《Zao Ning. The Reincarnated Cultivating Dragon.》Chapter 5: Grand Elder Chi


"W-W-Weak bitch? You're calling the legendary Cloud Realm dragon Wu Chang... a weak bitch?" Chen Ling says while studying.

"What kind of monster are you?!" yells Bing Mei at Zao. Zao has finally taken a deep breath and is no longer laughing to where he can't breath. His face is still flushed red though and tears of laughter are streaming down Zao's face.

"Nevermind, I was going to join you but now I wouldn't join even if that weakling Wu Chang came and begged!" Zao says to the two bewildered sect members.

Truth is, Zao knows Wu Chang very well as Zao had once saved the weaklings life. Afterwards Wu Chang had promised to make it to the top and repay Zao, Zaragnathor at the time. At this point Wu Chang was at the Earth Realm and even after thousands of year, the dragon has only made it to the Cloud Realm.

Zaragnathor had died right after Wu Chang had become a Cloud Realm Dragon as well.

"Wait, how long has Wu Chang been in the Cloud Realm?" Zao asks in a serious tone.

Maybe I can find out how long I've been dead for-.

"He was born in the Cloud Realm?" Chen Ling says like this should be obvious to everyone who has ever lived and especially obvious to the person who is laughing at the sect belonging to the dragon.

Nevermind. These humans truly are worthless.

Zao has completely lost interest in joining up with these two's sect and helping them deal with there Dark Moon Sect problems. Zao will just join another sect and probably get there help to get rid of the cannibals.

"Well, that is all. Go on your way now." Zao says like he is an elder talking to a child. Chen Ling's face flushes red in anger at the child's attitude and starts trying to get up to fight Zao. Bing Mei sees this and pushes Chen Ling down.

Chen Ling is above Bing Mei in disciple ranking so he is her elder disciple, but Bing Mei just calls his big brother due to how close the two are. In truth, Bing Mei is in love with Chen Ling and does not wish to see him die here, to the hands of a child who has the strength of a monster and the attitude to back it up.

"Big Brother, calm down. Let's just do as he says and leave." Bing Mei says in a near sobbing voice. Chen Ling senses how distraught Bing Mei is and calms down. Realizing he probably just nearly got himself killed, Chen Ling picks himself and Bing Mei up and leaves the area.

Seeing the two leave, Zao smiles and begins to follow the two from the shadows. Not before picking up the man's wooden staff before leaving though.

Zao didn't loot the man's body as he doesn't wish to take anything from a filthy cannibal like him. Unless it was something truly useful like the wooden staff, then Zao's greed doesn't have any morales.


While following the two back towards the town where more sects are most likely to be located, Zao inspects the wooden staff. Putting in some Lightning Ki, the staff begins to glow and crackles of lightning spark from within it. Zao takes a moment to think about what this weapon is and then he remembers.

A Ki conductor and enhancer, a Ki weapon! This is quite a good find. These are rare at a high level and can take in my Ki and boost it, making the weapon an elemental weapon. A low level one like this isn't rare but it can still help me if I can use it correctly.

While the boring and tedious following of the useless humans continues, Zao thinks of ways to use the Ki weapon effectively for the type of weapon it is and the Ki that Zao has.

Maybe using it like a lightning spear can work, other than that it is like an extension of my arms that I can use to stun people. Maybe I can also use it to deflect attacks. Other than that this is not so useful. Maybe it is worth something.

After 20 minutes of trailing, Zao can finally see other human life. The main part of the big town of Xi'an comes into view and houses stretch out as far as the eye can see. The town is about 50 kilometers in size and thousands of different types of people can be seen everywhere.

Xi'an is considered one of the most diverse and beautiful cities in the Realm.

What a small and back water town.

That is for people in the Mortal Realm. As having owned one fourth of the Fiend Realm, this city was nothing but a small village in Zao's eyes. Maybe not even that.

Well, I guess all human's have to start somewhere.

That is true, not all human's have the privilege of being born to a former Dragon Empress.

Zao stops trailing the useless ones and looks up at the sky.

It's about mid day and I have memorized my way back. I can't stay out too long or mother will be very worried.

It is surprising to see a dragon worry about his curfew but Zao doesn't mind as he is the only person who knows about it, so his pride is still intact. At least he thinks so.

Finding his way into the city, Zao doesn't know exactly what he is looking for. Zao wants to find a sect to join but none of them are worthy of having Zao join them. At least in the dragon's opinion.

