《World Transcending Dragon Paragon [HIATUS]》Chapter 16: HR Alliance Contract


Chapter 16: HR Alliance Contract

“Hong Ning City? Isn’t that the location of the Nine Grand Floors, the rumored ultimate training camp for training Wargods?” Yulian had been a reader of the Swallowed Star translated novel in his previous life, giving him valuable insight and information about this new world. In the novel, Luo Feng, the protagonist, joined the elite academy, training here for around six months. Training at this academy helped him rapidly break through!

“So you have heard about that? Well the rumors are completely true, the Nine Grand Floors is the greatest Elite training camp in the world. You can train there for a maximum of five years. This camp allows you the greatest chance of cultivating to a Wargod, there are countless unique treasures found in archaeological ruins that will be beneficial for training. If you manage to climb to the top within these five years, you can actually become a personal disciple of an Existence above Wargod! It is even possible to become a personal disciple of Hong or Thunder God, the two world’s strongest fighters!” Catalan Paulinus replied with a smile; evidently Yulian had done some research, so he would not have to spend much time explaining.

“In Hong Ning City, you will be staying in a Wargod fighter manor. This will be the perfect environment for quiet cultivation. You can avail the instruction of HR Alliance Wargods. You will also given the best training manuals for cultivating. Of course, you will also get proper training in spirit force cultivation.” Catalan Paulinus said these words forcefully, with no room for turning down his offer.

“I really want to go to Hong Ning city for training, however…” Yulian had a hesitant expression on his face as he spoke.

Feeling that Yulian had some other demand, Catalan waited for Yulian to speak.

“…Actually, I have been concentrating on training, and haven’t paid any attention to education. So…”

“You want to go to school, huh? I almost forgot that you were of school-going age. Of course, if you want to go to a school, the HR Alliance will send you to the best in Hong Ning City. If you want to avail home-schooling, I will arrange that too.” Thankfully, Yulian didn’t put forth a difficult request. After accepting Yulian’s request of homeschooling, Catalan continued to speak.

“State the name of the Training Manual you want to acquire. Hong’s Destroyer, Thunder God’s Nine Stage Thunder Blade… the HR Alliance can even provide you powerful techniques like these!” Catalan looked expectantly at Yulian; there should be moderation while choosing! Catalan didn’t mind it if Yulian chose a technique worth billions of dollars, but it would be meaningless if he couldn’t train it due to the difficulty!

“I want the Nine Stage Thunder Blade manual… I have been training in the Nine Yang Thunder Fist as the foundation.” Without any hesitation, Yulian put forth his request. In reality, one of the biggest reasons Yulian had revealed his strength was to get the Nine Stage Thunder Blade manual!

“Demonstrate your Nine Yang Thunder Fist… If you do have some talent in training it, I’ll request the Alliance to give you the complete manual.”

“You can get me the complete manual?” Yulian had a shocked expression on his face; the total price for the Nine Stage Thunder Blade manual was 100 billion dollars! Even though fighters with large amount of contribution point could get a 50% discount, it was still a ridiculous price!


“Everything depends upon your skill with the Nine Yang Thunder Fist. If you have the ability to cultivate the technique to perfection, 100 billion dollars is worth it. If you have no talent, why would the HR Alliance waste money?” Catalan expressionlessly waited for Yulian’s demonstration.

“While training, I watched some videos of fighters using the Nine Stage Thunder Blade. It was helpful for my training.” Saying this, Yulian shot forward and punched the Fist Testing Machine.

“1995 kg!!”

Seeing the amazing result where Yulian’s fist strength had doubled, both Catalan Paulinus and Jack Whitney who was silently observing, began rubbing their eyes. This had completely surpassed the limits of a foundation building technique! Yulian had clearly used the First Stage of the Nine Stage Thunder Blade technique!

“Y-you comprehended the First Stage of the Nine Stage Thunder Blade by perfecting the Nine Yang Thunder Fist?” Catalan’s surprise could be seen through his stuttering. Even though Thunder God had stated that it was possible to comprehend the First Stage of his legendary technique by training in the foundation technique, it was something nearly impossible to achieve!

“Jack helped me to access the Warlord-level forums of the HR Alliance. I found useful information there.” Hearing Yulian’s reply, Catalan relaxed. It wasn’t rare for information about the Nine Stage Thunder Blade technique to be spread on the forums. However, this didn’t change the fact that Yulian’s talent was earth shattering!

“Don’t worry, I’ll ensure that you obtain the complete Nine Stage Thunder Blade technique. However, the Nine Stage Thunder Blade technique is a saber technique. Do you have any training in a saber?”

In response to Catalan’s question, Yulian picked up a three foot long blade and demonstrated the ‘Three Blades in Unity’ technique. As a foundation technique of the Nine Stage Thunder Blade, it was illegal for a person to learn without buying the Nine Stage Thunder Blade, however Yulian had already explained himself.

Two blades flashed on the two sides of Yulian’s blade. This technique had been trained to perfection!

“Amazing. Fist strength surpassing 900 kg, excellent saber technique and to add on that, you are a spirit reader as well! Normally, you would have been a genius rookie fighter, and have joined a Warlord level fighter squad so that you could rapidly improve in safety!” Catalan praised Yulian without holding back.

“Wait a moment. I’ll call a supervisor to fix a contract for you. Don’t worry, it will favor you a lot. After all, an Advanced-level Wargod is requesting!”

After this, Catalan left the Training Room for five minutes to make a call. After he returned, the three of them- Yulian, Catalan and Jack- indulged in small talk. Catalan recounted his experiences in hunting down monsters.

