《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 18 the day after doomsday


even just after the speech


Well, with that event, military spending will not be a problem for a long time.

But the Overmind is back! And more importantly, one of the hybrids that are supposedly still in development at Mobius foundation was there.

And Narud, hearing that name during the speech and is an obvious connection to the hybrid, he needs to die, and also all evidence of my implication to be destroyed.

In other news, the general riots that had happened were finally dying down, excessive police brutality had to be used.

And for the problem of Kerrigan, the assault was a partial success since my force managed to capture the Hyperion and its crew, during the overmind speech. But she had fled again.

For now, they will be kept in prison, and the Hyperion to be scrapped.

But I need to use this event to rally all the Terran faction to my banner using the fear of the Overmind had implanted in everyone. The Umoja and the Kel Morian will be soon under my dominion.

As I contemplate on the future of my dominion, a secretary enters rapidly.

I take a look at her and see a look of panic in her eyes, so I make a sign to her, and she starts speaking with a shaking voice.

(secretary) My emperor, the psionic signals that we assumed to be the Overmind, it's multiplying!


Standing alone, Artanis was feeling many doubts after the psionic transmission.

the reclamation of aiur, should he keep planning for it? or he should dedicate himself to eliminate the new overmind?

the zerg were the protoss enemy and whatever he chose, in the end, will draw the attention of the Overmind.

that and the golden fleet would need a tremendous amount of energy to travel and fight the overmind far more than was possible currently, i

after pondering on it, he chose to go along with his original plan to reclaim aiur. If successful it would revitalize his people.

but on the back of his head, the image of the hybrid was suppressed along with the mention of the xel'naga or narud.

Amon was not yet ready to take over so it would take time and preparation with hybrids to help facilitate the takeover, but misdirecting those connected to the khala was something that Amon was able to do.


the Overmind, he had left a strong impression on Nova, same with the other ghost on board.

they keep thinking about it, while their crewmen felt fear and terror, she and the ghost were feeling different emotions towards the psionic entity, awe.

as the ship was coming closer to the estimated location of the source of the strong psionic signal, she and the other ghost were getting restless, dream was nightmarish at first but as the more they were seeing them the more distorted their view of them, began coming to see them as beautiful and sleeping was becoming addicting.

the various ghosts on board was a reclusive bunch so them hiding for long periods of time were normal and accepted as their normal behavior, but now the ghost had begun to see non-ghost as a nuisance who gets in the way of their dreams. They used their power to speak to each other of their dream and of other matter.

Nova and the ghost had begun to look into the mind of each and every member of the crew, from the captain to the resocialized crewmen in charge of cleaning the toilet, and then ‘’accident’’ began to appear.


some of the most zealous and ardent defenders of the emperor began to be on the receiving end of those ‘accident’.

The long-range communication that was hard to maintain so nova ordered their overhaul to maintain a proper chain of command. damn shame the work would be never finished.

as for the big bomb, they found on the lower deck so it took a little convincing to have the egg head to disable it.

when they reached the edge of the system they believed to be hosting the psionic signal, a whisper could be heard in the head of non-psi people, so are the dream.

Nova did order everyone to stay calm and keep working as normal. the implant in her head and the one in ghosts who under her command had been deactivated and removed after some persuasion on Reigel, the scientific form Mobius but he was more than qualified.

Soon the crew was divided into three group, the one who listens to the whisper and wish to see and hear more, the one who had been driven insane and were nothing more than animal, and the dead loyalist.

Nova stood over the last loyal dog of Mengsk, the man had tried to repair communication to call for help, but he had been torn apart by a psi-blast from Nova.

and then use her power to call out for the Overmind, wanting to join his family.

a wormhole opens in front of the ship to welcoming them into the family.


kerrigan had managed to flee the Umojan facility but Raynor and his raider had been caught and the Dominion had been broadcasting their capture and the news of their execution.

after a brief interaction with a zerg queen, she chose to go back to char gather the zerg and kill Mengsk

the overmind speech had made some suppressed memory resurface, how she used to look up to the original overmind as a father figure, sure she killed the new overmind that created by the merging of the Cerebrate because she would never want to be the tool of someone else

but all of this was a second concern, her objective was and will be thill the dead of Mengsk.

so what if the Overmind was going to kill everyone ? the only one she cared for was dead, the dominion could just be burned to the ground, hell she might help and then use the Overmind to further her goal.

she was en route to char, if she managed to take command of zerg force in the lab, so something of greater scale should be possible, only time would tell.

