《omni-verse cleaning monster》chapter 5. Some shitty deal must be made


Making my Unicron rip off was not easy. The world systems could not simply give it to me, But it gave me the equivalent of her version of entry-level genetics mastery. The stuff I know would make Abathur seem like a novice in contrast. And the second thing it has done for me was a time bubble around the system, for me to learn genetic of this level and to proceed to the creation of a bioengineering,macro-engineering and gene weaving. It almost took 2 century of hard work, a hivemind dedicated to the project, Billion of drones to crave tunnel and morph into an organ. The resources that were needed was pillaged from the other planet, Leviathan, Behemoth, and fleets of overlord. Took to the sky gathering most of the needed resources. What was missing would have to be acquired on the way.

The cerebrate essence was used to make the brain of this beast, Hyper evolved roach plate cover this world, kilometer thick at their thickness. Followed by 10 kilometers of porous flesh hosting hundreds of thousands of scourge nest and Mutalisk roast. Hidden between those monstrous scales are impaler tentacles similar to those on leviathans except the size of them, they were at least three times their size.

For the teeth, crystalline organisms were used in the conception, causing near diamond resistance and the ability to regenerate any damage done to them. As for the throat, a long tunnel large enough for the ark ship of the Protoss moves freely with a ship of the same size moving in the other direction without any problem. On the side of this giant tunnel, million of impalor and spore cannons were standing vigil for anything that was not invited inside.

When reaching the inside of the once Dyson sphere was giant biostructure, hive the size of the imperial palace of Korhal surrounded by a sea of moving larva, evolution chambers the size of a cathedral, large fields of radiation eating mushroom providing biomass. Midway to the large crystal illuminating was a palace, made of flesh and bone, the size of a mountain with large space left open surrounding the structure. Those space would be useful at a later date.

On the side of the palace was a large dome-shaped living structure with many antennae in a spiral shape towering above. Spark of psionic power was easy to be seen even by non-psychic people.

This structure was the archive a massive brain that stored knowledge. It was a mix of the old Overmind structure with Cerebrate and overseer essence mix into it. When I was learning genetics I soon find out that I really needed a computer to store information, data, and memory. So this became my second great work. The archives would take any information form everything connected to the hive mind and store it. For example, all my new queen had a perfect vocabulary and vast store of experience to draw from right after they were born. I also planned to store knowledge form infested. When we will get the chance to.


On the other side of the palace was another structure towering with its presence. Massive as the archives and as much important, it was the essence bank. My plan for this place where to store powerful, interesting and damn right useful essence as I travel the omniverse. I know that sometime in the future I might have to fight underwater, on exploding volcanoes, planets that have acid sea, frozen ice ball or any of the planets that 40k consider a death world. Those essences will be essential for my continued survival.

As for my last great work. Something I called the handmaiden and frankly I was having a bad time working on it. Creating beautiful woman and teaching them to be a seductress, was impossible without good material and teacher.

So I had to find a place full of gold-digger and prostitute, and I knew the perfect place.

The help I received was not without cost. Now I could not leave earlier than the end war was reaching its climax. And just to make it worse Kerrigan was the central linchpin and had to collect either by force or by guile.

On positive new my psy network of microbe now had the body of the planet to live into. Whit each new microbe came into existence it forms a new connection akind for me as a neuron to a human. That means my intelligence is only limited to the mass of the swarm.

I am hoping one day to greater than a Keymind of the flood. Intellectually capable of outthinking forerunner AI and using a Logic plague that infects and corrupt computer.

As for my current objective was simply gather mass and new essence. Kerrigan was still the Queen of blade and Amon pulling string all over.

Speaking of him, his influence have no peer over me nor would a billion reaper from mass effect could not be indoctrinating me or my followers.

The world System made it perfectly clear, I was already under the effect of a grand geas put by the Omni bastard himself.

The effect was

1 subject of the geas will do his utmost to complete any task given by the casters.

2 No emotions shall affect the completion of the task.

3 Under no circumstances, anything ranked lower in omniverse that the caster could be used to manipulate further the subjects in any way.

4 A reward shall be given for each significant step the arbiter entity ”The world System’

And this is why the system was trying to help. It was trick in by the Omni bastard too. But in order to give anything, progress must be made. It also made very clear that he forgot any clause that prevents me to rip his throat out, as long as I do my job.

