《From the Beginning of Time》Chapter 14: The Selections Part 4.
Chapter 14: The Selections Part 4
The sight below was one that would take the breath away from anyone. To me, however, I was too distracted by my “responsibilities” to truly be stunned.
It was already half past midnight, the sun had long since set beyond the horizon, overtaken by the endless night, or at least what I could only hope would last forever.
It seems like escaping only helped in highlighting the reasons for why I left. The further away I get, the more it seems to plague my mind. Thoughts and feelings continued to coalesce deep within, distracting me from the resounding voices and footfalls below.
Yes, Mayla, the name I had taken ever since leaving. It never really held any meaning, but a part of me felt as if it had become a part of me. I decided it at the spur of a moment when asked to identify myself at the gates of a district a bit west from here. I needed a name that wouldn’t stand out or draw attention and it would just so happen that I chose it.
“Mayla, you in there?! I’m coming in, don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
Any connections I’ve made and actions I’ve taken were meaningless to me now; I made my decision tonight and by tomorrow, I’ll be gone.
I listened, deep in thought, as the sound of steps began to echo throughout my room and towards the window I had climbed up from.
“Mayla? Mayla, what are you doing up there? You weren’t at the exam, so I thought you’d decided to take an independent exam, but seeing as… hey hey, are you ok?”
It seems that at some point in her rambling, I had begun to… cry. I can’t remember the last time I cried- I don’t even know why I’m crying. I wasn’t allowed such a luxury back home, let alone feelings in general. Such things were to be suppressed as per the Astor family.
“Give me a second.” she said, followed by the sound of her climbing onto the window sill.
Not long after, she jumped from the sill to the roof directly above where I had been sitting, swiftly placing herself next to me.
I sat there with perfect silence, Eve following suit, as we stared into the blissful night. A part of me wanted to say something- anything, but intention failed to reach my mind as words stilled within my throat.
“We’re the same, you know? We may come from different backgrounds and our situations may be different, but where we are now, what we’re trying to do, it’s for that reason we came here, am I wrong?”
“How would you know?! Day in and day out I was used as a tool to further their agenda! They’re my family and yet I have never felt so distant from someone else…”
Whatever happens, I don’t care anymore.
“The only real connection I ever had was with Al, and he’s only there under orders from my mother- from the head of the family! He holds no real connection to me, other than an obligation to fulfill his position and his duties!”
I don’t want to continue on, I just want to disappear. Erase me from the minds and hearts of others and just let me disappear.
“And yet, even after coming all this way to try and be different- to try and forge my own path, I’m still somehow bound by my family and by their intentions and goals. I don’t care about our standing or obligation to Diocaesarea, it all means nothing to me, I just want to be free!”
Freedom… Oh how bittersweet this has been…
“I want to live my life how I want to without having to worry about how my actions will affect the people who don’t even see me as a person. I’d rather be gone, erased, dead, even, then go back to whatever schemes and plans they have for me.”
But I can’t.
“But I can’t! The only thing I can do is shut up and bow to the head and follow in whatever they ask me to do. I am but a means to an end, a cog in the wheel, an emotionless object without a say in what I want! The world is better of wi-”
Huh? What’s this?
Her warmth enveloped me, seemingly erasing the cold shell around my heart. It was such a simple gesture… and yet for some reason I was crying… Why am I crying again? What the hell is this, this isn’t fair! This isn’t like me at all! All that and yet I can’t seem to find the reason or will within me to stop… so I didn’t.
“It’s ok, it’s ok, I understand… I know how much you might doubt that, or me, even, but trust me when I say that you’re not alone.”
Don’t say that… it just makes it harder to leave…
“We may just be strangers looking for the same thing, or friends on a journey, but know that you’re not alone, no matter what. You can be yourself with me; you don’t have to do whatever someone else says and you don’t have to be who they expect you to be, and if they come for you, I’ll be here to stop them, so, please, just trust me, even if you have to use me.”
I don’t want to leave… I want to stay…
“You don’t even know what you’re talking about…”
“Then tell me.”
“I can’t protect you if they come.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Just let me win.”
I choked back sob after sob before accepting her embrace, wrapping my arms around her as she had done for me. The walls fell and my will gave as I let the tears fall one by one before flowing like an endless stream.
‘How nice.’ I thought as I felt as if nothing else mattered.
(Eve Solaris)
I awoke to a dimly lit room, nothing but the rising sun to give me notice of the time. I sat up and took a deep, shuddering breath as I stretched the rest of my bones awake.
I looked out the window to my left, listening to the sounds of the early morning rush, before standing up.
It didn’t take me long to get ready as I took my washed clothes from a basket that was slid through an openable hatch at the foot of my door. After, I grabbed what I might need from my belongings and began out my room towards the waiting area.
I started to reminisce of what had transpired the night before… much to my surprise, however, I wasn’t all that shocked. Well, partially anyways.
I was sure something was up, and when she said that she wanted to be different, I was even more sure of my suspicions, but to think it was something like that… and to see her that way, it was not something I ever thought to expect from her. Although I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised to find something out about someone I just met.
