《A healthy mind in a healthy body》Extra 2. The Artificer Paladin.



In the backyard of a wooden house a six year old child in cotton clothes was playing. He had ripped stalks of grass and was twisting them into a ring shape, however he didn't manage to do what he wanted. And that was for the World to recognise his hard work. The child kept making rings without pause, like nothing else in the world mattered. He had seen his father work metal and his mother make accessories, and he wished to surprise them by showing that he could do it too. With childish desire to make his parents praise him he spent hours making ring after ring. Eventually his efforts were rewarded.

Congratulations Mömrud

You have achieved a great deed for the first time.

You have awakened to the Codex as a result and from now on you will be able to use it to improve yourself.

Mömrud felt elated, he had done it. He had done something worthy of awakening and had thus acquired a connection to the Codex. It was rare for someone other than a noble to reach this point at his age. Surely his parents would praise him. He began laughing softly. His mirth only increased with the next message.

Congratulations Mömrud.

Due to creating an artefact grade accessory from unranked materials you have gained the Accessory Crafting Skill.

The Accessory Crafting Skill will allow you to understand and make better accessory artefacts.

While Mömrud basked in his achievement the Codex was updating his information and soon the process was complete.

Congratulations Mömrud.

The Codex has recognised your information.

You have gained the Early Bloomer Achievement Tier 3.

You have gained the Little Genius Achievement Tier 7.

You have gained the Little Artificer Achievement Tier 1.

You have gained the Little Warrior Achievement Tier 2.

You have gained the Little Wizard Achievement Tier 2.

Please begin Codex Tutorial.

Mömrud nodded excitedly, before he remembered he had to think in words to activate the tutorial.

‘Begin tutorial’

Please bring up your status.


Name: Mömrud.

Species: Human.

Class: None.

Secondary Class: None

Level: 0

Health: 35 Mana: 50 Stamina: 200


Strength: 4 Vitality: 5 Agility: 3

Perception: 12 Intellect: 20 Willpower: 13

Mana attunement: 6 Authority: 5 Magic resistance: 2

Racial traits.

Human Endurance: Doubles Stamina. Halves Stamina consumption.

Human Learning: +2000% Skill Experience Gain. -50% lower mental requirements to gain Skills. -50% difficulty in improving or mutating Skills.

Mömrud was excited to see his attributes. However when he saw them he was overwhelmed. He knew he was usually tougher and more intelligent than his fellows but a vitality of 5 at his age was impressive. The true surprise was in his mental attributes. They were ridiculously high.

This is your status. It records the most fundamental information about yourself.

Name: What you are known as.

Species: Shows your species.

Human: Your species. Grants Human Endurance. Grants Human Learning.

Average attributes at age 15 Level 0: Physical 10. Mental 15. Magical 10.

Base essences: 10 Health. 20 Mana.+5 Hp per Vitality. +5 Mana per Mana attunement. +20 Stamina per Vitality.

Class: Your way of growing. It determines your attribute gains at level up and opens Skill trees. Gives bonuses to certain Skills. Works retroactively.

Secondary Class: A less effective Class. -2 Ap per level granted.

Level: A measure of your achievements. When you reach a certain threshold your attributes will increase.

Health: A numerical representation of your life essence. Regenerates at VIT/10 per minute.

Mana: A numerical representation of your power essence. Regenerates at MA/5 per minute.

Stamina: A numerical representation of your stamina. Regenerates at VIT/2 Per second.


Strength: Determines physical attack power and burst speed.

Vitality: Determines health, physical defence and stamina. Improves resistance to physical status effects.

Agility: Determines all kinds of physical speed and coordination.

Perception: Determines the precision and resilience of the senses. Improves reaction speed.

Intellect: Determines information processing skills, memory and rational thought. Influences Skill learning.

Willpower: Determines your determination. Improves resistance to pain and mental status effects.

Mana attunement: Determines Mana and Mana regeneration. Determines the amount of mana you can hold without being damaged.

Authority: Determines strength and effectiveness of spells. Required to be at a certain threshold to learn spells.

Magic Resistance: Determines magical defence. Improves resistance to magical status effects.

Racial traits: The special abilities of your species.

Was this even necessary? Thought Mömrud. Every civilised being, and even barbarians and monsters, knew this.

Beginning Achievement calculation.

Early Bloomer Tier 3.

Requirements. Gain status before 15 years of age. Have total attributes of 9*age.

Effects: +2 to all attributes. Doesn't count to next Achievement Tier. Gain Essence Sense.

Little Genius Tier 7.

Requirements. Gain status before 15 years of age. Have total mental attributes of 7*age.

Effects: +6 to all mental attributes. Doesn't count to next Achievement Tier. Gain Mental Attack.Gain Mental Defense. Gain Skill Instinct.

Little Artificer Tier 1.

Requirements: Gain an artefact making skill before 15 years of age. Level 1 artefact crafting Skill.

Effects: Gain Essence Refinement.

Little Warrior Tier 2.

Requirements: Get status before 15 years of age. Have 2*age total physical attributes.

Effects: +1 to all physical attributes. Doesn't count for next Achievement Tier. Gain Aura.

Little Wizard Tier 2.

Requirements: Gain status before 15 years of age. Have 2*age total magical attributes.

Effects: Gain +1 to all magical attributes. Doesn't count to next Achievement Tier. Gain Mana Manipulation.Recalculating status. Applying skill effects.

Mömrud cried in pain and clutched his head. He curled into himself before his muscles began seizing and his body burn with pain. It was a mercy that the pain was short and after it a wave of pleasant warmth spread through his battered body soothing his nerves.

Mömrud rose to his feet and looked around. The world looked more vibrant than ever before. He could see further and cleaner, he could hear more and he could smell for. This was just the the most blatant changes. Over time he noticed more things, he though faster and better, he felt stronger and healthier. Once he got accustomed to his new state he noticed new knowledge in his head.

From Accessory Crafting he gained the know how of making simple accessories. From Essence Sense he learned the many kinds of essences and could now detect them. From Mental Attack how to fight mental battles and from Mental Defense how to fend off invasions of his mind. Skill Instinct gave him a feeling of how Skills should be performed. Essence Refinement showed him how to condense, refine and extract the essence from an object. Aura expended Stamina to increase Strength, Vitality and Agility by 1 at the current level. Finally Mana Manipulation allowed him to use his mana without needing Skills.

It was a marvellous feeling. To go from ignorance to knowledge. To gain attributes and skills. He felt better, more complete. The elation of feeling his improvement was addicting. This was not hyperbole, there were indeed people who got addicted to attribute increases or skill gains. They usually worked hard to gain even one point, throwing themselves into danger for better gains. They usually died fast.

