《Young Adversary》2nd Adversary: Tiamat


The holy light before Miko started to mold into the shape of a woman. Soon it disappeared and a beautiful figure emerged from it. It was an enchanting woman.

She had glistening azure hair, a breathtaking beauty, dazzling golden eyes which looked draconic, and a slim yet curvy figure. She was dressed in an azure and gold slit dress, and had gold armlets and anklets.

She was the goddess of the sea and the primordial chaos; as well as the first dragon, mother of the first dragons and countless monsters, as well as the oldest recorded god in history.


“Boy, I like you. You’re different from everyone else that came seeking my power”

She said with a melodious voice.

“You didn’t want the power of a God at all. In fact, you looked down on it.”

She said to Miko.

“Do you wish to spit in the face of the Gods?”

She approached him.

“If you do, then we have the same goal.”

She stretched her hand out towards him.

“Be my Proxy.”

She said.


Miko immediately answered.


His response shocked everyone except for Tiamat and Momo. Momo sighed and shook her head, while Tiamat kept smiling.

“I figured you would say that. Your reason?”

She asked.

“Reason? Is there any benefit in fighting in this stupid war?”

Miko answered with a question.

“If I join the war I’ll be pitted against some of the world’s strongest proxies in a battle to the death. Not only that, I’ll also have to fend off their factions and followers. Not to mention that there are people that hunt down and kill famous proxies to make a name for themselves. As the Matriarch of the clan you should know that we have quite a few of those people in our ranks.”

He said.

“All I see is demerits. Why should I become a proxy?”

“What about for honor?”

Tiamat asked.


Miko laughed.

“Only fools fight for something as pointless as honor.”

He replied.

“Honor alone cannot satisfy you or those around you.”

Tiamat smiled at his response.

“Then what do you seek? What is it that can satisfy you?”

She asked.

“For me, nothing. I seek nothing, so nothing can satisfy me.”

Miko smiled.

“I’m only living just because.”

“I see.”

Tiamat nodded her head as if she understood something.

“You’ve given up on life, haven’t you?”


Miko didn’t respond and kept quiet.

“I know because I’ve kept an eye on you from your birth Miko. You’ve been scorned by everyone outside of your immediate family, and was treated like a monster. No matter what you accomplished you would never be praised, no matter how much of a genius you were, you would always be treated like an outcast. That’s why from a young age you gave up on trying to accomplishing anything.”


She shook her head.

“No, you gave up on life itself. You threw away your ambitions, your dreams, and even desires. In other words, you’re just a walking corpse waiting to rot.”

Miko smiled when he heard how Tiamat described him.

“Bingo! You’ve figured out my life story.”

He started clapping.

“As a reward you win a big ‘Fuck You, I’m outta here.”

After he said that he turned his back to her and left.

“Wait, Miko!”

Momo started to chase after him.


That’s when Tiamat called out to her and caused her to stop.


Momo stooped down to kneel.

“Ah, you don’t have to do that. It makes me uncomfortable.”

However, Tiamat stopped her.

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

Momo stood up straight and looked Tiamat in her eyes.

“Good, you’re quite amazing. I’m proud to have a descendent like you.”

Tiamat said after examining her.

“Thank you for your praise!”

Momo said with a bow.

“Ah, you don’t have to be formal. Just act like yourself.”

“Is that so?”

Momo sighed.

“That’s good, because I’m not good with formal talk.”

She said after relaxing her body a little. Tiamat smiled when she heard that.

“You’re Miko’s personal teacher and cousin, meaning that you’re one of the few he trusts and would open his heart to. As such, I want you to continue to take care of him in the future no matter how tough things get.”

Tiamat said.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I planned on doing that from the beginning.”

Momo responded.

“I see.”

Tiamat looked satisfied at her response.

“As for Miko, leave be for the time being. It’s better he comes to a decision himself after thinking things through.”

“Can I be frank, Tiamat?”

Tiamat was a bit surprised that she was able to address her so casually, despite telling her to do so. But in the end, she was pleased.

“Call me Tia. That’s my nickname among the higher beings.”

She said.

“Then Tia. I’ll be completely honest, I don’t really want Miko to become your Proxy."

Momo said.


Tia didn’t get angry and asked calmly.

“Because it’s too dangerous.”

“True, but we live in a dangerous world. Besides, if he wants to become my Proxy I doubt you can stop him.”

Tia responded.

“It’s just as you say, but these are my personal feelings. However, I won’t stop him no matter what he chooses. The clan obtaining your Proxy has been our life long dream, so I can’t bring myself to ruin that dream. However, I won’t force it on Miko either. Whether he agrees or refuses, it’s his decision. He’s a smart kid after all.”

Momo said.

