned something about you not being an official legacy disciple and that you will be replaced sooner or later’’

Tianshen was still smiling and asked ‘’Is this outer sect elder part of the nine that I met yesterday?”

Wentian chuckled and replied ‘’of course not but he is one of the subordinates of the elders that did not vote for you yesterday’’

‘’Understood, let us take a stroll in the outer sect then’’ said Tianshen, but this time his smile had a glimpse of sinister in it.

Wentian nodded and led the way but something told him that that smile he just saw was a sign of a disaster to come.

All of the peaks of the sect were in the core region, Tianshen’s was no different, so that means that they had to walk through the core sect and inner sect to reach the outer sect.

The core sect area was empty with not a soul to be seen, this attracted Tianshen’s attention so he asked Wentian about it.

‘’The core sect has only ten disciples and they all cultivate all the time or travel around the province to gain experience’’ explained Wentian.

Tianshen nodded and continued walking. After reaching the inner sect, things became livelier, there were thousands of students outside practicing martial techniques or being taught by elders in the ways of cultivation. The rumor about the new legacy disciple had spread by now so everyone knew about it. A lot of people were whispering around Tianshen. Wentian wanted to say something but Tianshen stopped him, this confused Wentian so he asked ‘’brother Tianshen, they are not giving you the respect they are supposed to, why are you stopping me from scolding them?’’

Tianshen smiled and said ‘’you are still too inexperienced Wentian, first you are not strong enough to scold them as they are inner disciples and it will just cause trouble for you. Second, what have I done to earn their respect? I am not the type of person that will expect other people’s respect just because of my status. Let it be, as long as they are not trying to do me any harm, we will get along fine’’

This made Wentian realize how shortsighted he was and also made him respect Tianshen even more. They continued walking while ignoring the gossip and whispers, soon they reached the outer sect. The outer sect had many times more disciples than the inner sect which was not surprising for Tianshen, the levels of pure Qi in the Azure Province are so low that it is hard to advance even for the most talented individuals. So many people never reached the Core Formation realm which was the requirement to join the inner sect. There were disciples in the age ranges of 10 to 17, there was a rule that if you cannot reach the Core Formation realm by the age of 18, then you are kicked out of the sect.

As soon as they got to the outer sect some young disciples that looked about 10 to 12 approached Tianshen and cupped their fists at him ‘’greetings to the legacy disciple’’ they said.

Tianshen smiled and greeted them back, he also saw a small girl that looked about 10 years old that looked at him with sparkling eyes but was obviously too shy to approach him. As soon as Tianshen saw her he was interested in her. The reason for that is that Tianshen saw that there were something special about this girl’s body. In the cultivation world there existed people that had special bodies that had an affinity towards certain types of techniques and powers, but these people were very rare even in the vast starry sky so Tianshen was surprised to find one in this remote place. He saw that her cultivation level was at the 1st Qi accumulation realm. She obviously just started her path on the road of cultivation and without proper guidance a special body like hers will go to waste. He approached her and spoke with a smile ‘’what is your name little girl?’’

The girl was blushing and avoided to look at Tianshen, she faintly spoke her name ‘’Xia Bingyue greets eldest brother Tianshen’’

‘’A fitting name for such a body’’ murmured Tianshen in response which made the girl blush even more

‘’what did he mean? Is he a pervert by any chance?’’ thought the girl to herself.

Tianshen just smiled at her again and walked away. Suddenly a bell sounded throughout the outer sect.

Tianshen turned to Wentian with a curious look.

Wentian replied ‘’the sound of this bell signifies that it is time for the weekly lecture from the top outer sect elder, elder Cai Kun, nobody is allowed to be absent so I apologize brother Tianshen, I will have to leave you for now’’

Tianshen smiled ‘’do not worry, just go, I will watch from the sides, who knows maybe I will gain some insights into cultivation’’ said Tianshen.

Wentian laughed because he got the sarcastic tone of Tianshen.

People started gathering around a small stage that was in the center of a huge square in the middle of the outer sect. When everyone gathered, a man walked onto the stage, he took a look at the disciples and said ‘’welcome to the weekly lecture outer disciples, I hope that this week some of you will be able to reach enlightenment and make a breakthrough in cultivation since it has been a couple of months since anyone had done so, the talent here is really low’’

Most of the disciples frowned when they heard that, was it really that they talent were low? Or something else entirely?

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