Fortunately Mömrud was too young to grow so desperate for the feeling and soon forgot it. He run around testing his new attributes. He run, lifted crates of materials, and did math. He was in the middle of his little rampage when the messages appeared again.


Now that you are familiar with your new gains it is time to continue the tutorial.

First open your status and view the changes.

Name: Mömrud.

Species: Human.

Class: None.

Secondary Class: None

Level: 0

Health: 50 Mana: 65 Stamina: 320


Strength: 4(+3) Vitality: 5(+3) Agility: 3(+3)

Perception: 12(+8) Intellect: 20(+8) Willpower: 13(+8)

Mana attunement: 6(+3) Authority: 5(+3) Magic resistance: 2(+3)

Racial traits.

Human Endurance: Doubles Stamina. Halves Stamina consumption.

Human Learning: +2000% Skill Experience Gain. -50% lower mental requirements to gain Skills. -50% difficulty in improving or mutating Skills.

Eyes wide in innocent wonder Mömrud laughed in joy, not understanding how bizarre it was to have so many achievements, only happy that he could make his parents proud. In reality achievements are difficult to get. Where it not for his naturally high mental attributes born from his maturity, for his age, and his upbringing that put emphasis on always finishing what he started he couldn't have such high achievements. Had his parents not encouraged his willpower he would not have trained as hard as he had. All of this was what made possible his early awakening and above average attributes. Even children of nobility had less achievements.

His brown eyes glistened in the sunlight as he rolled around in satisfaction, the tutorial forgotten for now. But the Codex isn't denied for long and he had to continue it.

Now think Skills.


Skill list.


Mental Defense Lv. 1: +10% to mental defense effectiveness.

Mental Attack Lv. 1: +10% to mental attack effectiveness.

Skill Instinct Lv. 1: +20% Skill training speed.

Essence Sense Lv. 1: Sense essences in a 20 m radius.

Accessory Crafting Lv. 1: Allows craft of Poor quality accessories.


Essence Refinement Lv. 1: Allows Refinement of low level essences. Mana Cost variable.

Aura Lv. 1: +1 STR, VIT and AGI. Stamina Cost 5 per second.

Mana Manipulation Lv. 1: Allows Manipulation of up to 20 Mana. Mana Cost equals mana manipulated.

Skills increase in level as you use them. Once you reach level 10 they are mastered and can no longer be increased. However they can be improved or mutated.Passive Skills are always active and cost nothing, however you can concentrate on using them for increased effectiveness. Active Skills require conscious activation and cost Health, Mana or Stamina.Now, use an active Skill.

Mömrud panicked a little, he only had three skills and his parents had forbidden him to use magic or physical Skills without supervision. That left him with Essense Refinement but he had nothing to refine.

Trying to find something with essence he concentrated in his new sense. Suddenly everything lit up in his mind. Life Essence coursed through the grass, the crates of materials had fire, lightning, water, iron, steel, silver and gold essences in them. But there was one thing that shined bright. The little grass ring he had made. Curious Mömrud grabbed it and made its Codex entry appear.

“Codex query: Artifact.”

Poor grass ring.

Artefact quality: Poor.

Hardness: 1

Durability: 5/5


+5% Health regeneration.

His mood fell, it was indeed the weakest artefact he had seen in his life. One of the ones his mother made that she gifted to a kid because it was too poor to be sold was like this.

Iron Ring of Vitality.

Quality: Passable.

Hardness: 6

Durability; 20/20


+2 VIT.

The difference was staggering and depressing. His best work wasn't even acceptable to his mother's eye. However like a true child he perked up quickly, for if it was that poor he could refine it without loss, right?

With renewed spirits he took the ring and concentrated on it. Nothing happened causing little Mömrud to panic. Was he useless, not even capable of using his spells? He was on the verge of tears when a message sounded on his head.

You have to say the name in your mind to activate a Skill, you fool.

What was that about being useless? Mömrud didn't remember not remembering how to activate his Skills, no sir.

‘Essence Refinement!’

He watched fascinated as the ring began shining and turned translucent. It suddenly shattered into motes of light that dispersed, with a few concentrating to the centre of where the ring was. At that moment a feeling of wrongness filled Mömrud and he focused on making all the motes concentrate on instinct. This was the effect of Skill Instinct, an instinctual understanding on what's needed to improve a Skill. Due to it several things happened at the same time.

Congratulations Mömrud.

Essence Refinement has increased to level 4. Quality of low level essences improved, consumption reduced.

Congratulations Mömrud.

You have successfully created a Grass Ring Essence.

Mömrud jumped on the spot and began a little dance. He finished it with his arm going up to the sky.

“I did it!”

He quickly grabbed the green crystal after he finished and examined it. It was the size of a nail and translucent.

“Codex query: Essence.”

Grass Ring Essence.

Quality: Average.

Level: Low.

Effect: With Essence Fusing this essence can be added to an object or another Essence in order to grant it a permanent boost. It can also be consumed directly for a temporary boost.

It increases Health.

“Huh? Fusing? How do I get that?”

Essence Fusing can be acquired once Essence Refinement is mastered or any artefact crafting Skill reaches level 5.

With a way to improve himself little Mömrud spent the rest of the morning making rings and extracting their essence. Once his skills no longer increased with them he extracted the essence from the iron ingots his father had in the backyard. He kept doing that for a while longer until finally he heard the most wonderful sound.

Badabadaba baba bababada~

Essence Refinement has been mastered.

Essence Fusing has been acquired.

You have the following options for improvement or mutation:

-Reduced Mana consumption

-Improved essence quality.

-Improved extraction efficiency.

-Specialization: Metal.

-Specialization: Living matter.

If you improve or mutate the Skill its level will be reset but you won't lose the improvements you had gotten previously.

Mömrud was about to dance in joy and select an improvement but he remembered something his father had told him.

“Mömrud you have to remember something. If you by some miracle manage to master a Skill by yourself come to me to see the best way to improve it. Do not decide by yourself, you are too young for that. Promise me?”

“Yes, father!”

Mömrud wanted to make his Skill go further but he had sworn his father and honourable men must keep their promises. He thus reluctantly ignored the options and focused on fusing the essences he already had.

By the time he was done he had gained three levels on fusing and two essences.

Greater Grass Ring Essence.

Quality: Excellent.

Level: Low-Medium.

Effect: Increases Health related attributes.

Superior Pure Iron Essence.

Quality: Excellent.

Level: Low-Medium.

Effect: Grants traits of iron.

He was excited to finally try the best way to make artefacts. Combining an already made object with essences. He proceeded to make a new grass ring with great care and to the summit of his level 3 Skill. He was satisfied with the result.

Grass Ring.

Quality: Good.