As Zao walks down the street, he can feel many eyes being attracted to his person. Zao doesn't mind as he enjoys being the center of attention and even winks at a few ladies that are staring his way. The ladies usually blush or roll their eyes, but it's not like they're worthy of Zao's time anyways.


After around an hour of wandering around, Zao finds what he is looking for.

This is surprising, a sect worthy of my time.

In front of Zao stands the Heavenly Pavilion. A sect that has raised many heroes and has it's name spread throughout the Realms. Of course Zao could have destroyed this sect when he was Zaragnathor, but now is not the case. Besides, Zao is now a human and Heavenly Pavilion is one of the best sects for human's to join.

Walking towards the entrance, two guards stand at the front gates. As Zao approaches, he can tell that both of the guards are 6th Mortal Realm and are far beyond the current Zao's league.

Trying to whistle and walking nonchalantly past the guards, Zao is met with two swords to his throat.

"State your business young man!" One guard yells with authority. Zao's eyebrows twitch in anger but he holds the rage in.

"I'm here to join tthe Heavenly Pavilion." Zao says in a monotone voice. Both of the guards look at each other and begin to laugh. Zao's eyes narrow and he gives both of the guards the death stare.

"You, a peasant, wish to join our sect? You're only a 4th Mortal Realm and you're probably 12 or 13. Maybe if you were around the age of 6 and the son of a noble we'd let you in, since then you'd be considered a prodigy." the guard to the right of Zao says matter of factly.

"4th Realm by the age of 6? What a joke. That's not a prodigy but a commoner. I am merely a year old and yet I am already at the 4th Realm." Zao says with confidence.

The two guards look at each other with doubt in their eyes.

"A peasant reaching 4th Realm in only a year? Not even the royal blood could do that? What makes you think that you can just lie to us and expect us not to punish a brat like you?" one of the guards yells in fury. He then raises the butt of his sword and intends to smash it down unto Zao's head.

With being 2 whole Mortal Realms below the two, Zao prepares himself for a fight as he doesn't think that he has a high chance of winning, yet his pride will let him back down.

The Lightning Ki within Zao begins to circulate and he prepares himself for a fight for life and death.

"Halt you idiots!" a man behind the two guards yells. The two guards begin to sweat profusely at the sound of the man's voice. Zao smiles as someone with some resemblance of power has arrived.

He is half a step away from the Spirit Realm, a 8th Mortal Realm Cultivator!


Still a weak bitch but stronger than anything I've sensed so far!

The man finally appears from behind the two guards and Zao gets a good look at him. The man is extremely old and his skin is very saggy.

Ewww, but he is ugly.

The old man has a long white beard that touches the ground and has a crazy look in his eyes.

"Grand Elder Chi, what are you stopping us for?" the guard who intended to hit Zao yells.

"Can't you see his platinum hair you fools! This is a sign of the royal bloodline. He must be a lord's bastard child at least! He is also in fact only a one year old boy, my eyes never lie."

The two guards look at each other like they have seen a ghost.

"This boy is a true bastard prodigy, but a prodigy nonetheless!" Grand Elder Chi yells. Grand Elder Chi then walks up to Zao Ning and puts out his hand to ruff the boy's hair.

Zao nimbly dodges at first, but the old man's 8th Mortal Realm body shows it prowess as no matter where Zao goes, Grand Elder Chi is there to ruff the boy's hair.

"Stop it old man! I will kill you!" Zao yells in anger.

The old man laughs and looks at Zao with an interested gaze.

"Talented and feisty, I like you. What is your name young one?"

"Zao. Zao Ning." Zao says with pride. At first he hated the name Zao Ning, but since his mother gave him this name, Zao has come to respect it.

"Well Zao Ning, how about becoming my Main Disciple?" Grand Elder Chi says with a smile. Everyone around, even if they are not within the Heavenly Pavilion, stop for a second and gawk at the young boy.

"Grand Elder Chi is finally trying to take in his first disciple?!" everyone in unison yells in surprise.

Zao stands there for a second, and then looks at the sun to see the time.

"Will I live here?" Zao asks as having his mother at his side is one of Zao's biggest concerns.

"Of course!" Grand Elder Chi says enthusiastically. "You will even get your own estate inside of our sect! You can bring anyone you want to live with you, I don't care."

"Then deal."

Zao puts out his hand and Grand Elder Chi accepts the handshake. With the deal being struck, Zao is now apart of the Heavenly Pavilion. Something in his past life Zaragnathor never would have dreamed of ever happening.

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