《A healthy mind in a healthy body》31. Ambush.



At the time they were going through a forested area, the trees were old and dense with little visibility to be had. It was nearly inevitable that there would be an ambush.

“What kind of distortion?”

“There is a sort of tunnel going through the Spiritual Realm. A passage free of spiritual presences.”

“How does that work and what does it do?”

“No idea and it would allow free passage for spiritual beings at faster than light speed.”

“Prepare for an ambush.” Said Uda through his communicator. With nothing else to do until the attack he tried to satisfy his curiosity. “How does a tunnel allow faster than light speed?”

“Spirits are immaterial, as such they aren't restrained by-”

Gaius was interrupted by the sound of projectiles flying through the air. Uda sprang to his feet and looked through the window. The convoy had just been the receiver of several magical spells, of many different kinds. Even before they had hit many people jumped out of the forest and engaged the guards. But Gaius’ warning wasn't useless as the projectiles were intercepted and the assailants were met by guards. They were evenly matched but the magical ambushers remained within the forest raining down spells. This gave an advantage to the attackers

“A hundred and twelve people, not spirits, but they still can't be detected by us. Majority are Rank 3s, a few Rank 4s and a Rank 5.”

“I can actually see them. They are ridiculously bright in the Spiritual Realm.”

“That’s good. Can I ask you two to fight the ambushers? I will send our oni and elemental to deal with them either way but I want Senjutsu users out there just in case.””

“Of course. Kotone?”

“No problem.”

“Good, go now!”

They jumped through the back doors and went to where they felt most presences. Many oni and elementals departed at the same time, their spiritual nature allowing them to detect the hidden aggressors. Over two thirds of the convoy remained to guard the prisoners and fight the other attackers. Gaius felt Uda go to the sole Rank 5 he could feel.

The first group the two of them reached had only a few Rank 3s. Three of them used fire magic and another two used dimensional folding magic. The other three were a man that specialised in ki, a barrier mage and an assassin that was hidden. That was an exercise in futility since to Gaius’ and Kotone’s senses they shone like lamps in the night. Their spiritual readings were so clear they could see not only what kind of powers they used, but how powerful they were now that they were looking closely.

The Senjutsu users capitalised in their knowledge by feigning ignorance of the assailants’ position. They went near them and faked searching around until the presences began approaching through two sides in a pincer attack. The three fire mages and ki user went to Kotone while the dimensional mages mages and barrier user went for Gaius. The assassin arrived alone but aired until the others arrived.

Kotone looked at Gaius and winked with Gaius smiling in return. She then smiled ferally, making her tails and ears appear and threw a ball of concentrated lust curses at the assassin. The effect was even more impressive than usual, the assassin appeared and fell to the floor, twitching and moaning.

“Shit! They know we’re here. Attack!”

“Remember the girl has curses and magic and the guy ki and summoning magic!”

“Bend Reality!”


“Bend Reality!”

“Dimensional Barrier! Dimensional Barrier!”

“Forbid Summon!”

“Flame Avatar!”

“Igneous Aura!”


Kotone and Gaius charged at their respective foes.

On Kotone’s side the three fire mages had began their attack. One of them was producing floating balls of Fire that stood ready in a field around him, serving as both attack and defense. The second one lighted himself on fire and held dual fire whips. The final fire mage actually transformed into a hulking flame humanoid.

Kotone started by putting the woman with the minefield under an illusion, which caused her to begin assaulting the ki user. While they were both occupied she transformed her Touki into water form and surrounded herself with it. She then threw a love ball to the humanoid.

“Foolish girl I am immune to magic-” started the humanoid with a gravelly voice.

He promptly fell under the influence of they curse and a dopey expression appeared in his face, it was disconcerting to see a demonic face put such an expression. Meanwhile Kotone began grappling with the man with the flame aura.

“Help me deal with this one!”

“Sure, then we can get some ice cream right?”