Hardness 1

Durability 7/7

Effects: +7% increased Health regeneration.

Before fusing the essences Mömrud relaxed, as he had seen his father and mother do. Once he felt prepared he started to fuse the iron essence to the ring. The crystal broke into light and began to enter the ring changing its colour and consistency. By the time it was done the grass had hardened considerably, no longer looking like grass woven into ring shape, but an iron ring sculpted to look like grass. He relaxed once again and fused the grass essence into the ring, giving it a greenish tint.

Congratulations Mömrud.

Your Accessory Crafting Skill has reached level 5. Increased accessory quality, increased fusible essences into a single accessory.

Your Essence Fusing Skill has reached level 4. Increased essence quality, decreased Mana consumption.

“Codex query: Accessory!”

Lush Irongrass Ring.

Quality: Lacking.

Hardness 5

Durability: 15/15

Effect: +3 VIT. +20% Health regeneration.

Mömrud was impressed with his mother. Her accessory that had been mass made with poor materials and less essences than his was still only a little worse in effect and much better in quality. This was really hard since his still was considered a failure. He began thinking on how to improve it when he had an idea. The quality would improve if it was made of steel, and gems always improved the quality of accessories. He ran to get some coal and spare emerald dust from his mother's workshop and went back to the backyard. The essences he got from both were awesome in his expert opinion.

Concentrated Carbon Essence.

Quality: Excellent.

Level: Low

Effect: Adds carbon traits.

Emerald Essence.

Quality: Good.

Level: Low-High.

Effect: Improves other effects. Grants mental traits.

“Refine and fuse~ refine and fuse~ I love refining and fusing~.”

Mömrud sang while working, a smile in his lips. He was finally becoming a true artificer, he was like his parents! He was about to fuse the carbon essence when the feeling of wrongness appeared again. He could only fuse one more essence into the ring at his level! It was a disaster, how could he complete his masterpiece now? Mömrud began to think really hard, he was going to be an artificer, nothing would get on his way.

Inspiration struck, if only one more essence could be fused why not fuse the two he already had? Admiring his genius Mömrud set to do just that. He however came across a little problem. The Skill began consuming his Mana at great speeds and he was losing control of it. Thankfully he had a great effective willpower of 21, even if not base, and managed to hold on until the essences were fused.

A great spectacle unfolded. The fused essence began to shine and tremble. It heated up so much Mömrud had to drop it. In fear he run back to his house and hid under his bed. When he heard nothing happening he went back and found that the essence had still not changed. He looked at it curiously and waited some minutes until it stopped shining brightly, its glow dimming greatly.

Grabbing it again he saw that it had began shining softly with its own light.

Congratulations Mömrud.

You have achieved a task beyond what your current capabilities should be able to do through great willpower.

Your Essence Fusing Skill has reached level 8.

Mömrud knew what this meant. If his level had doubled then…

“Codex query: Essence.” His voice trembled with hope and expectation.

Emerald-Diamond Essence.

Quality: Good.

Level: Medium-Low.

Effects: Grants carbon traits. Greatly increases other effects. Grants medium mental effects.

Perfect! Shouted Mömrud in his mind. This was perfect, better than anything else. With this essence his ring might reach the low artifact level! He began the last fusion before he noticed he was out of mana. Too impatient to wait for it to regenerate he went to the storage room and grabbed a mana potion. Before he left he had another idea.

With his mana regenerated and a health potion in hand Mömrud began the experiment. He would fuse the ring and essence, but inside the potion. He had a feeling that would do something.

Eyes shining in wonder he started. It seemed to go well, the objects fusing nicely and without issue. At first that is, Mömrud had stumbled upon an advanced technique by accident. One he wasn't ready for.

The fusing began to absorb more mana, but Mömrud had learned from the last and had more mana potions near. He didn't fear until he felt the suction of his mana increasing, going faster than his regeneration and the mana offered by the potion. Feeling anxious he made another mistake, he drank all seven potions at hand. Each one gave 50 mana, and all together he got 350 mana, well above his 65 limit. Taking into account his low magical resistance he would have died right there where it not for his Skill consuming large quantities of said mana.

While his body broke down from the strain his vitality healed the damage. It was a battle between both, with the fate of the child hanging in the balance. Mömrud nearly fainted but he didn't want his ring to be a failure so he kept on. This saved his life, since if the Skill had stopped he would have died.

“Mom, Dad, Israc. Help me.” He whimpered. And he was heard, his pain lessened slightly and his health began to regenerate faster. His prayer saved his life.

This kept for a minute, but the fusion was completed. While there was some mana leftover it wasn't a lethal dose, he had survived. Mömrud was in no shape to think about this though. He embraced his knees and began crying until he fell asleep.


An hour later his parents had returned to his house from the Artificer Guild meeting. They came relaxed, trusting their house’s defences and his own sense of responsibility to keep Mömdrum safe. They got a great scare when they found their son asleep in the backyard.

The mother, Anglilt, ran to him and propped him up.

“Mömrud, Mömrud!”

She shaked him while his father Tenlil went to get medical supplies. Soon after he returned Mömrud began to wake up.

“Mom? Yawn.” He said sleepily.

His parents sighed in relief, he was alright.

“What happened son?” Asked Tenlil worried.

Mömrud related his tale and closed his eyes, fearing their scolding.

However his expectations where betrayed, for his parents only embraced him

“I'm glad you are fine son.”

“Huh? You aren't going to punish me?”

“As your mother said, we are only glad you are alright. Also the experience is punishment enough. Will you experiment with your Skills unsupervised again?”

Mömrud widened his eyes and shocked his head fiercely. While he was still going to be an artificer he would not experiment again.

Anglilt chuckled at his son, between relief and thinking how cute his son was. They brought him in the house and made him sit down. While they weren't nobles they were still artificers, so they could afford somewhat luxurious furniture. Mömrud was relaxing on the couch when his father brought the ring in.

“I am impressed by you. I didn't get my status until the Choosing Ritual. What you did was incredible son. Even more impressive is this ring. Go on, look at it.”

“Codex query: Artefact.”

Blessed Gem-Steel Circlet of Vigour.

Quality: Excellent.

Hardness 10

Durability 2000/2000

Origin: A ring made with advanced techniques by a novice artisan through immense willpower. He would have died had Israc not taken pity on him and aided him. This ring has both the qualities of the original artifact and remnants of the miracle Israc performed.

Level 0/00


+15 Vit.

+100% Health regeneration.

+5 Will.

+1 to magical attributes.

+50% mental resistance.

-10% damage from undead and demons

+10% damage to undead and demons

Skill: Prayer: Heals 100 Health, Mana and Stamina. Once a day.

