《Throughout the Ages》Age of Stone: chapter 34


( Toran POV )

Still I feel it.

Even after returning to my tent I still feel it.

I have felt it since I saw Altaï being carried away, her eyes looking to me in hope.

And I didn’t Do Anything!

The feeling intensifies when I think back to that moment.

The cold grasp that has taken hold in my chest clutches itself more tightly around my heart.

Anger and regret fight for dominance within my thoughts.

Why did I Not Help Her!

But what could I have done?

I saw him earlier that day, I have witness his strength and his cunning when he defeated that centaur.

You Could Have Taken Him!

Maybe I could have, but he wasn’t alone now was he?

I saw all those people around the fire, cheering him on as he carried her away.

They Are Nothing! You Could Have Hold Them Off!

But what for? Until I ran out of power? Litra wasn’t anywhere near and neither were any of our tribesmen.


That’s what I thought, two or three I can fight but anything more…

What am I even doing? Talking to voices in my head.

I turn around and try to sleep.

I wake up from a when someone opens my tent.

"What is it!"

"There is someone here looking for you, an elven girl."

Once more the cold grasp intensifies itself.

"I’ll get up…."

From just outside of the tent a voice speaks to me.

"Toran, can I enter?"

Caught by surprise I simply nod to the tribesman, who steps aside.

Altaï enters wearing a long cloak and with her hair a tangled mess.

All she does is sit down near the entrance and staring at the ground.

Even so the tent isn’t big enough to hide the that she has been crying, just like I did when I saw her being carried off.

But I doubt that hers were tears of anger.

I fear that they weren’t.

"Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Help? Yes you could have helped…"

I reach forward touching her wiping away the tears.

"But why Didn’t You!"

Her outburst catches me by surprise, as I back off I lose my balance.

When I get back up she stands before me heads taller then me, her eyes crying blood.

She drops her cloak to the ground showing the remnants of her clothes, nothing but scraps of hide, doing nothing to reveal what lies beneath.

"Why Did You Leave Me!"

I turn away but somehow she is everywhere nothing I do allows me to look away.

The cuts and bruises on beneath her clothes seemingly getting bigger the more I try and get away.

"You Could Have Stopped This!"

I must get away this is too much!

I start panicking and reach deep inside myself, towards the flame that burns within and without thinking I let it go.

A wall of flames bursts away from me, I drop down on my knees from exhaustion.

"You Have What It Takes To Save Her!"

Then the wall of hits her, and finally everything goes dark.

"See? You Do Have It In You."


I look around for the source of the sound and from the darkness Altaï steps forth, all her wounds and bruises giving of the light of flames as they slowly burn away, leaving only flawless flesh behind.

"But You Have to Be Quick, Otherwise…"

She doesn’t even finish her sentence before two large arms reach from beyond the darkness and haul her away From Me.




I gasp for air and reach out for Altaï.

But I find nothing but my sweat soaked blankets.

Through the entrance I can already see the sun rising into the sky.

I might as well get up and do something productive in order so quiet down.

A few hours later I join my brother for breakfast.

"So Toran? Did you find the girl of your dreams yet?"

I hesitate…

"Yes, I think so actually."

Litra arches his eyebrow, a scrutinising look in his eyes.

"I must admit if it’s that easy then I might try as well, so tell me what is she like?"

I think of Altaï, her blond hair with the black streaks running through it, her slim figure and her confident behavior, but then the figure I saw in my nightmare overlaps with her.

"She… it doesn’t matter."

"What is it? Did she refuse you? Or were you afraid to ask her?"

"No, it’s just… she is already taken by someone else."

I remember the image from last night, her pleading look while being carried away.

"And you are gonna let that stop you?"

"No, I won’t."

( Jormund POV )

I am never drinking that much again, my head is hurting something fierce.

I quietly exit the tent, making sure not to awaken Altaï.

When I reach the shared fireplace, I am surprised to find Disor trying to light it.

"Disor, what are you doing here?"

"Jormund! Up already? I thought you were gonna be out for another few hours. Anyway I decided to set-up here close to you for as long as possible.

After all you know how to drink, wrestle, and I am sure more fun stuff will happen so why shouldn’t I stick around?"

I don’t really follow his explanation, but meeting new people is what I started this journey for after all.

"Talking about fun stuff there is a centaur looking for you, he called himself Bronn.

Told me that he would like to meet you."

"Is that him over there?"

I point towards a centaur which is approaching us, tall and imposing carrying one of those big hunting lances centaur use to hunt, and white paint covering his chest in a weird coiling pattern.

"No, that’s one of the heralds, I guess that the Sovereign has finally decided that enough people are here in order to make her announcement."

( Huron POV )

Seems like I was the last person to agree to this invitation of “importance”.

As if this person knows anything about what is important for me and my tribe.

