《Is that a Wisp?》Chapter 120: Understanding the Divine Path Sect.


The core region isn't as big as the inner region, much less the outer region, but it still took Krune over a week to leave it. He then accelerated and left the core region behind as fast as possible. After getting some distance away, he brought Shinja, Yusa, and Ao out as well. That's because it would look like they are on a mission and catch less attention.

The inner regions also have Core Formation Realm Demon Beasts, and of course, the Divine Soul Ream ones watching over the place. But there are also a lot of high-level Foundation Establishment and low-level Core Formation like Krune's team.

Krune's group even purposely bumped in some demon beasts on the way to fight. That made it much more unlikely for someone to suspect them. After traveling for an entire week, they were finally out of the inner region as well.

It wasn't before two weeks after Krune left the core region that they finally arrived at Harta City. But they didn't stay for long. After paying the fee for the teleport, they went back to the Mercenary Headquarters.

As soon as Krune arrived, he received a message from the cultivators looking over the teleport formation that Bary wanted to see him.

"Let's go there."

In the office, they noticed that Mile was there as well. Bary looked at them and said.

"I hope you don't go out during the next months to prevent anything wrong from happening."

Krune and the others immediately nodded.

"Alright then, Mile told me everything. So you now have that pocket dimension and a lot of high-level wisps inside. But what are you planning to do?"

Krune pondered a bit and said.

"I'm planning to leave it with my disciple. He is a lot more involved in gathering wisps than I am, so it would be better if he had it with him when he goes out."

Bary frowned after hearing that.

"I would advise not doing that. This spatial box that you have is a Two Silver Stars spiritual spatial equipment, not something that you could acquire easily in our Makui Planet. The majority wouldn't recognize its level, but those who did would definitely take it away. And once they find the wisps inside, their fate will be pretty much sealed."

Krune couldn't help but admit that it was true; it would be too dangerous. Bary then looked at him and said.

"You should bring it with you. It might be considered a treasure here in the Makui Planet, but it is nothing in the eyes of the Divine Path Sect. I reckon that their disciples all have Silver Stars Equipment at the very least. Some inner and core disciples might even have Golden Stars level. So no one will care about your spatial box."


Krune heard and then asked.

"But is it okay to bring more cultivators and demon beasts with me? They might not care about the box itself, but I refuse to believe that they won't notice the pocket dimension and those who are staying inside. I was also expecting to leave my disciple behind so that he could gather some experience."

Bary heard that and started to laugh.

"Seems like you really know very little about the Divine Path Sect. No, you know very little about the Big Four instead."

Not only Krune, everyone else except Mile was puzzled.

"To be honest, I'm don't the exact details. But I do know that the Divine Path Sect, like any other of the Big Four, is an all-encompassing entity. Just how many cultivators and demon beasts stop there daily? The number is simply frightening! So they need a lot of menial disciples too. Another thing is that you can't hunt any other race there, wisps included."

Krune had heard something about it before, but he thought that it only applied to the disciples who entered the Sect formally. Bary then continued.

"It is extremely common for the new disciples who pass the test to bring their own subordinates. They can even be considered menial disciples if they show that they can contribute to the Sect's management. As long as you are a real disciple, your subordinates will be under the protection of the Divine Path Sect too."

Krune then shook his head.

"That would go against my plans, I don't want a safe place for the wisps to live. What I want is a place for them to grow stronger. That's also why I was planning to send Lakin out to gain some experience by himself. As a Divine Sect Disciple, there is no doubt that I will get several missions where I can temper myself. But everyone else will stay behind living a comfortable life. That will not work since if I die, they will be done for."

Bary was surprised with Krune's determination, how come he says that his disciple is more focused than him in protecting the wisps?

"That is also not a problem, the menial disciples can also take missions themselves. Of course, those missions would not be as important or well rewarded as the real disciples. But I reckon that this would be just perfect for what you plan to do."

Krune seemed to get interested now. That would indeed be very convenient. Bary noticed that and struck the iron while it was hot.