Skill: Shield of Faith: Creates a shield of 100 Defense around the target. Once a day.

SoulBound to Mömrud.

Unlimited growth.

Mömrud became a fish, his mouth opened and closed without end.

“Surprised right? This one is better than my best.”

“That isn't right Mom.” Refuted Mömrud. “Your rings increase way more than this. Your best increased strength and agility by a 100 each.”

“Yes they are better.” Accepted Tenlil. “Right now that is.”


“Son, this ring is capable of unlimited growth. With enough essence it can grow indefinitely. It's potential is the greatest I've seen. Honestly if it wasn't SoulBound I would make you hide it until you were at least level 200 at least.”


“It's too valuable. If it wasn't incapable of being used by other people, or if it didn't go with you when you die, people would kill you for it. As it is they won't. So be glad for that.” Explained Anglilt.

Mömrud didn't really understand, he was too young to know about the ugliness of the human heart. Seeing this his father smiled tenderly and pet him.

“It's good you don't understand. I hope you won't still for a few years.”


“You should look at your status. I'm sure this incident has changed something.

“Ah! I forgot!”

Congratulations Mömrud.

Your Accessory Crafting Skill has been mastered.


-Improve quality.

-Improve quantity.

-Specialization: Rings.

-Evolve Skill. Level insufficient.

Congratulations Mömrud.

Your Essence Fusing Skill has been mastered.


-Improve quality.

-Improve quantity.

-Improve Efficiency.

-Increase compatibility.

-Reduced Mana consumption.

-Evolve Skill. Level insufficient.

Congratulations Mömrud.

You have gained 4 WILL.

You have gained 7 MR.

You have gained 1 AT.

You have gained 3 MA.

You have gained 10 VIT.

Applying changes

Name: Mömrud.

Species: Human.

Class: None.

Secondary Class: None

Level: 0

Health: 175 Mana: 85 Stamina: 1320


Strength: 4(+3) Vitality: 15(+18) Agility: 3(+3)

Perception: 12(+8) Intellect: 20(+8) Willpower: 17(+13)

Mana attunement:9(+4) Authority:6(+4) Magic resistance:9(+4)

Racial traits.

Human Endurance: Doubles Stamina. Halves Stamina consumption.

Human Learning: +2000% Skill Experience Gain. -50% lower mental requirements to gain Skills. -50% difficulty in improving or mutating Skills.

Recalculating Achievements.

Congratulations Mömrud.

You have gained the Achievement Little Warrior Tier 3.

Requirements: Acquire status before 15 years of age. Have 3*age total physical attributes.

Effects: + 2 to all physical attributes.

You have gained the Achievement Little Genius Tier 8.

Requirements: Acquire status before 15 years of age. Have 8*age total mental attributes.

Effects: +7 to all mental attributes.

You have gained the Achievement Little Wizard Tier 4.

Requirements: Gain status before 15 years of age. Have 4*age magical attributes.

Effects: +3 to all magical attributes. Gain Mana Sense.

You have gained the Achievement Early Bloomer Tier 5.

Requirements: Gain status before 15 years of age. Have 15*age total attributes.

Effects: +4 to all attributes. Gain Meditation.

You have gained the Achievement Master Tier 1.

Requirements: Master 3 Skills.

Effects: Gain 3 Evolution Points.

Name: Mömrud.

Species: Human.

Class: None.

Secondary Class: None

Level: 0

Health: 190 Mana: 105 Stamina: 1440


Strength: 4(+6) Vitality: 15(+21) Agility: 3(+6)

Perception: 12(+11) Intellect: 20(+11) Willpower: 17(+16)

Mana attunement:9(+8) Authority:6(+8) Magic resistance:9(+8)

Racial traits.

Human Endurance: Doubles Stamina. Halves Stamina consumption.

Human Learning: +2000% Skill Experience Gain. -50% lower mental requirements to gain Skills. -50% difficulty in improving or mutating Skills.

Mömrud smiled brightly.

“Mom, Dad! I've mastered 3 Skills and my Achievements have improved.”

“”What?!”” Shouted his parents incredulously.

He flinched and shrunk in his couch, their scream had scared him. They saw that and calmed down.

“Sorry to scare you son, but what you said is incredible. Can you allow us to see your status?”

“Yes.” He had nothing to hide from his parents after all.

““Codex query: Appraisal.””

His parents looked at his status, Skills and Achievements and were amazed.

“You are a genius son. Now I can believe more that you could make that ring.” Said Tenlil.

“Dear we have to speak.” Anglilt took him aside and talked with him.

Mömrud could only hear whispers but he became uneasy.

“...but he is too young.”

“If he does this he will become a legend…”

They soon came back and sat in front of Mömrud.

“Son,” began Tenlil soberly, “we have something to explain.”

“Alright.” He answered, unsure of where they were going.

“These Little and Early Achievements can only be acquired before the 7th birthday. And through normal growth and training alone in these seven months before your birthday you might at most get one or two Tiers on each.”

“That's good, isn't it?”

“Normally, yes. But your Little Genius is Tier 8. If an Achievement reaches Tiers 10, 11 and 12 you will get an Skill per Tier and 1, 2 and 3 Proofs of Greatness respectively. The Skills will be incredibly useful and while you still can't use them Proofs of Greatness are immensely useful in Class and Race Ups. Just getting one Proof is the work of years, but to get six you just need 23 mental attributes. With intense training that is possible for you, taking your Skills into account.

So what do you prefer son. An Achievement worth of legends, or a more rounded base. Keep in mind that after your 7th birthday you can still get more physical and magical attributes, you just can't get the achievements.”

“What are the benefits of Proofs of Greatness?”

“To become a Paladin of Israc requires one, as well as faith on Israc obviously. Becoming a High Human can be done with another. I don't even know what you can get for six. More importantly you don't use them, you just need them to have them.”

“But I want to be an artificer.” Mömdur was torn, on one hand his dream of being an artificer, on the other every little kid’s dream of being a Paladin.

Tenlil began laughing and Anglilt chuckled.

“Son, you can have two Classes. Not only Paladin, but Sage, Magic Knight, General, even higher Tiers of artificer Classes are at your disposal.”

Mömrud was astonished when his feather said this. That was right, he could have two Classes. And the ones he spoke of were incredible. Being a Paladin or Sage! That was an impossible dream. Something they played pretend to be, but knew was difficult to achieve. Being just a Knight or Mage was all they dared to dream. That he had the chance to be something like that was… unthinkable.

The choice was obvious to him.

“How do I get 23 attributes in seven months?”

“We have a friend. A Mind Mage. He can, now that you have your status, train you until you get those points.” Explained Anglilt.

“Why don't nobles do this?”

