《Zao Ning. The Reincarnated Cultivating Dragon.》Chapter 15: World's Most Powerful Mamma's Boy


Making his way through the Heaven’s Pavilion streets with a servant leading the way, Zao’s eyes are squinted and he is tossing around thoughts in his mind.

Why would that weakling dare touch my mother… He doesn’t know what he is getting into.

After 15 minutes of walking through the sect, Zao and the shivering servant finally make it to Elder Mo’s estate.

“This is Elder Mo’s estate young master. They are cultivating inside.”

“Thank you.”

Zao waves the servant away and he happily runs back towards Grand Elder Chi’s estate. Zao sighs and then stretches while in front of Elder Mo’s gates. The four guards standing on the other side of the gate looked confused.

They didn’t hear about anyone coming by to see Elder Mo and they know to not let anyone, yet this boy looks like he has intentions of entering.

All four guards are at the 4th Mortal Realm. They are nothing but ants in the eyes of the reincarnated dragon now.

Zao finishes stretching and summons his new Ki Weapon from within his pocket dimension.

Seeing the youth arm himself, the four guards draw their weapons and prepare to confront Zao Ning.

Seeing the guards draw their weapons, Zao smiles and releases his aura, revealing his cultivation level to everyone around. The four guards faces turn white and their hearts drop to the bottom of their chests.

“A 5th Mortal Realm at such a young age!” “Wait, that red robe and the platinum hair. Is that Zao Ning?!” “Oh my god, he has finally come to confront Elder Mo after their fight before! Go warn Elder Mo!” “Yeah, we will hold him off!”

The guards yells to each other as they realize that the person in front of them is the upcoming Zao Ning that has become famous for beating up Elder Mo and causing the Elder to lose face.

Zao Ning laughs and then his body turns several shades darker until Zao Ning turns into a dark cloud of mist.

“A Darkness Ki ability! I thought he practiced Lightning Ki!” “What is this kid?”

As the guards are baffled by seeing a dual Ki cultivator, Zao uses this chance to slip past them.

Using his ethereal body, Zao passes through the metal bars of the gate and the mist approaches the guards.

Realizing the gate didn’t even have a fraction of a chance at stopping Zao Ning, the guards jump up in fright.

The azure eyes of the mist stares at the guards mockingly as it passes past the guards and rushes straight towards Elder Mo’s mansion. As the dark mist passes by them, the guards snap out of their fright and many different types of Ki around them stirs violently.

“Kill!” “Don’t let him through!”

The guards are full of bloodlust as the chase the shadow of Zao Ning. Literally.

Zao Ning’s shadow form speeds up and even though the guards are using every ability they know to be able to catch up, Zao Ning soon gains a large lead over the guards.

Even though I can’t keep this form for long due to just getting Darkness Ki, I’m still nearly invulnerable to any attacks from anyone below the 6th Mortal Realm. Maybe a peak 6th Mortal Realm can hurt me or force me out of this form. As for anyone above the 6th Mortal Realm, this form will be barely useful.


Zao finally makes it to the mansion and instantly deactivates his Shadow’s Embrace ability. Turning around, the guards are about 100 meters away. Zao wants to minimize casualties so he won’t be reprimanded for what he is about to do.

Zao Opens the large wooden door to the insides of the mansion. Entering, an aura of a 6th Mortal Realm hits Zhao and a force hits the boy in the face.

It didn't hurt at all, but it sent the unprepared dragon boy flying backwards.

“WHY THIS SHIT AGAIN!” Zhao yells as he remembers what happened last time around. Zao manages to recover mid air and hits the ground with a loud thud but his landing was surprisingly graceful.

Elder Mo walks out of his mansion, a golden and white robe on and a staff in his hand.

“Zao Ning, how dare you trespass into the property of an Elder!” Elder Mo tries to use his 6th Mortal Realm aura to somewhat suppress Zao, but it doesn’t work at all.

“What do you want with my mother?” Zao says while pointing his bland looking longsword at Elder Mo. Elder Mo laughs at Zao’s comment and looks at the boy with cold and lustful eyes.

“I was visiting Grand Elder Chi’s estate and he told me about your mother, saying she needed a teacher. Meeting her, I saw her beauty *ahem* potential and decided to take her in. Why does it matter to you?”

Zao’s eyes are full of rage.

Not because of how Elder Mo took in his mother just because he wanted to use her as a play thing, but what Elder Mo had said before that.

“You talked with my master?”

“Sure did. He gave me the ok. Now if you will run along, I will forget this ever happened and will teach your mother in the way of dual cultivation.”

Zao Ning simply shakes his head at this statement.

I’m going to nearly murder Chan when I get back. On a mission my ass!


Lightning Ki explodes forth from Zao as his body is infused with shocking amounts of power. Zao Ning does a blitz strike towards Elder Mo before he can even react.

‘So Fast!’ is all Elder Mo can think before a palm is slammed directly in the man’s face. A numbing sensation covers Elder Mo’s body and a throbbing pain fills his face.

Flying backwards, Elder Mo is sent into a wall in his mansion. A sense of deja vu washes over Elder Mo as the same thing happened when the two last met.