“Don't be an idiot, she’s-” began saying the flaming man before he was interrupted by Kotone kicking him in the balls.

The humanoid charged at the flaming man and lifted him high before slamming him to the floor. He then started to punch him.

“Wake up!”

He didn't listen and kept pummelling him.

“Shit! Flame Reversal!”

Both the aura and the flames that composed the humanoid burst apart and exploded, whatever force was holding them together disappearing. Once the smoke dissipated in the epicentre of the explosion remained an unconscious middle aged woman and the flaming man.

“Shit woman, I told you to-!”

He was interrupted by a lightning bolt falling on him from above and knocking him out.

“And for forgetting about me you are rewarded with a lighting to the head! Wait he was a woman?!”

Ignoring the vocal dissonance Kotone turned to confront the other two, for the minefield woman had surely recovered, but she was wrong. The ki user and the woman were still fighting, with the ki user being on the losing side in terms of injuries, but better in energy reserves.

“Interesting.” She turned to look at the assassin and saw he was still under the effect of her lust curse, and smiled.

“We are their worst enemy. Gaius! They are weak to spiritual attacks!”

“That doesn't help me with this asshole’s dimensional barriers!”

Kotone smiled at her Master’s answer and began charging a big spell to deal with the two remaining enemies.

Meanwhile Gaius had at first tried to summon Reiko to test his theory and it was confirmed, they had established a no teleportation zone. He smirked at the misunderstanding, he would be thankful to have Reiko but he wasn't vital.

His smirk fell from his face when he realised that Bend Reality created a dimensional barrier, Dimensional Barrier did too, obviously. Those were a pain, absolute isolation was no joke. He began to charge his Touki in preparation for a big attack, and had to dodge several spatial edges and razor thin barriers that his foes threw at them.

“Come on big boy! Where are your summons?” Taunted one of the dimensional mages, dressed in stereotypical thug clothing.

His answer was a Touki projection that broke through his barrier and knocked him out.

“Shit he can break through those! He’s Rank 4!”


Gaius repeated the process as his foes grew frantic and began casting much faster. His next punch knocked another dimensional mage and he then charged at the last and knocked him out when his magical energy run out.

He had less luck with the barrier user since he realised he was wasting his magical energy and concentrated on defense, overlaying barriers and reapplying them as Gaius broke them.

“Gaiu!s! They are weak to spiritual attacks!”

“Fucking dimensional barriers. That doesn't help me with this asshole’s barriers!”

He kept fighting with the barrier user for a few seconds before he spoke.

“You know you are just stalling. Give up, I have more stamina.”

“When my colleagues deal with your girlfriend-”

He was interrupted by a loud sound and a wave of intense wind bent the trees.

“Air bomb? She doesn't give quarter.” Commented Gaius.

When the barrier user saw his last hope out cold he sighed and lowered his barriers.

“Be gentle.”

“Sure.” Gaius made good on his word by cursing him with sleep.

Gaius and Kotone brought the bodies of their enemies together. When they met together Kotone raised her hand. Gaius gave a wry smile and high fived her.


“We need to investigate why their spirits shine, why they shout their spells and why they are weak to spiritual attacks despite the strength of their spirits.”

“And why they knew our primary abilities.”

“Ah. Yeah, that too.”

“Let us tie them, do you have something to do that?”

“I have something better.”

Kotone approached the unconscious men and women and ordered out loud.

“Rise and give yourselves up to the convoy!”

They raised and began moving, doing as they were ordered.

“What was that?”

“I discovered two days ago I can order people with weak spirits, or unconscious, around. I couldn't order you though, even Unconscious you would overwhelm me.”

“Judging from that last comment you need to connect with their spirits?”


“That's dangerous, try avoiding it.”

“Alright.” Her tone was pouty and her ears dropped.

Gaius chuckled and tussled her hair.

“Still you did good.”