“They do son. They do. It's why all of them can become Knights or the such. The difference is that you have unnaturally high mental attributes. And with the accident earlier you have upgraded your willpower enough that you can handle all the training he'd do.”

“What will he do?”

“We are thinking of improving your Mental Defense and Mental Attack Skills until you become a Dominum Animum. A master of the mind, capable of defending his mind against intruders and ripping people's secrets from theirs.”

“That sounds bad.”

“It is. Dominum Animum are only allowed to defend themselves or interrogate criminals, spies or accused innocents. It is a noble vocation.”

“I see. When do I start? Can I say goodbye to my friends?”

“Why would you do that? He lives in the city.”

“That's great!”

Mömrud perked up, glad he didn't need to leave his home. Something brought his mood down.

“Isn't this too easy? It feels cheap.”

“Cheap?! You mean that getting your status at six years of age is cheap? That having more than 42 mental attributes at that age is cheap? That having a miracle happen on you is cheap? This training requires at least 20 Perception and 30 Willpower as well as the Mental Defense and Attack Skills. Which, by the way, are extremely difficult to acquire, even for humans. Is all of that still cheap?”

“If you put it like that, no. But it still feels cheap.” Mömrud responded petulantly.

Anglilt smiled at her child warmly, but inside she had to resist the urge to embrace him and cuddle him.

“How can my son be this adorable?” On the other hand Tenlil didn't hold back and took his son into his arms.

“Wha-! Dad! Stop!”

They kept playing for a while, and when Anglilt couldn't resist and jumped in it only became longer.


After they finished playing they laid on the floor, with Mömrud cuddling between his parents. He smiled and closed his eyes to better enjoy the position as his mother caressed his hair.

“Mom, Dad?”

“Yes son?”

“I have three Skills mastered. What do I do with them?”

“What are your options?” Asked Anglilt.

“Let me see.” He brought his Skills once more and notice he now had the option to evolve Essence Refinement, but it was locked. He read his options to his parents.

“That you can't evolve them is natural. Every time you improve or specialise the skill resets and becomes hmm... How to say it?” Began Tenlil.

Anglilt continued.

“For example Essence refining will become Essence Refining 2. Once you master that one it will become Essence Refining 3. This will keep happening until Essence Refining 12. Once you reach that point you can only evolve or fuse it with another compatible 12 Skill. That requires evolution points.”

“I see! What do I do then?”

“Do not specialise. If you do you will get better at the chosen discipline but worse at the others. It's common to get the basic production Skills to 12 before evolving them. If you want to specialise you can do it by relearning the Skill. But doing otherwise is cutting yourself from other disciplines until you fully master the Skill. And while specialisation is good you must have the basics of all disciplines covered.” Counselled Tenlil.


“If you get Essence Refining (Metal) you can only refine metals until you reach Essence Refining (Metal) 12. Once you have that one you can evolve it into Refine Metal and take Essence Refining again. This would take at least a year unless you can splurge with rare and expensive materials.

“Why is that?”

“Because the more danger you are in, or the rarer or expensive the materials you work with are, the more Skill experience you get.”

“I see. I know!” He sat up.

“What do you know?” Said Anglilt, turning her head from the sky to him.

“I will reduce mana consumption for Refining and Fusing! I already get good quality but I nearly died because of it.”

“Great choice.” Encouraged him Tenlil, hoping to teach him to think for himself. “What of Accessory Crafting?”

“Um. Quality?”

“So you prefer to make a few great goods than many good ones?” Edged him Anglilt.

“Um.” His eyes began to swim in confusion before he thought of an answer. “I know! Which one would help adventurers and knights more?”

His parents winced and looked around, but relaxed when they realised they were alone.

“Never ask that question in a gathering of artisans Mömrud.” Instructed Tenlil seriously.


“Because that is the most disputed question in the industry. If you make too few goods not all adventurers will be equipped but those that are will be better. If you make too many they will all be armed but worse. I have seen Guild meetings prolong hours just because some newbie asked that question. Only theological or political debates get worse.”

“What is your opinion then?”

“We need both styles. But what is truly needed is better artisans who can mass produce great artefacts. So you need to train so hard that no matter which way you go you will make great artefacts.”

“That doesn't answer me Mom. Oh! Which one are you?”

“Want to follow on your folks footsteps then? We both are quantity over quality. High quality goods have a better margin of profit that makes it equal in earning to mass produced but before you reach that point they will earn you less.”

“What point?”

“The point where a little jump in quality means a large jump in price. Between us and high quality guys of the same level there are only a few tens of attributes, less than 10% more than ours, but they can only make half the artefacts a week. Due to prices that means they make 25% less profit than us.”

“At what level are you?”

“Each evolution is called a Tier. There are thirteen Tiers, but the thirteenth is legendary, so effectively twelve. We are on the third Tier. For you to profit equally you must be at least at the fourth, and from that onwards the profit is about the same.”

“Only the third?”

“Only the third he says!” Shouted Tenlil. “Kid we are 23 years old, we got our statuses eight years ago, what do you want from us? The Guildmaster is a Tier 8. And we are humans, a let us say, beastman of the same age as us may be only Tier 2 maybe even 1. Admittedly a dwarf of the same age with bonuses to Crafting will be of the same Tier but make better or more goods.”

“What about elves? They are also famed for their Crafting right?”

“Yep. Elves, dwarves, goblins, gnomes and humans. The five races famed across the land for their craftsmanship. But elves live much longer than we do. An elf our age has just gotten their status, and without Human Learning who knows how long it'll take them to reach our level.”

Mömrud thought for a moment.

“Then are we better than them?”

The parents frowned.

“No.” Said Anglilt flatly. “We are not those Holy Light extremists, we Isracists are not racist or speciecist. No matter the Tier of your race all sapients are equal in front of Israc. If they have too low attributes to equal our capabilities we must just help them elevate their species Tier.”

“Species Tier?”

“As Skills species have Tiers. Sapience only appears in Tier 2 onwards. Humans are a Tier 4 race, as are elves, dwarves and the other Crafters. The higher the Tier the higher the base attributes and racial traits of the individual. Individuals can improve their Tier through reaching certain requirements. For example High Humans require a Proof of Greatness and are a Tier 5 race.”

“How do you improve a Species Tier?”

“The most common is time. Humans were a million years ago the erectus, now extinct, a Tier 3 species. And before Ilva began the humanization process we were the Tier 2 species Wise Apes, now extinct. Goblins were until three thousand years ago Lesser Goblins and were a plague that was too stupid to do anything else aside of stealing from and imitating the other races, it's why those Holy Light extremists consider them inferior.”