"Lastly, the wisps that aren't at the Foundation Establishment could still live on the premises of the Sect. Although there is no doubt that they would be looked down upon because they are wisps. The cultivators and demon beasts inside the sect would never take them as cultivation resources. First, because they all know that cultivating with wisps is prejudicial to their foundations. And second, because it would go against the sect rules to attack anyone without a valid reason."


Krune was delighted after hearing everything. The wisps could live outside without being hunted, that was great. As for being looked down upon? That's even better! Krune believes that such an environment is perfect for lighting up their fighting spirits. But then, Bary reminded Krune about a problem.

"There is an issue though, you can only bring at most fifty subordinates. That is the limit accepted by the Divine Path Sect."

Krune's mood immediately turned to worse. Even after the old wisps sacrificed themselves, there are still over a hundred with him. Not to mention the few demon beasts as well. He has 163 there at the moment, and he can only bring fifty if he passes.

Shinja, Yusa, and Ao knew what Krune was thinking and then laughed. Krune was taken by that, and just as he was going to complain about them for laughing at that matter, Yusa cut him off.

"Isn't it something easy to resolve? Each real disciple can bring fifty subordinates, which means that the four of us need to become one. With that, we will have two hundred slots."

Ao then said.

"What you talking about? Isn't Arlan coming too? I doubt he won't be able to pass it, we can also ask him for a few extra slots. Haha!"

Shinja expressed her wish.

"Cassy is mine! She will come with me to take the slots. I don't want anyone competing over her with me."

Krune was feeling extremely happy. There is no doubt that each of those subordinates slots could be sold for an astronomic price. Who wouldn't want to make part of the Divine Path Sect even if it is as a menial disciple or a simple subordinate? But they gave up their slots quickly as that. Well, that is considering that they will pass the Sect Entrance Test, of course. In any case, what mattered for Krune was their feelings.

Bary looked at all of that and nodded. There would be no need to worry about Krune while those guys are there with him.

"With this part resolved, let's enter the next topic."

Everyone got silent again and waited for what comes next, the Mohie Sect issue.

"As you know already, that Secret Realm was part of the Mohie Sect, a mortal foe of the Rasie Clan, which is one of the Big Four today. Fortunately, this is the territory of the Divine Path Sect, so they won't be able to come too soon. It will probably take two to three months for that to happens. The Divine Path Sect has its own inheritance, so they won't mind this branch of an extinct sect much. Still, they will ask for a great price if the Rasie Clan wants to come and destroy it."

Bary then looked at Krune with a stern face.

"Fortunately, you left everything of real value behind and only took a few training facilities and life-support equipment. So the powers of our Makui Planet aren't paying much attention to you now. But the Rasie Clan probably won't let anything escape their grasp. So everyone is doing their best in the tests left by the Mohie Sect to take a look at the Soul Cultivation techniques before they are destroyed."

Krune was puzzled.

"They have Soul Forging Realm cultivators now. Why wouldn't they break the protection formation of the books hall and take it by force?"

Bary shook his head.

"Those formations were prepared very well. We do have the power to destroy them, but if we do that, another formation linked with the external one will explode, wiping out all the techniques."

Everyone understood the gravity of this problem, which means the powers of the makui Planet don't have too long to finish passing all tests. Even Krune took longer than that to become a Legacy Disciple. Not to mention that he has the Tribulation Lightning to temper his soul and the Myriad Energies Technique on top of that. So he is certain that the powers inside the Mohie Sect at the moment will at most become ordinary disciples. They won't have access to the Legacy Disciple books.

Bary looked at then and then asked.

"What level of a disciple from the Mohie Sect did you all become?"

Krune came forward and then said.

"Quite a few became ordinary disciples, and I am a Legacy one."

Bary didn't know the difference between those since no one from the planet powers had become an ordinary disciple yet. Let alone a Legacy one. Krune then spent some time explaining the difference between Ordinary and Legacy disciples. By the end, Bary's face was grave.

"I see, so that means that you were able to have access to all the legacy soul cultivation techniques. No wonder your soul power is so high at your level."

Bary then took a deep breath.

"That is good, it will help with your future. But you must be sure not to let this information leave this room. Understood?"

Krune nodded vigorously.

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