Kotone perked out at that. They soon set up to the largest concentration of presences in the forest. There were thirty of them, and one of them was Rank 5. Gaius actually stopped when he perceived her spirit, suddenly understanding how it all worked.


“Master am I sensing that right?”


“But they are killing themselves!”

“I don't think they know. Come on, let's knock them out fast. I will jump in the middle of the group and throw an omnidirectional sleep curse. That will spend my corruption reserves, so I’m counting on you if someone remains up.”

They began running faster to the group. They were nearly there when Gaius felt something amiss and stopped abruptly. Kotone followed through and looked at her Master who had kneeled and was looking at the air.

“What is wrong?”


Gaius put his finger forward, surrounded it with Touki and touched a thin line in the air. It actually cut his finger.


Kotone didn't understand but she listened and threw foxfire in front of Gaius. The effects were impressive. The fire expanded through a tridimensional web that surrounded the group.

“What was that?”

“Spirituality reinforced spider silk, tough and sharp. I'd have trouble escaping from it intact. You'd either die or be trapped.”


Gaius jumped and propelling in the trees too increase his speed. Once he was near the group he jumped in the middle. While he was in the air he twisted to avoid a thread of spider silk that swung towards him. He landed successfully and when he did a black sphere expanded around him, enveloping the group and knocking everyone except one teenaged girl out. Kotone came close behind and they confronted the Rank 5.

She smiled and started the conversation.

“Well well. I was about to go to the trucks to turn the tide. I didn't expect some birds to come into my web, and burn it no less. Do you believe a 3 and 4 can defeat me.”

“We have the advantage.” Said Gaius.

“Not really. I have gotten rid of my weakness to spiritual attacks and my webs are just part of my abilities.” She smiled smugly.

“Not that.”


“We know why you are dying?” Answered Kotone.

“I'm what?! Do not think I will fall for your lies!”

“You suffer headaches, insomnia, nightmares when you do sleep. Your throat dries fast, your lungs burn after you use magic extensively. And probably more I don't know enough to diagnose. It all started when you became Rank 5, correct?” Diagnosed Gaius.

“How do you know?”

“You have a spirit in you. It is living symbiotically with you, it feeds on your spirit and gives you powers.” Said Kotone.

“But. Your spirit is too weak to sustain such a powerful spirit, it’s drying your spirit. And a damaged spirit causes health problems like those you have.”

The girl swallowed spit.

“How do I know you are saying the truth? Even then how does that help you?”

“Simple. First we diagnosed you within a few seconds of meeting you. Second we are Senjutsu users, no one knows more about the spirit more than us, we can help you. If you surrender and tell us everything about awakening.

“I can't.” She whispered in despair. “I signed a contract.”

“Can you let me examine you?”

“If you promise to treat me.”


The girl nodded and Gaius went to her. He looked at her intently and after some time put his hand on her forehead, something red flowed into his hand.

“The contract was a conditional curse, I have removed it.”

“Alright, then I surrender and accept your terms. I am Higashi Kozue, the Spider Queen.”

“Gaius Atiius Quadratus, a Sage.” Said Gaius amused.

“Araki Kotone, a three tailed half kitsune and Senjutsu user.”

“What's a Sage?”

“A natural Senjutsu user.”


“We’ll explain later, for now come with us. Kotone do your thing.”

They moved back to the convoy that was just then finishing the assailants. While some had run most had been captured. When they approached, followed by twenty nine thralls, the guards moved back a little spooked. Uda however came to welcome them.

“Good job. Though I would have preferred if you had told us you can control unconscious people.” He then noticed the girl. “A Rank 5? Who is she?”

“She surrendered.”

“I see. We have to bring them to the association for interrogation. But dividing is an unnecessary risk. We will go all the way to Kyoto and teleport back if we are given the go ahead by the association. If not we will go back the old way.”


The rest of the travel was without incidents. They arrived at Kyoto on time and teleported back without incident after they gave up the prisoners to the proper authorities. Once back Akai, Gaius and Kotone began the interrogation.

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