Whatever the case, I promised to be someone she could rely on, someone I’m not even sure I can be, but I’d be damned if I didn’t try. Seeing her that way… it reminded me of myself.
I shook my head as if I was shaking away the memories that threatened to surface once again.
Not long after, I had reached the doors to group D’s lounge. I took another deep breath and released it before opening the doors.
I scanned the room for a certain familiar face, eventually finding her sitting on one of the many sofas in the middle of the room. It almost surprised me how she could get up so early without much sleep.
I made my way towards her, eventually catching her eye as I got a bit closer.
I mentally cringed at the awkward greeting before taking a seat beside her.
“I signed up for an independent exam. It’s scheduled for an hour after the third exam, so I probably won’t be able to see you for a bit until after.”
“That’s fine, I understand… I was wondering what you were gonna do about the whole “missing an exam” situation, but I’m glad you got it all figured out.”
“Yeah, as am I. To be honest, I already had it figured out and planned. I was gonna catch the first carriage back west and get as far as possible before sending a letter back home, have someone from my family pick me up, and then go back to my old life.”
“Yeah, well, I’m glad you didn’t. Who else would I have to talk to complain to?”
“Pfft, as if. If anything, it’ll be me complaining to you from now on.”
“Whatever yah say, Maylaaaaaaa, if that’s even your real name.”
“It’s Amelia. Amelia Astor.”
“Amelia… It’s a nice name. Not as nice as mine, but good enough.”
“Oh, shut up!” She said, hitting my arm. “It’s ten times better than yours, you just don’t wanna admit it.”
“All contestants please report to training grounds for information on your final test.” I heard the announcer’s voice boom over the area.
“Welp, I guess that’s our cue. Shall we go?” I asked, slowly getting up.
“Yeah, I suppose we should.” She said, following my lead.
We made our way to the doors connecting to the corridors once more before following the signs to the testing area.
“I wonder what we’ll be doing this time.” I asked, slightly deep in thought.
“Well, if it’s anything like previous years, this exam will probably have more failures than the previous exams.”
“Really? So it’s hard?”
“Mmmm… I wouldn’t say hard, but it definitely takes a toll on the individual's mind. This exam always changes every year, but that part stays true for all of them.”
“What else do you know?”
“Besides that, not much. I heard a story from my brother once about his experience in the third exam. Apparently his generation was tasked with pairing up and designating one person to carry an artifact that prevented you from using mana while the other escorted you to a targeted location.”
“Yeah, you had to navigate through an obstacle course of traps and monsters while not losing hold of the artifact or the individual carrying it.”
“Sounds… interesting.”
“Interesting?! More like insane. I pray for the souls of that generation.”
We made it back to the all-familiar archway with “Section D” engraved on it. What awaited me, however, was a stark contrast to what Amelia had just told me. No obstacle course or monsters, just a bunch of small areas and some sort of clear orb in the center, much like our first exam minus the multiple colored orbs.
“Well, I guess we should take a spot.”
We both began towards the closest open spots we could find and watched as more and more people funneled in from where we came.
Soon enough, all the participants had taken a spot and sat down, awaiting the expected lightshow that always occurred to come.
We didn’t have to wait long as, shortly after, the podium at the back middle of the area began to shine, practically beckoning everyone’s eyes towards it.
“Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the third and final exam of this year’s selections! I hope you all have had just as much fun as we have in these past three days, and we hope you all continue the hard work and dedication you’ve shown in your previous exams, in today’s as well!”
“In case you all forgot, I am the third paladin, Mara Slade! It is a pleasure as always to be able to oversee these exams for your group. I, along with all the others, have seen an immense display of skill and talent and we cannot wait to see what you all make of it.”
“Now, forgive my rambling. To the third exam!”
She picked up a similar orb that had been placed on the podium before continuing.
“As you can all see, there is a clear, crystal orb that has been placed in the center of each one of your guys’ areas. These orbs are artifacts that test the mind of the individual.
“What will happen is each one of you will pick up this orb and imbue your mana into it. The artifact will then test the wielder’s mind by placing them in a dreamlike state, presenting them with an unfamiliar situation that they have yet to experience.”
“The examinee will then have to navigate this situation until they are pulled out of this dreamlike state. The orb will, by then, be glowing either green or red to indicate whether you’ve passed or failed.”
“It is important to note that each examinee’s exam will be unique to them. Additionally, the artifact works by also distorting time within the individual's synapse, so do not feel pressured to rush in case you do not finish in time.”
“Now, without further ado, please, let the third exam commence!”
With that, she had disappeared as she did the previous times.
I quickly looked away from the podium and picked up the clear, crystal orb.
I tried to contemplate what exactly this artifact would have me experience, but after a short time, I figured there was no point in dwelling over it and swiftly imbued my mana into it.
The artifact began to glow a subtle yet brilliant light before quickly threatening to blind me, forcing me to close my eyes.
“Huh? Who said that?” I asked, but was presented with only silence.
I could sense as the light began to fade beyond my eyelids. As I opened them, I found myself staring down at a cake, with my friends and family’s smiling faces looking at me.
‘Wait, what? What’s going on? I thought it was supposed to be something I haven’t experienced before? Why is it showing me this all of a sudden?’ I thought as I continued staring at all my past loved ones.
