《Convergence of Fates》Arc 2 chapter 14: Divination
The Lurker
Friday 21st January 3141 of the Human Federation Calendar
It was 09:00 PM and I have been suffering under NOVA’s tutelage more than necessary. I don't know why, but she has become rather intense after my first tactical course. Thinking about it, yeah seeing a pro like Altair shoot I agree that I am not at her level. Even with my own powers, she outclasses me by a large margin. To point that out, NOVA set the difficulty of the tactical simulator with foes having those kinds of superhuman shooting skills and I ended up dying most of the time even though Altair passed onto me her abilities and skills. But I have been progressing and now I could kill all those so-called super soldiers from project Xavier. My tactical training focused on urban terrain, how to make traps, use vehicles -I love bikes- plant bombs and bypass security with electronic and physical means. It was hard and I decided to go cook in the MESS to de-stress and fill my tummy.
The kitchen was a modern one with an island in the middle of the room, there were cupboards for tools and a stasis fridge to store food indefinitely: a food fabricator produced the protein pastes flavored after the ingredients I needed. Today I was going to have filling food, something heavy and greasy. Fried chicken breasts with mashed potatoes and carrots sauce. It was a simple dish, but I needed to work on the presentation of the food. Just being delicious wasn’t enough, it should look good. I filled a pot with water and put it on the electric cooking stove and surfed on the ship intranet while waiting for the water to boil. I added the potatoes and for fifteen minutes I continued to read that really interesting novel on my tablet. The story was about some human girl called Sandra falling in love with a Thelian male but was obstructed by his fiancée of the same species. When I choose it, NOVA looked at me pitifully. What is it with her and my xeno-romance books? Are they that notorious?
They are failures, wish-fulfilling fantasy stories that give to biological beings unrealistic expectations of relationships.
My companion AI answered me, sometimes I forget that NOVA was a synthetic being and that we didn’t have the same values. She didn’t like e-reading as entertainment.
“Hmph, don’t be mean. They are awesome you know.”
Let’s agree to disagree.
She said in a sarcastic tone; I decided to ignore her and return to cooking.
I put my tablet on the island, far from anything with water. I didn’t want to have to recycle it, it wasn’t a waterproof model. I checked the consistency and firmness of the potatoes. They were good, so I went and drained the water from the pot in the sink. The water will be recycled in the ship life support systems. I took a small saucepan I put milk and butter in it at really low fire until the butter melted. I loved that kind of activity; I'm just someone who likes cooking and for whom sharing food is a form of expression. While we are at it…
“Can you invite Altair to share the food I am making, NOVA?”
Invitation sent.
I took an electric beater in one of the cupboards in the island mashed the potatoes while adding the hot buttered milk slowly. I did this for five minutes until the potatoes and milk blended until they became smooth and creamy. Putting everything into a bowl, I seasoned the food with salt and pepper, not too much or it would become inedible.
A hollow window appeared in my field of vision, it was a text chat.
AltQui: I am coming, keep the food warm.
Tiny165: Waiting for you!
The fried chicken and carrot sauce was synthesized by the food fabricators I didn’t have to do it myself. Five minutes later I was finished and put the cutlery on our usual table and waited for Altair. She came into the Mess in an unhurried way. She wore her usual shipsuit with her pistol strapped to her left thigh. The woman, as usual, looked more than attractive, and had her usual small sexy smile that meant ‘I know what you are thinking about’. Yes, I am horny, so what? But I don’t think it would be ok to sleep with your future boss, you know?
Altair seated herself, and I began to serve the food. We spoke about the training I was undergoing, it was intense but fulfilling and kept my mind off what to do in the future. I wanted to destroy those project Xavier supporters and escape from the clutches of the woman that hired Altair to get me. Oh and become rich and get my own ship with weapons and AIs as well as a loyal crew, because I wanted friends too. I had big dreams, that I will fulfill.
“I have a present for you Destiny, but you’ll see it tomorrow. Hope you’ll like it!” Altair gushed.
“No way tah know what it is beforehand?” I raised an eyebrow at that.
