《omni-verse cleaning monster》chapter 21 American greeting
In the capital of Mars.
2 militiaman are standing next to each other, they are behind a window looking outside, one of them is an old man while the other is a fresh recruit.
They were standing guard on one of the last floors of a skyscraper.
They were in effect to raise the alarm if something would climb all the way here, in order to protect the sniper and some anti-air.
It would be most likely a waste of manpower and effort, zerg had no visible officer to snipe and the numbers of flyers they deployed was beyond their weapons abilities to exterminate fast enough to be anything other than a nuisance to them.
So the older guard was drinking alcohol from a flask, he had no illusions that he could survive the one-sided massacre that was coming, on the side note the voice in his head was funny once he stopped caring.
The younger of the two was a teenager pressed into service, barely old enough to shave. one looks at him and anyone could tell he was terrified. he was walking back and forth from the stairs to look outside of the windows.
He was often speaking aloud telling the voice to shut up, in any other situation that behavior would land him in a psych ward, now nobody lifted an eyebrow.
As the two waited, the ground to space gun fired, missiles were fired, and command could hear shouted aloud.
Relaying any order was a nightmare, wireless radio was compromised since the beginning of the invasion. Only couriers carrying written orders was effective, especially since any order that was not carried but instead committed to memory was distorted from the voice that keeps saying things that were similar to the message over and over until whatever they were unreliable.
The kid who jumped next to the window to look at the sky hoping to see the aliens die. He was greeted by the sight of a Behemoth falling from the sky.
Zerg larger organisms tend to be an asshole when they died if they were in orbit over anything life barring they would throw themselves as a last fuck you. Considering the mass of their flesh, it caused no small amount of damage, and whatever that was still alive inside of the dead titans had a large supply of biomass to create a hive cluster or an army (zerg rush).
The kid cheered at the sight but the older knew the number of the ships in space, they could kill thousands of them and they wouldn’t make a difference.
But soon after in low orbit, a fleet came, a human fleet, and they were warships.
The fleet took the position just over the city providing cover to the city.
The ships in the fleet released dropship sending reinforcements to the defending human.
---- About 5 minutes later.---
The old militia could hear a change in the voices, they were excited, like a kid before Christmas.
Then they started singing an old song, listening to the lyrics the old man knew that shit had already hit the fan.
He spoke in a whisper fearful of confirming what was coming.
(Old man) it’s, raining, men?
The younger marine turns to look at the old marine, he had a questioning look in his eyes.
He was about to ask the older to explain. But the old man rushes to the window and look up to see his prediction coming true.
Humanoid shaped things were falling from the sky, screaming like an overjoyed maniac.
The young marine that was standing behind the old man asked.
(Young marine) What are those, reinforcement?
They keep looking at them until one of the falling humanoids hit one the antennas, on top of a nearby skyscraper, losing his controlled fall.
The berzerker came spiraling out of control until he hit the reinforced glass in front of the two marines.
Which made the kid scream in surprise.
The old man keeps his calm and looked at the being outside of the building.
The berzerker face was plastered on the window, with one of his eyes fixated the human on the other side of the glass.
He wanted to fight, and they were a target. So following his “ intellect” he pushed himself back to get a proper swing at them.
Outside of a 60-floor window, with no hold other the suction his face provided.
So he fell, again.
This time the screaming berserker solved his axe inside of the building as he was falling leaving spark.
He was using a trick learned from probing the Tal’darim memory. Using psi energy and infusing it their weapon like ancient protoss were doing before they invented psi-blade.
It makes their weapon stupidly durable, perfect for the hand for the Berserker.
As the Berserker was making his way down the 2 marines who had the pleasure of being the first living human to encounter an infested berserker, they were speechless.
After a moment the music that was trolling them changed again, since this no need for subtle trolling, the moderator feel the mood was not right for was coming.
They began to broadcast ‘ready to die’ by Andrew wk and other music fitting the violent battle that was coming, the rest of the berserkers were falling from the sky screaming, the infested fleet had their gun open fire on the position of their ground to space weapons.
The moderator began to chant songs of war, urging defenders to rise up and fight. For the sake of a good fight.
