《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 20 Insanity is a gift that keeps on giving


————3 pov---------

You know the feeling when you go to the bleach and make a sand castle only for a 4-year-old find it funny to destroy it when you step back for a sec.

That is exactly what the overmind feel.

Making a living moon is still a work even if he cheated. Seeing his work getting destroyed is frustrating, and since the Overmind is not above petty revenge.

He had to find a way to make the life of the directorate miserable before finally kill them.

If you are wondering why he was not in murderous rage right like with the hybrid, it is simple since for a zerg, physical form is not necessary, with the hivemind reincarnation is easily done.

With the hybrid, he had cleaned the zerg into a blank state, destroying the soul and mind of the zergs, no reincarnation possible, that what made the Overmind into a rage.

Returning to the situation with the Directorate, the great victory they achieved was, in hindsight, only seen as a provocation by the Overmind.

As the overmind wondering if he should just send a planet back at them, a moderator humbly asked if he and his kind could be in charge of the revenge.

The moderator had a simple suggestion, one that the Overmind could do without any difficulty, and the only risk was to his sanity for a brief moment. But the sheer amount of trolling that could be done convinced the Overmind to go along with the plan.

And so the overmind connected himself to every human mind in the system, while the moderator did with every radio wave they could.

And the voice of Ryan Reynolds could be heard inside of everyone. (I watched Deadpool 2 )

(Moderator) Hello everyone, here is the first ever broadcast of radio free zerg. The overmind graciously appointed me to be your personal voice of insanity for the remainder of your life, which is not that long muahahaha.

The cheering human all stopped doing whatever they were doing. Fear could be seen in their eyes and the realization the alien once again connected himself to their mind.

(Moderator) Since I can’t be broadcasting personalized bit of insanity to each of you, most of the listener shall be listening to appropriate music to wait for their doom, I shall be back.

The voice now changed to tedious, monotone, boring, and repetitive, elevator music. Not the most aggressive, nor the most efficient way to drive someone insane, but it was playing inside of their mind, totally unable to not listen to it.

----------overmind pov--------------

Damn, he is evil.

I had the displeasure of listening to the music for two minutes before I could not take it anymore, it felt like my sanity was evaporating.


The moderator had research deeply into internet lore to find their role model, Deadpool. And now following their roles models they began to give a bit of insanity to the poor bastards that were their victims, with my help now they were inside of their mind speaking nonstop, singing, or explaining the stupidity of trying to resist the zerg with the voice of Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones(the voice of Darth Vader) or Neil deGrasse Tyson(the guy from the Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey).

Those who were free of having a personal moderator to troll them were put on hold, as literally put on hold like on a telephone, till their death or a moderator freed himself from prior engagements.

With that done my forces began to move forward to the asteroid belts.

Mutalisk and overseer would be sent inside of the belt to look for traps. and they did find a lot of surprises, nuke mines attached to asteroids. while it may have caused me significant lost if I would charge through, the bulk of my force simply flew over, doing the same thing the German did to the French in world war 2, ignore it completely. space allows you to move in any directions.

It cost me an hour for my force to pass over their greatest defense, ‘Maginot line’, did they even read their history?

After that, it was smooth sailing to mars, with the occasional mass acceleration rounds shot from their canon, too far to aim anything smaller than one of my worldship the size of a moon, or the maw.

On this side of the belts possessed a lot more stationary defense and space station. I infested or destroyed those along the way, most of them were research facility or old habitats used in early space colonial expedition.

The poor scoundrel who were livings on those stations were almost glad to see us, for one the voices stopped and the music changed to something more powerful and entertaining than what they were listening to for hours now.

But there was a lot of station who had self-destructed or had literally a ring of dead corpses floating around them.

Meh, free biomass.

The battle of mars would soon begin, it will be fun.

Between my fleets and the planet was an absurd number of ships, sadly for the defender, it was mostly repurposed civilian ship since they lost a good chunk of their military in the Eden system.