So I would have no pity, no remorse. I could only love and care if it was part of my swarm. My memory as a human was there, I still remember my value, my hope, and dreams. But I no longer care or could not care. I was the Overmind of the zerg and like by predecessor will destroy my creator, either by my hand or by borrowing someone else knife.


through I do not want to die doing it.

That was all for the recap I have the maw to feed and that puppy eat world.

My destination was the cradle of humanity, Earth. It had resource, knowledge and since the expedition they had 4 years ago almost no feet. My knowledge of Starcraft lore helped a lot since I remember that the UED had lost a lot of their experienced military leadership during the expedition and most of the weaponry they had were designed to kill other humans. Most importantly they had a corrupted civilian government and they liked to make their politic complicated and never agreed on anything, Just like back home. Kerrigan made sure no UED ship ever came home and they possess no clue of the surprise the zerg had in store for them.

I would also gather thing to decorate my palace, for the sake of appearance, some decoration better than that pulsing vein and more importantly my handmaiden, skimpy clothes were necessary

I maintain that common man will think by either they stomach, their wallet, or by the dick. The one who doesn't and more especially thinks with the brain are dangerous. It was my intention of shaping my palace as the imitation of the Palace of Slaanesh without the hardcore BDSM. A beautiful honey trap I would add to the exoticism as I travel the Omniverse and it was the residence of my incarnation, a minor one mind you. I was not stupid to make myself killable, it was more of a conduit for me to talk and interact easier.

My incarnation was still lacking the human element to it so, for now, it still looked like a proper zerg. Using a broodmother as a base I took manipulate everything I could and make it more powerful, changed it sex I still identified as male, double the size of insect/centaur body making a lot more muscular, added cerebrate essence on top and encase it in crab exoskeleton whit armored plating. My torso and arm looked like a buff man. I shaved a lot of crowns most broodmother possess as my brain or any organ was on my back protected in armor. I had two crabs like claw to match my armor plating with space in them has for one day possessed bioplasma launcher, for now, it was just plain acid. At the base of my torso where my body multitude of tentacle lay dormant to give the look of a loincloth, those would one day be used for recreational fun.

Since I am kinda building a harem palace might enjoy it and I am sure Slaanesh would approve of it too.

.The Maw could move in FTL by generating wormhole to know the location. to move in real space I had to take liberty with physic. The Maw generate or more precisely extended space behind the planet and shrink space in front of the world to pull its mass.

On my way to Earth, I stopped in a system along to way to eat mineral-rich asteroid and vespene cloud was collected. I was going to need a lot of force in order to destroy the UED. And growing leviathan was not cheap to make nor matha-ay looking Behemoth that I used as a troop carrier. I would need all of the strain of zerg I could create in a direct conflict. But playing fair is not my MO, and earth well they were not ready for the zerg.

There was 2 thing I was going to exploit at this stage. One I can create a wormhole. Two they did not have any fucking clue changeling existed.

The Breed

was short lived but I found a way to make them more permanent. Taking inspiration from a fiction I once read, they would play brain bug entering the skull of the victim into a slow and painful process taking each of the memory and knowledge making them perfect actor and spy.

The operation was to take control of political, economic leader and as well military. The plan was for them to cause chaos as much as possible maybe even a civil war or maybe in another scenario to disarm themselves. This tactic was often used by the tyranind in 40k with the Genestealer cult. As of right now, I did not have any specialists for this time of cover work so Slyria was in charge of it. She took a modified behemoth for stealth with the additional ability to go underwater. Since I was going to be my take on cloak and dagger business I choose a name for this specialized brood, the Illuminati and since I know they existed in a certain universe I feel like trolling them. As for her plan she was targeting resort all over the world looking for an in, inside a certain social circle. My reasoning people like having a vacation, rich people would take one a lot more often.

For me, I would target any colonies on the fringe of the space. To cut earth supply, and locating research outpost and infesting civilian population. I would first send scoot in the system locate communication, and all ship capable of FTL. And do sabotage followed by Leviathan arriving dropping zerg force upon them.

Infested were to be used to collect anything of value and to clean any trace of our presence. I know my luck would turn at some point, but I would make the best for as long as I could. The Maw was doing it best to stay away from sight, this kind of surprise would be best to leave for last.

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