《From the Beginning of Time》Chapter 4: Mystery Child
Chapter 4: Mystery Child
(Heaven Spéir POV)
I found myself walking among the three I once called friends, now nothing more than empty shells of the powers that occupied them, long stripped of their humanity and left as cold, emotionless machines.
Everyone, including myself, had changed so much since the day we left this realm.
We had only come back because we had made a decision. We would meet up once every five hundred years to discuss what was happening on our continents.
It began as a festive celebration to mark the passage of time for us, but, over the years, it slowly devolved into an emotionless procedure of routine.
“So, Miklaus, what have you been up to for the last five hundred years?” I heard Hikarus ask as we continued to walk down the golden halls of the home we’d made together.
“The same thing I’ve been doing for the last fifteen hundred years: finding different dimensions to travel to and judging their inhabitants.” Miklaus answered coldly.
It had become harder and harder to keep my sanity throughout the centuries of isolation we had all imposed on ourselves. I suspect our personalities hadn’t been fully eroded simply because something had protected our minds this whole time, but even that protection was slowly wearing off. The effects of this were clear.
The three of us, other than Miklaus, had all seemed to retain some semblance of life due to this. For some reason, however, it seems Miklaus had lost this protection and, with it, any sense of his previous self. His actions were a stark contrast to his previous being.
Miklaus was someone I had looked up to as a big brother, always so welcoming, kind-hearted, and warm. Now, his gaze was permanently cold and unfeeling. He sent chills down my spine; that all loving aura replaced with bloodlust so thick it was palpable.
“We’ve all four lost our humanity, but it still amazes me at just how much of a monster you truly are.” Hikarus gave his reply with a chuckle, which I had to agree with.
“And you’re one to judge?” Miklaus said without a change of tone in his voice, “The only difference between us, Hikarus, is you have others do your dirty work for you while you watch from the sidelines, yet I do it myself.”
“He’s got you there, Dwarf.” I replied with a slight laugh, knowing that insult would piss him off royally.
“Who are you to laugh, Witch? You love the bloodshed caused by war, and my manipulation leads to wars so you get entertainment out of what I do. We could even be the perfect partners. Whatta ya say?” Hikarus said as he looked at me with an evil grin.
Hikarus, the youngest of us four, had always held a class clown like personality. He was the shortest of the four back when we were humans, but always had the loudest voice. Now, he was nothing but a cruel, manipulative bastard, stirring up wars between god and man alike.
“Don’t ever try to compare me or rope me into your silly little games, you little shit!” I yelled letting my aura flair out a bit as Hikarus responded releasing some of his as well.
“Ah a fight among the True Gods, this is the most entertaining thing that could happen. Mind if I join in?” Miklaus said with a smirk as his eyes turned into slits.
“Alright you imbeciles knock it off before you destroy everything!” Reiji yelled, snapping us out of our little dispute.
Reiji, a man who had always loved life and everything it had to offer. Someone so optimistic now carried only a blank look of depression and sadness. The thing he loved the most was kept away from him due to his powers.
“Reiji is still playing the voice of reason I see.” Miklaus responded as he relaxed.
“If I didn't, all of reality would be in danger with you three hot heads.” Reiji responded matter-of-factly. “Now let’s actually talk about the things this meeting is for.” Reiji added
“Hmph, fine. You can start Heaven.” Miklaus said as he took a seat.
Then there was I, the only female of the four who mainly just loved to eat sweets and joke around. I was quite the pacifist back when I was human, at least I think I was. Isolation had eroded not just our personalities, but also our memories.
Though I still loved my sweets, just as much as I used to, I had become infatuated with the wars of Gods and humanity, and admittedly loved the bloodshed. The way people screamed out in pain while their faces contorted inhumanly when they were tortured, the tears they shed while begging for mercy, and the look of despair in their eyes when any hope of peace is bled dry, it was all music to my ears. It was all so… beautiful.
I cleared my throat with a slight cough and began, “Well, the war between Hikarus’s continent and mine seems to be growing by the day. With thousands falling, along with the crusaders meting out their idea of divine judgment and spreading my religion, I’d say it’s progressing how I thought it would.”
Suddenly, I felt a power spike come from my continent. It was a source that I hadn’t felt before. While not a power close to rivaling myself, I had to admit it definitely piqued my interest.
“In addition, the implementation of the 4 divisions has been a huge success within the religion."
"So I've heard." Hikarus said with a sly smile painting his face.