“But,” interjected Tenlil, “we can elevate their Species Tier by making them accomplish a great deed that makes the gods reward them with a Tier increase. Gnomes used to be a Tier 3 species until Grouth the Wise killed the Demon Duke Amphrosias a thousand years ago.”

“Returning to the previous method it is known for species to degenerate. Such as Direbears, Tier 2, becoming Mountain Bears, Tier 1. No sapient species has ever degraded until they lost sapience, it is commonly believed that the gods won't allow that. The Lightning Pantherkin degraded to Pantherkin through decadence and hedonism, but that is the most that has happened in recorded history.” Explained Anglilt.

“I see. Interesting!”

They felt pleasurably silent before Mömrud screamed.

“Aaah! I forgot to Skill Up. Quality, I choose you!”

“Wait, quality?”

“Yes Dad. Since if I become a Knight or Mage I will have enough money, and we need to have equal numbers of quality and quantity I chose quality.”

“Awww. Who is a little rational kid?”

“Mom! I'm not a baby! So embarrassing.”


Two days later Mömrud was in the park with a towel attached to his back, playing with other kids.

“I am the Guardian Knight of this park! Vile villains! You will not get away with your crimes.”

He began pursuing the other kids that were playing bandits. In the middle of his play he saw a pale girl sitting alone on the side.

“Guys! I'm leaving for a moment.”

He went to her and greeted her.

“Vilrin! You are here.”

“Hello Mömrud.”

“You didn't come yesterday.”

“Sorry. I had things to do.”

“That isn't true. It was Riley wasn't it?”

She looked to the ground.


“Why didn't you tell me?”

“Well… I didn't want to get you in trouble.”

“Trouble? I am the son of artificers and she of potters, she can't do anything to me. Unless I abused her or something,then I'd get in trouble with the Guards.”

“You trust the guards?”

“I don't know how it is in the Stemihan Kingdom, but in the Holy Levoven Empire Guards are trustworthy.” He shrugged. “At least in Mavolcen I guess.”

“That is different form Stemihan, those Guards only care about the nobility. Still are you up for protecting me my Knight?”

“Indeed my lady.”

“I thought you wanted to be an artificer?”

“I can be both.”

“Being a Knight is difficult though. You need at least sixty effective physical attributes and forty base physical attributes to be one.”

“Really?” He looked at his status. “I am halfway there with my basics and only need four more points to get the effective so that's good.”

He looked back at her and saw a face. She had approached him silently.

“Ow! You are still not a Rogue Vilrin! Make sounds like normal people.”

“You already have your status?”


“And twenty base physical attributes and over twice more effective attributes?”


She grabbed his shoulders and shaked him.


“Stop shaking me. I'll tell you, alright?!”

Mömrud was forced to regale her with his adventures two days ago. When he was finished she drew away with a wishful look.

“How lucky. Alright, I need to get the Accessory Crafting so I can begin to train Stealth.”

“Good luck. It took me two years of learning and practice to do it. I think it would actually be easier to train Stealth itself.”

“Yeah, but no one will train me.”

“And who will teach you Crafting?”

She threw him a poignant look.

“Me?! No, nope, I can't. The Guild would have my head if I trained someone without their permission or making them my apprentice.”

“Are you sure?” She opened her eyes and gave him a pouty expression.


Vilrin changed her face to one of annoyance.

“Che! Thwarted again.” She grew depressed. “At this rate I won't be able to become a Rogue.”

“I can ask my parents. They used to be adventuress before becoming artificers full time. I think some of their first party also retired when they found the adventurer life not for them, someone may be willing to train you. Or put you in contact with an actual trainer.”

“Would you?” She perked up.

“What are best friends for?”

“You're the best Möm!”

Mömrud felt as if someone had punched him.

“Don't call me that!”

“What, Möm?”

“Yes. I hate it!”

“I wonder.”

“I won't help you.”

“Shutting up now.”

Mömrud put a smug smile on. Vilrin stared at him until they broke out laughing and joined the other kids.

As the morning ended and parents took their kids home to eat Mömrud and Vilrin became alone once more. They laid on the grass looking at the sky.

“Hey Mömrud?”


“What race do you want to be?”

“You know that? I didn't until two days ago.”

“Because you were so focused on becoming an artificer dummy. All the others knew.”

“Now I feel stupid.”

“You aren't, your attributes say so. You are just focused. But answer my question.”

“I don't know. For now a High Human but beyond that I don't know.”

“I want to become a Leara. They are an all female race that are beautiful and stealthy and agile and awesome.”

“That's just like you Vilrin.”

“What does that mean?!”

Their little discussion ended when Vilrin’s mother, Vilwinne Fig, came to bring her home.

“Bye Möm.”

“Bye Rinrin.”


“That serves you right dear. Now you will stop calling him that embarrassing name.”

“How can you take his side Mom?!”

“Because he is a polite and nice kid. Goodbye Mömrud.”

“Bye Mrs. Fig.”

They left the park and Mömrud was left alone. But not for long since his parents came soon after.


After the meal the family went to a residence in the Mage’s district. The door was opened by a maid in informal clothing.

“Good evening master Nimrod, master Elua. You must be master Mömrud, I am honoured to make your acquaintance.”

“Come on Elisa, we have known each other for years.” Reproached Tenlil Nimrod.

“Hear hear.” Anglilt Elua smiled at her old friend.

“That is true you-”

Tenlil pointed at Mömrud.


“Right. Sorry. Let's get you inside.”

They entered the house and were led through hallways to a living room.

“This is the private living room. We have a more impressive one for guests.”

“More impressive?”

Mömrud was astonished. He had never seen so many books together in one place. Seeing the thousands of books in this living room he fell ashamed of his thirty book collection. In truth that was quite respectable, many people were illiterate before seven years of age when school began teaching it. However no child can ever equal a Mage in bibliophilia and money.

While he was gaping at the books a laugh was heard as a laugh resounded. The young man who entered the room dressed in casual robes that denoted his status as a Mage. But that wasn't what made Mömrud look at him, it was his skin.

“Never seen a Haradian, kid?” Asked him the man with mirth in his eyes.


“We are from the continent of Yuzeria to the south of Bruzia. I've lived in Bruzia my whole life however. My name is Tharin Fulgurdian, Mind Mage. As well as former comrade of your parents.”

Having introduced himself he turned to his parents.

“I am glad to see you two. I am happy to see you have had such a incredible child.”

“That is a compliment we don't deserve.” Said Tenlil.

“I don't think I have complimented you? The kid is the incredible one, you seducer are as incompetent as always.”

“Still sore eh?”

Tharin took the Elisa’s hand making her blush.

“Not now master.” She whispered at him.

“No. Now I have Elisa.” She was completely ignored.

Tenlil went forward and embraced them both, while Anglilt followed soon after.

