《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 28 The Terran campaign p2


-----------Myles Shades-----------

Myles Shades was, let say interested in what he just heard from the comm.

He just ended a « call » from the emperor Mensgk, who ordered that all action must be taken to eliminate the threat to his Dominion. Which translates as destroy them even if you have to die to do it.

And now his screen was displaying a pretty woman with blue crystal horn offering immortality. Hell, with her look saying that a succubus was offering a trade for his soul would be easier to describe .

Myles took a quick look to his officers on the bridge to judging their reactions. Most of them looked distrustful but curious towards the woman.

Looking at his screens he saw those clouds of mutalisk going for her, even a idiot would know she was looking for helps.

(Myles) Open a channel and record the conversation.

A screen open up displaying the woman.

(Myles) Well beautiful, I am sorry to inform you that we are not interested in joining any religious organizations.

Said Myles with a amused voice. He knew that the beautiful infested on the screen was up too. Since if he was in the same situation as her, he would lie, cheat and beg without any shame.

On the screen Nova had her smile break a little.

Deciding to play with her for awhile and maybe let her believe that he may be interested.

(Myles) But I am man who respect other religions, even the crazy one. Let’s hear on how your gonna save our souls and bring us in your afterlife.

Nova had dropped her fake smile and looking at him like he was retarded.

She then spoke to him like you would to a small child.

(Nova) Soul? Afterlife?

There was a silence where Nova was looking straight at him, looking for something.

She then spoke.

(Nova) Are you retarded? What I meant by immortality was as in you're gonna live longer than a star.

She had spoken like one said a fact, a unbreakable truth.

Looking at him for a moment, she huffed and close the channel.

That statement left him confused.

Moment later something he realised something, it was so obvious during the call that he didn't realise it until now.

He had spoken with a infested terran that was fully sentient.

——-in space——-

(Nova) Well, the easy way went down the drain.

Nova took a look to the ship captain and nodded. He adjusted his hat and opened a open channels .

(Infested Captain) Gentlemen, I would say it been a honour serving with you, but since I heard hell is a little too warm for my taste so I will be back to kick your lazy arse in shape as soon as I am allowed.

Nova quietly left the bridge and went to pick up her gear. On her way she saw all non critical personnel doing the same.

The escorting warships were emptying themselves of everything and everyone.

Cargo that could not be placed in transport were cut loose before opening the cargo bay doors and letting the decompression scatter it.

As for the infested on board, if you were not needed you had to jump ship and aim at the planet, if you miss, at least you will a great view for a long time.


Transport ships were making preparations for hostile landing. Taking a strategy for the Flood from the Halo series where they landed(crashed) ships into populations center in order to spread.

They were planning the crash of several ships into the middle of enemy bases, with army of infested Zombies that were still on board. Infested Zombies were made to handle the kind of incoming trauma that was about to hit them.

As for the rest of the infested marines they would jump as soon as possible carrying as much munitions and supplies they could carry. If one thing had not changed since old, is that if a soldier know is going into an FUBAR situation, then that their are gonna bring as much stuff they can carry with them.

Ships could always be replaced, Troops could always be reborn, Equipment could be manufactured, nothing else matter than victory.

Those words were basically the infested entire military doctrine.

Although even if they win, the cost will make someone cry since ship and equipment take time and resources to build.

———-Sasha fleet——-

Sasha Fleet was moving to intercept the hybrid mutalisk attack wave.

(Sasha) Ready the nuke!

Sasha was yelling through the hive mind. To say she was getting nervous was a understatement and one of the downside of the hive mind was the lack of ability to hide it.

(Tech Infested) Madam we are too far. They are still outside of effective range!

Sasha stop and just looked at the tech, she had the ‘Are you serious’ look. The tech was a civilian that's was trained for the job after her infestation, so no practical experience and with stuff crammed in her head.

(Sasha) This is space warfare kid, Range dont matter that much.

Sasha relaxed a little, amused and a little nostalgic of the past.

The tech looked confused and you could feel through the hive mind what she mean.

One of the older looking infested sitting next to him was annoyed and just spoke.

(Old man infested) Kid, in space if you know where a target is going and at what speed, they are alway in range.

(Tech Infested) What?

She responded with still clear confusion.

Sasha just entered a coordinate in the computer while they were talking, she then ruthlessly smiled.

(Sasha) Set timer on the Nuke to 7.25 minute and fire using this flight path, on my mark.

The young infested was getting more confused since those coordinate were way of course. Somewhere between the planet and the mutalisk swarm.

What’s more those nuke were not made for those kind of distance, they had at best 5 min of fuel before burning out.

Sasha was looking intensely at the screen displaying the current positions of the hybrid before shout up.

(Sasha) Fire!

Missile launchers fired their payloads, they immediately took more speed following their flight path.

The various launchers immediately activated their reload mechanism.

The young infested looked at her screen following the missiles flights, at exactly 5 minutes all of them just disappeared from her screen.

The old infested beside her started to display a maniacal smile. Feeling of anticipation was coming from him.