---------Narud POV---------------

oh, this was an interesting experience, I would need to make preparations for this problem.

so which pawn I will have to use to deal with this nuisance?

the preparation of Amon rebirth was not to be compromised in any way, the gate would be soon open allowing the master to take possession of the various hybrid and the protoss templar.

the dominion or the tal'darim were obvious choice but would lack the power to eliminate the Overmind, dark templar would be perfect for this task but he has little pull in their group and did not have the time to create an identity of power in their group, in a long-lived race, it was always a pain to do this.


or the hybrid, I could send them to prove themselves, I might need to teach one of them how to command an army.

yes, let do this, it will be an excellent prelude to the war, but I have so few ready for combat, it would take a while till the next batch are ready.

I would give him time to ready several feral broods of zerg for them to command, maybe demand Ma’lash to send the death fleet to assist them or the shadow corp.


zeratul was in shock, a hybrid had attacked the overmind soon after his departure.

ever since he left the directorate space in the direction of Kerrigan he had time to study his new companions. they possessed a strong connection to the zerg hive mind and they allow the old protoss to look into it as well.

this unexpected source of information did allow Zeratul a much bigger picture of the current event and to connect him to something called the archive, where many memories were deposited.

and many possibles future created by the overmind calculation, those greatly interested the Zeratul.

possible action than may be done by the follower of Amon for example, the domination of the emperor of the Terran dominion, something that considering what Duran was, was possible.

but the projection of the Overmind had a false preconception on the hybrid power that after the encounter of the hybrid were greatly changed.

zeratul or more precisely the overmind believed orbital bombardment would be the only solution for most commanders or possessed an incredible individual able to kill one.

those tops tier warriors were not something easily to found and in the koprulu sector possessed only a handful.

and the other thing that Zeratul have found in those archives was the complete memory of the hybrid and information that the protoss templar need to hear

————-Overmind Pov————

work, work, work and try not to think too much about what happened, don't worry be happy.

this was becoming a habit, working hard to not think about unpleasant stuff.

I started to transform the various infested moon into Maw breed ever since I had been stuck inside of the gas cloud, I needed to be mobile again since there was a xel'naga to be given a Rasputin dead and he was not coming anywhere close for me to grab.

those moons would be used as forwards mobiles bases.

I ordered my broodmothers to make their apprentice by starting new broods, I need more troop enough to cover the sky of every world like a certain reaper used to say.

I had used my power which was still hard to manage to drill the various astronomical body. recently finding a new way to burn away that power was something I had to do constantly. it was too much for me since if I did not, it would pile up and would need to do another broadcast to not burn myself with the energy.

but as my number of broods and fleet increased I needed a new cast to command and coordinated broodmothers on a larger scale, hence I started making large modification on the broodmother.

the modification I had to made on the queen breed, I needed one step above to command and coordinate multiple brood and fleet at the same time. I dub them as “hive empress”, they had a lot of the cerebrate essence weaved into them making a bit more massive and gave them the look of having a large egg sac on their lower body.

Although I modified something on all template of their form, nothing changed much for the lowest rank, however as a queen increase it rank from regular queen to large queen, to huge queen, to broodmother and finally empress, I made their torso more feminine and human-like, becoming more beautiful and charismatic.

their breed was to be my commander but they would fit many other roles like diplomat, ambassador, merchant, and recruiter, them having a beautiful appearance would facilitate those roles, and as they rise in rank the need to get involved in direct combat would decrease but interaction with other force increase, that and I was a pervert who wanted to see more pleasing thing to look at after all.

At least I'm honest about it.

I even gave them attached to lower human body that would be connected in front of their centaur/zerg lower body. giving them the appearance of a woman sitting on top of a zerg.

I also modified the warp base attack, now instead of nightmares that would drive someone insane, I made an adjustment to making them the exact opposite, drawing them to me, whispering thing in the back of their head.

it would make them see what they ever wanted, they only needed to join me to have them. that and being touch by my mind would also get influenced by the geas as a side effect that I was going to exploit like a competitive gamer.

human psionic were the easiest to influence because of their sensitivity, they would receive the full effect of this technique from far away.

for my hybridization research, the tal'darim were put to good use.

protoss DNA was incompatible with zerg one but I was not Abathur who only saw one way to do this, I was thinking outside of the box, but the method I was using was a slow process and would take time to accomplish.

the name given by the xel'naga had given me a clue on how to proceed, purity of form and essence. I didn't even bother to make grand modifications on them, just reinforce and improve what was there and whenever I could find space to place a little bit of me in it, I did slowly achieving a symbiosis with the host.

The side effect of this process was increased muscle mass, height, power, and reflex. it also allows me to connect their mind to the hive mind through my microbe interacting in their brain and nerve cord, but the host could control its connection to the hive mind like an on-off switch. however, my presence was not something they could allow to not entered their mind since the microbe allows me a backdoor access. On the other side of thing, the host protoss could pull psionic power from me giving them near unlimited supply of energy.

it was an ongoing process that I would only see result much later.

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