《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 4 the maw


Yeah Right now i am having an epic battle inside the planet crust. My force consisting of an unholy number of roach and zergling, that are digging deeper and deeper. Fighting first of all the remarkably annoying banshee rat, and now somehow a Skaven version of them. Imagine a five to seven feet tall naked mole rat, with no eye, that walk on their two hind legs, that still scream like banshee but they more word in it. And they have guns, more like shotgun and radioactive juice thrower.

Speaking of radiation zerg are remarkably resistant to radiation but they are not immune to it. And it seems that this world has a big fucking radioactive core. I will have to adapt my forces if I want to stay here long term.

Yay me

But for good new, my creep field cover half of this word. I have multiple hives scatter around producing my troop and each has they own queen. And enough overlord to extend my control over them all.

I found 3 things noteworthy since i began this mad push for territory. One none of the rat go to the surface. Two there a giant hole that go all the way to the core like some moronic god decided to drill it out. Three the location of an old Brood War hive cluster with a dead cerebrate. It will be useful essence to have at my disposition.

As of right now, I am preparing to escalate the conflict with tier two unit, since I have developed my lair at my primary hive. Hydralisk, Infestor and since I feel like therapeutic bombing might improve my mood Baneling. I could make muta but there little to no reason to for now. I am waging a tunnel war currently, flying unit are useless.

Time skip one week.

You know the feeling when you realized you did something truly moronic and if you did something differently it would have made your so much easier. Yeah it happens to me right now, to explain this let me recap what happen since last week. My force finally made it to were those Blind Skaven lived after four day of brutal fighting. What did they discover that this planet was hollow like a miniature Dyson sphere and there was a full civilization living on the inside of the crust. And the kicker of this story that huge hole was connected to this place i could have sent an overlord to check and i just did not do it. I created a brain dead Broodmother for me to inhabit just so i could facepalm myself over it.


So after beating myself over it under the watch of my first queen who had also evolved to Broodmother. I named her Slyria to congratulate her, but looking at her I saw an area to improve. Namely, she looked like a monster an effeminate one but still something you would not have trouble killing. Thinking back as my time as a regular sci-enthusiast, i remember that some of those alien that looked like human, more precisely beautiful woman. Whenever those show up in those stories the main character had always trouble inflicting pain or harm to them. Always trying to change the way they think and convince them to change side.

With that development, I ordered the mass spawning of mutalisk, since i needed to correct my mistake, and those ratmen need to be exterminated.

As my flock of muta flew into the hole i initiated a massive assault from the tunnel. And since i now covered the whole world, my ground force came from every direction.

12 hour time skip.

Those rat did make a good resistance considering what they were facing. As i walk in my broodmother body, in which i will have to make modification since i still associate myself as a male. The ruin of their civilization around me i felt nothing, no remorse no pity. My thought were on how to improve the zerg, to make them more efficient in their role, on how to improve the swarm. As i walked i saw what the rat were eating, inside of the sphere was growing a type of mushroom, that was eating radiation. And with a giant radioactive crystal on top of them those mushroom were growing like crazy. I wonder should i incorporated this species into the swarm, no it takes radiation to make them grow. I would take time to locate high radiation spot to farm them. Should i bring the crystal with me, nah even leviathan would surfer radiation poisoning from the crystal.

What to do. As i ponder i start looking in old memory i remember an animation movie from the 1986.

-Oh, I wish i could do that.


I expressed myself out loud.

*That could be arranged.

I jumped at least 10 feet up in the air screaming.

- What where who how?

* Easy there it me the world system forgotten about me already?

- Where were you? It been month since i last spoke to you.

* Waiting back in the Omniverse i only interact with you there normally or when you call out to me to leave the world you are in.

- OK so why now.

* Oh simple i received an alert that you wanted to do something batshit insane and i had to help just to see the look on everyone face, when they will see this thing complete.

-We can make that!!!

*Of course you only need some pointer in genetic and some cheat i will use to speed up this project.

I released i wave of joy and happiness throughout my brood. Drone dancing, Zergling running in a circle, Baneling detonating, Hydralisk singing, Roach doing percussion, Mutalisk doing acrobacy, Queen running around trying to stop the chaos.

As i am doing my thing on the other side of the sector, Raynor and his raider are preparing to go to make a fast one on Mensk.

Raynor was walking inside of a corridor hoping to talk to Swan for the upcoming operation on Korhal. The light began to flicker and Raynor got a bad feeling.

(Zeratul) James Raynor. I bring tidings of doom.

(Raynor) Zeratul...

(Zeratul) I have pierced the veil of the future and beheld only... oblivion.

Zeratul slumps to his knees, and Raynor kneels next to him.

(Zeratul) Yet there two sparks of hope remains. You will hold her life in your hands. And though justice demands that she die for her crimes... only she can save us.

As for the second, it saw what the future hold. It will protect her when she will need to be.

(Raynor) Wait for a second, you're talking about...Kerrigan! It's been four years, you show up outta nowhere and-

(Zeratul) Time is short, you must understand!

Raynor looks down in his hand to see the device Zeratul has given him - an ihan crystal.

(Zeratul) The answers you seek lie within. Study it well. The fate of creation hangs in the balance.

Zeratul vanishes into the darkness, leaving Raynor behind.

(Raynor) Nice to see you too…

Raynor takes a look at the crystal, and took a deep breath

(Raynor) I need a drink.

Zeratul back on his ship still wounded, was moving to the control plotting a course to an unremarkable planet. He had to bet that this entity he sensed was open to discussion for the fate of this universe was in the balance.

It took some time for Zeratul to reach the system that he believe is harboring the second spark. During which he tended to his wound.

What he saw, when arriving in the system was something none of his 640 year of life could possibly prepare him.

A Zerg infested planet, a living world cover in black and purple armored plate the size of a Terran battleship, each of those plate arranged like a scale on a reptile, each protecting the base of the next scale. On the center most of the planet three gigantuous mountain size teeth. On the opposite side of the planet titanic size tentacle that he often see on Jellyfish of various bright color generating a massive amount of spatial distortion, expanding space behind the beast. Moving the creature forward, toward a giant wormhole heading somewhere out of his immediate concern.

Zeratul stood on his bridge, he had no word for what he saw.

(Zeratul) What in Tassadar name was that!!!!!

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