《Throughout the Ages》Age of Stone: chapter 32


( Litra POV )

The latest set of emissaries leaves our camp, and when they are out of earshot my brother erupts in annoyance.

"That’s it I am done! It’s of no use.

Nobody is willing to give an answer before this Sovereign person, makes her announcement."

"We have to try anyway. Think of the future of our family."

"Of course family is important but I don’t want to choose a random girl to become my wife, I want someone who understands me, not someone who is only with me because of tribal politics."

I smile lightly when he talks about his dreams, but then again why not give him a chance.

"You know what, go and find yourself a girl, I don’t really mind a political coupling."

Surprised he turn towards me. He opens his mouth to speak but I interrupt him before he even gets a word out.

"In exchange, promise me that if you haven’t found anyone during the next five years that you will get yourself a political coupling.

After all I can’t keep dad of your back forever."


why would….

Thank you."

"Don’t thank me after all, you would have done the same for me, right brother?"

I stretch out my hand for him to shake it and he eagerly grabs it into a warriors grip, each of us holding the others wrist.

"So I would, but again thank you."

( Jormund POV )

With a final heave I throw my opponent over my shoulder, with a heavy impact he lands a few strides behind me.

The cheers that erupt all around tell me that he is out of bounds.

I walk up to him and reach out my arm.

"That was the longest fight I had so far, well fought."

He grabs my hand and pulls himself up. His brown skin in stark contrast with my own.

"Same to you, but you do owe me a drink if you don’t win the tournament, alright?"

Laughing loudly I knock on his back.

"You just want a free drink, there is no chance I win in a wrestling match against a centaur or a wolfkin."

"I would have won, so it’s only fair you pay for my missed victory drink!"

I shake my head, and promise to find him once I knocked out or won the tournament.

I can barely belief that it has already been four days since Altaï and I have reached the gathering, at first we were both surprised by the sheer amount of people so we spend the first few days setting up camp and getting used all of it together.

But after a two day we decided to go our own ways during the day, while spending the nights together.

So far all of it has been time well spent.

And first I was just walking around helping people where they needed it but after a while I ended up at these tournament grounds, with so many people around people decided to challenge each other and from one thing came another.

While thinking about all of this someone motioned for me to come over.

It seems my next match is ready.

When I see that my opponent is a centaur I sign and prepare myself for a long fight.


The colour of his fur blends almost perfectly over into his darkly tanned skin almost until the point that it’s near impossible to see where either one starts or ends.

However his antlers have only a single branch, I might still have a chance since this means that this is his first year into adulthood.

( Toran POV )

I must admit that the tournament ground probably weren’t the best place to go find a girl I might fancy, everybody here seems only interested in sweaty muscles and strength.

And I used to think I was a strong warrior, now I know that the warriors in my tribe were keeping back, probably because if they were to hurt either me or Litra, father would have them severely punished.

Apparently not many here are gifted with a magical affinity, those that are gather a small distance away from the main camp.

I am certain that I will take a look before leaving, but they aren’t really what I am looking for.

I am about to leave when I spot one match that catches my attention, a human with a skin much paler than most of the locals facing a centaur, normally a one sided match but this one seems to be lasting for a while now and is really starting attract some attention.

The human is clearly starting to get winded from continually dodging the centaurs charges, not that he has a choice since the difference in mass means that he doesn’t stand a chance in a fight of brute strength.

The centaur on the other hand is clearly getting annoyed and seems about to lose his temper.

While circling each other, with each step a small cloud of dust rises up before settling on their sweat soaked skin. But their gazes are locked together, making sure they don’t miss a single move..

A few feints happen from the centaur, most of which get called by the human until he dodges backwards which brings him to close to the edge.

The centaur charges knowing that the human doesn’t have any room to properly dodge, knowing the bout is over I prepare to turn away, but then I notice the human smiling.

In a sudden burst of speed he takes two steps forwards and takes a solid low stance, then he grabs the centaurs left foreleg and throws his entire weight to his own right, causing the centaur to topple and make a heavy fall.

There is a sudden silence while both warriors get back up.

"He is out."

My words sound over the entire area like a bell, people look surprised at me and then back to the arena.

The centaur is clearly standing outside of the arena with both of his hind legs.

The following wave of sound is overwhelming, the crowd that gathered goes wild.

The centaur walks of clearly upset while the human walks up to the organizer of the tournament and having a small talk before leaving.

The risks involved in taking that move were immense but even so he willing threw himself in front of a centaur with only his bare hands, willing to risk almost everything for a simple victory.

By now most of the crowd has cleared out and it seems like the tournament is finished for today.