For the fun of it I changed the music they were listening to the theme song of the movie Jaw by Steven Spielberg, and after a minute, I unleashed hell on them. Multiple wormholes open around them allowing the nuke mine to be moved right into their line. I was inspired by unlimited blade work of Gilgamesh in type/moon universe.


For one magnificent firework.

It would be a shame to leave those explosive there, someone could have been hurt.

Sure some of the smarter captains tried to flee or to shoot the wormhole as they open. But in the end, it did not matter.

The fleets they scourge up was destroyed in mere moment giving me free reign in space.

The defense station did remain, but well, with no fleet support, they were only targets.

Honestly, I am disappointed.

I kind of wanted some grand battle with a high stake, and what I got was a ragtag fleet, a knock-off of the Maginot line, and one exploding planet which was surprising honestly.

Oh well, since I committed to this insanity better go all the way.

Mars is still holding together so let start there, and earth, well for what I get to see from here the rioter will do the job from me, might as well let them listen to heavy metal and recruit some.

But first, let burn mars to the ground

The space stations were quickly taken over, destroyed, or infested. letting me complete control over the planet surrounding space.

I placed my fleets for orbital bombardment and the beginning of the invasion of mars.

My force had gained a lot of experience in doing mass invasions of worlds, but mars were one of the oldest colony of the directorate and the best preparation for an invasion.

They fired their ground to space weapon almost immediately, killing some behemoth and Ouroboros.

As I watched this invasion progress Sasha came forward asking for her troop a chance to go take the planet and to prove their usefulness to me.

Her insecurity was so cute!

Well, time for the directorate to see the infested fleet. I did keep some of the best ship and those you needed the least repair from the battle at Eden. The rest were going in other spaceport and colony spreading the word of god … wait that a lie, they were infesting everything and spreading like a plague.

The infested fleet jump in right next to the planet. the poor defender must have been confused since they did not immediately shoot them down.

This moment of confusion was thoroughly exploited by Sasha. placing the fleets over the capital.

She had a moderator as a communication officer who was bullshitting through his teeth on who they were and why they were here. the moderator had convinced whoever he was speaking to allow them to reinforce the world with their troop.

And they did allow it, Sasha had some of her best troop loaded in dropships. the defender was like the trojan inviting their enemy inside of their wall.

As the last dropship landed inside of the fortification, the troop still inside of infested ships, mostly berserker, in orbit, were let say ‘excited’.

They would normally be in the first wave but Sasha wanted to send her elite marine to secure a landing zone. so the dropships were loaded with marine, rustbat, corroder and a handful of medics.

One of the berzerkers was so excited, he did something that would forever change the way berzerker would be deployed, he screamed and ran to the opening of the hangar bay and jumped.

This simple act had a terrible effect of all the berzerker to follow, which in the hive mind meant every, single, one, of, them.

The later generation would look to the berzerker and reflect on his word, I wanted to stab them so I jumped.

So when I saw that, I laugh my ass out since one of the moderators judged it appropriate to change the music the defender listen to Its Raining Men by The Weather Girls.

The worst part of this was the berzerker was completely capable to survive planetfall. They would draw some of my energy to slow their fall when they were close to the ground, and those who were less fortunate were still resilient enough for them to survive waiting for a medic to come to piece them together.

When I looked at Sasha she had her hand on her face shaking her head.

Well at least her shock troop were on the ground, her elites were still in the dropships waiting for instruction and the poor human had no clue on what the hell was going on.

The only thing that proceeds differently than what was planned, was the screaming berzerker falling from the sky.

After recovering her concentration, Sasha ordered the transport containing her elite to proceed as planned and ignore the berserker insanity.

Her plan originally was to make her troop take over the command structure and force them to surrender.

Simply so she could recruit more troop, now she needs to do it fast before the berserker kills everybody or some idiot wise up and shoot at her ship.

If possible she wanted to capture some of the shipwrights to begin the production of new ships.

In Eden, while they had the shipyard everyone there had either ran away or had his brain melted.

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