“That is great news you two! Elisa congratulations on making this bastard forget Anglilt.”

“Language Tenlil. But he is right I am happy for you two.”

“Thank you both. Now if only Dhugroud and Zaat were here.”

Mömrud intervened, not wanting to be left out.


“Our dwarven Knight and goblin Priest. With your Ranger father, Berserker mother and my lovely Explorer fiancé we made a full party. Back then I was only a Mage though.”

The four adults began to speak of their adventures six years ago.

“You say adventures but we were only out there for two years. We barely left the city area! What level were you again 20, 25. No adventurer worth their salt is less than level 40.” Said Elisa. “Unlike you I have kept going on explorations.”

“What level are you then?”


“63.” Said Anglilt smugly. “I still participate in tournaments from time to time. And I am busy making artefacts.”

“I don't do anything extra so I am only 52.” Admitted Tenlil.

“Then I win. 75.”

After they finished with their tales and began to speak of the condition of the artefact market Mömrud grew bored and began to fall asleep. Anglilt noticed and lifted him into her bosom.

“We should move on before the man of the day falls asleep.”

“That is true we have become lost in our memories like elders. So if I got it right he has awakened his status and you want me to train him as a Dominum Animum? Does he have the attributes and Skills then?”

“We didn't tell you everything in the letter because you wouldn't believe it. Do an Appraisal on him you'll see.”

Tharin looked amused.

“Alright then. Do you allow me to see your Codex Mömrud?”


“Codex query: Appraisal.”

He originally had an easy going smile on his lips but as he read the Codex his face grew serious.

“Elisa check this for me. I can't believe what I'm seeing.”

He shared the Codex with Elisa. Once she finished reading he asked for confirmation.

“You see those attributes?”

“Yeah.” She seemed a bit shocked.

“Those skills?”


“Those Achievements?”


“The artefact?”

Her eyes began staring to infinity.

“Definitely yeah.”

They looked at each other and shuddered.

“Alright. Ridiculous high status aside…”

“190 total attributes at age six.” Elisa muttered unable to understand that. “85 points above Human average. At age six.”

“Leaving it aside. I think I get what you want. Little Genius Tier 12?”

“Yes.” Confirmed Anglilt.

“How long do we have left?”

“Seven months.”

“It will be a race against time but I think we can do it. Mömrud, you will come each evening here to practice.”

“Isn't that too much? It will take time from your research.” Asked Tenlil.

“It will. But it is needed to get to the objective, the training is more difficult than you think it is. As for taking time from my research… I think I might get a high Tier teaching achievement if I bring him to get a Tier 12 one. Tier 10 at least, since I don't have the Teacher Achievement yet that would mean four Skills and several attributes for me, it is worth it. You don't have to pay. Hell I should pay you for this opportunity.”

“Thanks Tharin.”

“Yes, thanks.”

“No problem.”

“When does he begin?” Questioned Anglilt.

“Now. He needs one more Skill to learn from me. He will need a day to get accustomed to it so we can start tomorrow.”

“What Skill?”

“Sense Mind.”

“Do you have an Alraune here?” Tenlil smiled cheekily.

“Hah hah. Very funny. No I can do it myself.” He looked at Mömrud in the eyes.

“Try and find a funny feeling in your mind.”

Mömrud nodded and concentrated on his Mental Defense Skill. Soon after he felt it react against something and when he focused on that something he started to feel something. It was a presence, warm but firm.

Congratulations Mömrud.

You have gained the Sense Mind Skill.

His head exploded. At least that is how it felt for him. He could suddenly feel four presences, which he could recognise as his parents, Elisa and Tharin. Curiously he moved to his father’s one but he was stopped.

“Mömrud it is rude to try and enter someone's mind.” Chastised Tenlil.

“Sorry dad.” He took back his mind. “Why was I stopped?”

“Three reasons. Natural resistance that all sapients have to mental intrusions. Higher willpower than yours. And the fact that you lack technique and will to intrude in his mind. Once I'm done with you even as you are now you will be able to do it.” Answered Tharin.

They stayed a while longer to speak before Mömrud’s family had to leave.

The next day Mömrud was in Tharin’s study. They sat in two chairs facing each other.

“Let's begin. First how to realise your mind’s being invaded. The easiest way to get into someone's mind is through contact. Second is looking at the other’s eyes. Finally, it can be done with neither of those two, but it is far more difficult.

You should always be alert, but specially if someone is looking at you in the eyes or touching you.”

“How do I stay always alert and not be distracted?”

“Easy.” He crossed eyes with Mömrud.

He felt his mind being invaded but he managed to push it back.

Congratulations Mömrud.

You have fended off a mental attack.

Mental Defense had become Level 2.


“I'm going to hate this.”

“Yes you will. I will teach you the techniques and practice needed for you to master this Discipline.”

And thus did harsh days begin for Mömrud.


Congratulations Mömrud.

You have gained the Automatic Mental Response Skill.

You have gained the Mind Control (Self) Skill.

You have gained the Mind Control (Others) Skill.

You have gained the Mind Lore Skill.

Automatic Mental Response 12 has been mastered. +1 Evolution Point.

Mind Control (Self) 12 has been mastered. +1 Evolution Point.

Mind Control (Others) 12 has been mastered. +1 Evolution Point.

Mind Lore 12 has been mastered. +1 Evolution Point.

Sense Mind 12 has been mastered. +1 Evolution Point.

Mental Defense 12 has been mastered. +1 Evolution Point.

Mental Attack 12 has been mastered. +1 Evolution Point.

+7 Intellect.

+12 Perception.

+18 Willpower.

+ 3 MA.

+4 AT.

+5 MR.

You have gained the Achievement Little Genius Tier 12.

Requirements: Gain status before 15 years of age. Be below 7 years of age. Have 12*age total metal attributes.

Effects: +15 to all mental attributes. Gain Eidetic Memory Trait. Gain Enhanced Senses. Gain Multitasking. Gain 6 Proofs of achievement.

You have gained the Achievement Early Bloomer Tier 8.

Requirements: Gain status before 15 years of age. Be below 7 years of age. Have 24*age total attributes.

Effects: +7 to all attributes. Gain Bulwark.

You have gained the Achievement Little Wizard Tier 6.

Requirements: Gain status before 15 years of age. Be below 7 years of age. Have 6*age total magical attributes.

Effects: +5 to all magical attributes.

You have gained the Achievement Master Tier 11

Requirements: Master 80 Skills.

Effects: Gain 20 Evolution Points.

You have gained the Achievement To the Limit Tier 7.

Requirements: Master 7 Tier 1 rank 12 Skills.

Effects: Gain 20 Evolution Points.

