《Isekai Gundam (Reboot)》Episode 19: Arcadia Rises (Part 4)


A Zakrello and several Rick Doms, GMs and Balls were conducting escort duty for a Gaw that was making a pass over the lands just outside of the final line of fortifications, and by just outside I mean several hundred miles outside. The Gaw and its escort were high enough up that even the Dwarven Spyglass would have difficulty making anything out and would likely see the Gaw as a large avian monster like a Thunderbird or a Roc. While flying at high altitude, GM Snipers were hanging off the sides by cables that anchored them in place.

This effectively let the Gaw act as a makeshift High-Altitude Heavy Observation Vehicle that could also attack targets on the ground with an instant death-from-above type attack. As the Gaw and its escorts began to make a turn to the right towards the north, one of the GM Snipers spotted something in the distance. As the Gaw turned, more GM Snipers could lock on to the same thing and after focusing they realized it was a group of people.

Some were on mounts and some were walking, but what set this group apart from a simple warband was the fabulously decorated carriages that the armed group seemed to be escorting. Once this information was relayed back to the still unfinished Arcadia, new orders were given to the Gaw and its escorts. They were to continue to observe the group they had spotted and await further orders and to report any suspicious movement from the group.

For the past 3 days a massive aerial monster had been circling their diplomatic convoy at extreme altitude as they moved towards the fortifications that had been spotted by the Alliance Scouts. Based on the calculations of The Dwarven Prince Myrd’yn Oathkeeper, the beast was over 20 miles above them and more heavily built than a Roc. For the elven delegation this was greatly concerning, to the dwarves it was a cause for alarm.


For the Beastmen, on the other hand, it was a chance to fight something that could be a Subspecies of Roc and therefore were secretly hoping the beast would descend to fight them. Fortunately for the elves and dwarves and unfortunately for the Beastmen, they reached the outskirts of the final fortification line without the beast ever coming down. In fact, after they got within less than 5 miles of the outskirts, the giant aerial monster flew off through the fortifications and disappeared from view into the sky.

As they advanced, the Prince of the Dwarves suddenly demanded that the envoy stop. He quickly exited the carriage he was in and made everyone back up a bit, before slowly inching forward and finally throwing a large rock off the path. The second the rock touched the ground; an explosion rocked the area. The assembled elves and Beastmen were furious that taking a single step off the road they had found would result in an explosion. Were they being attacked?

“Hold your horses! Lady Evelyn, what do the spirits tell you about the ground?” Prince Myrd’yn asked the elven carriage.

Neither the door nor window opened but a calm voice was heard regardless.

“There are things buried in the ground beyond the path. If one steps too close they will do what was shown by the Prince. There are no such devices placed on the road ahead, but many are placed in the earth around the road. The road is large enough for our people to move and maneuver freely, we can easily turn back at our leisure. Those who have gathered to greet us will not stop us if we intend to leave.”

A sigh of relief spread through the beastmen and elves. The dwarves had a deep connection with the earth and thus knew that the explosives were there but had said nothing and had not acted until several Beastmen had begun to walk through the minefield. To the dwarves it was a miracle that the fools hadn’t triggered anything. The group continued to advance, now very careful not to set foot off the road. While the dwarves were saying nothing, they were astounded at the craftsmanship that went into the road. The road was neither gravel, cobblestones or dirt but was instead a hard, black floor.


At nearly 12:00 noon the envoys arrived at what seemed to be a checkpoint. There were several structures that seemed to be made of stone, metal and glass. The road they were traveling now split into several paths that led under a short overhang and up to several rectangular booths that had a metal pole stretched across the road. A mounted or dismounted person could simply go over or under the pole, but a carriage would have to top and wait for the pole to be lifted.

The beastman envoy was Princess Leona Regulus, and when the convoy stopped and began to wonder what to do she leapt from her carriage and walked up to the booth in front of the convoy. She looked at the south side of the booth, which was a metal frame with a sliding window. She knocked on the window with a grin, only to quickly take a battle stance when glowing eyes shone through the tinted glass. The window opened slowly and what appeared to the convoy to be a highly advanced Golem leaned out and asked a began to speak.

“Hello there, ma’am. Do either you or your convoy have any business in the Arcadian Dominion? If so, please state the nature of your visit and if you wish to enter then please prepare for a standard vehicle and baggage check.”

“What?” (Leona)

“It’s standard procedure ma’am. We do this to make sure that no illicit or dangerous substances are brought into our nation. We don’t expect that a diplomatic envoy will engage in such a faux pas, but it is simply protocol. Please line up at station A-3 and park your vehicles at station B-1. Once a full security check has come back positive, we will let you through.”

“Huh…?” (Everyone in the convoy)

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