《Zao Ning. The Reincarnated Cultivating Dragon.》Chapter 7: The Trickster Trying to Awaken the Dragon.


Zao fell asleep while sitting down with his mother's head in his lap directly after deciding to have her cultivate. He had pushed his body to the max and went beyond boundaries that are unthinkable for most Mortal Realm cultivators.

To kill a monster a whole Mortal Realm above himself, Zao's feat is nothing short of incredible. Too bad he doesn't have anything to skin the tiger with yet or Zao could make a large sum of money as well.

Being the first to awaken, Zao stirs and can feel a pulsating pain stretching to every inch of his body. Zao groans and moans as he stretches his arms into the arm, his robe protecting him from the cold night.

I only slept for about 4 hours. Good thing I woke up though as mother must be feeling cold.

Zao gently takes his mother's head of his lap and then he walks over to the tiger. The tiger's corpse is cold its tooth is still stuck in the destroyed eye. Zao puts his hand around the end of the tooth and pulls the tooth out. A sick sounding suction noise comes from the depths of the eye as Zao Ning pulls out the tooth.

Zao simply flicks the blood of the tooth and stores it inside of his pocket dimension. Having proof of killing the tiger, Zao goes over and picks up his sleeping mother as gently as possible. It looks weird for a 12 year old to be carrying a full grown woman like a princess, but Zao could care less.

Taking his time on getting back to Xi'an, Zao finally arrives back at the two after about 2 hours of walking. With it being around 3 hours past midnight, the town of Xi'an is quiet and the streets are empty except for the occasional drunkard or hobo.

Zao just simply ignores everyone and makes his way towards Heaven's Pavilion. Walking up to the gate, the two guards go to stop Zao but freeze when they see the insignia on Zao's shoulder. Both guards drop to their knees and bow to Zao Ning. Zao simply smiles at them and makes his way into the sect.


Good, it seems humans respect power... Especially the weakest ones.

Zao walks into the estate that Grand Elder Chi said was designated and Zao rolls his eyes. Grand Elder Chi had hyped up the estate to being one of the best in the sect but to Zao, it's the size of a hut. Zao didn't even classify the shack his was living in before as a house, to him it was a small crawl space.

Zao can't complain as it is better for his mother to stay here and the Ki around the estate seems to be thicker than where Zao used to live so cultivation will progress better and faster here.

Zao walks to the front door and uses his bare feet to kick open the door. The door recognized its owner and opened with no resistance at all. Zao looks around and the fragrant smell of flowers wafts into Zao's sense. Zao can feel himself calm down and Zao can tell that these flowers calm someone if the person is stressed.

I'm not stressed you puny flowers, you're stressed!

Zao goes from calm to angry as he can tell that the flowers calming him down means that Zao is stressed. Zao refuses to accept this reality, in return calling an object with no feeling stressed... Interesting.

Zao manages to find a guest room within the spacious (not to the dragon) house that he was awarded and he lays his mother down onto the bed. Zao's mother stirs for a second and Zao freezes, not wanting to move to much as to not wake Wei Ning.

After a minute of not moving and being sure that his mother is asleep, Zao finally leaves the room letting out a long and heavy sigh. Dark bags form under Zao's eyes and the pulsating pain from Zao's fall isn't going away.

I guess it's time for me to sleep again. What a weak and stupid body.

Though Zao is upset with his body's strength, he is still appreciative of it for not cracking under pressure and being able to kill a beast a whole Mortal Realm above itself. A peak tiered beast at that.


Though he had lost his newly acquired wooden staff, it was worth it to Zao.

Finally making to the master bedroom, Zao is surprised to see when he opens the door a butler down on one knee and 4 maids kneeing down behind the butler. They bow down to their young master as their aura's are very refined and dignified. The butler is at the 6th Mortal Realm and all the maids are at the 5th Mortal Realm

The wild looking Zao sighs and realizes that Grand Elder Chi probably did this to be able to keep an eye on his disciple and Zao doesn't know how to feel about it.

"Rise." Zao said with a sharp and powerful voice. All of his new servants rise at Zao's command.

"Introduce yourselves." Zao says without hesitation. He doesn't know how long these people had been waiting on him to arrive but Zao was tired himself and wished to go to bed.

"I am Chan, master." the butler says without hesitation.

"I am Ching, master." "I am Hyun, master." "I am Chu, master." "I am Li, master." the maids say in order from right to left. Zao nods his head, their names are simple to say and remember, beneficial to the training dragon boy.

"Well then, my mother is in one of the guest rooms." Zao then looks over all of servants and thinks for a second.

"Ching, you look the most friendly, please stay by mother's side and await for her to awake. Once she does, explain to her where she is and if I'm not awake before she is, then bath my mother and feed her."

"Yes master." Ching says respectively and bows to Zao.

"As for the others, Hyun, Chu, and Li. I want you to just continue with your daily duties as I do not have any special tasks for you yet."

"""Yes Master.""" the three maids say and bow at the same time.

"As for you Chan, I need to talk to you alone personally, so the rest of you may take your leave." Zao waves all of the maids away and they all for leave orderly and without making a sound. Being alone with the butler, Zao looks at the man up and down with his sharp eyes.

Looking at his character, this man doesn't seem suspicious and his Ki is calm. He has been trained well to keep his true aura hidden but my trained eye will not be deceived by his weak deceptions. I wonder what Grand Elder Chi is up to.

"Chan, I want you to go out for me and see if you can find any Ki Weapon, Middle tier if possible. Do not say who is looking for it, just find as many as you can and report back to me with their locations. Dismissed." Zao says before waving his hand to dismiss the butler.

"Yes, master." Chan says respectively before quickly leaving the room. Zao sighs and takes off his white and silver robe. Eyeing the bed like it is the most beautiful thing Zao has ever seen in all the Realms, Zao doesn't waste his time before jumping onto it.

The bed happily absorbs Zao nearly and is unbelievably soft. Before even 10 seconds pass, Zao is already snoring and dead asleep.

Chan on the other side of the door has a complex face.

"With only being a year old, he seems so experienced. What exactly is this monster of a boy you have made your disciple Grand Elder Chi?" Chan asks to himself.

"Doesn't matter I guess, it's just my job to pull out the beast sleeping inside of him." Chan has a dark red glint in his eye as he is to use any method possible to pull out whatever is hiding with Zao's body. Little did they know, it is an arrogant dragon with the attitude of a one year old child at times, or that's just my opinion.

I mean, am I wrong?

As the night continues on, a dragon sleeps, a trickster plays around the dragon while trying to awaken it, and a deadly maiden with a sharp tongue approaches.

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