I come to rest in a big ethereal amphitheater, the seats a filler with maybe twenty other people. Most of them around the between the age of twenty to forty if I had to guess from the animal level AI’s that keep them company.


Although there are some teenagers as well they stand out with their AI’s resembling only basic starskies or burning flames.

And all the way in the back there is an elder person, right behind him stands his AI companion, a dull grey colour and dressed like a butler.

Better watch out for what he does.

Through the floor I can see the gathering below, all the tribes that gathered most of them seem to pure elf-builds, there doesn’t seem to be any goblins, but I do spot at least one group of wolfkin.

The rest are equally spread between humans and centaurs.

In fact I seem to stand out with my mixed build.

"Lux, please take note of which person represents which tribe, and watch out for the old-timer in the back with his butler."

"Will do sir."

While observing the area below, I failed to notice the organizer of this whole event stepping forwards onto the stage and making her entrance.

She has a very strict look about her, which is bolstered by her dark red hair and vivid green eyes, Her AI assistant stands next to her a proud stag, silver like a full-moon.

But I already missed the introductions so maybe I should start paying attention to her speech.

"I have called you here in order to propose an unique chance to all of you, during my time in the game I have stumbled upon a unique system that allows not only me but also other people to benefit from it.

I could explain it but there is a better way to show this."

She looks at her AI, who nods in return.

"I, Lissandra, hereby pledge to the Pale Stag that any who shall accept the worship of the Pale Stag within their tribe are under my protection, whether it be a battle against the elements, or a clash between other tribes, you shall have my support!"

Pledge of Protection (Amplified)

The player Lissandra, owner of the Tribe of the Pale Stag, has made a pledge of protection to any player willing to accept the religion of the Pale Stag in their village.

As long as she maintains this pledge her tribe will benefit from a 15% increase in movement speed while moving to support her allies.

"I managed to found a religion with as my main domain Honour. Anyone can swear a pledge to the Pale Stag, be it a player or even one of the AI’s living in a village.

And as long as you stay true to your honour this pledge will provide you with a benefit. This benefit is chosen depending on your pledge.

If your pledge is vague and easily fulfilled your benefit will be minor to none, and finally if you break your pledge, the game will not allow you to take another one until five in game years have passed, or if I decide to grant absolution."

Now this is useful, I guess her announcement was indeed of importance.

The question remains though, should I join her?

From the back of the stands a person stands up, seems like someone is making their decision ahead of me.

I turn and see the old man from before, and his butler AI.

"My lord, Gregory the Second, promises that his tribe will follow the religion of the Pale Stag, and swear upon the Pale Stag that any who are worthy will receive the aid of his healers whether through war or pestilence."

Out of the corner of my eyes I see Lissandra nod her head, and her AI shines brightly for a second.

Pledge of Mending (Amplified)

The player Gregory the Second, owner of the Tribe of the coastal plains, has made a pledge of Mending to the followers of the Pale Stag.

As long as he maintains this pledge his tribe will benefit from a 5% increase in efficiency of any medicinal aid, be it mundane or magical.

She is buffing the pledges, that what the amplified tag means, but she can’t have enough resources to amplify all the pledges, so first come first served.

"I, Huron, promise that my tribe will follow the religion of the Pale Stag.

In addition I swear upon the Pale Stag and the honour of my dynasty that my tribe will always be at the forefront of the war against the non-believers and the heretics."

Maybe the first bit is a bit overly dramatic but I had to stretch for time a bit before I found the proper wording.

But in exchange this should give me the benefit that I need help me quickly expand my domain, even with the few people that I have.


You have just made an advanced pledge, these will be harder to maintain but will provide stronger benefits.


- Your tribe must have been in conflict with one tribe of non-believers or heretics at least once every six months in order to maintain this pledge.

- Your dynasty must remain alive to maintain this pledge.

If the pledge is broken you will suffer from penalties in terms of tribe loyalty.

Do you agree to these terms?

Maybe, just maybe I have triggered something that I shouldn’t have…

Doesn’t matter, I have always been a 'high-risk high-rewards' kind of player.

"I accept!"

Lissandra seems to get a pop-up as well, seeing her reaction and although surprised quickly seems to get thrilled with the result.

She turns to me and smiles.

"Seems like we have someone willing to go the extra mile, alright have your blessing."

Oath of Strife (Amplified)

The Player Huron owner of the tribe of Flame, has made an oath of strife upon the the Pale Stag and the ruling Dynasty of his tribe.

His tribe will get an 10% increase in combat efficiency while battling the non-believers which will increase towards 15% while fighting heretics.

In addition his members of his dynasty will receive a 5% efficiency boost to their magic when using it against heretics.

Should this oath be broken his tribe will suffer a 25% decrease in loyalty.

This will do quite nicely, indeed.

Suddenly below a commotion is being caused, not by one of the players but by one of the AI villagers below.

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