——-In the command center———
The commanding officer of the planet was Pierre Ivan Gaven senior, one of the ruling elite of the directorate, he was also in charge of the defense of the sol system.
He was also the father of Pierre Ivan Gaven junior, his bastard son from a gold digger.
The man was currently overseeing the defense of Mars, he was not a military genius or anything competent, but he was good in politics so his position was bought. The post was great in time of peace, but now, well he was as useful as a porno mag to a blind teenager.
The man had tried to make defense line and keep the alien as far away as he could.
Using his military experience (from video games set on very easy with cheat), the enemy should have come in a direct line and would be decimated by his trap and his fleet would destroy what was left of it.
The alien could not have shown even less of proper attitude in regards to his plan, completely ignored or repurposed against his fleet he managed of scraped together ( begged, threatened and bribed).
The “reinforcement” he just received were traitors, opening fire on the last of his defense, and worse his supporters were fleeing in all directions.
They were also reports of insane soldiers running around with ax or club, butchering all in their way.
The dropships that landed near his position were full of traitors and were assaulting his command center
And those abominable voice mocking him, spewing vile lies on him, telling his “strategy” flaw like they were on a talk show on the tv, or telling his escape plan (a top of the line luxury shuttle paid from the military budget) was burning.
He had one last card in his hand, it would save his life but that it since none of his subordinates could come with him, not that he cared for they life but without them his dreams of ruling the directorate was gone. He had eliminated his rival, removed any potential threats to his future rule.
For example, he once heard a rumor from one of his lackey about one the admiral becoming a king in the middle of nowhere with his expeditionary fleet, he ordered his subordinates to kill everyone who could be loyal to them.
He began to hear gunfire near his location, he signed as his dreams were gone out of reach but he will rebuild.
He activates a prototype technology, a teleporter beacon.
A massive device built underground, under his bastard son mansion, began to power up and then linking to the beacon PIG senior activated. Pulling the obese man through a small hole in warp space.
The man was gone as the men left behind just look at where he was leaving nothing behind.
Just then the door exploded as infested marine entered, what was left of the command staff quickly surrendered after a brief altercation.
They were injected with the HEV, it was faster to look at the memory than other interrogation possible or imaginable.
Let just say once the overmind wants to look at your memory there not many being that could hold him back.
———-The maw throne room——
Overmind pov
I was currently shifting through the memory of the newly infested, not wanting to see mars explode in my face, again, so looking at the command crew memory was the logical solution, if a plan like that existed they would know.
But what I found was not what I expected, honestly they were boot licking asshole that relied on others to do their job.
Through there a piece of information that was deeply connected to Sasha, the battle was going well and those guys firmly believed that their Maginot line would stop me or my children's.
Fucking rip off, I hope the faction of the Koprulu sector would give a proper fight, if not I am invading Shakuras and Korhal with my avatar beating the shit out of them with the dildo bat of saints row.
Narud would get the Slaanesh version of it since I really want him to suffer.
I forwarded the information to Sasha, to my grand surprise she did not order the invasion of the Piggies refuge.
No, she went to gather the so-called “toy” first, two vial of mutagen, a very sharp knife and something the research and development team had built.
She also ordered to have a room ready for her use and have a quantity of salt and alcohol delivered there.
Then she gave the order to her force to “clean “ what was left and to have a behemoth filled with liquid HEV to spread it all over Mars cities.
She let her second in command to take charge of the battle since it was only a cleanup operation now. Sure they were still fighting on the ground, but we had all the intel need to locate and destroy them.
She then took her personal guard to a transport to the south of France, a mansion called Le Manoir de Paille ( the mansion of straw).
The rest of earth population was for the lack of proper term ‘insane’, a couple of cities were already burning, or the population was pillaging like it was the national sports.
Honestly, I lost the desire to invade old Earth. Half the fun of invading was to wreck shit up, but I made the pledge of going independence day(the movie) on all monument, it is my right as the invader.
Even evil alien has standard they have to respect. I would not want anyone to say I am not following the established trope.
Well, I will also send retrieval team to collect at the loot. There are museums to be pillaged and 5 centuries of video games, anime, manga, comics book and tv series to gather and research must be made.
