DAY 30
Some combination of scent and sound awoke me. The lock to my room had clicked open and someone had just crept in. Judging by the smell of beer, anger, and sour greed this wasn't the wakeup call I had asked for. It was a man I remembered from a table near mine.
He was quietly feeling his way along the wall, and it took me a moment to remember that to a human this room would be almost pitch black, with just a faint bit of lantern light from the hall outside.
Slowly I reached over the side of the bed to where my clothes were, and grabbed my knife. Then I hesitated. Although I had the advantage here in the dark, I really didn't want to cause a scene. My reputation was still pretty bad among these people, and stabbing a man probably wouldn't improve it.
I slid the knife out and pulled the blanket aside. It wasn't my number one option, but it was on the list.
"Get out." The man stumbled and smacked his knee against the baseboard of the bed as he scrambled back towards the door. He ran into the edge of the door with a loud crash and fell into the hall. By the time he had recovered I had rolled out of bed and went to the door. A few doors opened as he ran past and down the stairs. When someone squinted at me standing there with a knife in hand I shrugged and shut my door.
I thought about trying to go back to sleep, but bird activity outside indicated it was near dawn anyways. I flopped back onto the firm mattress and stared at the ceiling. Absently I rubbed at my chest. The thing I assumed to be a monster core was tingling slightly. Was it a crystalline chunk like the other few I had seen, or would mine be different? Now that I focused on it I could feel the energy flowing out of it and along my limbs before looping back.
Did it do anything, or was it just a hidden treasure for slaying monsters? Eating it felt like supercharging my body, and clearly influenced my growth. I gave it a mental nudge with a stick and it sent a pulse of energy through my body. The room brightened, the sounds nearby intensified and I could hear people snoring and shifting in their sleep. The smell of everyone who had been in this room in the last few days washed over me. Tingles raced through my veins like adrenaline. I could feel a mouse in the corner like a whisper across my skin.
My core had been diminished slightly, and I might be imagining it, but there might be a shimmer over my skin. Any thought of a nap had been blasted away. I needed to move, this energy was burning in my bones.
Rolling out of bed I started doing pushups, not even bothering to count them.
The effect ended after a few minutes and I lay on the floor panting. That had been an interesting experience.
With a bit of morbid curiosity I grabbed my knife again and made a shallow cut across the back of my arm. It stung and dark blood beaded up. I gave my core another nudge and energy rushed through me again. I was still aware of the pain but it was significantly muted. My hope had been that this effect would provide some healing in addition to the energy boost, but there was no such luck. The cut didn't change at all, at least any more than the normal healing rate. The small cut stopped bleeding in a few seconds, and I figured it would be scabbed over in ten minutes, and then just a scar in a few hours. It was definitely faster than I had healed as a human, and seemed to be faster than humans healed here.
Remembering back to one of my first fights in this world I rubbed a finger across the top of my head. It was only the faintest scar now underneath my hair, or fur I suppose would be more accurate. I imagined I would die the same as any other person if I was hurt enough. Supposedly the gods were mostly unconcerned with death, but I had no guarantees yet I might share in that ability. It was something I didn't want to test out for a good long while.
By the time dawn arrived I was already headed back to see Nesbitt. I caught him in the hall outside his office.
"Hello, sir. I have your maps ready on my desk. Come in."
I glanced over the maps once, and then looked at the rest of the contents of the folio. A slender pale white crystal with something murky inside it was in a metal tube the size of a finger along the spine. I touched it and the label appeared.
"Rough Lodestone(Locating)."
"What's this?"
"With my compliments, that is an enchanted stone of locating. They are much beloved by adventurers, merely touch it to the sigil on the corner of each map to attune it. Then any time you touch the map it shall show the location of the crystal. With it you shall never need fear losing your way."
I pulled the crystal out and touched it to the map of Wolsey town. Sure enough a spot of light popped up on top of the symbol for the House.
"Very interesting. Thank you." I had a feeling this stone was already attuned to a map he had tucked away somewhere, but I figured it would be impolite to say so. "Does it need to be recharged?"
"Only by touch. The energy needed is so minor even a child can activate it. Ah, it's fading already. Just touch it again to make the mark reappear."
The glow was fading, and shortly it disappeared.
I closed the folio and put it into my pack. The most obvious map they'd use to spy on me would be the large ornate one on the wall because it showed the widest area. That would limit the accuracy to a several hundred meter radius based on scale. I supposed it was somewhat possible they'd attuned it to maps smaller in scale for more precise location, but I would have to take that chance. This was too useful a tool to discard out of paranoia.
On the way out I saw Denan at the end of the hall, looking extremely upset as he hurried out of sight. As much as that tickled my quest sense there was no time to waste. I left the House and returned to the town square. Many of the stalls and carts had been packed up. The old woman was at her cart, with a boy in his late teens busy hitching a horse to the front of the wagon.
"Good morning, ma'am."
"Hello...young man."
"Karl Mazankowski. Thanks for letting me ride with you today."
"Lyanna, of House Yewbough."
"Do you make this trip regularly?"
