《New Legends: A New Chapter in an Old Book》Chapter 14: The Eyes Part 2


Maleek was in his study going over a few training regimens for the new recruits. The garrison wasn’t only expanding in size, the baron wanted the soldiers to be better trained as well. Maleek contested that the men standing guard had reacted very well considering the circumstances, but he did cede that there was always room for improvement. How he was going to bring about that improvement, he was unsure.

Lost in thought, a knock came at the door. The arberdir stationed by it looked at him, he returned that look with a nod. She proceeded to open the door slightly to identify the visitor. Maleek found the whole process unnecessary, it only served to waste time. While he could approve of some of the formalities his wife loved to indulge in, there were many that only made their lives more difficult.

“Sir, Ms. Glacia Tevin seeks your attention. The guest has awoken.”

Maleek’s eyes threatened to pop out of his head, “What?!”

His mood quickly changed. Practically jumping out of his seat, he headed for the guest bedroom. The two arberdirs followed closely behind.

A million thoughts were rushing through his head. On one hand he was overjoyed, if he could get the kid the townsfolk were poetically calling ‘God’s Disciple’ on his side it would have an immensely positive impact. On the other hand he was deeply concerned, the boy had been asleep for six days straight. He was well versed in the effects of sahir exhaustion, but he had never seen it leave someone unconscious for so long. After discussing with a few scholars, they chalked it up to sahirlah being a complete unknown. There was too much he didn't know or understand about the boy and his powers.

He reached the door to the guest bedroom still feeling conflicted. Before he opened it, he addressed his arberdirs.

“Glacia, go get something from the kitchen. I’m sure he’ll be hungry. Alba, watch the door. Don’t let anyone besides Glacia enter.”


“Yes sir!” They both saluted and Glacia ran off towards the kitchen.


He twisted the doorknob and pushed. Expecting Kain to be laying in bed, he was surprised to see him sitting on a couch. As soon as he saw the cookie in his hand however, he quickly understood why.

The red glow’s gone, but those eyes...

Before Maleek could introduce himself, Kain had stood up and bowed.

“Mr. Fortem, thank you very much for taking caring of me. I—”

Maleek stopped him, “Think nothing of it. It’s the least I could do for the new local hero.”

He could see Kain furrow his brows, “Hero?”

Smiling, Maleek walked over to the couch across from him.

“Sit. We have much to talk about.”

Kain very slowly sat down. He had a wary look on his face. Chuckling, Maleek sat as well.

“Please relax Mr. Basileus, I’m aware you only recently woke up so I’ll keep this conversation light.”

We can start the serious discussion later.

“First of all, do you know how long you’ve been unconscious?”

“A week?” Kain was clearly unsure, he voiced his response as a question rather than an answer.

Still..it's odd that he’s that close. Has this happened before?

“Six days actually. Is this a usual occurrence?”

Kain shook his head, “Definitely not. I’ve never slept for longer than the usual six hours or so.”


“Even when you use your powers?”

Kain didn’t reply immediately. He instead gazed at Maleek, seemingly sizing him up. A stern gaze usually meant nothing to Maleek, but seeing pure white when he looked into Kain’s eyes was undoubtedly unsettling. He wasn’t sure whether he was being threatened or if Kain was just trying to gauge his character. He much prefered the second reality, he wasn’t too sure he had any counter for the sheer strength he had seen a week ago. Believing that he was only unnerved because of the nature of Kain’s eyes, he opted to patiently wait until he was ready to speak. Talking about his powers may well have been a very personal matter to him.


In the midst of waiting for Kain to respond, his food arrived. Maleek quickly had it brought in and placed in front of Kain. He dismissed Glacia as soon as she set the tray down. She had brought seasoned groteit, a large goat like animal that the Fortems bred, with a side of baked potatoes. The baked potatoes were heavily seasoned as well and had cheese drizzled on top. In consideration of Kain’s lack of food consumption over the week, the portions were exceptionally generous. Even so, the meal was a little shabby for what he should be offering. The chef wasn’t given time to prepare, the food on the table was most likely leftovers from dinner. By the way Kain was gobbling it up though, he didn’t seem to mind.

Thankfully, Glacia had brought a pitcher of water as well as two glasses with the food. Maleek poured himself some water and took a few sips. Noticing Kain was taking regular gances at him, he adjusted his position to appear more relaxed. He had a rather large build, it would definitely be intimidating to a boy of Kain’s age.

This should calm his nerves a little.

“So we were talking about your unnaturally long ‘sleep’. Does that often happen after you use sahir?”

Kain slowly swallowed the food in his mouth, “I’ve never used it previously. I don’t know if it's natural or unnatural.”

Maleek tilted his head slightly, “You’ve never used your powers before?”

“If I remember correctly you were there that night.”

“That is correct.”

“So you know the nature of my powers. They’re not exactly typical.” Kain quickly took a mouthful of groteit.

“That is true. Hmm.”

Maleek paused to think. Judging by the pillar of light that preceded Kain bursting out of the barn, that was either the awakening of his powers or he’d never used them in town before. It would have been impossible to miss it. It legitimately looked like the light was beaming down from the heavens.

So he’s a complete beginner. Perfect!

“Would you like to learn how to use those powers Mr. Basileus?”

Kain’s mouth stopped moving. The fork in his hand seemingly froze as well. He looked at Maleek for awhile before quickly chewing and swallowing.

That definitely got his attention.

“If I’m not mistaken, I’m too young to join the garrison?”

Maleek smiled, “You are indeed correct, but I don’t speak of you becoming a soldier. I speak of you becoming my pupil.”

Kain put the fork down and straightened his back, “You wish to be my mentor?”

“If you would like to become a malsir, I can definitely aid you along that path.”

“You can, can you…” Kain closed his eyes. He seemed to be contemplating the proposition. It was an offer with very clear merits and seemingly no demerits, Maleek felt Kain would definitely accept.

He didn’t, but he didn’t decline either. He instead asked an array of questions from how he would pay to how long he would have to remain Maleek’s student. Questions about what he would be taught were not forgotten either. Ultimately, after a few back and forths, he did accept the offer. There was only one condition, Maleek would have to help him convince his mother. He had met her a number of times and, them both being Imurian, they got along very well. He was rather confident that could be accomplished.

“Just to be sure, have your eyes always been like that?”

Kain looked at Maleek confused, “Been like what?”

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