A stone fortress floated in the void. It was surrounded on all sides by a massive thunderstorm and guarded by fierce warriors and flying guardians.

The task of infiltrating this fortress laid on a little flying snake. It skillfully navigated the thunderstorm, passing unnoticed expect for an occasional thunderbolt. It sneaked around the warriors and hid when the guardians flew over it.

It sneaked deeper into the fortress but didn't find its objective. It was lost until it realised something. It went out of the fortress and flew bellow it. It dig upwards slowly, over the course of minutes. It reached an underground chamber filled with deadly flying blades. The snake avoided the blades and reached the centre of the chamber, where a crystal ball laid on a pedestal. It went to touch it in triumph.

Disaster struck when it did. The blades expanded and fused with each other, trapping the snake in a metal sphere. Knowing it had been mislead the snake transformed into a mighty sea serpent and tried to break through. Alas it couldn't, for if someone had been watching they'd have seen that the fortress and thunderstorm had collapsed in a solid ball.

In a cave a thousand crystal balls like the one in the fortress laid, showing many images. Mömrud lifted himself from his throne in the back of the cave and walked to the entrance. It was covered by seven walls that opened as Mömrud walked forward. When he reached the last he examined a spot to the down left of the wall and took out a grey bead.

He brought it to his eye and saw the serpent struggle. He smiled and crushed it.

In the real world Tharin flinched at the destruction of his mind prove and resigned for the oncoming headache. But at the same time he looked at his disciple with pride. They were in the middle of the park near Mömrud’s house, guarded by some Knights.

He had already passed the attack exam, managing to break through his defenses. Admittedly just like this test he had used only willpower equal to his and part of his Skills, but for seven months of practice this was ridiculous. It had taken him at least twice as long to reach the same point, though he did only spend a third of his practice time. However he had been eighteen at the time, three times Mömrud’s age.

For the defense test he hadn't even informed him of the test, choosing to assault him by surprise while he was in the park.

“Has he passed?” Asked his accomplice, nowhere to be seen.

Tharin turned to a tree to his left.

“He has. If you want to remain at his level you will have to practice harder, Vilrin.”

Vilrin faded into view and pouted.

“How did you see through me? My Sneak 11 is at Level 7.”

“And my Detect Mind 12 is a mastered Tier 3 Skill. Don't try to fool a former adventurer and Mage. You are really undetectable for normal people without detection Skills or perception of 50.”

“Really?! 50?” Her eyes shone with excitement. With an agility score of 18 being capable of fooling people with 50 perception was incredible.

“Yes. You are well on your way to become a Rogue.” From behind appeared Elisa.

Vilrin jumped forward and took a stance. Elisa nodded in approval.

“Good reaction. Are you sure you want to be a Rogue and not an Explorer?”


“Thariiin. My disciple doesn't want to follow on my footsteps.”

“Neither does mine. Deal with it.”

At that moment Mömrud woke up from his daze.

“Not bad Mömrud. You do have to work in your waking, I could have killed you in the time you took.”

Mömrud’s eyes were clouded but they cleared soon.

“Then I have passed?!”

“Yes.” He took a silver pendant with a diamond in it and gave it to Mömrud. “You are now a Tier 1 Dominum Animum. We will register you tomorrow.”

Mömrud checked the artefact’s Codex entry.

“Codex query: Artefact.”

Dominum Animum’s First Class Necklace.

Quality: Perfect

Hardness 13

Durability 3000/3000

Origin: A pendant given to Tier 1 Dominum Animum of the Holy Levoven Empire.

Level 1/12


+50% to mental resistance.

+10 to all mental attributes.

+3 to magical attributes.

Records mental invasions performed by the wielded and transmits them to the Dominum Animum Regulation Department

Glows blue or red.


Can Level

Can Upgrade

He put it on and checked his status.

Name: Mömrud.

Species: Human.

Class: None.

Secondary Class: None

Level: 0

Health: 205 Mana: 170 Stamina: 1560


Strength: 4(+9) Vitality: 15(+24) Agility: 3(+9)

Perception: 24(+32) Intellect: 27(+32) Willpower:35(+37)

Mana attunement: 12(+16) Authority: 10(+16) Magic resistance: 14(+16)

Racial traits.

Human Endurance: Doubles Stamina. Halves Stamina consumption.

Human Learning: +2000% Skill Experience Gain. -50% lower mental requirements to gain Skills. -50% difficulty in improving or mutating Skills.

The next thing he did was evolve his fully mastered Skills.

“Codex query: Show me best Skills to evolve to.”

Skill Evolution and Merging.

47 Evolution Points.

Mental Fortress


Automatic Mental Response 12: Negates surprise bonus to mental attacks. Makes immediately aware of mental intrusions.

Mental Defense 12: +1800% mental resistance.

Mental Control (Self) 12: +300% mental resistance. -20% mental ailment effectiveness.

Mind Lore: Increases knowledge of the workings of the mind


+500% mental resistance.

+500% mental attack effectiveness.

+10% mental ailment effectiveness.

-10% mental effect effectiveness.

15 EP.

Effects: Combines and improves the component Skills.


+40000% mental resistance.

-30% mental ailment effectiveness.

Mental Blitzkrieg


Mental Attack 12: +1800% to mental Attack effectiveness.

Mental Control (Others) 12: +300% to mental Attack effectiveness. +20% mental ailment effectiveness.

Mind Lore 12.

10 EP.

Effects: Combines the effects of components.


+30000% to mental attack effectiveness.

+30% to mental ailment effectiveness.

Diagnose Mental Condition.


Sense Mind 12: Senses minds with a 200 m radius.

Mind Lore 12

5 EP.

Effects: Can diagnose the mental condition of sensed minds.

Improved Sense Mind.


Sense Mind 12.

1 EP.

Effects: Senses minds in a 250 m radius.

Intermediate Mind Lore.


Mind Lore 12.

1 EP.

Effects: Greater knowledge of the mind.


+600% mental resistance.

+600% mental attack effectiveness.

+20% mental ailment effectiveness.

-20% mental effect effectiveness.

“Evolve all.”

The familiar pain of mental Skills improvement assaulted Mömrud, but he was accustomed and weathered it.

“Master, Emily, Vilrin I invite you to celebrate this at my house.”

“Again? We celebrated your first Tier 12 Achievement just last month.” Said Vilrin to hide her frustration. She was truly happy for her friend but deep inside she actually feared being left behind.

“Do you not want cake?”

“I'm in!”

“We're going too, right Elisa?”


Smiling Mömdur lead the way to his house. He was incredibly happy that evening with the innocence and joy only a child experiences.

This was the start of Mömdur Isnal’s legend. The seven months that created the foundation for the Artificer Paladin to rise.

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