“Don’t be impatient.” She said and patted my hand.
We will double up on the training Destiny, be prepared.
After this announcement from NOVA, we finished eating and Altair helped me place the disposable cutlery in the recycler. I got back to my sleeping quarter and used the shower and brushed my teeth. Once done I took my tablet and went to my bed and began to read this chapter on electric broadcasting power, wireless power transmission for my electric engineering class. Easy subject using and advanced Qi system that was just sciency lingo for inductive charging banks. This technology is used to recharge most handhelds device like wrist com, tablets or devices through a state or privately owned generators with wireless power transfer. I can’t believe I am understanding all this now; those scientists in project Xavier really wanted to keep me ignorant to control me. From the files uncle Magnus left to me they wanted to create some kind of organic psionic network with me inside. I will definitely find them and… destroy them. They ruined my life, I shall ruin theirs, fair play, right?
I put my tablet on the nightstand with its inductive charger, turned off the light with a snap of my fingers and laid on my bed.
*Ah can’t wait tah see what she has for me tomorrow.* I thought while closing my eyes.
Unknown location
I woke up with a start and asked myself where I was, everything was grey around me but not me I saw myself in color in the lacy black nightgown NOVA fabricated for me. All around me there was an ocean and I noticed that I was on an island of sand.
*It would have been fun if this was a tropical one,* I said to myself.
Without warning the ground trembled beneath my feet. The landscape changed gradually under my sight: weeds, trees, bushes, and flowers grew around me. My island becoming bigger, I moved from its center to end up on a beach giving a view on the grey placid ocean.
The beach stretched out alongside the water, this ocean was placid and not even the wind that I felt on my skin created wave I stretched my toes in the sand, sand that suddenly gained color. Upon this primrose sand, the hue as gentle on the eye as a vintage photograph, there was a steady warmth from the grains. I felt at peace, protected but lonely.
*So, am ah dreaming? Am ah in control of this space?* I pondered.
I forgot something, maybe NOVA has the answers?
“NOVA are you here?” I called her name.
Silence answered me. Even though this place was kinda big my voice echoed for a long time.
“NOVA where are you?”
A stream of light struck my body and made me momentarily step back, my vision focused on it and…
I saw myself with someone, we were in each other arms, our bodies glued to one another on a bed. Relishing in the warmth and intimacy between us. She loved me, I loved her. This person weirdly looked like NOVA’s avatar in the cyber realm but without the horns on her head.
The ray of light stopped hitting my body and dissipated into nothing.
*What was that?!* I cried internally.
Is this something like a vision or something else? It happened when I asked where NOVA was, is it because I am in this place? Am I dreaming or is someone messing with my head right now with telepathy? I heard that there are some psionics with the power of inducing hallucination or to go into the dreamscape. But why would someone do this to me?
*Who can help me?!*
Another ray of light struck me and latched on my body, and in this one, I saw…
...A tall blue-haired lady, she was naked and taking her shower. She was athletic and beyond fit but her body was beautiful to look at and exuded femininity. From her face, she didn’t look mean exactly but proud and confident. Her visage was delicate and pleasant to look at, her eyes were of a striking golden color. Her ears were pointed like those legendary elves from fantasy books. I deduced that she wasn’t human at all.
A female Alien? It happened again, I asked a question and the light gave me answers. Interesting. Another ray of light thinner than the one from the blue-haired alien woman hit me. I felt that this one was less important because it didn’t make me step back on impacts like the one with NOVA or Blue lady.
Another woman appeared, but she wore a… what was that? A sexy nuns outfit? I only recognized it because of the veil covering her head and the big cross on her armored bodysuit. She was bristling with weapons, knives, pistols and a rifle strapped to her. From what I’ve learned in class nuns are supposed to be good people and preach for their imaginary god, right?
Her name was Marie-Michelle Halliwell, she entered the Joan of Arc chapter for salvation at the age of 15 years old after being rescued by another nun from this same chapter. Her father abused her sexually and was a member of the mob of New Avalon in the Neo England planet…
The flow of information stopped, and my brain stopped throbbing and digested the data. Wait, why did I get the life story of that woman and not the ones from the Blue lady and NOVA? That’s weird. Maybe I could do thi- The sky suddenly darkened, as black and thick clouds covered the horizon.
