《I Died And Was Reincarnated As The Demon King's Daughter?!?!》Chapter 10 - Avarice


"I've seen several bad cases of Mana Fatigue but nothing like... this." Doctor Tera exclaimed in disbelief as she continued to examine my backside. "I'm surprised you haven't keeled over and are still able to move."

"Can she be healed, Ms. Tera?" Akano asked, her question filled with panic. “Please tell me that she can."

"I'm.....not sure. I've never seen anything like this—I don't know."

"You're kidding..." Akano quickly sprinted around the bed and stopped in front of me. "Yuki, are you in any pain?—Does anything hurt? Anything at all?"

I shook my head. "No..."

Doctor Tera snapped her fingers and the glowing Mana circuits that were once spread out all over my back, disappeared. "The only way your circuits can get this badly damaged is if you pulled off some huge spell or something of the sort and even then, there's no magic that takes up and exhausts nearly half of your circuits." Doctor Tera's voice turned serious. “Princess Yukina, just what exactly happened in the short two weeks since you last visited? Mana circuits don't just damage themselves. Please, answer me truly. Your well-being greatly depends on it."

Akano lifted my right hand from my lap and gripped it. "Yuki, please. We're just worried about you."

I could hear the panic in Akano's voice and the concern in Doctor Tera's.


Once again tongue-tied, I left my sentence unfinished. It was clear that there was no lie in what Akano and Doctor Tera were telling me. They both were truly scared for me.

“But even still, but even still,"

I couldn't tell them—No, that's not it. I didn't want to tell them. If I told them the truth, that I'm not who they think I am and instead, an imposter that stole this body from the Princess, I wouldn't be able to bear what comes next. I was being extremely selfish, living a life that is in no way, shape, or form, mine.

“But even still, but even still..."

The fear of losing Mellisa's funny antics, Iris's stern yet kind remarks, Astrid's obsession with clothes, Aurora's silent smiles, Elvira's motherly feel, the King's warm touch—the fear of losing everything, was just too much for me to face. The fear of losing the family that I've grown so close to in such a minuscule amount of time was too great for me to handle. I know they aren't my family, that I'm just acting like I know them, acting like I belong with them, acting like King Valfar is my father and Elvira my motherly figure when in reality, there's no truth in it. On top of that, I had been lying to Akano and Doctor Tera even though they've only shown nothing but concern for me. No matter how you look at it, deceiving the people close to the Princess is just plain wrong.

"But even still, but even still."

I wanted this. I wanted this as bad as I want to breathe. I wanted love. And in this world that I've awoken in, I have it, a family who loves me no matter what. And if that wasn't enough, an entire country who adores me. I have it, I have it all. And I don't want to lose a single shred of it.


Consumed by my selfishness and my greed, I turned towards Akano, opened my mouth and continued to lie once more.

"....I feel fine. I'm not in any pain anywhere."

"What you're doing isn't right."

Ignoring the voice in my head, I changed my attention to Doctor Tera. "Nothing weird has happened lately. Really, I feel alright."

"Princess, you can tell us any-"

"I'm fine."

I didn't intend for it to come out as harsh but I lost control of my ever so fragile emotions for a second which ended in me cutting Doctor Tera off rudely.

Doctor Tera sighed. "If you say so. I guess that wraps things up then."

She walked over to her desk and slumped down in the chair behind. "Instead of coming in two weeks from now, due to your condition, come back in about or week or so. I want to monitor your state closely—and oh, don't let the public know about this. We wouldn't them to be caught in a panic over their beloved Princess. Let's try to keep this information to only those in this room— and the Royal Family of course. Also, try to limit how much Mana you use from here on until I can fully grasp the situation."

I pulled my shirt back over my shoulders, buttoned it up and headed for the door that I entered from. Akano was about to follow when Doctor Tera called for her.

"Akano, can I talk to you for second? It'll be quick."

She nodded her head and turned back towards me. "I won't be long. You can wait for me in the waiting Area."


I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind me.

"I wonder what they're talking about."

That seemed to be happening a lot lately—the slipping of notes, the private discussions—I didn't like it. But then again, it would be hypocritical of me to get upset because after all, I'm hiding something from them too. I guess everyone has a thing or two they want to keep secret.

I walked back to the waiting area and took the seat that Akano was sitting in earlier since there was a little girl who looked no older than about the age of 10 sitting in mine. A mop of frizzy orange curly hair covered her entire head, reaching down to her shoulders. A small baby ram horn sprouted from the middle of her head and was barely visible through the mess of hair.

Like she didn't have a care in the world, the little girl was kicking her legs in the air and letting them fall back down naturally, the back of her closed black shoes colliding the base of the leather chair, all while humming a gentle tune to herself.

