《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 24 Round two


---Overmind pov---

My troops were getting decimated, and by Kerrigan, I would guess.

The main entrance to my pool turns into a meat grinder. They were no side entrance to the pool, only the main entrance which was currently occupied.

For myself I resumed my run, hopefully, the sacrifice of my units would distract her enough for me to kill her. And this time I will nuke her, shreds her body into small piece and toss everything into a star along the world eater.

My lesson was learned, in the case of a protagonisme there no such thing as overkill and in case of doubt, that means there still room for more.

As I keep going towards my destination, those thoughts and feelings were growing stronger. Now I even had thought of suicide, of going to Amon begging him to be his pet and other increasing idiotic plan.

Whoever was sending those didn’t know me it would seem, since I hated being manipulated. And honestly, with the shit I was receiving, If I was not so tired I would probably go on a murder spree to spite the sender.

I arrived next to the entrance, I took a peak the inside of the pool only for a lightning bolt to fly in my direction.

After this incident, I follow the old piece of wisdom that every soldier hear at least once, stick to cover and let the tank clear the way.

A dozen of Ultralisk began to charge, the entrance barely large enough to let them pass.

The first one was hit by the energy blast straight in his face, second, later he was dead and the blast digs its way through him.

the body of the first Ultralisk was shoved on the side and the second Ultralisk push forwards.

This scene repeated itself and by the time the 10 passed there was enough room for me to sneak myself into the room.

The plan was simple, infiltrate the room, jump in the pool, swim next to Kerrigan while gathering energy, launch another distraction and while she had her attention elsewhere, nuke her.

And everything went wrong the moment I broke cover, all of Kerrigan attention was directed to me.

Her first move was to seal the entrance by throwing an energy sphere in the entrance roasting any reinforcement from entering. Then she proceeded to clean the remaining zerg in the rooms, leaving me all alone.

Now that I had all my attention focused solely on her, I could see who or what was blasting my troops, it was, of course, Kerrigan but right now she looked like she stuck between her primal queen form and her Xel'naga form.


All the damage I had done were regenerated. Her body was floating above my throne with purple light surrounding it, her bone wings were spread and the purple energy was covering them like feathers on wings, I could see a hint of golden light near her but an unknown force were suppressing every time it began to grow.

Basically, I was being absorbed by her in my own seat of power, ain't that supposed to happen after one get married?

As for her expression that she had on her face, it would be a mix of arousal, anger, pain, and fear.

I now know why my draining power and this feeling of fatigue came from. The liquid Kerrigan was absorbing was a high concentration of my microbe, who was literally me. For a human equivalent, she was drinking my brain, fatigue and loss of focus were among the least concerning symptoms that I could suffer.

But returning to the angry woman that was glaring with literally burning eyes.

I was about to start diplomacy but she was not in a particularly talkative mood. By that I mean she started to shoot a barrage of lightning blasts in my general direction.

Remembering the sage advice of Piccolo from Dragon Ball abridged and Dodge, or at least tried.

Yeah, let say she did not leave much rooms for it and she actually aimed the second volley, of a dozen bolts only one missed.

What followed was the beating of my life, and contrary to my attempt at killing her with my limited experience, she was a pro, she knew how to fight and not just copying attack from videos game.

She did everything one should do when fighting a regenerator like me, rip my limp, gorge out my organs, cracks my skull open and fried everything inside.

Oh and in case I seem not to care much, it is because I was not stupid enough to allow the feelings of pain to be transmitted to my general consciousness. And while she was trying to kill my avatar I was reconnecting to my microbe in the pool.

Well, at least I knew to abandon ship when it was sinking. And besides no amount of punch could kill me, well except the Saitama from One Punch Man that could definitely put that to the test but I was not in a hurry to find out.

We are beside of the pool right now and let just say that there are a lot of nasty things I can do in this rooms with all that power.

The first step to victory is a cheap shot. There was something I completely forgot about last fight telekinesis.


My mind has become clear ever since that fight and now I carefully monitoring that memory, it was far more practical and less willing to give my opponents a fair chance.

So with the ability to move matter with my mind, I ripped her heart out, tore the bone wings from her body, twisted her arms and leg at least a dozen times and for good measure her wings were reattached pointy end first into her torso.

I could see the expression on her face, surprise, fear, pain but she kept her need to live. She still had her revenge to accomplish.

I had to respect her determination but that won’t stop me from cutting her head off.

Just as I was about to do the deed, the floor made of a nearly indestructible crystal that I made, broke. Kerrigan without the support of solid ground fell into the pools and sink deep into it.

To summarize what my mind did after this impossible event, the words ‘What the fuck’ covered it perfectly. That crystalline substance was near indestructible since I tested that claim.

Wait, I am getting distracted again, she just falls in a pool of extremely powerful psionic microbial organism that was shit full of energy, she is a Zerg and has the ability to evolve in extreme circumstance. Yep, I am heading to a giant mutated boss fight.

Let call reinforcement, that pesky energy ball is in the way so let see what I can do to that.

But as my focus shifted to the entrance, the remainder of my avatar slid into the pool and sank.The entrance was finally cleared with the cheat known as a wormhole, they are so damn useful.

This was the moment I expected a giant monster to surface with the obvious weak spot that would need hit three times but nothing.

Let just say I was getting nervous and no I could not let a zergling jump in to find her, he will explode the same way Kerrigan murdered Mengsk in the cinematic at the end of Heart of the Swarm. Jumping in is a death sentence if you can't disperse the overabundance of energy. So I waited until I felt something pulling my consciousness.

At first, I was thinking that one of my commanders was trying to get my attention, but sadly it was not the case. The pull I was feeling was coming from deep under the water of the pool. And by the time I realized what that meant it was too late. The pull was dragging my disembodied consciousness. It kept increasing it strength more and more until I could no longer resist.

My mind, the body of my avatar and a still rather human-ish Kerrigan merged.

---------------In a higher reality------

A small woman/girl is working at a desk.

(Fate) Finally! Now that pesky bug is gone, re-establishing the plan will be easier. I need to get Raynor crew out of prison and find them a ship.

The woman/girl stretches out her back before returning to her work.

(Fate) Now if I could find the source of all those virus in the system, maybe I could get promotion and replace that overpower lazy idiot.

After saying this she began to laugh in an ojou-sama way.

-----------somewhere else in the higher realm--------

A giant of a man was sleeping on his desk. He had unkempt hair and beard, his clothes were old and dirty but comfortable.

A pop-up screen next to him with a ding.

The man growled and did not move, the screen kept ringing until the man finally raised his head. He finally asked the system in his own lazy way.

(Overgod) What?

(System) Fate just reported that she fixed a new bug in my system and asked you to sign the appropriate form in a triple example.

(Overgod) Oh, the zerg boy is dead? shame he had a chance to finally clear that fucking region. Oh well, let find another.

(System) If I may sir I am still receiving his signal.

The man visibly surprised by this statement.

(Overgod) So little Fate did not kill him? Just how did she claim fixed if he is still alive?

(System) It complicated.

(Overgod) And like that I no longer care, if he manages to kill his target inform me and in the meantime find another candidate …. Screw that finds a dozen.

(System) Sir, you are seriously abusing your admin right.

The man just flip the pop-up screen the middle finger

(Overgod) Like I care.

He then resumes his millennium old nap. As he lay his face on his desk there a popup screen is display silently, on it obscenity that would make sailor blush were written on it.

----------------------Inside of the Starcraft universe---------

Deep inside of the Maw, around one week later.

An egg-shaped cocoon was floating on top of the Overmind pool. The shape of a woman with wings could be seen moving.

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