Also since I am here I need to look at important places around the world, the white house, pentagon, palace, military base, power plant, old secret bases that were made public, etc.
That way once I will go to another universe that features Earth I will know the location and plan of each place, for sabotage or to eliminate key personnel.
As for old intel agency like the CIA or MI6, well they were complicated, old files that they keep looked more like a barcode, harder to look at than normal document, still worth to look into but I don't expect to find something that will change everything.
———Sasha Russian revenge —--------
Sasha was terrifying, that was all her troop agreed when they got inside of the transport.
To be clear in the hive-minded people that were the infested, knowing what other were thinking was easy if one was interested in knowing that. But was considered disrespectful in the eyes of the infested, zerg born did not really care on that subject and it was quicker to find out what someone was thinking that doing some pointless conversation.
Sasha was so focused on what she was planning to do, she was broadcasting her thought in her surrounding subconsciously.
Let say the infested were in hurry to get as far away as possible, the thing they got to have glimpses of was enough to get some of them to seek a psychological help.
They landed north of their target location, a large mansion surrounded by a wall.
The infested troop were moving in the same way the special force would, surrounding the mansion and gathering information on the inhabitants of the place.
Their plan was literally blown when Sasha armed with the prototype portable nuke launcher (inspired of the fat boy of fallout), nuked the main gate, turning the gate into molten slags, and pretty much killing all the guard stationed there.
One of Sasha bodyguard just looked at her with an expression that could only be resumed as What The F*ck.
Sasha felt the look of the bodyguard and just responded without even looking.
(Sasha) In America, this is a greeting.
The moderator hearings Sasha joke felt the need to add a bit more of their humor.
So moderator in range of the group let out a loud cry of an eagle or shouting “America”.
Seemingly pleased by her joke she let the prototype weapon fall to the ground.
The infested troops that were still trying their best to do their mission, even when someone nuke the place, quickly entered the compound.
They had target to capture alive, everything else was left to the judgment of the marine. Eventually, they founded their target, the junior was hiding under the bed and the senior was trying to get on a shuttle to flee.
They quickly grad them then toss into a bag. The maids of the place looked misérable, beaten and most likely raped. The marines were holding them at gunpoint waiting for someone to make a decision, ever since joining the swarm they were less caring of the fate of the non infested, but what was left of their humanity was hit by the dead look of their eyes.
Sasha took a quick look at them and took her decision. She orders them to be made into sentient infested, she would need help with her little project and she was sure those maids would be motivated to work on this project.
--------------------------2 weeks, later back on the Maw------------------------
Overmind Pov
Oh well, look like Sasha took to leatherworking with a weird fetish for Swine leather.
The two Pigs that made them self into Sasha shit list were regretting deeply.
The mutagen Sasha took was a failed test product, with the number self-centered asshole that exists across the Omniverse I had made a plan in order to bribe them with immortality, the mutagen Sasha used was one of the worst possible immortality one could get or the best depending who you ask.
The two pigs were able to regenerate slowly from the most horrible trauma. In a normal case, this is good if you wish to live for all of times, but all of times in their case was reduced to being harvesting material for Sasha hobby of leatherworking.
As for my conquest, well it was almost done, there is still pocket of resistance that is surprisingly still evading extermination, by gathering what was left of their ships and moving one place to the next in random patterns.
The UED had gathered a lot of resource over the year and the core system was fat on those. Gold, precious gemstone, art and vast mineral depot, all someone needed to bribe or hire mercenary across many cultures.
I also gather many of the essence natives of Earth, there are species I always wanted to mess with, for example, Shark I so want to see some captain react to seeing space shark eating his ship.
And for the population of the Directorate that I managed to capture, they were infested of course.
All was good in life, though generally, this line of thinking tends to make Murphy (or fate) unhappy, so that had to end in the most unexpected way possible.
A zerg fleet had arrived in the Sol system and they were not mine, but they belonged to the Queen bitch of this universe.
Kerrigan The Primal Queen Of Blade.
And I was completely blindsided by her appearance, I did not see that coming nor sensed her presence.
The System had the pleasure of informing me why, Plot armor she have.
…… Fuck you Yoda.
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