I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes, burying my thoughts and troubles about this world I now found myself in, sending it deep into the back of my mind and focused on the sweet melody the small demon girl was humming.

Some minutes passed and all of a sudden, the light humming ceased. I opened my eyes and looked to my right and saw a pair of gleaming sunset colored eyes staring curiously into mine, causing me to jerk backwards from being startled.


"Does your tummy hurt too?" The little girl asked, her gaze still fixed on me. “Is that why you’re here?”

While it was true I was hurting, it wasn't on the outside or physically. It was on the inside, more specifically at my selfish actions and greedy nature. And what's worst is that I thought all the actions I took were justified. However, I wasn't about to spill my new life's troubles onto a little girl.

"....Sort of." I answered.

"Mine too. I get tummy aches a lot. Sometimes it hurts so much and I start to cry. But big brother and everybody else always comes and it goes away a little. Does your big brother help you too?"

"Do I have a brother?"

I never thought about if I had any new siblings. Considering I've been in this world for nearly two days and haven't seen anybody besides The King and the maids, I guess it's only logical to assume that I was a single child.

"No." I answered.

The girl frowned. "That's not very nice of him." She popped up from her seat, stepped in front of me, and placed her small hand over my stomach. "Then I'll get rid of the pain for you!" She flashed me a wide toothy smile and began to chant a cute "Pain, Pain, go away" song that would make even the evilest of demons' heart melt.

"Feeling better?" The girl asked when she finished up her song.

I couldn't help but smile. Even though it might have only been a temporary distraction from my troubles, it was still nice to put it aside, even if it was only for a moment.

"Yeah, thanks."

"You're welcome!"

The nurse who worked the front desk reappeared coupled with Akano reappeared at front of the hallway.

It was clear that Akano was upset because instead of stopping and waiting for me, she stormed right past me and kicked the door open. Seconds later, Doctor Tera entered the waiting area with a tired look on her face. I looked over at her for an explanation but all she responded with was just a long sigh.

"Honestly, that girl needs to grow up." Doctor Tera complained to herself as she crossed her arms and leaned up against the wooden wall. "Not everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows." She turned towards me. “Princess, you should probably go after her."

"Princess? “ The little girl's jaw dropped. "You're the Princess?!" Her eyes started to sparkle. "That's so cool! What's it like? Do you get to eat anything you want? How many dresses do you have?—How many boyfriends?"


"Now, now, Maria," Doctor Tera started as she walked over to the little girl who was still firing question after question at me and crouched down so she was at eye level with her. "The Princess is very busy with chasing one of her boyfriends who just ran out the door so let's leave her be. Instead, why don't you tell me about all the fun you had yesterday with everybody in my office. And maybe you can continue that story you started telling me yesterday."


Doctor Tera took one of Maria's hands and led her to the hallway. Maria turned around and waved goodbye with her free hand.

"Bye Ms. Princess!" She told me before disappearing from my view. I waved goodbye, rose from my chair and exited the clinic, looking for Akano.

It didn't take me very long to find my red-hot attendant. Akano was slumped up off the side of the door against the clinic building. Her face still had remnants of anger on it. She was in the middle of muttering something to herself when she noticed me. Her face lighten up a bit but it was still obvious that whatever Doctor Tera told her while I wasn't there was bothering her.

"Sorry for barging out." Akano apologized to me with a weak smile. "It was wrong of me."


"It's getting late isn't it? We should get you back to the castle."

I looked up at the sky and sure enough, the sky had shifted from light blue to a pale orange. Time must have flown by while I was being subjected to Doctor Tera's medical rituals.

"I guess."


It was a silent walk back from the clinic to the castle. I didn't say much aside from responding to and returning the townspeople's greetings. Akano didn't say anything at all. Not one word.

When we arrived at the castle gate, Elvira and a few other guards were already there waiting for us.

"I'll meet you here tomorrow then." Akano told me, lifting the curtain of silence between us. "We'll walk to the Academy together."

Whenever she mentioned anything related to school, I'd always feel a churning sensation in my stomach. This time was no different. I didn't think I was ready to go back. If I had no choice and had to attend, I would rather be someone who stayed to themselves and doesn't speak often. However, even that seems to be unrealistic with me being the Princess of an entire country.

"Okay." I reluctantly replied.

I was about turn around and walk through the black high gate with Elvira when Akano did something that was out of her character. She stopped me, brought me close to her chest and hugged me tightly. She didn't say anything, all she did was just hold me in complete silence. After some time, she let go of me.

"See you tomorrow, Yuki."

And with that, she took off, heading in the opposite direction that we came in.

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