“You’re lucky I can’t kill you if I want to participate in the sect’s tournament.” Zao says as he walks past Elder Mo’s moaning body.

Elder Mo’s eyes are flaming hot with hatred, but a hint of terror is hidden deep within them as the Elder cannot believe that he was beaten again by Zao Ning.

It might seem like a common occurrence as you have only seen through the eyes of Zao Ning but beating some a Mortal Realm above you is a feat that one usually only does once in their lifetime.


Zao Ning uses his sense to make his way through Elder Mo’s mansion, sparks of lightning still sizzling of off his crimson robe to scare off anyone who dares challenge him. Making it to the back of the mansion, Zao finds Elder Mo’s room.

On the bed, Zao can see his mother is actually cultivating, but who knows how longer before Elder Mo would decide to teach her other lessons.

The main reason Zao Ning didn’t freak out about Elder Mo thinking about sexually assaulting his mother is because if Elder Mo actually did so, Zao Ning would receive the cause to kill Elder Mo. Plus Elder Mo knows that this would be a stain on his reputation. This was all probably a set up by his master.

Calm down Zao Ning, just lie in wait. He isn’t going anywhere and acting dumb for now will help you in the future.

Zao Ning has to reassure himself to not try to murder Grand Elder Chi right now and flee to another city since Heaven’s Pavilion is all over the place and has a firm spot as a legendary sect in most Realms. Plus, Grand Elder Chi is very much more powerful than Zao NIng at the moment.

Walking up to his mother, Zao can see that she is in a very tranquil and trance like state. Zao smiles warmly as he can see his mother is trying very hard to cultivate so she can catch up and keep up with her son.

Lightly pushing her shoulder, Zao pulls his mother back down to reality.

“Mother. It’s time to leave.” Zao says softly. Wei Ning’s eyes flutter open and she smiles when she sees her son.

“Baby Zao, how did you get here?” Wei Ning asks softly.

“Don’t worry about it, let’s just leave.”


Zao puts out his hand and helps his mother off of Elder Mo’s bed and holds her hand as he walks back through the mansion.

Zao and Wei come close to where Zao had sent Elder Mo into a wall and Zao sighs defeatedly as their path is impeded by Elder Mo.

Elder Mo’s eyes are bloodshot and his black hair is disheveled.


Zao looks Elder Mo in the eyes with a cold expression.

“You’re not worthy, now move.”

Zao gives Elder Mo his last warning as a dragon’s patience is very thin when it comes to weaklings.

“That’s it! Receive my blow as it will be your last!”

Fire Ki swirls around Elder Mo and the is guided straight into the staff in his right hand. Elder Mo smiles as Zao Ning doesn’t move and actually seems to be receiving the blow without running.


Elder Mo yells as a beam made of fire is shot at Zao Ning. The beam is filled with a small amount of the intent of the Dao of Fire. Zao has disdain in his eyes as he can see the flaws in the Fire Ki since he had cultivated Fire Ki before in his past life.

As the beam is about to reach Zao, Zao rushes forward and swipes his longsword out horizontally.


As the sword cuts through the Fire ki, he splits the whole beam in half and sends the not very deadly blow above and below him. With his sword being in the middle of the Fire Ki beam, Zao sends a charge of Lightning Ki into his sword and shoots it out the tip as the tip is pointed directly at Elder Mo.

A small spike of Lightning Ki is emitted from Zao Ning’s sword. The spike races up the beam and towards the source, snuffing out the beam with overwhelming strength.

Elder Mo might have more Ki than Zao since he is a 6th mortal Realm, but Elder Mo’s foundation is much weaker than Zao’s, making his Ki much less profound than the reincarnated dragon’s.

The spike travels closer and closer to Elder Mo without losing speed or strength and soon, it reaches the source of the fire beam.


The lightning spike strikes the tip of Elder Mo’s staff and with an overwhelming amount of power, causes the tip of the staff to explode. A long black streak stretches across the roof and the floor between Zao Ning and Elder Mo.

Elder Mo’s hand is covered in burn marks due to the explosion of his staff and his face is pale and bloodied from Zao’s palm strike earlier.

“What… What exactly are you?!” Elder Mo roars in anger as he is unable to believe that Zao is human.

“I am Zao Ning, son of Wei Ning, Someone you should not fuck with.”

Zao Ning goes back to his mother, who is smiling ear to ear due to being so proud of his monster of a son’s power.

“You’ve grown so much Baby Zao.”

Zao Ning chuckles and begins walking his mother back to Grand Elder Chi’s estate. They walk past a broken Elder Mo, who is on his knees, staring at Zao in shock.

As they leave the mansion Wei Ning sighs.

“You’re out her splitting beams of fire in half yet it feels like it hasn’t even been a year since you were dependent on me and drinking from your mother’s teat.”

‘That’s because it hasn’t been a year mother, and don’t bring up stuff like that. It’s embarrassing!” Zao yells in frustration. Wei Ning laughs at her son and caresses his head as they walk past the guards that once tried to stop Zao Ning.

After seeing how hard Zao palm thrusted their master, Elder Mo, the four guards that once wanted to fight Zao Ning to the death hide from the world’s most powerful mamma’s boy.

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