Since there isn’t anything left that catches my attention, I decide to follow his example and leave looking towards place which is more to my liking.


"Old fools all of them!"

I have never been this humiliated in my live! I went and tried to talk to the other people with magical affinity but all of them are overly secretive of their gift and refuse to talk to practically anyone but their students.

In addition they didn’t even believe me when I said that had a magical talent, they just scoft and said that every youngster that came looking for them said the same, none even bother to save me a second glance.

I can feel the rage burning in my veins, the call of the fire which I carry within me asking to be released.

Without even thinking I focus the heat from the nearby rocks and the light of the evening sun in my palms before hurling it up into the air.

The immediate area is cast within a deep dark red, like blood from a fresh quarry.

Immediately I feel much better, maybe a bit peckish after all that was a large amount energy I threw into that flare.

"Was that you?"

Surprised I turn around, and before me stands a young elven maiden around my age, her hair reflecting the light of my flare in many strange and beautiful patterns.

Caught of guard, I stand frozen for a second before awkwardly running a hand through my hair.

"Ah.. yes?

I am sorry if I disturbed you…"

"Why would apologize?

It’s so pretty looking, I have never seen anyone do anything like it before."

While talking she walked closer but because she was looking up at the flair she missed a step, and started falling.

Promptly I stepped forward and stopped her from falling.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you.

If you would allow me to ask, can you do more of these?"

Still in my arms she lifts her right arm and points at the flare, which is now losing in power and lowering to the ground.

"I could but I would like a single favour in exchange."

Her eyes rapidly shift their focus away from the remnants of light and towards my face, and I can feel her tensing up in my arms.

"And what would that be?"

"The first thing that I would ask of you is your name."

She relaxes instantly, and as if only just realizing the position we are in, rapidly untangels herself from my arms and stands up.

"My name is Altaï."

"And mine is Toran, now I have one more request, could you show me around camp, although I have been here for a few days now I haven’t had much time to explore."

She giggles, and a slight blush appears on her cheeks.

"I would gladly show you all the places of the gathering, from the open ground to the secret groves."

In a flash she is next to me and presses a kiss on my cheek, after which she walks off only to stop and look over her shoulder to see whether I am following.

This time I am the one blushing before following her towards the camp.

( Altaï POV )

The moon is almost at its highest point when we approach the place that me and Jormund have chosen as ours.There is clearly more people than I expected but that isn’t something that bothers me to much.

I slow down in order to allow Toran to catch up and walk next to me.

After spending the evening showing him the camp I am pretty sure that I have him woven around my fingers.

Subconsiously I start comparing him to Jormund

He isn’t layered with the same amount of muscles as Jormunds, he tends more towards the leaner side but its his red and brown hair that stand out the most.

Neither of them are perfect though, Jormund is to kind, and doesn’t get any subtle hints at all, after all I had to practically throw myself at him before he noticed my advances.

Toran on the other hand is the complete opposite, he fell for me hook, line and sinker. the moment that I let myself fall into his arms and his first request was my name, I had to spot myself from rolling my eyes.

he is so gullible that its almost funny, not that I mind having an easy catch is nice every so often.

"I want to introduce you to my travelling companion, don’t worry he isn’t as crude as he looks."

"Now you are making me worried, are you certain that you don’t want to go to my camp?"

"Everything is fine, I swear! Now come I will introduce you two!"

Finally we arrive at the fire pit that I share with a few nearby travelers, but this time it’s more of a bonfire, I quickly see Jormund sitting on the other side of it.

Jormund notices me and waves both of us over to his spot.

we reach his spot with a bit of trouble caused by all the people around the fire.

"What is going on here Jormund?"

"It’s nothing much, I was participating in one of the competitions and made some friends who wanted to celebrate."

He has clearly been drinking…

I was going too introduce them to each other before telling Jormund I was gonna sleep somewhere else tonight, but currently a different idea is forming in my head.

I feel a smile forming on my face, maybe they will even fight for me! just like the tales told on the night of the full moon.

Having decided on a plan I walk up closer to Jormund, having reached him I bow down allow me to whisper into his ear.

"I was feeling like having a long night with you but as you are tired from you victory I doubt that you could even carry me to out bedroll."

Even the drunken haze in his eyes quickly dissipates, and he whispers back

"And what if I could?"

"I guess we will exactly what happens then."

Immediately I feel his arms around my waist and I feel him lifting me onto his shoulder, some of his drinking buddies notice this and cheer him on.

Playfully I hit his back with my fists, while speaking loudly.

"Let me down you big oaf!"

I throw a pleading look towards Toran, he is clearly angry but after a few seconds he turns away and leaves.

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