The reports continued, but none really interested me. Miklaus wasn't too interested in what's currently happening; too immersed in his bloodlust, and Reiji was… well, he wasn't too thrilled in sharing his thoughts, not that I cared.
After concluding our reports, Miklaus signaled for us to leave with the formation of a rift.
“Hey, uh. You guys go on ahead of me. I'm going to look around a bit, I'll be back shortly.” I said as I changed into my hummingbird form and flew down towards my continent. Hikarus raised his eyebrow slightly, but continued walking on into the rift with the others.
Seconds later, I had arrived at quite the sight. Rain was pouring down in torrents while fires were ablaze. The sky was black with smoke and ash as I stood in what used to be a village of some kind.
Then, I saw the reason behind my intrigue: a young, beautiful girl who looked no older than 18. Her body seemingly cracking on the surface with a glow radiating from the seams.
I observed her closely as I approached her, wondering what had caused a mortal woman to have such a powerful outburst, leaving her in this state.
“I guess I should peer into your memories while you’re still unconscious.” I knelt down and began imbuing her with some of my power.
I watched through her memories as the prior day unfolded before me. I saw her birthday party with friends and family, the trial, her finding the cave, eating the fruit, and then the trip home to find the village and everything else set aflame.
“That’s how you gained this power, huh. How interesting indeed.” Then a thought came to my head and I could feel a devilish grin spread across my face.
“This power would most certainly end your life soon as your mortal body can’t handle it. However, luckily or unluckily for you, you’ve gained my interest.”
I extended my hand out and started to put seals on her power until the time came when she was ready for it. I then began strengthening her body so she could reach that point.
‘I never would have thought someone would find that cave and eat the fruit. Now what will you do with these new powers and life you’ve been given. I look forward to seeing it with my own eyes.’ I thought as I prepared to go back and inform the others about this girl.
(Eve Solaris POV)
I started to wake up and, as I opened my eyes, I saw a dark figure standing over me. I was unable to make out who or what they were as my vision was still blurred.
“You’re finally awake, huh. Well, don’t mind me and go back to sleep. I just thought I’d pop on by when I saw that hummingbird fly down to see you. It seemed a little interesting, and with immortality being as boring as it is, I decided I would take a peek or two."
“Wh…who are you?” I called out to the dark figure.
"I am everything and I am nothing, young one. A mystery- an Enigma, even."
The voice burst out with laughter at my confusion.
“I guess you wouldn’t know what that means.” The voice said with a snicker.
“Can I at l-least have your name?” I choked out weakly.
“I’m afraid you are not quite ready for that answer yet, little Solaris. All you need to know about me is that I am nothing yet everything. A mystery- an Unknown, one might even say."
The figure stood up and began making his way through the flames once more.
A few moments later, as if speaking directly into my head, a voice echoed in my ears. "I do hope we can meet again in the future. Don’t disappoint me, little Solaris.”
I tried to get up and watch for the figure, but with my body still feeling weak, I fell back down, left with only unanswered questions. So, once again, I fell back into the darkness, unsure of what future awaited me.
I awoke to a dimly lit room and the sound of bells ringing in the distance. The toll struck my head like a beating drum.
The light coming through the stained glass was disorienting yet calming in an odd and perplexing way.
I laid there for a bit longer before attempting to sit up. Then it hit me. The events that had transpired felt so surreal and yet fresh in my mind.
The look of all the people I loved, gone. The look of Cenric's lifeless eyes staring into my soul pierced my heart like an endless dagger.
And then… black. Nothingness. Everything was gone and the last I remembered was my power evaporating what little was left.
'Right, my power!'
I tried to urge the once familiar presence from my core outwards, but nothing came. I began to panic, but was pushed aside when the sound of knocking came from the other side of the door.
At first I didn't react. My ruminations distracted me from the fact that I had woken up at all, let alone in a strange place.
Was I a prisoner being accused of everything that happened?
I looked around frantically trying to find something- anything to use to defend myself.
"I'm coming in."
I got up faster than I thought possible and positioned myself right next to the door.
As the man came in, I went for his arm, attempting to at least break it and buy me some time to run somewhere, anywhere. I had to save myself, or so I thought would happen.
What actually ended up happening was me getting turned around and flipped back onto the bed I awoke on.
I got up from the bed once again and looked at the man who had come in, eyeing his every move for any potential sign of hostility.
What greeted me, however, was an old man, maybe around his early to mid 50s, with a shining set of white hair and beard, dressed in some sort of religious armor, slightly ceremonial, but practical and protective.
Shortly after, another man whom looked to be in his early 20s followed him in.