The change was too abrupt, the ocean’s water churned and waves hit the beach. From afar, I could see a silhouette advancing toward the island and me. I felt fear, I don’t know why but I could feel anger and murderous intent coming from this person. It was a woman that was walking on the water, not even sinking into it or getting wet. This place defied my understanding of physics...
The woman stopped short of the sand from my island not even stepping on it.
“Who are you? What do you think you are doing in my space?” She said furiously.
She had green eyes and raven black hair. Her resemblance to Altair was striking, was it her? She wore the same kind of shipsuit than my benefactor, with the logo of Vice Corporation on her right breast. I discerned accessories here and there on her person. Her body language was aggressive, completely contrary to the calm and dignified woman I travel with. But just to be sure.
“Altair, is that ye?” I asked hesitantly.
I couldn’t hide the tremor of fear in my voice. The murderous aura that I felt around her dissipated as she looked at me more with wonder, then she made a victorious grin that didn’t reassure me in the least.
“Altair, huh. Then, you must be Destiny.”
The woman terrified me, my empathy picked up feelings of possession, satisfaction and that she was planning something. This woman didn’t see me as a human being, but more like a thing, she could toy with.
“No, ye aren’t Altair. How do ye know me?” I stepped back from her.
The woman made a bell-like laugh.
“Are you for real, you are here in the time streams and you cannot look for the answers? Or does it mean that your power is still latent and barely awakening? Good. Then if you are defenseless I can take you from there!” The woman attempted to enter the island but was brushed off by some sort of forcefield.
She battered it with blows so powerful that it did the same thing on my mental shield. I could see thin lines of fissures on the forcefield and it finally broke after two more punches.
“No, leave me alone!” I shouted in fear.
I sent a psionic bolt toward the woman. The evil lady backhanded it as if not even concerned by it. Then she put her feet on my island. But before she could put another step on the sand, she was stricken by a bolt of psionic energy and thrown into the water like a rag doll. She didn’t sink into the water, it was like this ocean water was solid. Another silhouette appeared and this time it was an old man with white hair and golden eyes. He wore some kind of white robe with a black belt and stylish boots of the same color. He gave the same feeling as uncle Magnus, he was kind and steady as a rock. But I felt that he could also be dangerous when it was warranted.
“What do you think you are doing, Lady Helena?” The old man said with is a low baritone voice.
“Woden Son.” The woman, Helena got back on her feet and glared at the old man named Woden.
Helena looked at him with pure hate in her eyes, her fist tight and her white teeth showed. She looked scary. Old man Woden looked at me, his smile was warm and friendly.
“Enchanted to meet you, miss?” He said, inviting me at giving him my name.
“I am Destiny.”
“What a beautiful name, let me handle the tyrant and I will get back to you. As you are, you cannot defend yourself properly with your barely awakened powers. Once done I will teach you about this place.”
The woman Helena charged toward him and punched him in the gut and sent him flying. Woden right himself in mid-air and I felt a powerful psionic blast advancing toward the evil lady that created a psionic shield and protected herself. Woden disappeared and materialized at her back and gave a punch that struck Helena’s shield and made a sound of breaking glass. But Helena shrugged off the mental pain of her shield breaking and gave the old man an elbow strike in the jaw. I decided to help the old man and sent a powerful psionic blast toward her. Three bolts per seconds were my current limit, I distracted her enough that the old man punched her face. I heard bones breaking, but the woman counterattacked with a psionic blast of her own and the old man cried out and fell into the water.
*Fuck, this fight is insane! Is that a true psionic fight?*
“Mind your own business old man, this girl is mine. I won’t let you meddle.”
Helena took him by his collar, lifted him and looked at him balefully. He was not as tall as her and now looked like she was bullying him.
“This is... where we disagree, my Lady. I shall protect the little... miss, as she comes into her powers and is able to enter the game.” He was wheezing and seemed to lose strength.