“Wise words.”

Tia nodded in response.


“Thanks, but there’s someone that might object to Miko becoming your Proxy no matter what he decides.”

Momo said.

“Oh? Who?”

“His mother.”

Momo said with a serious face.

“Ah…..Yeah, she might be a problem.”

Tia said with a wry smile.

Even she had to admit that she acknowledged how domineering and terrifying Miko’s mother can get. She’s also overprotective towards Miko, because there have been countless assassination attempts on him from he was a newborn. Just like the rest of the clan, she becomes unreasonable when angered.

“Leave her to me. I know how to deal with her. The women in the clan take after me after all.”

Tia said.

“If you say so.”

Momo replied.

Tia nodded and looked around at everyone else that was present.

“So there you have it. I acknowledge Gamiko Dragna the Third as my Proxy. He and I are one, got it?”

She declared.

“As Your Holiness wills it!”

They all knelt in servitude at Tia’s declaration.


Tia was pleased by their response.

“I’ll be staying here for a while, prepare accommodations for me. Oh, somewhere with plenty of alcohol.”


The clan members scattered and went to prepare everything for Tia, but more importantly spread the news.

Miko was chosen to be Tiamat’s Proxy!

Tia of course knew that they would spread the news, but didn’t seem to care.

Less than a hour later, Tia was in one of the most luxurious rooms in the entire Imperial Palace, that had thousands of rooms and stretched for several hundred miles if you included the yard.

“Not bad.”

Tia said before jumping onto the bed.

“Oh! They have Bacchus’s wine!”

She said after seeing a golden bottle near her bed. She got up and took it up.

“This must have been expensive for mortals.”

She said.


At that moment, Momo who was sitting in a corner of the room spoke up.

“That is from Gramps collection. He apparently won it from a bet with Bacchus former Proxy.”

She said.

“Is that so? I bet he’ll be pissed when he finds out I drink it.”

Tia said while laughing.

“No, I think he would feel honored.”

Momo said.

“Child, I’m his grandmother. I know how he is, there’s no use lying.”

Tia said.

“He’ll probably try to fight you.”

Momo admitted.

“I think you’re right.”

Tia laughed.

“I remember when I took an apple from him when he was a boy, before the Peace Treaty and I was still living in this realm. The little shit bit my finger and refused to let go until I returned his apple.”

She said with a nostalgic tone.

“My eldest son, who was his father, got mad when he found out and threw him in a dungeon, but he escaped a hour later.”

“Gramps seemed quite wild back then.”

Momo said.

“He still is."

“By the way, are you really fine with me keeping you company?"

“Why not? I like you. You’re one of the few I’ve considered making my Proxy, but chose not to.”


“Feeling? I don’t know. Just didn’t feel right, I guess.”

Tia answered.

“But wouldn’t you rather someone with more authority like an elder?”

“Don’t worry, no one can harm you out of jealousy. If they even attempted to, forget your grandfather, your uncles would have their heads.”

Tia said.

“Besides, all of my grandchildren are out and Miko is thinking by himself. That leaves you.”

“All the branch leaders are at the annual meeting to improve the empire.”

“They’re just messing around, trust me.”

Tia opened the wine bottle and a heavenly fragrance covered the room. It was so good that it made Momo mouth felt dry like she haven’t drank anything in years.

“If I recall correctly, you’re quite the drinker.”

Tia said before making two golden cups appear in her hands.

“Do you want some?”

She asked.

“I-I-I don’t know…”

Momo answered while literally wiping the drool from her mouth.

“Well, suit yourself.”

Tia said while putting away one of the cups.

“Wait, wait, wait! I want it! Please let me drink it!”

Momo shouted desperately.

Tia smirked.

“You should’ve been honest from the start.”

She poured out the wine in the two cups and gave one to Momo. When Momo saw the the golden liquid in her cup, her body trembled. She slowly placed the cup at her lips and took a sip.


Her eyes widened when she tasted the wine. She then suddenly started gulping it down until there was no more in the cup. She then moved the cup from her mouth.

“How was it?”

Tia asked.

She saw tears flowing down Momo’s cheeks.

“I could die now and have no regrets. My life is complete.”

Momo said with a tranquil look in her eyes. She currently looked like a Buddha that had reached nirvana.

“Don’t go into the samsara cycle yet, we still have a lot more drink.”

Tia said while pouring out more into Momo’s cup. Momo eyes started to water as she looked at the heavenly liquid again. She suddenly got on her knees and prostrated before Tia.

“Your Holiness, Tiamat! Thank you for blessing me with something so heavenly! I promise to worship you forever!”

“Hahaha! No thanks. Just drinking with me is enough.”

Momo stood up and the two started drinking and sharing stories.

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