
Chapter nine B.

There was another knock at the door, and Sasha moved to open it. A dining cart and two maids entered, and we all moved to the dining room. I sat at the head of the table, and Sasha sat to the left of me. The maids unloaded the plates of food and set everything up, even lighting a few candles.

The second maid that had assisted with the setup left, but the same lilac-haired elf remained behind and stood in the corner holding the bottle of wine. It was slightly unsettling having her hovering behind me, but I could tell it was an expected job she was to perform, so I went along with it.

“I can’t say I have ever had chimera before. How about you Sasha?” I said, taking my first bite. I don’t know what I was expecting, but a gush of mouthwatering spiciness was not it. Every fiber of the muscle was infused with a rich smoked habanero flavor. Not overwhelming, but deep, with a heat that built until beads of sweat fell from one’s forehead; but never painful.

Sasha eyed the elf behind me quickly and said, “No master Grayson. When I was the young play companion of a noble family’s daughter, her father’s favorite dish was chimera stakes. They are quite costly, so I was never allowed to try any.”

“Well, that’s a pity, here do you want to try some now?” I asked as I cut a piece and offered it to her, “It is quite spicy, so it may be too hot for you.”

Sasha leaned over, sticking out her tongue, and removed the meat from the end of the fork. Her eyes widened as she chewed, and a deep red flush ran up her pale skin, from the top of her chest all the way to her cheeks. A few beads of sweat collected on her neck, and the rosy flush evened out to tinge all of her skin. “That is quite good, my lord. It heats one up everywhere.”

She was definitely right. I kept on eating, and when I ate a bit of a weird-looking blue vegetable, a tingling wash of cold trickled over every one of my nerves. Like a shiver after getting out of a pool on a hot day; Cold, before warming up almost instantly again. I was beginning to realize the prices on the menu might not just be for show. Because this was turning into a truly tactile dining experience.


“This is quite good master. I don’t think I have eaten anything like this since I was quite young. Thank you.” Sasha said as she became more comfortable with the setting, almost like she was remembering long-forgotten skills.

“Not a problem. You mentioned you used to be a play companion; how was that?”

“It was quite wonderful for a time. Most nobles, while they are young children, have slave play companions that stay with them all the time. Kitsune are some of the more favored for this as we are quite affectionate when young, and protective. Most of the time this bond lasts lifetimes, with the play partner serving for life. Sometimes such things are not to be though…” Sasha said, trailing off. I could tell there was a lot more there but did not want to press her. As the pain in her eyes was evident. I was happy that she had shared this much with me.

Sasha and I continued to eat in partial silence. Exchanging amiable bits about the food and a few of her favorite things she had gotten to try. Though we stayed away from the topics of the past, letting the drastic changes of the day settle in for both of us.

Soon enough, the meal was over, and Sasha was beaming with happiness. The elf collected the dishes and put them on the dining cart, and left. I made my way back into the sitting room, where I collected my bag and moved into the bedroom, Sasha following close behind.

“Sasha, would you mind if I went through your pack and checked your belongings?” I asked.

“Not at all Eric, you can review everything of mine.” Sasha said with a playful chime in her voice.

She quickly removed her backpack and began to lay the contents out on the bed. She had one extra pair of shoes and a few selections of outfits. She had a couple stockings that would come up to her thigh, and though they were nice enough looking, it appeared that they had been repaired several times. She had the pair of shorts she was wearing earlier as well as another skirt and a pair of pants. She had a long night tunic and several tank tops, as well as a thick knitted sweater that was blue-and-white and would match the coloring of her hair perfectly.


I noticed that she didn’t have any bras or brassieres to support her chest. She had several lacy panties in an assortment of colors, and though they were in good repair, they were definitely not new. As I went through the things, I could see a flush of embarrassment fill her cheeks.

“I’m not trying to make you feel bad or embarrassed, but we are most definitely going to have to get you some new things tomorrow if you’re going to be adventuring with me. Also, I want you to learn these two abilities and absorb these skill books.” I said as I grabbed the two ability crystals and skill books I had gotten for her.

Sasha’s eyes went wide in shock as I set the books and stones on the dresser next to where she was standing. “Master Grayson this is too much. No master would purchase such gifts for a slave. I don’t even… I can’t even… Why…?” Sasha began to stammer.

“I have extraordinarily little care for what other masters may or may not do. But as long as you are traveling with me, I intend to make sure you are well taken care of. Most of all you most definitely have to be able to defend yourself and me.”

Sasha hesitantly picked up the first ability stone graceful Dodge and eyed me in astonishment. “You really want me to learn all of these?”

“Yes. Now Sasha don’t make me make it a command. I want you to learn graceful Dodge and precise strike. I noticed you had five ability points. When we get some more levels on you, you can level these up. Also, I got the skill books journeyman cooking, tailoring, short blades and bows for you as well. You’re definitely going to need to know how to use weapons.”

“Thank you master Grayson. I mean Eric.” Sasha said as she picked up the first ability stone and absorbed it.

We spent the next half hour absorbing the ability crystals and skill books.

I learned the journeyman longsword skill book. Which embedded a deep understanding in my muscle memory of how to use longswords of varying types. I was already insanely powerful with my magical abilities and pairing those powers with the sword would make me that much more useful.

Sasha was also able to learn the shadow spell and the air spell. Though they only appeared to be at level 1 when she learned them.

Sasha was definitely going to have to spend some time leveling the spells, but I hoped it would provide her some versatility in combat. With the last of the skill books absorbed, the impromptu study session came to an end.

The master bedroom was only illuminated by soft orange light coming from the chandeliers overhead. I was tired from the day and removed my new shirt, tossing it over the back of a chair. I moved to the bed sitting and said, “I think it’s time for me to get some sleep, Sasha. See you in the morning?” I said the last as a question but knew that I would. There was a small doorway off from the main room that led to the servants’ room, just a cramped space with bunk beds stacked to the ceiling. Each bed contained a single pillow and thin blanket.

Sasha looked at me with a nervous expression on her face and asked, “Would it be all right if I slept with you Eric?”

“I would be absolutely delighted if you decided to sleep with me. Is sleep the only thing you want?”

With the delighted grin and smile on her face, Sasha said, “I think we might be able to eventually get to sleep….”

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