"I've traveled throughout the whole county for the last forty years."
"That is impressive. Are the roads safe?"
"Safe enough. Bandits rarely stray far from the south road. The militia patrols regularly. Worst we can expect is a bit of rain." She indicated a handful of guardsmen standing beside horses.
"That's reassuring."
The boy called that the horse was ready, and then moved on to another wagon. We climbed aboard. Despite the claims of safety, or perhaps due to it, most of the wagons had someone up front with a bow or crossbow, or had spears ready along the sides. Once I was up I saw that Lyanna had a crossbow of her own tucked behind her seat.
Slowly we started moving, headed for the gate. Lyanna took a sensible spot in the middle of the convoy. The guardsmen divided between front and back.
"How is the fabric trade? I saw you have silks and other things, surely those don't come from near here?"
"This is a wool and leather region. The silks come up from the south a few times a year. They're mostly popular with the gods. Working folk prefer more rugged clothing."
"Did you make this one?" I plucked at the front of my jacket.
"I did. One of my most popular styles."
"It is well made. What is the process for making clothes? I've mostly just hit things with hammers so far. The rest of it, like my pack, is much more rough."
"Sewing these styles requires a proper needle and thread, not that coarse sinew."
"That makes sense."
"What brings you all the way to the castle?"
"I've heard they have a library there. Books to instruct on crafting."
"Surely a young...man, such as yourself dreams of more than books."
"Well, I'm hoping there will be some gods there. I'd like to meet one."
"Ah. Hoping they take you as a follower? Ambitious indeed. It would not be unheard of. Many travel far and bring multiple companions."
I didn't want to spoil her assumption so I just nodded.
A few hours later we passed a small lake to the north. A family of brown bears stared at us from the far shore but showed no aggression. Lyanna ate lunch as we rode, but I had enough of a headache that I didn't want to try to forage anything even though we passed several berry bushes and rabbits.
In the distance a range of mountains was emerging through the haze. When I consulted my map the town of Lakepoint would be on the far side, halfway to the castle.
"Will we be stopping in Lakepoint?"
"Yes, just for the night. It's a nice enough town, but very sooty from all the furnaces and forges. I don't stay more than one day or else all my stock gets stained."
"Do you happen to know who would be the best to supply blacksmithing supplies?"
"Not personally, but the market is usually crowded with them.
"Ah. Is one day enough to actually get many sales?"
"Not very many directly. I have negotiated several orders with local merchants."
To the west there was indeed a hovering cloud of smog rising up above the trees. By the time we were close enough to see the buildings it was a palpable taste. Smoke from forges, furnaces, tanneries, and other foul stinks. Forcing myself to ignore the smell took a lot of concentration. I could see the merit in not staying any longer than necessary.
Lakepoint looked to be maybe three times the size of House Wolsey. It had no wall, just a sprawling mess of ramshackle huts. The closer it got to the mountains the more well built they were, building up to a series of quite attractive manors along the mountainside. The ringing of hammer on metal was constant, echoing off the mountain.
The setting sun lit the lake up golden, searing into my eyes, but for a few moments hiding the smog.
Our convoy started dispersing when we hit the town, many wagons splitting off to their own affairs. Lyanna guided us to a halt near the middle of town among several inns. A servant ran out to take the horses to the stable.
"I will be leaving one hour after dawn. There are many inns to choose from. Goodnight."
That left me standing in the market. The crowd was more diverse than I had seen before. Krokro made up a sizeable portion of the population, many of them hauling massive packs that might have crippled a donkey.
Much as had happened before, many people gawked at me, though perhaps less now that I was closer to standard size. Feeling a bit self conscious without a hood, I headed towards one of the inns mostly at random. The interior of The Hammered Maiden was a familiar layout. Multiple tables and chairs spread around a large hall, a giant fireplace along one wall, and a staircase behind the bar leading up. It was likely most of them were built around this theme.
A portly man leisurely wiped a cup behind the bar, grinning expansively at me.
"Good day, sir. How may I assist?"
"A room for tonight."
"You've made a fine choice. That will be thirteen gold."
"Seems like a mighty fine establishment." I matched his wide smile, scrutinizing him. Labels popped up across his body. His clothes were on their last threads, and I almost laughed when I saw his ring.
'Simple Polished Wedding Ring(Fools Gold). Durability 9/15.'
I couldn't see anything about his own stats, but there was a bit of uncertainty in his smile now. Maybe it was my teeth.
There was a faint something hovering behind the bar, and I casually leaned on my elbow to get a better look. The corner of a paper scroll was sticking out from behind the bar, but the label had caught my eye.
'Notice of debt owed to Ysmol(Quest Item) Durability 5/5'
My head was tingling fiercely now, and even without touching the scroll, I just knew what to do. Whispers skittered across my mind, but I pushed them aside.
"With those kinds of prices you should be able to repay Ysmol soon, right?"
The smile vanished off the man's face.
"How do you know about that? I mispoke, five gold for the night. No, three, and free ale, no need to hurry back to Ysmol."