"A… paladin?" I said more to myself than to him.
"Something like that. Can we have a talk?"
I sat there in silence, still trying to process what was happening.
"I'll take that as a yes."
He began towards a desk at the other end of the room with a chair. He sat down, setting his sword on the desk. The other man began to do the same.
"Not him." I said.
"That's not hap-"
"What? But sir!?"
"You heard the woman, don't worry about me. I'm sure I can handle myself, Soren. Wait for me outside."
"Sir with all due respect, I've been ordered to-"
"That's an order, Soren. Wait for me outside." The old man said, letting out a bit of authority in his firm voice.
"Yes, sir…"
The younger man turned around and began, reluctantly, towards the hallway he had just come from.
"Now then, anything else you'd like before we get started?"
I stayed silent as I was before, only shaking my head to show I was ready.
"Great, now, if I may ask. What is your name?"
"My name is Eve."
"Eve, what a lovely name. My name is Kalan. May I ask what you were doing on the main road to the capital, Lign Aloes?”
‘The Capital?’ I thought to myself. I don't understand how I got halfway across the continent so fast.
"I… I don't know. Where am I now? Am I in the capital, then?"
"Indeed you are."
"What's going to happen to me?"
"Well, considering you don't have an adventurer's ID on you, we'll need to verify your identity by contacting the district you were in. Can you tell me the district or, more specifically, the city you were in?"
Thinking of my home and all the dead caused a reaction in me, almost making me throw up.
"Woah woah woah, you okay? Take it easy. Take your time. Just a district will do."
After a few moments, I responded with "Nazareth".
From my understanding, there are seven districts and a district capital, also known as the capital. Each district then has cities and villages within.
"Nazareth… that's awfully far away. You must've been traveling for a month, if not more… Regardless, I'll contact them later today. I'm sure after much time, someone would've filed something."
"You won't find anything…"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"There's no one to message, they're all dead… They were all massacred- slaughtered and burned alive! I watched them all die. I saw the fire burn every last one of them to ashes and I… I caused the last of it all to just evaporate under my fingers." I began to feel power swell up from my core, although nowhere near what I had previously felt.
"I shouldn't even be alive right now. I should be dead. I felt as my aura burned away everything both inside and out. As my own power erased anything left around me. I'm a monster… I'm a monster!"
"Hey hey, whatever happened, it's not your fault. I'm sure you didn't kill all those people and I'm sure if something like that happened, no average man or woman would've been able to prevent it. Even someone ranked at an A rank wouldn't have been able to do something like that, let alone cause it."
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't change the fact that I should be dead- that I caused Cenric's body to just turn to ash and dust under me. If I couldn't have stopped it, I should've died trying!"
At that moment, the feeling of warmth and comfort enveloped me as he took me into his embrace.
I let out a scream of pain and agony as the walls came down and tears fell down from my eyes.
I once again lost track of time and, before I knew it, I was asleep once more.
(Kalan Indarus POV)
"Sir Kalan, the report you requested on the district of Nazareth and it's towns and villages has arrived."
"Read it to me."
"Yes, of course. They said there have been no missing person reports as of recently. They also said that there is no one registered as Eve Solaris, meaning that either she hasn't turned of age and registered or she was lying about who she is."
"And the reports of any towns and villages that have been recently attacked or destroyed?"
"Yes, well, about that."
"There has recently been the attack of two cities and the destruction of three minor, outlying villages."
"What?! How is that possible? Are these related at all? Any groups suspected?"
"No sir, there is little to no information on these attacks."
"Potential war crimes?"
"Uncertain, sir."
"Hmmmmm, ok, that'll be it for now, thank you, M."
"Of course, sir."
The woman turned around and went back the way she came, closing the door behind her.
I stood up and walked to the window overlooking the streets below. The sight of a bustling crowd and merchants trying to appeal to the eyes, filled the busy afternoon. Peace within chaos.
Then, a premonition came to mind. A calm before the storm to come, perhaps. And she was at the center of it all.
I quickly grabbed my dagger and threw it towards a darker corner of the room I was in.
There was nothing. No one there. I looked at the corner, almost dissecting the individual stones that lined the wall. The darkness shrouded the corner of the room seemingly in an unnatural way. And then I saw it or, rather, felt it. The darkness was staring back at me.
And then I was back. Back in my chair at my desk, dagger still on my side, not sure if it was all a dream.
However, there was one thing left on my desk: the report Myla had received from Nazareth for me. The report on this child named Eve Solaris.
"Who are you, mystery child? What have you gotten yourself into…"
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