“…So, in the end, I couldn’t track down that One Horned Flame Rhino. Mostly, it was due to me being a solo fighter. After this, I made friends with some Wargods, and created an elite fighter squad.” After Catalan finished this story, his phone started buzzing. After checking it, he smiled.

“The Alliance has sent the contract. The deliveryman is at the doorstep. Yulian, you can check it yourself before signing.”

In the hall of the manor, Yulian was quietly checking the contract. The contract was pretty simple, so that even a 7 year old could understand it.


“The basic stipulation of this contract is spending the next three years training in a HR Alliance fighter manor in Hong Ning City. I will be availing home-schooling from top level educators for these three years. I will be given the complete Nine Stage Thunder Blade manual and a secret Spirit Reader training manual to train in. If needed, I can avail the advice of Warlords and Wargods for my training. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, top-level Horde Leader beast meat will be cooked by experts for my consumption. As long as I continue to diligently train, I will receive 10 million dollars every month for the duration of three years…”

“Not only this, there are other rewards as well! For breaking through to Beginner Warrior, Intermediate Warrior and Advanced Warrior within three months, one year and two years respectively, there is the reward of natural cultivation materials- Blood Spirit Grass, Ginseng Root and Lingzhi Grass. If I can breakthrough to Beginner Warlord within three years, a Spirit of Nature will be provided!” Natural cultivation materials could be found in the wild, and had a good effect on increasing cultivation by refining the genes. Spirits of nature were top-grade natural cultivation materials, and were useful for even existences above wargods for cultivation!

“For training in the Nine Stage Thunder Blade as well, appropriate rewards will be given. One chrysoprase for breaking through to the First Stage, two chrysoprases for breaking through to the second stage and four chrysoprases for breaking through to the third stage! If I somehow break through to the Fourth Stage of the Nine Stage Thunder Blade in three years, one vial of Dragon’s Blood would be provided! And… for perfecting the Fourth Stage of the Nine Stage Thunder Blade, A-Rank Genetic Medicine will be given!” Crysoprase and Dragon’s Blood were artificially created elixirs for increasing cultivation. They were not easily absorbed by the body, and most fighters at the Warlord level would take them. Genetic Medicine was an even more powerful artificial elixir effective for Wargod level fighters. The Nine Stage Thunder Blade had the power to explosively increase the fitness level and strength of the body, allowing Yulian to absorb these materials at the Warrior and Warlord level respectively!

“Too good, too good! Spending such a large amount of resources on me… I will certainly make full use of them.” Yulian perfectly understood why resources worth tens of billions were being expended on him. As a spirit reader, it wouldn’t take a long time for Yulian to gain the ability to casually make this amount of money. So, this was a bid to gain Yulian’s loyalty in his youth.

“So when do we move? I want to get started with my training at the earliest.”

“A flight to Hong Ning city is scheduled in 4 hours… With my privileges as a top-rank fighter of HR Alliance, I can book a ticket for us both. Do you want to come? I can arrange for a flight any day in this week, if you don’t want to go now.”

“I’ll go with you.” Yulian immediately accepted Catalan’s offer. Honestly, he was getting sick of being cooped up in this manor and hiding his power, so he was happy to take the opportunity to leave as fast as possible.

After saying goodbye to Jack, Yulian left with Catalan to the airport. The airport was extremely desolate, with only a few service personnel and almost no passengers. There was only a extremely huge saucer-shaped plane in the airport. Seeing it, Yulian was extremely surprised. He never believed that a alien UFO-like object could actually be used for flying!

Seeing Yulian’s surprise, Catalan smiled. “You probably don’t know much about this new commercial plane technology, right? This plane was created from blueprints discovered in archaeological ruins. This plane… is outfitted with the latest high-tech defensive and offensive measures. Flying horde leader level monsters can be exterminated like grass, and this plane has offensive weapons to make even Emperor-level monsters flee! Not only that, a spirit reader is also sent on a plane for boosting weapon damage. Of course, I am serving as the spirit reader for this plane.”

‘This weapon was created by blueprints for archaeological ruins… I wonder what these archaeological ruins are?’ Yulian had only read 5 volumes of the Swallowed Star web novel. He didn’t possess any information about these archaeological ruins. They had never been expanded upon in the first five volumes.

After Yulian and Catalan entered the saucer-shaped plane, Yulian looked at the interior in surprise. Since the plane was saucer shaped, the cabins were split into the top level, middle level, and bottom level. The top level was the first class cabin, while the middle and bottom levels were normal cabins.

“Since I am the spirit reader in charge of protecting the plane and you are accompanying me… We get first class seats. Come with me…” Following Catalan, Yulian found himself sitting in a small seat with narrow leg space.

“In what way is this a first class seat? My legs are getting cramped!” Yulian could not help complaining; there was truly too little space. And this was with Yulian’s small sized body… It was difficult imagining how adult fighters would adjust.

Catalan only smiled at Yulian’s discomfort. “You should see the second class seats. Even fighters who sit there get cramps!”

“Anyway, the trip from New York City to Hong Ning City is a cross-country trip. The whole trip’s duration is 17 hours. You want to be a fighter, right? Such little discomfort is bearable. I’ll be in the cockpit.”

After Catalan left, Yulian decided to close his eyes and sleep. After his awakening as a spirit reader, Yulian found out that he had gained perfect control over his body. The current him could go to sleep without risk of oversleeping or insomnia. He didn’t have any dreams anymore and he needed to sleep for only three hours. With further cultivation, the amount of sleep could be reduced, until sleep was completely unnecessary.

Like this, Yulian spent the duration of the flight in sleep, only waking up when lunch and dinner was distributed. Finally, the plane landed in Hong Ning city.


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