“Happy birthday, Eve!” I heard them all say in unison. It didn’t take much for the walls I had taken so long to build around my heart to come crumbling down. I couldn’t hold back the tears, nor did I want to.
“Eve, you’re still such a cry baby, even now that you’re eighteen.” I heard my dad tease me, the way he always did.
“Oh shut up, Dad! I’m just happy to be around all of you again.” I said as I wiped the tears off my face.
You all really have no idea how much I’ve missed you.
“We’re together almost everyday, why is today pulling at your heartstrings so much, Eve?” I heard Gabi ask from beside me.
If only you knew
“Sorry, you’re right, I’m just being a cry baby.” I said with a smile.
“We aren’t going anywhere, Eve, we’ve always been together and nothing will change that.” I heard Cenric laugh out loud.
I wish that were true
“You’re right, together, forever and always.” I agreed with another smile.
“So, Eve, today is your big day, is there anything you’d like to do before your trial?” My mother asked me.
‘I know this isn’t real, but at least I can save you all in here.’
“Do you all remember the spot a few miles outside of town we’d go to when we were younger?”
“Oh, you mean the lake house?” Phelix asked after some thinking.
“Yes! The lake house, can we go there before my trial starts tonight?” I asked hopefully.
“I don’t see why not, it would be good to get out of town for a while and enjoy an old memory together again.”
“Then let's not waste any time, everyone hurry up and get ready!” I called out.
“Jeez you’re quite excited for this, Eve.” Zilpa said as I was basically pushing everyone out the door.
“Y-yeah, it’s been a while and I really want us to be able to spend as much time together as possible.”
“Well, you heard the birthday girl, let’s get on the way!” My father said, obviously enjoying what he confused as excitement from me.
“Oh wait, I forgot something inside. Get the horses ready, I’ll be back in just a second.” I said, running back towards the house before anyone could interject.
Ideas flooded my mind as I tried to think of anything that I could use to prevent them from coming back for even a couple of hours. Then, it hit me.
‘Lilyroot! My mom always kept some in the cabinets to help us go to bed when we were sick. I can grab those and slip them in their drinks.’ I thought to myself as I made a beeline for the kitchen.
I went inside and hurriedly grabbed the herbs then slipped them in my pocket. For the first time, I felt as a genuine smile crept onto my face.
‘This won’t change anything in actuality, but maybe I can finally find some clarity with this.’
As I walked outside, I saw everyone on their horses ready to go.
“Well, birthday girl, are you done taking your time?” Gabi asked with a wink.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m ready!” I answered as I ran and jumped onto my horse.
“Let’s race there, whoever gets there last has to cook for all of us!” Cenric said as he immediately took off, trying to cheat as always.
“Hey, that's not fair!” Phelix called out, as we all gave chase so as to not be left behind.
“Honestly, Cenric, you tried to cheat and still got here last.” Gabi teased.
“Ha, jokes on all of you, I’m a terrible cook so I’ll get my revenge either way.” Cenric said with a smirk.
‘Good thing we won’t have to ingest whatever abomination he makes.’ I thought as a shiver coursed through my body, down my spine.
“Alright, let’s have some fun before Cenric kills us.” Phelix mocked as he grabbed a bottle
We spent hours just messing around, whether it was fishing, talking, playing random games, or whatever mess we could get into. I finally found myself genuinely happy for the first time in a long time.
“Alright everyone, time to eat.” I heard my mom call out to us. “Eve, can you grab drinks for everyone?”
“Of course, mom!” I answered as I ran to the horses.
As I reached the horses, I slipped out the lilyroot from my pockets and crushed them up into the bottles.
‘Even if this happiness was only momentary, I’m very thankful that I at least had the chance to save you all.’ I thought as I ran over to everyone with the drinks.
I went into the mini kitchen we had and grabbed a couple of glasses before returning to everyone.
I poured them each a generous amount, holding in the tumultuous feelings welling up inside of me.
“Woah woah woah! Easy there, you trying to get us all blacked out drunk?”
If only I could.
“Oh whatever, stop being such a wuss and take your glass, Phelix.” I said as I finished up filling the last glass.
Let’s have a toast real quick before we begin eating.” I said as I held up my glass.”
“Go ahead, Eve.” My father said, as everyone else held up their glasses.
“I want to thank you all for being here, it really means a lot to me. I love each and everyone of you so much, and I’ve really enjoyed being with all of you today. Cheers everyone!” I said as we all touched our glasses together.
I watched as everyone began to slowly down their drinks from their glasses, while indulging in the ecstasies laid out in front of us.
One by one, I watched as they each began to slowly slip into a deep sleep. The only sounds to be heard were that of light breathing that resounded throughout the cabin.
I looked all around the table, seeing all my friends and family sleeping peacefully with smiles on their faces.
‘So this is what could have happened, huh? A peaceful night of just enjoying life with everyone I loved and knew.’ I thought as I swiftly downed my glass.
‘At least in this fake world, our fates are different and you’re all still alive.’ I thought to myself as I started to fall asleep, getting ready to wake up outside of the artifact and to finish my exam.
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