Almost every old infested on the bridge had that smirk on their face, the more curious young infested had tried to peek in their mind to see what was so funny. But they were told « just watch ».


While the bridge crews was waiting for something to happen, the launchers finally reloaded their payloads and were ready to fire again.

Now observing her screen the young infested saw the mutalisk swarm began to spread itself as wide as possible. Then the screen began to display dozen of warnings.

The area of space in front of the mutalisk swarm light up. Hundreds of nuclear warhead detonated at same time.

The multiple explosions made a cone shaped fireworks with the mutalisk swarm in interior of the cone.

The hybrid had the pleasure of being within the cone a feel the heat of a hundreds sun in his face, his biological defence strained to the limits as radiation flooded his body.

The mutalisk while doing better than most organisms in this situation, still burned from the inside out.

On the ship, cheers were heard from everyone. But on the bridge Sasha was frowning at her screen.

The hybrid was still moving and most of the mutalisk swarm survived her surprise. Oh she could feel the building rage the hybrid had. The Mutalisk swarm quickly formed a large protecting sphere formation around the hybrid.

Suddenly, she had a rather cuntish ideal.

Her frown was gone and replaced by a shit eating smile. Pooling her power once more, she spoke once again through telepathy.

(Sasha) Who pathetic now?

Oh the reaction the hybrid had was explosive, he was now broadcasting all kinds of threat and insults.

As the exchange of maturity and respect was going on, two things happen.

The first Sasha fleets entered maximum distance for most of her weapons, she could now actually leave the computer calculating the flights path without her brute forcing it using overseers brain.

And secondly was the Hybrid was absorbing the energy from the Mutalisk swarm surrounding it.

-----------------On the Maw-----------

Within the planet size ship a certain infested terran was regretting her latest decision.

Kerrigan was sitting on a throne dealing with ‘’digestion’’ issue. The Overmind power was too much for her to control, the psionic energy would randomly flare and cause damage to her body. This caused her to experience level of pain that few could imagine constantly and taxing her regeneration ability to the limit.

But if it was only physical pain then Kerrigan could endure, but no, the issue she had the most problem dealing with was memory. Not her but with the billions of infested within the Hive mind. Every single moment she relaxed her guard she would live the life of one of the infested, from there earliest memory to the moment they were infested.

She would feel every emotion they ever had. The good one, the sad one, the painful one, etc. She deal with the memory easily with ghost training, but no fortress around her mind could ever stop the flood of emotions that was coming with those memory.

Especially with someone inside her literally lowering her defence.

As of this moment Kerrigan still was thinking she had killed the Overmind, or maybe it was self-delusion.

As for the rest of the Zerg force they were approaching to the koprulu sector, heading toward Char in order the set a forward base. Originally Tarsonis was supposed to be it but after the trouble they had they re-chose their destination.

Infested reinforcements would be dispatched after securing the worlds.

Multiple smaller forces were also dispatched, locating inhabited worlds and trying to figure it out with Terran trade network. Basically going into a system seeking life and if there is then leaving a couple Overseers to monitor traffic. Right now simple observation from afar is better that deep recon and infiltration, especially since the Terran of the koprulu sector have technology capable of detecting zerg biosignature.

This point was among the to-do list of the Overmind project, having infiltrator that were detectable was a big faux pas in espionage. So the Overmind had invested lot of time and energy into making his changeling and brain bug undetectable. Since the Overmind was currently indisposed this task was inherited by Abathur who not interested in it at all, since he had Titan to work with and any situation could be solved with overkill.

Speaking of Titan the last few week within the Maw was … dangerous. A lot more than normally inside of a living planet infested to the brim with zerg warrior breed could be. Thank for the generous testing and experimentation from Abathur breed which shall be called henceforth as Shaper .

Because of that, the number of accident went from near zero to a planet killer monsters running around every week or so. Fun time.

The Hive Empress Slyria had a lot of practice containing and eliminating those threat , she also for some reason took liking in Zagara and taking her as an apprentice/second in command.

The primal zergs were having a fun time with all those experiment running around.

------------Inside of Kerrigan abused mind--------------

------------MC POV------------

(Overmind) Almost free!!!!

It's been a long time ,from my point of view, that I have been stuck here.

And well….. I end up redecorated the entire space. The tain had spread everywhere and the bookshelf had grew into a full library filled with nonsense.

The best part in my minor bout of insanity is that I found out I could force Kerrigan to see memory if I would read them to her subconscious form. Let me tell you that I hand picked the worse one I could find.

Some of the infested had Shitty life from the moment they were born till they were infested, there nothing wrong happening after infestation, because I say so. Those are real tear jerker that should have a movie made with the story.

And with the chain getting loose I was getting more control over My Own Power, so like the vindictive bastard that I am. I made it completely toxic for Kerrigan body.

Oh and the blasted orb was getting a lot of scratch which something I have no clue what it responsible for.

As for the best news, I have limited access to the hive mind, they still take forever to react to my order but I am once stuck in a time dilatation prison located inside of the soulscape of a Psycho.

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