"Oh, don't you worry about that, I'm just passing through. We can finish this right now and I can let you get back to your patrons."
Something wavered in his eyes, the ghost of a backbone, ego telling him to act tough. My core surged as I stared into his eyes, my claws gouging the counter lightly as my fist clenched up. His resolve broke.
"Take it! Just leave." He grabbed a wooden box with steel banding from behind the counter and practically threw it at me. I tucked it under my arm and turned to go. Everyone in the place was staring at me, a few had their hands on knives. I wanted to snarl at them but forced it back, and forced my seething core to calm. Without looking back I walked out and ducked into the first alley I came across.
Why had I just done that? I was supposed to be keeping a low profile, not shaking down barkeeps. My core still smouldered, I wanted to take more, to fight, to feed. I wanted everything this shitty world had.
Head pressed against the wooden wall I forced myself to breathe slow and deep. I was not going to act like...a monster. I needed to use my head.
Probably a dozen people had seen me, maybe they didn't know exactly what I had taken, but word would spread. I couldn't assume this was one of the quests I could sit on for days until I came back, so I should finish it tonight. This box needed to get to Ysmol before the rumour did, and I had no idea who that would be.
My tingly headache sense was no help here. There were no hints what way I should go, so I stuffed the box into my pack and headed for the market. Within a few minutes I found a merchant selling blacksmithing supplies. The label on the sacks of coke was familiar, I was pretty sure this was the same stuff Jordan used. Or maybe it was just a generic sack.
"How much for the sack of coke?"
"Twenty five silver for twenty kilos."
That was actually surprisingly cheap, so I took a closer look.
'Rough Solid Organic Fuel(Coke)."
"Could you have one gold worth delivered to Jordan Boureche at House Wolsey east of here?"
"Of course. How soon does he need it?"
"No rush." I passed him the coin. "Also, could you point me towards Ysmol?"
The shopkeeper's smile of an easy sale withered.
"He's not one to get into business with lightly."
"I'm just delivering a message."
"At the docks, his barge is the largest."
The smell coming off the lake got stronger as I approached it. If it wasn't outright toxic yet it was well on the way.
Many rafts and barges and paddle boats were anchored or tied to a collection of docks. The largest one was more of a floating home than a barge. A man looking far too casual leaned against a post, smoking a pipe, conveniently blocking the dock. Either he had fantastic control, or he honestly didn't care one bit when he saw a goblin appear from the shadows.
"Delivery for Ysmol."
"Wait." He tapped the ashes out of his pipe and then took his time refilling it, but not doing anything else to outwardly send a message or give a sign. After a long while of that he nodded. "Go."
The barge swayed slightly under my feet, the door swinging open as I approached and a teenage boy waved me in. Looking over my bow and other gear he raised an eyebrow, but lead me down a hallway and into a cozy office. Ysmol turned out to be a powerfully built man with oiled black curled hair and beard. He wore a fine silk outfit.
"Come in. This is a rare treat. What brings you here?"
"Delivery from The Hammered Maiden. It's in my pack." I didn't think it was wise to make any sudden moves. Ysmol showed a brief flash of surprise when I pulled out the box of coins. I had purposefully not opened it or tried to guess how many were in it.
"Why would he give that to you?"
"I think my smile impressed him."
"Why not keep it? If he had crawled in here claiming a goblin had robbed him nobody would have believed him. You could be back across the border before anyone thought to follow."
"I was hoping you might have some information, and I don't much like the idea of hiding for the rest of my life."
"Very well." The feeling of mental tension faded into bliss. Quest complete.
"To be clear, I'm not interested in owing a debt to you, so if the answer is worth too much I'll be on my way. I'm looking for the god Teefies. She used to live around here a few decades ago."
"That is a name I haven't heard in quite some time. She went east, across the border, probably hunting rare monsters for materials. It was a long time ago."
"Fair enough." Turning to go, his voice stopped me.
"Wait. Are you looking for work? I could use someone with your talents."
"No, I'm occupied."
"Speak to Nathan Toremont, on Smith's row. Look for the star. He worked closely with her."
"I'll do that."
- In Serial1363 Chapters
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Lu Chen used to be a ranker of the most popular VRMMO game, Spirit of Grief. After a car accident turned his dreams into dust, his disability left him incapable of escaping the pit of mediocrity he was thrown into. Helpless and defeated, his story ended.Two years later, the Eternal Moon Corporation launched a new VRMMO called "Heavenblessed", and Lu Chen stumbled into another terrible accident that left him in a complicated situation far beyond his ability to handle. That won't stop him from rising to the top, however. Not again.Come witness the rise of the sword-wielding zombie and the relationships he makes during his journey to the apex! For riches and bi- ahem, for career and love!He wields a demonic sword from Hell, he dons armor shining with Heaven's light. His boots stride across the sky as his helmet devours the souls of his enemies. On his left side sits the Goddess of Death. On the other, the Angel of Beauty.From the land of ice and death, a generation of Asura Kings rises, their roars reverberating throughout the world.Tremble in fear, noobs!
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