“Never!” Helena shouted.
She cocked her arm and was about to punch him in the face again.
“Is that so?” I heard a calm and soothing voice from afar.
Helena’s fist stopped short of Woden’s face, she turned her head and widened her eyes. She let go of the old man and stepped away from him.
*Ok, this newcomer is a top dog.*
She looked old but was powerfully built with bronze skin and fur on her shoulders and forearms. The woman had cat ears on her head and white hair in an elegant French braid with braids on the side of her head decorated with accessories made of… gold? Her face was scared and it marred her overwise elegant features. Her eyes were cat-like with a pale blue hue. Her white tail was swishing as she advanced toward the two battling psionics. I could feel nothing from her, so it means that she was powerful enough to ward off my empathy. The cat woman was wearing a black bra and loincloths made of a silk-like material.
*Correction, top cat.*
“S’lekka, well met!” Old man Woden said while smiling while trying to stand and he was fast on his feet.
A thin thread of blood flowed from a side of his mouth, the old guy was a lunatic pure and simple. He still was better than the evil lady. He wiped it with his sleeve; while looking at me he made a reassuring nod.
“Teacher,” Helena said.
She bowed to the woman.
“I have come to welcome the newcomer, and I find yourself beating up on your fellow council member. Can you explain this to me?”
A calculative light could be seen in the eyes of Helena. She opened her mouth to say something.
“I…” But was rudely interrupted by the cat woman.
“Are you attempting to lie to me?” She asked.
An aura shined around her, her face was predatory and threatening. I don’t know how she could read the situation like this, but maybe she had a better mastery of this place and could see things that I can’t.
“No, teacher. I want this girl, and to make her my subordinate.”
“I see, it would have been something else if she was fully awakened and you could do whatever you wanted. I also have subordinate oracles, but we Oracle do not pluck the unripened fruits before they mature. There are rules surrounding our powers and this realm sometimes enforces them. You would have killed this young Terran if you had stepped fully in her domain. I am happy that Woden intervened.”
“And I am also happy to see that you can hold your own against one of the old councilors. It warms my heart that you are such an attentive student. But I will warn you, dear Helena. Do not let ambition and greed blind you… there is a balance to everything.” The woman said as if she was educating her own daughter.
I mean, she looked like barely in her forties but she must be more aged than this.
“Teacher she’s a threat-” Helena tried to say while glaring at me.
“Ah, I always get the stubborn ones.” The cat woman lamented while rolling her eyes. “Helena, you're an oracle and you must understand that sometimes some futures are self-fulfilling. Confront the young girl when she is at the height of her powers, for now, she is under my protection. Return to your own domain.”
The cat lady waved a hand and the evil one was thrown in the air toward the horizon so fast I couldn’t say bubblegum.
*Wow, ok. No pissing off the cat lady.*
The woman turned toward me and nodded. As if satisfied with something. She let through some emotions that my empathy caught. A ‘you will do’ sort of feeling.
“Greetings, young cub. I am Matriarch S’lekka, grand diviner of Idrissa.”
Idrissa, Idrissa where did I heard this name before.
*Ah!* I realized.
“Ye are a Thelian!” I exclaimed in surprise.
Wow, my first alien and she looked rad.
“Oh, youth combined with enthusiasm; another exuberant one. Woden, I leave this one to you, teach her and nurture her.” The Thelian woman said exasperatedly.
She was about to leave but she still gazed at me.
“Young cub, this space is called the time streams, it is a high dimension of our universe where beings able to send their mind in this realm are able to interact and gain an understanding of the world, control the fate of other beings within reason. There are fully ascended being here that left our own dimension and live for gaining more knowledge. Woden shall explain to you everything and teach you as your powers grow. It was nice meeting a new face, we shall meet again.”
The Thelian female’s voice echoed as her body broken down into light particles and then finally she wasn’t there anymore.
“This alien cat girl is so awesome!” I said and I slipped on the sand.
“Aouch.” So not cool.
The old man laughed and grinned at me. Amused by my clumsiness.
“Come into the ocean miss Destiny we have things to do.”
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